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Archive for the Month of January, 2006.
Viewing International Affairs NEWS articles 1 through 75 of 111.

January 1, 2006

One year after the Asian tsunami: an indictment of the profit system - Having decided it was impossible to simply ignore the tragedy, the major powers made commitments of money and personnel, not to help the victims, but to advance their own political and strategic agendas in the region.

Chilean Judge Strips Pinochet of Immunity - Former dictator Gen. Augusto Pinochet was stripped of his legal immunity Friday to face charges of diverting public funds to personal bank accounts.

US Media and the Road to War With Iran: Imbalance, Intimidation and No Spike Strips - The lopsided reporting is nothing new. American media, in complicity with the U.S. government, has waged a no-holds barred image war with Iran ever since it broke diplomatic relations following the Islamic Revolution. It is safe to say that approximately 99% of the media coverage of Iran over the past 25+ years has been negative, and of that, about 99% is of a political nature.

Secret Invasion: US Troops Steal into Paraguay - The Bush administration has sent troops into Paraguay. They are there ostensibly for humanitarian and counterterrorism purposes. The action coincides with growing left unity in South America, military buildup in the region and burgeoning independent trade relationships.

Blood Flows With Oil in Poor Nigerian Villages - In the world's thirst for oil and the United States' efforts to obtain it outside the troubled Middle East, African oil has become essential. Africa is expected to provide the United States with a quarter of its oil supply in the next decade, compared with about 15 percent now, and much of it will come from the Gulf of Guinea, where the Niger Delta sits.

January 2, 2006

Al-Qaeda in Lebanon: More Neocon Hooey - Not only is the omnipresent "al-Qaeda" at work in Gaza...but if we are to believe Reuters and the New York Times, the custom-made (by the CIA and Pakistan’s ISI) terrorist outfit is also busy at work in Lebanon, firing missile salvos into northern Israel.

Venezuela takes over 32 privately operated oilfields - Thirty-two privately operated Venezuelan oilfields returned to state control Sunday with the start of the new year, the government said.

Air strikes hit Gaza building, roads - Israeli aircraft have struck the Gaza Strip repeatedly, targeting what the army says are roads and a building used by Palestinian resistance fighters firing rockets into the Jewish state.

Likud members: Bomb Iran - "We must act as (former Prime Minister Menachem) Begin did when he bombed Iraq's nuclear reactor..."

Aceh Revisited - What's so special about this spot in the sun is that it has been a locus for colonial predation for centuries on account of its rich resources.

January 3, 2006

A Glossary of Dispossession: Hiding Behind Words - Words are very important. Words frame issues, palliate, mollify, exculpate or even hide sordid acts. Th(is)...list analyses a few of the prevalent words that hide or exculpate the dispossession of millions.

US air raid kills 14 in Iraqi family -official - A U.S. air strike killed 14 members of one family in the oil refining town of Baiji in northern Iraq, an Iraqi security force spokesman said on Tuesday.

The spoils of war: Israel's corruption was inevitable - You can't have war without corruption. The history of war is inseparable from histories of corrupt power and social debasement. War attracts corruption like corpses attract flies. When a country elects "to remain on a wartime footing," the rot can get pretty deep. Americans should know all about this.

Police find "Sharon bribe clues" - Israeli police have evidence that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's family received $3m in bribes, it has been alleged on an Israeli television channel.

Intelligence indications and warnings abound as Bush administration finalizes military attack on Iran. - by Wayne Madsen - Intelligence and military sources in the United States and abroad are reporting on various factors that indicate a U.S. military hit on Iranian nuclear and military installations, that may involve tactical nuclear weapons, is in the final stages of preparation.

January 4, 2006

Army to occupy downtown - Spring exercise to turn city into "battleground"

Nuclear War against Iran - by Michel Chossudovsky- The launching of an outright war using nuclear warheads against Iran is now in the final planning stages.

New Stasi style UK Anti-Terror campaign encourages reporting your neighbours - The latest anti-terror advertising campaign by the London Metropolitan Police encourages the residents of London to actively spy on and report anybody, including their own neighbours, should they suspect them to be behaving in a suspicious way.

FIDEL’S FINEST HOUR - The U.S. assumed that Cuba would implode and Fidel would be gone. Then, U.S. speculators would take over the country and a new financial bonanza would be created just south of the U.S. mainland. Fairy tales are for kids.

