Archive for the Month of January, 2006.
Viewing Media NEWS articles 1 through 39 of 39.
Only 5 Corporations Now Control Majority Of US Media - (newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations, books, music, movies, videos, wire services and photo agencies) (3892 views)
Skirmishes in the Information Wars - The corporate model of media is antithetical to personal freedom. When the marketplace of ideas is reduced to the solitary task of plying soapsuds and tennis shoes for big business, democracy is bound to suffer. Ultimately, commercial media cannot help but become an annex of the political establishment, developing collusive ties with the very people it is supposed to scrutinize. Media as "watchdog of power" is a romantic notion with no real basis in fact. Rather, in its present manifestation, media serves as a junior partner in the "weaponizing" of information; transforming the events of the day into a repetitious mantra extolling the objectives of society’s overlords. (2031 views)
What’s Wrong with Amy Goodman? - ...why does Amy Goodman invite rightwing pundits for "debates" and "discussions"? Not just a few times, but lately quite regularly. Don’t the Rightwing propagandists have almost all the other platforms already? (4062 views)
Spooky AOL Ad Says Big Brother Is Watching the Internet - Why is a company that profits from Internet use demonizing the Internet? (2154 views)
The People Are Unfit to Rule: The Ideological Meaning of Maury Povich and Jerry Springer - What’s going on here? Beyond their profitable (for broadcasters) appeal to the public’s most base and voyeuristic instincts, these and other "real—life" television shows play a neglected ideological role in the corporate-crafted "popular culture" of parasitic late capitalism. They are part of an elitist thought control project: the cultural engineering and enforcement of mass consent to social hierarchy. (3531 views)
CPJ: 47 Journalists Killed in '05, Including 22 in Iraq - A total of 60 journalists have been killed on duty in Iraq since the March 2003 U.S.-led invasion, including 22 in 2005. (2350 views)
A Zionist Falls and the BBC Goes Nuts. - It bears remembering at this vital time, then, that Sharon's plan was not one of "peace" (interesting way to frame the question). He was implementing a plan which his senior adviser Dov Weisglass described as formaldehyde. (2784 views)
Microsoft censors Chinese blogger - Microsoft has admitted to removing the blog of an outspoken Chinese journalist from its MSN Spaces site, citing its policy of adhering to local laws. (1895 views)
AOL: A good company or a bad company? - New ad campaign revels in big brother surveillance and debates whether free speech should exist. (2541 views)
This Just In: Corporate Media Standards Scrape Bottom - While media outlets scrambled for shaky breaking news, documents citing the mine's safety record in detail went largely unreported. (1879 views)
Corporate media - Now that's corporate media! Jeez, why not just put "PAID ADVERTISEMENT" on the top of the page? (1950 views)
Government Web sites are keeping an eye on you - Dozens of federal agencies are tracking visits to U.S. government Web sites in violation of long-standing rules designed to protect online privacy, a CNET investigation shows. From the Air Force to the Treasury Department, government agencies are using either "Web bugs" or permanent cookies to monitor their visitors' behavior, even though federal law restricts the practice. (2147 views)
Get out of MySpace, bloggers rage at Murdoch - Angry members of MySpace, the personal file-sharing website for young adults, are accusing Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation of censoring their postings and blocking their access to rival sites. (1896 views)
Create an e-annoyance, go to jail - Annoying someone via the Internet is now a federal crime. (1896 views)
MSNBC guests skewed right during first day of Alito confirmation hearing - In the first four hours of MSNBC's January 9 coverage of the confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito Jr., the network featured interviews with Pat Buchanan, former RNC chairman Ed Gillespie, and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) -- but no Democratic or progressive commentators. (1897 views)
The assassination of David Rosenbaum - Authorities are looking for two suspicious men, seen leaving the area in a car. They have a partial plate on the car. Hit men use cars and travel in pairs. Muggers don't. (1972 views)
Indian States Monitoring Cybercafe Users - Several other Asian countries and cities, most prominently China, require registration at cybercafes. Italy is the only European Union country to require Internet cafes to record ID information, but nonmember Switzerland does require that customers show ID. (1898 views)
Was NYT’s David Rosenbaum Assassinated? - As Operation CHAOS reveals, the CIA has never honored its domestic hands-off charter and it is not a stretch to conclude that it has for some time operated unfettered in America, using the same murderous tactics it has used and continues to use elsewhere in the world at the behest of various presidents and their handlers. (2343 views)
Media war on Islam - The U.S. media has been fueling hatred against the Muslims and the Islamic religion, since the September 11 attacks, creating an atmosphere of fear particularly for Arabs living in the West. (1954 views)
Why is my face on TV? - From the Washington Post account of the "solving" of the David Rosenbaum assassination... (2105 views)
