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Archive for the Month of January, 2006.
Viewing Globalization NEWS articles 1 through 7 of 7.

January 6, 2006

"Free trade" agreements - Hypocrisy and Illusion - Propaganda terms like "Free trade", bringing "democracy" to Iraq, "Pax Americana" are all of the same ilk. They mean exactly the opposite of what they seem to mean.

January 7, 2006

Thai Farmers Fear Free Trade Deal With US - "Thailand stands to lose much if the FTA with the U.S. is signed," Saree Ongsamwong, general secretary of the Foundation for Consumers, a non-governmental organization (NGO), said in an interview. "It will increase poverty among the small farmers in the provinces."

January 19, 2006

Tearing Down America To Rebuild It For The NWO - Batteries of psychologists are employed by the media to get inside your head. They use selected colors, patterns, light flashes and subliminal sound on television to open back a channel into your subconscious. Tavistock is just one of many institutes that research new ways to control the human mind. Undoubtedly, many of these are under classified Homeland Security contracts, working on a plethora of twisted technologies. They will be used to assist the dictatorship to gain absolute control of 280 million people.

January 20, 2006

Paul Wolfowitz Busy Neo-Conning the World Bank - Wolfowitz may be showing his stripes now -- and may be finally tilting the Bank into a groove where it becomes a harsher instrument of U.S. foreign policy -- rewarding friends and punishing those who don't fall into lockstep behind George W. Bush's vision.

January 23, 2006

Deepening Corporate Globalization: Next Stop Davos - An onslaught against some of the world’s poorest people is about to enter its next phase in a remote Swiss ski resort. Unlike over Iraq, the world's richest countries are united in this big push which would reorganize the global economy in more far-reaching ways than the US neo-cons’ designs on the Middle East. The upcoming ‘mini-ministerial’ meeting of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in Davos threatens to become an economic Fallujah.

January 25, 2006

What is Paul Wolfowitz up to in Chad? - It’s no coincidence that today a major architect of the Iraq war sits as head of the World Bank. His job there is just as bloody and imperialist as when he was working alongside Rumsfeld in the Pentagon.

January 31, 2006

Kenyans want to know why we're feeding corruption - Why are the World Bank and British government conspiring in top-level fraud, spelled out in a whistleblower's dossier?


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