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Archive for the Month of January, 2006.
Viewing ALL NEWS articles 226 through 300 of 480.

January 15, 2006

MLK Day: Dreams and Nightmares - ...Martin Luther King Jr. saw that the task of the United States was not simply to transcend racism. He saw racism as inextricably connected to militarism and materialism. And he saw a hyperpatriotic nationalism not as virtue but as a problem to be overcome.

Haiti is Canada’s Iraq - There are multiple reasons, he says, why Canadians should be concerned about what’s happening in Haiti. For starters, it’s largely thanks to us and our efforts to unseat Jean Bertrand Aristide’s democratically elected government that the country is currently so unstable.

Face it, the pols again proved they don't need you; they control the voting machines - The same band of fascists who have taken over the Republican Party also control the Democratic Party through the monstrous Democratic Leadership Council. A fact that many have yet to face up to. But come November, millions will dutifully cast votes on rigged equipment and the powers that be will pretend to count them, knowing full well the outcome beforehand.

Powerful Men Who Meet Secretly and Plan - Someone at one time coined a little phrase in an attempt to sum up the Bilderberg Group and it goes like this: The Bilderberg Group is a "little clique of powerful men who meet secretly and plan..." Scary little phrase, isn't it..

Pentagon "reinforcer" AMEC wired WTC7 - So, Saloman controlled the first five and the top 20 floors of this building. AMEC was in charge of wiring Saloman's offices to diesel tanks elsewhere in the building. That would have given AMEC access to the enitre infrastructure of the building, to be powered for "back-up power" or.... whatever else.

IRAQ: Activists call for protection of academics - According to conservative estimates, over 250 educators have been assassinated while hundreds more have disappeared...Thousands of other academics have reportedly fled the country, in the belief that they are being targeted because they are well educated.

Dusting off the Brown-shirts and Jackboots - No kidding. America is marching in lockstep towards a depression that was planned at the highest levels of government.

January 16, 2006

Carlyle "given sweetener" in Qinetiq deal - Carlyle is now expected to make an eightfold return on its 34 per cent stake when 49 per cent of Qinetiq is floated next month, while executive chairman John Chisholm stands to see his £129,000 investment grow to around £23m.

Searching For the Illuminati Deep Within The Bowels Of The Vatican - - Part I - All roads lead to Piazza San Pietro when it comes to power, leadership and initiation into the devious and diabolical Illuminati. In the 1980's, the Vatican Bank Scandal brought to light the connections between the Freemasons/Illuminati, the Vatican and the mafia.

Cut to the Chase or Risk Irrelevance: The Plain and Simple Truth of 9/11 - ...here is a list of facts, supported by sources, that add up to the plain and simple truth about 9/11.

Environment in crisis: "We are past the point of no return" - Thirty years ago, the scientist James Lovelock worked out that the Earth possessed a planetary-scale control system which kept the environment fit for life. He called it Gaia, and the theory has become widely accepted. Now, he believes mankind's abuse of the environment is making that mechanism work against us. His astonishing conclusion - that climate change is already insoluble, and life on Earth will never be the same again.

Sahitya Akademi Award: Arundhati Roy Rejects Honor - Celebrated writer Arundhati Roy on Saturday refused to accept the prestigious Sahitya Akademi Award in protest against the Indian Government toeing the US line by "violently and ruthlessly pursuing policies of brutalisation of industrial workers, increasing militarisation and economic neo-liberalisation".

Pakistanis Vent Fury Over US Attack - Up to 10,000 people reportedly protested at rallies in the largest city, Karachi. Many chanted: "Death to America!" Demonstrators demanded the resignation of Pakistan's president, Pervez Musharraf. Smaller protests were staged in other towns and cities, including Islamabad, Lahore, Quetta and Peshawar.

Ted Koppel: "Natural Fit" at NPR News and Longtime Booster of Henry Kissinger - ..."the heart of the story" about U.S. foreign policy has often involved deceptions from Washington. And since Koppel became a prominent journalist, he has been a fervent booster of one of the most prodigious and murderous deceivers in U.S. history.

Rise in mental illness linked to unhealthy diets, say studies - The Mental Health Foundation says scientific studies have clearly linked attention deficit disorder, depression, Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia to junk food and the absence of essential fats, vitamins and minerals in industrialised diets.

US bombing in northern Pakistan: an act of imperialist recklessness - The US air strike carried out on January 13 on the isolated village of Damadola, near Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan, was as reckless as it was criminal.

US living standards in 2005 continued downward trend - Millions of Americans saw their living conditions drastically decline in 2005. For the US working class, four years of a supposed economic recovery celebrated by Wall Street have translated into rising expenses, stagnating real wages and record debt.

1976 military study considered controlled demolition, planned WTC air attacks to be piggy-backed on top of "training excercises" - From an unedited e-mail exchange with Tim McNiven, brainchild of the "boxcutter- stewardess-throatslit" meme...

