Archive for the Month of January, 2006.
Viewing ALL NEWS articles 376 through 450 of 480.
Killing the Messenger: The Silencing of Journalism in Iraq - Today, only few Western journalists remain impartial and objective in their duty to report on the U.S. war crimes and the destruction of Iraq and the Iraqi society. However, those few independent and objective journalists who challenge power are endangered species, and may soon extinct if they remain unprotected. (1788 views)
Unhitching our Wagons: New Blood, New Visions, and a New Political Party. - Working class people, especially progressives, must come to understand that our interests are not being served by hitching our political wagons to either the Democratic or the Republican Party. The Republicrats represent a capitalist system that has given rise to class division, the unequal distribution of wealth, private ownership, and a system of wage slavery that does not serve democracy, but plutocracy. It condemns workers to being the property of their employers. (1932 views)
The Unseen War in Iraq - When troops are cut, we'll still be bombing the hell out of the place (1740 views)
KBR awarded $385M Homeland Security contract for U.S. detention centers - The contract may also provide migrant detention support to other government organizations in the event of an immigration emergency [?!?], as well as the development of a plan to react to a [Bush-created] national emergency, the company said. (2388 views)
Police stop and search 100 people a day under new anti-terror laws - ...figures showed nearly 36,000 people were stopped and searched under the emergency powers last year. The number of people stopped and searched each year has soared since the Act came into force in 2001, when 10,200 people were stopped. It rose to 33,800 in 2003-04. (1230 views)
US employs "gangster" methods, says report on CIA - it was "highly unlikely that European governments or at least their intelligence services were unaware" of "hundreds" of CIA flights and more than 100 renditions on European soil or passing through European airspace. (1828 views)
One Death Every Minute - The arms trade makes big money for the richest nations while fuelling conflict across the world. (1982 views)
Iran accuses UK of bombing link - Iran has accused the UK of co-operating with bombers who killed eight people in attacks in the restive south-western city of Ahwaz on Tuesday. (1238 views)
A tale of two sentences - In a police state, no one can hear you scream... (2034 views)
Grinding Poverty, Insecurity Plague Iraqis: Report - Nearly three years after the US-led invasion-turned-occupation of Iraq, more Iraqis are falling prey to grinding poverty and countless others are terrified in the insecurity-marred country. (1871 views)
Canada’s new Conservative government will intensify assault on workers’ and democratic rights - ...the most powerful sections of Canada’s corporate elite threw their support behind the Conservatives with a view to pushing government policy sharply right. This shift was reflected in the editorial support given the Conservatives by the country’s leading dailies... (1389 views)
Osama and the J. Edgar Hoover Memorial Vacuum Cleaner - None of this snooping has anything to do with terrorism. It has to do with American citizens opposed to the Bush administration and the mass murder schemes of the Straussian neocons. (2398 views)
Hamas wins huge majority - The Islamic group Hamas has won a huge majority in parliamentary elections as Palestinian voters rejected the long-time rule of the Fatah Party. (1236 views)
"Suicide Seeds" Could Spell Death of Peasant Agriculture, UN Meeting Told - Developed by multinational agribusinesses and the U.S. government, Terminator has the effect of preventing farmers from saving or replanting seeds from one growing season to the next. (1884 views)
An AIM Activist's View of Jack Abramoff: Another Racist Out to Defraud Native Tribes - The long historical racist mentality, accentuated through the doctrine of Manifest Destiny, has allowed countless political types and racist individuals like Jack Abramoff to defraud Native tribes of billions of dollars. (1948 views)
Using the most vulnerable people as guinea pigs - Within the confines of hidden, top-secret installations around the globe, tests on human subjects -- from torture to physiological degradation -- occurs in the name of National Security, medical research, or some new and arcane acronym just coined by the Department of Homeland Terror and its corporate cohorts. (2176 views)
NEW FACTS EMERGE ON 9-11 FINANCING - Hamilton Bank, ex-CIA operatives, and 9-11 hijackers. (1986 views)
The Carlyle Group has its hands on millions of sensitive files on American citizens - The problems with the 1997 privatization of the Office of Federal Investigations (OFI), which ultimately became U.S. Investigations Services (USIS), now owned by The Carlyle Group, were known to members of Congress, according to a former OFI official. (1830 views)
How to Cover Up A Terrorist Atrocity - According to Professor Bruce Lawrence, you fake a tape of Osama... (1826 views)
How to Cover Up a Massacre of the Innocents - Don't talk about it, mention it only in passing, get the facts wrong, refuse to investigate. (1873 views)
Let history judge - by Scott Ritter - Iraq has come to this: a human and social disaster of enormous scale, where unified central governmental authority is not only non-existent, but unachievable under current conditions. (1833 views)
Venezuela officers "spied for US" - The Venezuelan government says several military officers have been caught passing state secrets to the US. (1275 views)
Is the Congressional Leadership AFRAID of the Bush Family Evil Empire (BFEE)? - Congress folk from both sides of the aisle have seen with their own eyes what happens to those who stand up to the Bush Crime Family. It’s not just the ballot box or place of employment where people who oppose the Bush Mafia lose. People in positions of power are eliminated. Consider... (3864 views)
