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Archive for the Month of January, 2006.
Viewing Government / The Elite NEWS articles 1 through 57 of 57.

January 1, 2006

Terrorists in High Places - Wars are not waged by those who have to fight them. Those who fight wars know too well their terrible costs. Wars are waged by those who profit from them with minimal or no risk to themselves. War is big business and it is immensely profitable for a select few who are insulated from the effects of war’s environmental impacts and social costs. War never serves the interest of working class people. They are the result of menacing forces of greed and power masquerading as benevolent government, insulating us from contrived acts of terror.

January 2, 2006

A Brief Primer Designed to Help You Understand the Workings of Our New, Streamlined American System of Government - So this policy will be in place right up until the next election? Election? Let's just say that we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. It may not be wise to have an election in a time of national peril.

Jaw-dropping Quote of the Day - Not one of the reporters who got to ask a question thought to (or dared to) ask Bush how he dared to compare his scratch to the serious injuries of soldiers he had sent off to battle, even in jest.

January 3, 2006

THE BIG FIX 2006: Is Abramoff getting away with murder? - by Daniel Hopsicker - ...appearances to the contrary, "The Big Fix 2006" may already be in on the Republican big money scandals. The show may be over before it began.

January 4, 2006

The $4bn industry that is America's guilty secret - Lobbying is Washington's grubby secret. Some say lobbying is part of the democratic process. Others claim it is legalised bribery, even corruption. But love it or loathe it, it is the way Washington works.

Matthews implicated in Abramoff scandal - ...there's the ethical issues with this so-called journalist hanging out in (and helping with) such a blatantly partisan event. It's again obvious that his schmoozing with the rich and powerful have hampered his ability to commentate on those issues properly detached and rational. He's been co-opted by the DeLay/Abramoff machine.

January 5, 2006

"Diversity" comes to the White House - Why, for real diversity, the news is proudly reporting there were even some Democrats. You know, people like Robert McNamara, the guy who helped plan the firebombing deaths of hundreds of thousands of Japanese...

January 6, 2006

Forced Abortions & Sweatshops - A Look at Jack Abramoff's Ties to the South Pacific Island of Saipan & How Tom DeLay Became An Advocate for Sweatshop Factory Owners

Jack Abramoff, “Super Zionist” - ...not only did he spread his illicitly gained money around the halls of Washington, but the illegally occupied territories of the West Bank as well.

Pat Robertson, Elliott Abrams, Sharon, and Bush - This is the company that the White House keeps. It’s not Robertson I worry about. It’s Bush.

Dick Cheney's no-sail zone - ...for Dick Cheney, living like an emperor is what Dan Quayle used to call "another lifestyle choice."

January 7, 2006

New Job for Former Cheney Aide - I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, who served as chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney until his October 28 indictment and subsequent resignation, has joined the Hudson Institute as a senior adviser...

January 8, 2006

Bush meets the "wise men": A cynical charade to legitimize Iraq war - President Bush’s meeting Thursday with most of the living former secretaries of state and defense was a public relations spectacle aimed at demonstrating the consensus in official Washington behind continuing the US occupation of Iraq.

John Yoo – Presidential Powers Extend to Ordering Torture of Suspect's Child - John Yoo publicly argued there is no law that could prevent the President from ordering the torture of a child of a suspect in custody – including by crushing that child’s testicles.

January 10, 2006

MoveOn.org Surrenders: Silence is Complicity - MoveOn is nothing more than a cover for the Democratic Party. Issues are no matter. Partisan politics are. We’ve got a war going on and advocacy groups who allegedly oppose it should stand up to it, not pander to those who do.

Citizen's Tribunal Indicts Bush Administration for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity; Indictments to be Delivered to White House - An unprecedented series of indictments alleging war crimes and crimes against humanity, in five separate areas, on moral, political, and legal grounds, will be delivered by a citizens' tribunal to President Bush at the front gate of the White House this Tuesday, January 10th.

By the Numbers: Lobbying in America - ...a few quick facts showing the size and scope of this burgeoning Washington, DC industry.

January 11, 2006

Abramoff and the Israeli Connection - Washington sleazebag funneled money to Israel's "settler" movement

January 13, 2006

Alito Confirmation: Stacking the Supreme Court with Authoritarians - It’s not newsworthy that Alito’s wife, Martha-Ann Bomgardner, "got choked up," as World Views characterized it, when "Senate Judiciary Democrats … grilled, insulted, and defamed" the shoo-in nominee, although it was in fact Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham who made her bawl (Alito’s spouse needs to grow a spine and understand Washington is a pit of poisonous vipers and, besides, after her husband eagerly and dutifully facilitates the ongoing evisceration of the Constitution, she likely will not shed a tear).