Congress' hands caught in the cookie jar - Dozens of U.S. senators are quietly tracking visits to their Web sites even though they have publicly pledged not to do so. (1748 views)
Ted Koppel: "Natural Fit" at NPR News and Longtime Booster of Henry Kissinger - ..."the heart of the story" about U.S. foreign policy has often involved deceptions from Washington. And since Koppel became a prominent journalist, he has been a fervent booster of one of the most prodigious and murderous deceivers in U.S. history. (2768 views)
To inquire about the case - They've now caught the second guy in connection with the murder of David Rosenbaum. Well, "caught" isn't quite the right word ... (1992 views)
GOP Chat Room Rules - A chatroom member went to a right-wing religious event and got a copy of the script from a Young Republican table. Here is it! (2475 views)
Feds after Google data - The Bush administration on Wednesday asked a federal judge to order Google to turn over a broad range of material from its closely guarded databases. (1678 views)
When The Press Serves Power - Major news outlets boasted anchors and reporters who became wealthy celebrities, miles removed from the best reporting, or street reporting that began their careers. As they moved farther from the streets, so did their product, which should now be called "narrowcasting." (2069 views)
U.S. Obtains Internet Users' Search Records - Yahoo and others reveal queries from millions of people; Google refuses. Identities aren't included, but the data trove stirs privacy fears. (2023 views)
The Washington Post and the Coming Crash - The Washington Post is one of the world’s “great” newspapers. But to the American-European financial establishment, it is much more than that. It is one of their house organs, with close ties to the U.S. government intelligence community. The Post’s job is to shape the news the way the East Coast establishment wants it shaped. No one should think for an instant that rookie reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein would have been allowed to unmask President Richard Nixon if the intelligence/financier elite hadn’t decided it was time for the cursing Californian to go. (1965 views)
Bought and paid for lies and propaganda masquerading as news - "Conservative foundations have overt political and ideological agendas and invest comprehensively to promote a given issue on every front. In the words of the director of one foundation, the right understands that government policies are based on information from "a conveyer belt from thinkers, academics and activists," and provides funding accordingly." (3054 views)
Why Won't The Media Touch This Book? - Bush/Cheney stole their re-election in 2004. They stole it not just in Ohio, but all throughout the USA, from coast to coast. The evidence is both abundant and precise--and it's all here in Fooled Again. (2012 views)
Group Presses US Military on Jailed Journalists - The Committee to Protect Journalists on Monday called for the U.S. military to free two journalists, one held without charge in Iraq and the other, the media rights group said, detained at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. (2065 views)
Killing the Messenger: The Silencing of Journalism in Iraq - Today, only few Western journalists remain impartial and objective in their duty to report on the U.S. war crimes and the destruction of Iraq and the Iraqi society. However, those few independent and objective journalists who challenge power are endangered species, and may soon extinct if they remain unprotected. (1785 views)
How to Cover Up a Massacre of the Innocents - Don't talk about it, mention it only in passing, get the facts wrong, refuse to investigate. (1869 views)
Iraqi journalist murdered by US troops - Yesterday, news emerged that an Iraqi journalist was killed by US troops in Ramadi. The journalist's body was riddled with bullets - some 20 of them. (1745 views)
How the BBC hollows out the "news" - A major problem anybody confronts when trying to sort fact from fiction in the news—aside from any confusion that occurs in trying to figure out if anything the mainstream media "reports" is "news" or merely opinion posing as fact—is the sheer volume and consistency of the coverage, which ultimately depends on specific words and phrases that come pre-loaded with meaning through their repetitive use over years of news coverage. (2596 views)
Why don’t we know what is going on in Israel & Palestine? - Recent studies of U.S. media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict reveal that the media reported Israeli children’s deaths at rates 7 to 40 times greater than Palestinian children’s deaths. Some typical examples... (2820 views)
Neo-Con Mouthpieces Still Clinging to Osama-Saddam Link - Neo-Con mouthpiece government shills Sean Hannity and Newsmax simply don't know when to stop. (1977 views)
Russert: At the Feet of the Powerful and Throat of the Weak - the end, it is the Russerts that hurt journalism and betray their nation far more than a Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly. The ideologues come and go in our society. The Kissingers, Rumsfelds, Russerts and other soulless practitioners of power long survive them. (2863 views)
Feds Want A Wiretap Backdoor In All Net Hardware and Software - Think the federal government is too intrusive? You ain't seen nothing yet. An FCC mandate will require that all hardware and software have a wiretap backdoor that allows the government to tap into all your communications. (1833 views)
Pages for January, 2006
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