January 5, 2006

Interview with Mordechai Vanunu: Israel preparing to use nuclear weapons against Iran - Each and every nuclear bomb is a Holocaust in itself. It can kill, devastate cities, destroy entire peoples.

January 6, 2006

Framing Castro - The old and completely discredited Cuban theory is being resurrected and promoted now, at a time when the "dominoes" in Latin America keep falling into the Castro-Chavez sphere of influence, and Bush badly needs a distraction to make it through the end of his term. Are we being slowly prepared for an invasion of Cuba?

Britain struggles to keep its secrets under wraps - The British government has recently issued a confection of media gag orders and public denials in an attempt to keep the public in the dark over some of its alleged less than salubrious activities conducted under cover of fighting "terror."

January 7, 2006

Britain: police given unprecedented arrest and surveillance powers - The elimination of the distinction between "arrestable" and “non-arrestable” offences is part of the Serious and Organised Crime Act of 2005 and came into effect January 1.

Sharon: End of an unrepentant terrorist - To the Arab world at large, the image of the ailing Prime Minister is solidly fixed as the "Butcher" or the "War Criminal", and the basic feeling now at the prospect of his death was that it would be a shame if he passed away peacefully in bed.

America's Covenant with Israel: A Pact with the Devil - Like Siamese twins, the United States and Israel are joined at the hip, both physically and philosophically. Collectively, the United States and Israel comprise the most prolific terrorist states on earth.

Congo's 3.9 m victims make it deadliest crisis for 60 years - The civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo has claimed 3.9 million lives, according to a study.

Venezuela to send US more cheap oil - Venezuela has said it will expand a programme to provide cheap home heating fuel to poor Americans, helping low-income families in Vermont and Rhode Island, as well as four Indian tribes in Maine.

January 8, 2006

Ariel Sharon - Israel's Prime Minister was a ruthless military commander responsible for one of the most shocking war crimes of the 20th century, argues Robert Fisk. President George Bush acclaims Ariel Sharon as 'a man of peace', yet the blood that was shed at Sabra and Chatila remains a stain on the conscience of the Zionist nation.

Starvation looms in African Horn - Millions of people could face starvation in the Horn of Africa, the United Nations food agency has warned.

Chavez Influence Growing - Populist Advances Economic Reforms Across Latin America

Bush announces radical shift in foreign policy; No U.S. media report it - In case you thought the Bush administration's dangerous, and national-security-weakening unilateralism was just a one-time deal in Iraq, think again.

No identity card? You could be fined £2,500 - Peers are already vowing to water down the plans to ensure that registration for cards is voluntary.

Fanatic Netanyahu stands waiting with a bomb for Iran - "Netanyahu had on many occasions expressed his persistence to launch a military strike on Iran. “This is the Israeli government’s primary obligation," he was once quoted as saying. "If it is not done by the current government, I plan to lead the next government to stop the Iranians."

January 9, 2006

U.S. Financial Aid To Israel: Figures, Facts, and Impact - A Conservative Total for U.S. Aid to Israel

Why have both the US and the UK have given Iran the materials it needs to go nuclear? - The history of how Iran's path to nuclear proliferation began is a familiar story.

Huge rise in juvenile DNA samples kept by the police - The DNA from 750,000 juveniles has been added to the national police database over the past 10 years, the Government has revealed.

January 10, 2006

Leaked Memo: Corrupt DEA Agents in Colombia Help Narcos and Paramilitaries - Internal Justice Dept. Document Alleges Drug Trafficking Links, Money Laundering and Conspiracy to Murder

Attack on Iran: A Looming Folly - An examination of the ramifications of such an attack is desperately in order.

January 11, 2006

Canadian party leaders’ debate—populist posturing and lies - Monday’s English-language debate between Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin, Conservative challenger Stephen Harper, Gilles Duceppe of the Bloc Quebecois and New Democratic Party leader Jack Layton set a new standard for populist posturing, hypocrisy, and outright lying.

January 12, 2006

Britain plans total electronic surveillance of roads - In March, Britain will enhance its reputation as the surveillance capital of the West with a global first: recording the movements of all cars on the road and storing the data for at least two years.