The GOP's "Crying Game." - The families of gangsters and thugs often cry when their loved ones are outed as the despicable scoundrels they truly are.

January 14, 2006

Simply stunning - The Department of Labor has a "Special Assistant for Conservative Outreach"

Condi Rice: Christian-Zionist Pit Bull - Rice was appointed as Secretary of State precisely because, as a Christian Zionist, she considers Israel her spiritual “home” and (although not stated in her official capacity) her theological and political belief that Palestine is the national homeland of the Jews.

Serious questions remain concerning Col. Westhusing's "suicide" in Iraq. - Army's chief ethics expert was murdered, according to Carlyle Group insider.

Now IRS is Harassing the Poor - Hundreds of thousands of poor Americans have had their tax refunds frozen and their returns labeled fraudulent, according to the IRS's taxpayer advocate, Nina Olson. Testifying before Congress this week, Olson said the average income of these taxpayers is $13,000. Olson and her staff sampled the suspected returns and found that, at most, one in five was questionable.

January 15, 2006

The Senator, the Weepy Wife and the Secret Annoiting: The Stepford Hearings of Samuel Alito - Actually, the entire "dramedy" has been a huge waste of time--except for the little woman's tears. And let me add that when I refer to Martha-Ann Bomgardner as the little woman, I do this because we have all been made aware of Samuel's disdain for his wife's gender.

Powerful Men Who Meet Secretly and Plan - Someone at one time coined a little phrase in an attempt to sum up the Bilderberg Group and it goes like this: The Bilderberg Group is a "little clique of powerful men who meet secretly and plan..." Scary little phrase, isn't it..

Dusting off the Brown-shirts and Jackboots - No kidding. America is marching in lockstep towards a depression that was planned at the highest levels of government.

January 16, 2006

Searching For the Illuminati Deep Within The Bowels Of The Vatican - - Part I - All roads lead to Piazza San Pietro when it comes to power, leadership and initiation into the devious and diabolical Illuminati. In the 1980's, the Vatican Bank Scandal brought to light the connections between the Freemasons/Illuminati, the Vatican and the mafia.

January 17, 2006

Secret Vatican Catacombs, Child Sacrifices, Mind Control: Svali, Involved In U.S. Illuminati For 30 years, Talks Openly About Devious Plans To Topple America - - Part II - Born into the Illuminati, Svali says her Vatican initiation ceremony at the age of 12 involved child sacrificing and a promise to serve "The Family or Order" for life.

Bush as the "Mad Hatter" - It is as if we have all fallen down the rabbit hole and landed in the middle of the world's largest insane tea party. With nonsensical answerless riddles, and preposterous double-speak as the daily party line. We have our own "Mad Hatter" resident in the White House, presiding over the insane global policy of death and destruction.

January 18, 2006

Bush often met with, and praised, corrupt lobbyist - Although White House spokesliar Scott McClellan claims lobbyist/crook du jour Jack Abramoff only met with administration staff two or three times, the scandal ridden buyer of influence enjoyed frequent private meetings with President George W. Bush, who referred to Abramoff as "one of this administration’s greatest friends."

Democrats and Other False Friends: The Crimes of Jimmy Carter - The semi-oppositional stance of the Democrats to Bush takes as its starting point a common agreement between the two parties that the U.S. should be able to dominate the world. The worry is that Bush, despite the rhetoric, isn't doing a very good job.

What's the Answer? - In all of documented human history, the lesson that mankind has steadfastly failed to learn is that you cannot allow aristocrats and wealth to rule over mankind. Freedom is taken, first and foremost, and oppressive rule by the few always becomes dictatorial and brutal – ALWAYS.

Leading candidates for high post in House are both strong on Israel - Tom DeLay’s Jewish friends — and enemies — can expect the same friendliness to Israel and affection for faith-based funding from whomever replaces him as majority leader in the U.S. House of Representatives.

January 21, 2006

What do they know that they are not telling us? - There is something our government knows; there is something our government is planning; there is something about to happen that they are preparing for and not telling us about. It has little to do with foreign terrorism. Someone is preparing to survive at the expense of someone else.

The Nazi Bush Regime - The Nazi regime of George W. Bush has huge advantages over that of Adolf Hitler's; namely, virtual control over all the American media.