Dr. Frist Immunizes Big Pharma - We are well down the road of sacrificing our country to a flaccid and corrupt government in bed with profit-obsessed, amoral corporations. (1993 views)
Are Concentration Camps Coming to U.S.? - Color me naive, but when I hear talk of cages, detention and/or concentration camps, my mind usually wonders in devious directions. I haven't seen anywhere in history where detention centers and so forth were used as freedom enhancing tools. (2391 views)
Iraqi journalist murdered by US troops - Yesterday, news emerged that an Iraqi journalist was killed by US troops in Ramadi. The journalist's body was riddled with bullets - some 20 of them. (1748 views)
How the BBC hollows out the "news" - A major problem anybody confronts when trying to sort fact from fiction in the news—aside from any confusion that occurs in trying to figure out if anything the mainstream media "reports" is "news" or merely opinion posing as fact—is the sheer volume and consistency of the coverage, which ultimately depends on specific words and phrases that come pre-loaded with meaning through their repetitive use over years of news coverage. (2604 views)
Congo's Tragedy and Western Complicity - At 450,000 excess dead per year, this constitutes one of the gravest humanitarian crises in the world. Unfortunately, it gets virtually no attention -- unlike the all-important "war on Christmas," which garnered 58 spots on Fox News in the course of a single week. (1298 views)
World Social Forum: A Loud, Multicolored "No" to Imperialism and War - The overarching WSF theme "Another World Is Possible" and opposition to "imperialism" and war are the common denominators among the broad range of organisations and individuals gathered in Caracas this week, where one of this year's three Forums is taking place. (1315 views)
Hamas, Son of Israel - The Israelis birthed and nurtured their Islamist nemesis. (1335 views)
Election Theft Emergency - Mark Crispin Miller talks about how the right stole the 2004 presidential election -- and how they'll do it again unless we stop them. (3679 views)
Details of Sexual Perversion At Detention Centers More Serious Than Media Reports - Although lower level military are taking the rap for Abu Ghraib abuse, critics contend Rumsfeld authorized the rape of Iraqi children. (2468 views)
Why don’t we know what is going on in Israel & Palestine? - Recent studies of U.S. media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict reveal that the media reported Israeli children’s deaths at rates 7 to 40 times greater than Palestinian children’s deaths. Some typical examples... (2826 views)
Documents Show Army Seized Wives As Tactic - In one case, a secretive task force locked up the young mother of a nursing baby, a U.S. intelligence officer reported. In the case of a second detainee, one American colonel suggested to another that they catch her husband by tacking a note to the family's door telling him "to come get his wife." (1733 views)
US plans to "fight the net" revealed - A newly declassified document gives a fascinating glimpse into the US military's plans for "information operations" - from psychological operations, to attacks on hostile computer networks. (2289 views)
Bush Crime Family: Transplants from Texas destroying state gambling evidence in Florida - An FBI source has confirmed the destruction of public records by Jeb Bush may be in response to the ongoing criminal proceedings against GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff... (4215 views)
Lack of self-awareness Quote of the Day - one in the corporate media...seems to have noticed this glaring self-indictment. (1981 views)
Bolivia leader halves his own pay - The Bolivian new left-wing President, Evo Morales, has cut his salary by more than a half to a little over $1,800 (£1,012) per month. (1366 views)
Halliburton swings to $1.1 billion profit, cites 2005 as company's best - Oilfield services conglomerate Halliburton Co. swung to a profit in its fourth quarter on robust sales and increased rig activity, and called last year the best in its 86-year history. (2093 views)
Neo-Con Mouthpieces Still Clinging to Osama-Saddam Link - Neo-Con mouthpiece government shills Sean Hannity and Newsmax simply don't know when to stop. (1981 views)
Study: New Orleans could lose 80 percent of black population - Blacks and the poor were disproportionately affected by Katrina, according to the study led by Brown Professor John R. Logan. The analysis concludes that the difficulty in moving back to the city could mean a massive loss of population, overwhelmingly among blacks. (3710 views)
U.S. role in Timor - U.S.-SUPPLIED aircraft played a crucial role in enabling the Indonesian military to crush East Timorese resistance to its invasion and occupation of the territory in the late 1970s, a report by an East Timor commission has claimed. (1846 views)
World Cup Police State Sales Pitch - The upcoming soccer World Cup continues to be utilized as a showcase for the police state, as all major sporting spectaculars are these days. (1268 views)
Rumsfeld's Roadmap to Propaganda - Information Operations Roadmap (2157 views)
Chavez warns US over spy case - Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela, has warned he could jail US Embassy officials caught spying after accusing them of links to Venezuelan officers suspected of espionage for the Pentagon. (1325 views)
9/10/01 : ON THE EVE OF DESTRUCTION - 15 Facts (12401 views)
Arctic experiencing summer temperatures - It may still be January, but the Arctic region is reportedly experiencing record, summerlike temperatures. (3373 views)
The problem with democracy - And now, horror of horrors, the Palestinians have elected the wrong party to power. (1273 views)