Apartheid in the Middle East - After wiping Palestine off the map and expelling over 700,000 Palestinians from their homes, confiscating the land they've lived on for generations, Israel still had a considerable Palestinian minority within its borders. Set to realize the dream of creating a state for Jews only, which had obviously failed, Apartheid laws were imposed in order to make the non-Jewish citizens of the Jewish state to leave.

January 13, 2006

The Bombs of March: Countdown to War with Iran? - Media-Hype; beating the war drums, again

Political victimisation of an Australian academic - Robert Austin, an academic in Spanish and International Studies at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (RMIT), was informed last October that he would be dismissed as of April 24, 2006. The sacking is an attack on academic freedom and sets a dangerous precedent for the victimisation of other university staff.

Ukraine gas dispute -- Has Putin gone nuts? - It’s clear that the move is one part of a complex series of Russian moves in the ongoing Grand Chess Game. That game is between Washington as sole global superpower, and Russia as a reconstructing nuclear power--one with a vast resource wealth needed by its Eurasian neighbours from China to Germany and beyond.

Are Small Arms the Real WMD? - The United Nations argues that small arms -- including assault rifles, grenade launchers and sub-machine guns -- are primarily responsible for much of the death and destruction in conflicts throughout the world.

January 14, 2006

TALKING-UP A NUCLEAR ARMAGEDDON - Not only is the anti-Iranian propaganda based upon a brazen, historic lie but, if the western public were to know just what kind of military scenario is envisaged, would be seen as a terrifying imperial escalation in the kind of (nuclear) blitzkrieg tactics that the West and NATO are now prepared to use.

Mossad works with German passports - German papers for Israeli agents

More Lies about Iran - There’s been alot of rubbish written about Iran’s "removing the seals" from its uranium enrichment equipment. The fear-mongering western media have exploited the expression for all its worth. Even those who are normally skeptical of the Bush-propaganda machine are taken aback by this ominous-sounding phrase.

January 15, 2006

MI5 will get new powers to bug MPs - Furious cabinet revolt as Blair gives green light for security services to spy on elected representatives.

Haiti is Canada’s Iraq - There are multiple reasons, he says, why Canadians should be concerned about what’s happening in Haiti. For starters, it’s largely thanks to us and our efforts to unseat Jean Bertrand Aristide’s democratically elected government that the country is currently so unstable.

January 16, 2006

Sahitya Akademi Award: Arundhati Roy Rejects Honor - Celebrated writer Arundhati Roy on Saturday refused to accept the prestigious Sahitya Akademi Award in protest against the Indian Government toeing the US line by "violently and ruthlessly pursuing policies of brutalisation of industrial workers, increasing militarisation and economic neo-liberalisation".

Pakistanis Vent Fury Over US Attack - Up to 10,000 people reportedly protested at rallies in the largest city, Karachi. Many chanted: "Death to America!" Demonstrators demanded the resignation of Pakistan's president, Pervez Musharraf. Smaller protests were staged in other towns and cities, including Islamabad, Lahore, Quetta and Peshawar.

January 17, 2006

The US-Iran "crisis" – it’s the oil stupid - Anybody who doesn’t think control of energy sources is at the root of USUK actions in Iraq and elsewhere is suffering a serious (but hopefully treatable) delusional disease of denial. Even the most cursory exploration of the 20th century reveals the centrality of oil to pretty well every event of any significance, and in no small part goes a long way toward explaining why the corporate/state media won’t go near the subject with a length of oil-drilling pipe—except to deride the idea.

Israel prepares to launch attack on Iran nuclear sites - Military chiefs have told the United States that they are ready and able to destroy Iran's nuclear weapons facilities - with an attack as early as March.

Rome prosecutors to charge U.S. soldier with murdering Italian agent in Iraq - Italian prosecutors investigating the killing of an Italian secret service agent at a checkpoint in Iraq plan to charge a U.S. soldier with murder and attempted murder, Italian media reported Tuesday.

The class issues in the 2006 Canadian elections - Corporate Canada is intent on pursuing its drive for markets, profits and global geopolitical influence by relying on the most reactionary social and political forces to attack the jobs, living standards and democratic rights of working people at home, while joining the US-led imperialist carve-up of the world’s resources by means of militarism and war.

