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Archive for the Month of January, 2006.
Viewing Disaster in New Orleans NEWS articles 1 through 7 of 7.

January 8, 2006

Sen. Cleland says Katrina-corpse cover-up - Could the assassinated corpses in the floodwaters been witnesses to levee sabotage?

January 9, 2006

Eye Witnesses Living Near 17th St. Levee Say Loud Explosion Heard Just Prior To Raging Waters Flooded 9th Ward - New Orleans resident, Terry Adams, heard "bomb-like explosion" right before he was forced to his rooftop and it floated away downstream. City Bus driver, Ryan Washington, adds hundreds more people with the exact same experience are being ignored by the mainstream media.

January 10, 2006

New Orleans: What the media is not reporting and what Congress and the Bush administration are ignoring. - The final death count from Katrina may never be known. Many people were washed out to open waters. There is no one to claim the bodies of the elderly and indigent.

January 11, 2006

Were U.S. Government Saboteurs Involved In A Fatal Shootout With New Orleans Police Officers On Sept. 4 At The Danziger Bridge? - Conflicting news and police reports leave a host of questions to be answered about what really happened between police and suspected U.S. government agents.

January 14, 2006

New Orleans Carpenter Talks About How He Heard Guardsmen talk about "military buddies' ordered to blow levees - Several residents have come forward using their names while talking about hearing a huge explosion at the Industrial Canal. Others coming forward want to remain anonymous, fearing repercussions from Big Brother

January 18, 2006

Judge Clears Way For New Orleans "Land Grab" - Hearing cancelled to hear 9th Ward residents complaints to stop the bulldozing of 44.000 homes. Judge says all the city needs to do is "notify owners."

January 27, 2006

Study: New Orleans could lose 80 percent of black population - Blacks and the poor were disproportionately affected by Katrina, according to the study led by Brown Professor John R. Logan. The analysis concludes that the difficulty in moving back to the city could mean a massive loss of population, overwhelmingly among blacks.


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