Jailing the Peacemakers - Iraq War Protesters Sentence - Saint Patrick’s Four jailed for non-violent protest against the illegal Anglo-American invasion of Iraq. (1698 views)
U.S. in Sweeping Plan to Strangle North Korea's Cash Flow - The U.S. is readying fresh sanctions against North Korea over the regime’s alleged financial crimes that will be significantly more severe than the ones already in place. (1554 views)
The Most Dangerous Double Standard in the Middle East: Israel, Iran, and the Nuclear Bomb - object to Iran's nuclear future without pressuring and bringing Israel into open and honest negotiation about its arsenal including forthright inspections, seems either absurd or outrageously insulting not only to the Arab world but to the world in general. (1347 views)
Hamas Success - Hamas capitalized on the failure of the "international community" to protect the Palestinians from Israel’s daily terror (1261 views)
Polls Show Many Americans are Simply Dumber Than Bush - Much of the problem is the media itself, which serves as a disinformation agency for the Bush administration. Fox "News" and right-wing talk radio are the worst, but with propagandistic outlets setting the standard for truth and patriotism, all of the media is affected to some degree. (1837 views)
BYU professor's group accuses U.S. officials of lying about 9/11 - "We believe that senior government officials have covered up crucial facts about what really happened on 9/11," the group says in a statement released Friday announcing its formation. "We believe these events may have been orchestrated by the administration in order to manipulate the American people into supporting policies at home and abroad." (2287 views)
Army to Investigate Gay Porn Allegations - Army officials are investigating allegations that members of the celebrated 82nd Airborne Division appear on a gay pornography Web site... (1912 views)
Texas City a strike point for nuclear attack? - Well, somebody’s up to something again. (5071 views)
Baghdad is drowning ...and the list of the killed Iraqi academics - These are recent pictures from Baghdad, drowning in rain water...This is a list of Iraqi academics killed by US, Iran and the zionists... (6338 views)
Firms beat path to ... Libya - A Libyan official said this week he expected oil firms to help normalize US ties. (1330 views)
Yet another US military crime - targeting Iraqi women - How many more crimes will the US military stand accused of? (1787 views)
Big Oil Keeps Chugging With Chevron's Record Quarter - Chevron Fourth-Quarter Earnings Rise 20 Percent to Company Record of $4.14 Billion (1956 views)
Hamas: Victory for Jabotinsky Likudites - It is sincerely disgusting to read the corporate media spun "news" about the "election" victory of Hamas. First, in the occupied areas of Israel as in the occupied areas of Iraq, it is important for the criminal occupiers to hold "elections" so as to provide a patina of legitimacy for what is essentially a massive felony and crime perpetuated against humanity... (1337 views)
US Diplomat Spy Flees Venezuela - It was also disclosed that Correa was member of the Central Intelligence Agency with the highest rank in Venezuela, and was linked to the April 2002 coup. (1382 views)
Corporate Wealth Share Rises for Top-Income Americans - New government data indicate that the concentration of corporate wealth among the highest-income Americans grew significantly in 2003, as a trend that began in 1991 accelerated in the first year that President Bush and Congress cut taxes on capital. (1810 views)
Homeland Security addicted to porn - Homeland Security bureaucrats just look at pornography all day, a startling new government report suggests. (2643 views)
Climate Expert Says NASA Tried to Silence Him - The top climate scientist at NASA says the Bush administration has tried to stop him from speaking out since he gave a lecture last month calling for prompt reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases linked to global warming. (3560 views)
Your Late Fees, Their Millions - Can't pay your student loan on time? The fat cats at Sallie Mae are so glad to hear it. (2606 views)
"Even-handedness" and the fantasy world of British Foreign Policy - In truth, the Palestinians represent an incredibly persistent "local difficulty"; a thorn in the side of countries interested in running the Middle East to their own advantage. While the UK pays lip service to international law, it’s actually busy helping Israel to get away with murder. (1300 views)
US Army forces 50,000 soldiers into extended duty - The U.S. Army has forced about 50,000 soldiers to continue serving after their voluntary stints ended under a policy called "stop-loss"... (1767 views)
Police "faked Tube death log" - Special Branch "altered record" in attempt to switch the blame for de Menezes shooting (3601 views)
ID cards "will track where people go" - Anti-ID cards campaigners accused the Home Office yesterday of misleading parliament and the public over plans to include radio tracking devices in ID cards. (1228 views)
Coca grower appointed drug chief - Evo Morales, the Bolivian president, has appointed a coca grower to oversee his country's efforts to combat drug trafficking. (1337 views)
Pentagon Can Now Fund Foreign Militaries - The move, included in a little-noticed provision of the 2006 National Defense Authorization Act passed last month, marks a legislative victory for Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld... (1726 views)
FTCR: Insurers Inflated Med-Mal Claims to Justify Rate Hikes - The report maintains that insurers then used the overstated figures to justify increases in doctors' premiums and pressure legislators to enact lawsuit restrictions. (2707 views)
Attack of the drones - ...already, Dyncorp uses these planes to dump poison on coca growers in Colombia... (2032 views)
Pages for January, 2006
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