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Why is a company that profits from Internet use demonizing the Internet?
Related: AOL:
A good company or a bad company?
In a bizarrely offbeat new British advertising campaign, AOL asks if the Internet
is a good or a bad thing and encourages viewers to discuss the issue.
Go to AOL's website
to watch the video.
The advert is clearly intended to influence the viewer into thinking that the
Internet is a negative force.
Despite the set-up that this is an equal debate, the sinister music, dark voiceover
and cold imagery leave the viewer with the impression that the Internet will
one day lead to humanity's very destruction.
Scenes of nuclear holocaust , Hitler, the Ku Klux Klan and Osama bin Laden
flash up as we are told that the Internet is a "dangerous weapon."

Why is a transnational corporation that profits from encouraging people to use
the Internet running an ad campaign that discourages Internet use?
The ad revels in the specter of big brother watching us all and warns us that
everything we do on the Internet is under surveillance.
The AOL 'discuss' website promotes donations to the Disasters Emergency Committee,
which is in part controlled by World Vision, a known CIA front charity.
Take a look at the transcript lifted from AOL's website, along with
direction notes.
Voice over Some people think the internet is a bad thing.
Images Blue-print of computer circuit board, close-up of eye.
Voice over Thanks to the internet, your identity can be stolen, your home
invaded and your savings robbed without anyone setting foot inside your door.
Images Travelling down the line image, stick men, revolving head, hand opening
window as old couple and std sit at table in background, blue-print of house,
house exploding.
Voice over The internet is one of the most dangerous weapons every created.
A way for the unhinged to spread evil, free of supervision or censorship.
Images Atom bomb, lies transmitter, b/w Nazis (3), skin-heads, KKK, Osama
Bin Laden, headlines.

Voice over A place for mankind to exercise its darkest desires. Images Porn:
silhouette, director viewing, close-up , girl looks at camera.
Voice over An open market where you can purchase anything you want. Images
Products flash up and then baby with price tag.
Voice over Orwell was right. Images 1984 footage
Voice over The internet has taken us to a place where everything we do is
watched, monitored and processed without us ever realising.
Images Kid on hobby-horse, surveillance cameras etc. Voice over Some people
think the internet is a bad thing. Images View of old man looking at CCTV
Voice over What do you think?
Super Discuss
Dissolves AOL
Again, why is a company that profits from people using their service to access
the Internet running a nationwide ad campaign that demonizes the Internet?
Judging on current trends it is more than likely that this is part of the movement
to destroy the existing Internet and replace it with Internet
2, a government regulated and controlled version whereby state approval
to even own a website will be required and in the short-term future, only citizens
with a 'green' color code security level on their national ID card will be given
permission to use the Internet at all.

Of course, with most of the population being obedient boot lickers this won't
affect them at all and they will happily comply.
But for the rest of us, those who are still able to engage their brain and
question world events and government policies, the Internet will cease to exist,
under the pretext that 'terrorists' can use it to shut down the global economy.
The elite are in panic mode. Newspaper circulation is dwindling, less people
watch TV news. The biggest growth sector on the Internet is alternative news,
second only to porn.
The elite are in a desperate race to regain control of the Internet because
it has become a well-spring for discussion of alternative ideas and the truth
behind the 24/7 propaganda brainwashing churned out by big brother.
A current poll on the AOL website shows 71% think the Internet is a good thing
on the back of the ad campaign. While this is obviously good news, the number
should be far higher.
Registration is
required to use the discussion forum on the website. Create an account and
tell AOL that you don't appreciate their outright fearmongering and demonization
of the Internet.
Let them know that we know what they're up to.