Jack Abramoff and the Syrian "Chalabi" - Abramoff connects directly to extreme right-wing Zionists, which is where we should be looking when we see the bizarre and otherwise inexplicable attempts by the United States to cause 'regime change' in Syria.

January 22, 2006

Jack Abramoff's past as a South African spy - According to South African intelligence sources, convicted GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff was a long-time intelligence asset for South Africa's apartheid era security services.

A Snapshot of CFR Dominance - ...the media overlooked a very important aspect of the photo, and that is that 14 of the 17 policymakers in the picture currently belong to the Council on Foreign Relations.

More Bohemian Grove Photos emerge - ...including an appearance by Prince Philip

January 23, 2006

Hillary Clinton, War Goddess - She wants permanent bases in Iraq – and threatens war with Iran

Supreme Court Justice To Get "Taste Of His Own Eminent Domain Medicine" - East Coast activists want to build the "Lost Liberty Inn" on the property of U.S. Supreme Court Justice David Souter. The measure is on the March 14 ballot in the small town of Weare NH, where Souter resides.

Abramoff & Kidan Implicated in Gangland Style Slaying - ...nobody in a position to affect the outcome of the case apparently wants to leave Casino Jack Abramoff totally without recourse, facing life behind without parole...Because under those circumstances, nobody knows who he might drop a dime on. And that's when the Abramoff Scandal might, truly, go rogue.

Congress' pension: Nice and secure - ...the Congressional pension program is about two-to-three times more generous than the average corporate executive pension plan, according to the National Taxpayers Union.

Why did Bush hire Death Squads Negroponte to Spy On US ? - ...this is all bad enough… but to top it off, Bush appointed Death Squads Negroponte as the Top Spymaster. He has access to all the NSA spying data, with limited Congressional Oversight.

January 24, 2006

International Jurists from 14 Countries Trying To Nail Bush and His Killer Cronies For Illegal Murder And Torture - The Bush killing machine is no secret overseas, as a coalition of legal experts based in Canada want to put Bush and his band of renegades behind bars. Too bad American jurists don't have the guts to do the same!

January 25, 2006

Alito Confirmation: A Straussian Neocon Fait Accompli - Now that the confirmation of Samuel Alito is a done deal—he won commitments from a majority of senators this afternoon and only a formal vote stands between him and the Supreme Court—we can say good-bye once and for all to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Unhitching our Wagons: New Blood, New Visions, and a New Political Party. - Working class people, especially progressives, must come to understand that our interests are not being served by hitching our political wagons to either the Democratic or the Republican Party. The Republicrats represent a capitalist system that has given rise to class division, the unequal distribution of wealth, private ownership, and a system of wage slavery that does not serve democracy, but plutocracy. It condemns workers to being the property of their employers.

January 26, 2006

An AIM Activist's View of Jack Abramoff: Another Racist Out to Defraud Native Tribes - The long historical racist mentality, accentuated through the doctrine of Manifest Destiny, has allowed countless political types and racist individuals like Jack Abramoff to defraud Native tribes of billions of dollars.

Is the Congressional Leadership AFRAID of the Bush Family Evil Empire (BFEE)? - Congress folk from both sides of the aisle have seen with their own eyes what happens to those who stand up to the Bush Crime Family. It’s not just the ballot box or place of employment where people who oppose the Bush Mafia lose. People in positions of power are eliminated. Consider...

January 27, 2006

Bush Crime Family: Transplants from Texas destroying state gambling evidence in Florida - An FBI source has confirmed the destruction of public records by Jeb Bush may be in response to the ongoing criminal proceedings against GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff...

Lack of self-awareness Quote of the Day - ...no one in the corporate media...seems to have noticed this glaring self-indictment.


January 30, 2006

Is there a new member of the Bush family? - President George W. Bush says Bill Clinton has become so close to his father that the Democratic former president is like a member of the family.

Starry Eyesis - Alito presents a Rockwell- like demeanor of a normal American or at least the ideal of one: calm, reasoned, and assured. His demeanor is soothing like a good hit of Prozac, but like Prozac, there are serious side affects.

Is America Actually in a State of War? - ...Bush is presiding over a self-serving delusion, in concert with a self-emasculating Congress, his partners as would-be war profiteers. Anticipating tomorrow night, one could say Bush will, on this question, be lying to the American people again. But that would presume he is not first lying to himself. State of war? No. State of the Union? Catastrophe, pure and simple.

Alito and Opus Dei - Jackboots of the Church


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