January 18, 2006

Why an Economic Boycott of Israel is Justified - Human Rights Violations, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity

January 19, 2006

Iran Attack: No Way Back Now - As now appears obvious, the Straussian neocons will attack Iran, sooner before later. Secretary of State Condi Rice indicated as much when she said, "there’s not much to talk about" until Iran promises to stop working on a nuclear weapon, never mind that...Iran is not working on a nuclear weapon.

Pre-crime and proactive policing - Police Checkpoints, stop and search, curfews and ASBO's becoming the norm.

Cheney and Netanyahu Pushing For War Against Syria - An ever-more-desperate Dick Cheney is pulling out all the stops to install "Clean Break" hawk Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu as the next Israeli Prime Minister, to push for an immediate confrontation between Israel and Syria.

How deep does the state penetration of Sinn Fein go? - Which IRA terror operations were allowed to go ahead or were even instigated by British agents in order to foment sectarian tensions and legitimise state repression?

January 20, 2006

Revolution in the Andes - Castro's Prophecy Fulfilled as Bolivia Joins Latin America's "Axis of Good"

Making Eurasia safe for U.S. oil companies - According to State Department sources, the United States has laid down an ultimatum to Iran. However, this ultimatum has nothing to do with Iran's nuclear program.

Who is Stephen Harper, the Conservative poised to be Canada’s next prime minister? - The circumstances of the 2006 Canadian elections—12 years of uninterrupted Liberal rule, a growing sense of economic anxiety, a spate of corruption scandals—have been seized upon by Canada’s corporate elite as the long-sought opportunity to push politics far to the right. The media’s saturation coverage of the corruption issue, its unwillingness to scrutinize Conservative claims that they have adopted moderate policies, its lampooning of Prime Minster Paul Martin as a ditherer and a has-been—all are elements in a campaign aimed at bringing to power a Conservative government under Stephen Harper that will pursue closer cooperation with and, on many fronts, emulate the Bush administration.

Wending Toward the Insanity of Total War - It is wise to keep in mind that these chicken hawk sociopaths envision "World War Four" and this is precisely why they are preparing to attack Iran and inflame the Muslim Middle East—to force the reality of continual war waged against the Muslim masses on the American people, who are after all, the neocons are convinced, too soft and decadent and need above all to have war and the idea of dead relatives and neighbors foisted on them in order to toughen them up for the generations of war to come, as promised by Bush and Cheney.

New Anti-US Protests Rock Pakistan - Thousands of Pakistanis protested against a US airstrike targeting Al-Qaeda leaders, burning effigies of US President George Bush and Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf.

January 21, 2006

God Bless Canada? - I hadn't realized until recently that Stephen Harper was using "God Bless Canada!" as a tagline for his speeches. Some may think this a harmless, or even beneficent, expression for a politician to use, but for those with knowledge of history, nothing could be more frightening.

The Other Campaign: Zapatistas Seek to Unite Mexican Left - San Cristobal, Mexico, January 1st 2006--Deep in the Mountains and jungles of Chiapas, populated primarily with indigenous peasants, stirs a force which is seeking to upstage the high financed drama of the 2006 Mexican presidential election. The force grows out of rebel occupied territory held by the EZLN, commonly known as the Zapatistas.

Winnipeg: Planned Urban Warfare Exercise - The following is a call to join Winnipeg in opposing the occupation of our city by an imperialist army, the Canadian Armed Forces.

New Attack in Haiti - Two Reports from the Haiti Information Project

January 22, 2006

Canadian elections herald a dramatic intensification of class conflict - Whatever the results of Monday’s federal election, whichever party or combination of parties forms Canada’s next government, the coming period will see a dramatic intensification of class conflict.

Moqtada al-Sadr Enters the Iran Attack Fray - It appears the Straussian neocons ensconced in the Pentagon and in the final planning stages of the shock and awe campaign against Iran, on tap for March, have a new complication to consider:

E. Timor Atrocities Detailed - Indonesian security forces and militias they supported killed at least 100,000 East Timorese people -- and perhaps as many as 180,000 -- over 24 years through torture, starvation, arbitrary execution and massacres, according to a report...

"Free and fair" elections in Palestine - OK, they're not really "free," but still cheap by American standards...

January 23, 2006

Israel "will not sit back" and let Iran build atomic weapons - Israel issued thinly-veiled warnings yesterday that it was preparing to take direct action to stop Iran, its bitter enemy, acquiring nuclear weapons.


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