Archive for the Month of January, 2006.
Viewing Science / Health NEWS articles 1 through 7 of 7.
GM: New study shows unborn babies could be harmed - Women who eat GM foods while pregnant risk endangering their unborn babies, startling new research suggests. (2581 views)
Rise in mental illness linked to unhealthy diets, say studies - The Mental Health Foundation says scientific studies have clearly linked attention deficit disorder, depression, Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia to junk food and the absence of essential fats, vitamins and minerals in industrialised diets. (2006 views)
CREATING LITTLE SPEED FREAKS - Conclusion? There was never a reason for creating the labels ADD and ADHD in the first place, unless you include expanding drug-company profits and a plan to drug and debilitate millions of children. (1991 views)
Depleted Uranium - A Hidden Looming Worldwide Calamity - ...there's possibly one threat that tops all others both in gravity and because it's been deliberately concealed from the public - never discussed, explained or had any action taken to remediate it. It's the global threat from the toxic effects of depleted uranium (DU), and like global warming, DU has the potential to destroy all planetary life. How can something so potentially destructive be hidden and ignored and why? (2006 views)
New Mexico Begins Legislative Process To Ban Aspartame - Fifteen state senators sponsored a bill to rid New Mexico of what some have called "Rumsfeld's Disease." (1952 views)
If your suntan oil can change the sex of fish, what can do it to you? - The stuff is not only on our skin: it's in our tap water and lunches too. (2054 views)
Group: "New car smell" includes toxins - Environmental group contends drivers, passengers are breathing dangerous chemicals found in car interiors; calls for new regs. (2465 views)
Pages for January, 2006
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