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Archive for the Month of January, 2006.
Viewing War on Terrorism NEWS articles 1 through 26 of 26.

January 4, 2006

Anthrax? Hello? Anybody Home? Hello? - Here we are, it's 2006. Anybody remember the Anthrax scare?

January 7, 2006

Letter from Al Jazeera Cameraman imprisoned in Guantanamo - Punished for three grains of rice and four ants

Guantanamo Bay force feeding raises painful memories for Irish republicans - Former prisoners of recent British penal history recall the trauma of torture and forced feeding, now happening to Muslim hunger strikers

January 8, 2006

Scandal of force-fed prisoners - New details have emerged of how the growing number of prisoners on hunger strike at Guantánamo Bay are being tied down and force-fed through tubes pushed down their nasal passages into their stomachs to keep them alive. They routinely experience bleeding and nausea, according to a sworn statement by the camp's chief doctor...

January 9, 2006

15-Year-Old Combatant in Afghanistan to Face Guantanamo Trial Three Years Later - When the terror suspects held at Guantanamo Bay prison are brought before United States military judges next week, among them will be a minor captured as an "enemy combatant" by the U.S. army in Afghanistan some three years ago.

January 11, 2006

Canada: The time to speak on Khadr is now - As the new year begins, 19-year-old Canadian Omar Khadr continues his fourth year in American captivity at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Amnesty Releases New Gitmo Torture Testimony - Marking the fourth anniversary of the first transfers of detainees to Guantánamo Bay in Cuba, January 11, 2006, Amnesty International released new testimonies alleging the use of torture and ill treatment against prisoners in the U.S. detention center and additional details on several detainee cases.

Kangaroo Court - Today, a kangaroo court authorized by Emperor Bush will be in session in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

January 13, 2006

U.S. Bombs Pakistan: The soul of a nation is fatally wounded - Aircraft from Afghanistan have once more attacked Pakistan killing 18 Pakistanis in remote villages. Even non-US sources, such as Al-Jazeera has adopted the tone of embedded journalists, telling the world that the US attack on Pakistan killed 18 people in "a village stronghold of pro-Taliban Islamists."

Gag Reflex - ...this week's revelation of how U.S. doctors are force-feeding captives on hunger strike in Bush's concentration camp at Guantanamo Bay still has the power to shock and sicken -- not just from the savage act itself, but also for the wider moral defeat it represents: another open embrace of raw brutality, another step in America's accelerating plunge into vicious despotism.

January 15, 2006

Dinner Guest Ayman al-Zawahri Escapes Death - ...al-Zarqawi will live on in infamy for a very long time, or as long as he is useful to the Straussian neocons. In the meantime, more Muslims will die—and thousands may soon die in Iran if the neocons and the Zionists in Israel have their way—because...Muslim lives are cheap and, besides, they deserve whatever horrible fate they receive for serving dinner to Ayman al-Zawahri on Eid ul-Fitr.

January 16, 2006

US bombing in northern Pakistan: an act of imperialist recklessness - The US air strike carried out on January 13 on the isolated village of Damadola, near Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan, was as reckless as it was criminal.

January 17, 2006

Translator's Conviction Raises Legal Concerns - For three years federal agents trailed Mohammed Yousry, a chubby 50-year-old translator and U.S. citizen who worked for radical lawyer Lynne Stewart. Prosecutors wiretapped his phone, and FBI agents shadowed and interviewed him. They read his books and notepads and every file on his computer.

January 18, 2006

US accused of torture policy - The United States has a deliberate strategy of abusing terror suspects during interrogation, Human Rights Watch has said in its annual report on abuses in more than 70 countries.

January 20, 2006

Phantom Osama Groomed for a Return - ...in the convoluted machinations of the "war on terror," the latest Osama communiqué may signal a ramping up for another “terror event” here in America, thus providing a pretext for the mass murder and crimes against humanity that lie ahead and, as well, making sure the ever-malleable American populace is in the right frame of mind.

Latest Bin Laden Tape: Another of the NeoCons' "Greatest Hits" - Spying? Torture? Illegal airstrikes? SHUT UP and hate Bin Laden.

January 21, 2006

What's not right about the Osama Bin Laden audio tape - ...the neo-cons are once again using the Big Lie to further their ambitions of global domination and worldwide fascism. The 911 attacks are beginning to look more and more like the Reichstag Fire, both engineered to bring about fascist control.

Ayman al-Zawahiri, Covert Op Poet - You’d think no self-respecting hater of the Great Satan would live in America, and yet al-Zawahiri, according to January 2000 U.S. Congressional testimony, was granted U.S. residence by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, something almost impossible for many legitimate immigrants to obtain (unless they enjoy CIA clearance).

January 22, 2006

Gap between rich and poor widens in Afghanistan - Some buy watches for $4,000, others heat homes with dung

Manufacturing Fear - Amid stories that Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda are planning new attacks on civilian targets in the US, it is important to remember one very important fact: The government is lying. They lie continuously. Their record speaks for itself.

January 23, 2006

30 Gitmo Prisoners Near Death - CCR has been trying to get the US military to allow phone calls from relatives in the last days of the prisoners.

January 25, 2006

Clumsiness of new "Osama" propaganda: sign of increasing Bush administration desperation - What the world must continue to take seriously is not a threatened strike by "Osama", but the violent desperation of a stumbling New World Order (the ultimate creator of "Osama", and the paymasters of "Al-Qaeda" and "Islamic terrorism"), and a Bush administration that will resort to anything to save itself. As it was on the morning of 9/11, all eyes must remain locked on the guilty parties in Washington and the openly criminal Bush administration, with the means, motive and opportunity to wreak havoc.

US employs "gangster" methods, says report on CIA - it was "highly unlikely that European governments or at least their intelligence services were unaware" of "hundreds" of CIA flights and more than 100 renditions on European soil or passing through European airspace.

January 26, 2006

How to Cover Up A Terrorist Atrocity - According to Professor Bruce Lawrence, you fake a tape of Osama...

January 30, 2006

Al-Qaeda Propagandizes For Bush On Eve Of State of the Union - Hot on the heels of Osama bin Laden's latest release, an audio tape that boosted George W. Bush's poll numbers despite it being described as a probable fake by bin Laden expert Professor Bruce Lawrence, Ayman al-Zawahri has popped up on the eve of the State of the Union to hand Bush all the ammunition he needs to threaten American citizens for a sixth consecutive time.

January 31, 2006

The Farcical Definition at the Heart of the War on Terrorism - The Bush administration, in its war on terror, stresses that anyone who aids and abets a terrorist is as guilty as the terrorist. By this standard, the U.S. government was guilty of enabling the Indonesian government to terrorize the Timorese people. The Timorese victims of U.S.-backed aggression received far less than 1 percent of the attention than have American victims of terrorist attacks.


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