January 17, 2006

Translator's Conviction Raises Legal Concerns - For three years federal agents trailed Mohammed Yousry, a chubby 50-year-old translator and U.S. citizen who worked for radical lawyer Lynne Stewart. Prosecutors wiretapped his phone, and FBI agents shadowed and interviewed him. They read his books and notepads and every file on his computer.

The US-Iran "crisis" – it’s the oil stupid - Anybody who doesn’t think control of energy sources is at the root of USUK actions in Iraq and elsewhere is suffering a serious (but hopefully treatable) delusional disease of denial. Even the most cursory exploration of the 20th century reveals the centrality of oil to pretty well every event of any significance, and in no small part goes a long way toward explaining why the corporate/state media won’t go near the subject with a length of oil-drilling pipe—except to deride the idea.

The latest Bush mega-catastrophe is now pharmaceuticals - ...now he is visiting disease and death on tens of millions of our elderly and ill with a botched Medicare/Medicaid drug plan that has plunged the nation's pharmacies into total chaos while driving the states even closer to bankruptcy. As you read this, millions of Americans are without medications that may be life-sustaining because of what Bush has done to "improve" their pharmaceutical plan.

Israel prepares to launch attack on Iran nuclear sites - Military chiefs have told the United States that they are ready and able to destroy Iran's nuclear weapons facilities - with an attack as early as March.

To inquire about the case - They've now caught the second guy in connection with the murder of David Rosenbaum. Well, "caught" isn't quite the right word ...

Selling the Amazon for a Handful of Beads - In the midst of an Amazonian oil boom, classified documents reveal deep links between oil companies and Ecuador's military.

Secret Vatican Catacombs, Child Sacrifices, Mind Control: Svali, Involved In U.S. Illuminati For 30 years, Talks Openly About Devious Plans To Topple America - - Part II - Born into the Illuminati, Svali says her Vatican initiation ceremony at the age of 12 involved child sacrificing and a promise to serve "The Family or Order" for life.

Bush as the "Mad Hatter" - It is as if we have all fallen down the rabbit hole and landed in the middle of the world's largest insane tea party. With nonsensical answerless riddles, and preposterous double-speak as the daily party line. We have our own "Mad Hatter" resident in the White House, presiding over the insane global policy of death and destruction.

THE NEW TERRORISTS - ARE YOU ONE? DOWNLOAD MUSIC? BLOCK TRAFFIC? WRITE A BAD CHECK? - The reclassification of terrorism is spreading across this country. A bill just BARELY defeated in Oregon would have made you a terrorist if you download music, block traffic or write a bad check. Want to know what the punishment would have been? Read on...

Mining for kids: Children can’t "opt out" of Pentagon recruitment database - Parents cannot remove their children’s names from a Pentagon database that includes highly personal information used to attract military recruits, the Vermont Guardian has learned.

Rome prosecutors to charge U.S. soldier with murdering Italian agent in Iraq - Italian prosecutors investigating the killing of an Italian secret service agent at a checkpoint in Iraq plan to charge a U.S. soldier with murder and attempted murder, Italian media reported Tuesday.

The Gun is Smoking - 2004 Ohio Precinct-Level Exit Poll Data Show Virtually Irrefutable Evidence of Vote Miscount - The analysis is based on the most accurate statistical method yet devised for determining whether exit poll error, random variations, or vote count manipulation cause the discrepancies between exit polls and official vote tallies.

The class issues in the 2006 Canadian elections - Corporate Canada is intent on pursuing its drive for markets, profits and global geopolitical influence by relying on the most reactionary social and political forces to attack the jobs, living standards and democratic rights of working people at home, while joining the US-led imperialist carve-up of the world’s resources by means of militarism and war.

January 18, 2006

US accused of torture policy - The United States has a deliberate strategy of abusing terror suspects during interrogation, Human Rights Watch has said in its annual report on abuses in more than 70 countries.

GOP Chat Room Rules - A chatroom member went to a right-wing religious event and got a copy of the script from a Young Republican table. Here is it!

Judge Clears Way For New Orleans "Land Grab" - Hearing cancelled to hear 9th Ward residents complaints to stop the bulldozing of 44.000 homes. Judge says all the city needs to do is "notify owners."

Bush often met with, and praised, corrupt lobbyist - Although White House spokesliar Scott McClellan claims lobbyist/crook du jour Jack Abramoff only met with administration staff two or three times, the scandal ridden buyer of influence enjoyed frequent private meetings with President George W. Bush, who referred to Abramoff as "one of this administration’s greatest friends."

Wal-Mart's Health Keeps People Sick - If Wal-Mart were a state, it would rank 39th in population, right behind Nebraska -- and that doesn't include the dependents of the company's 1.7 million employees.

Democrats and Other False Friends: The Crimes of Jimmy Carter - The semi-oppositional stance of the Democrats to Bush takes as its starting point a common agreement between the two parties that the U.S. should be able to dominate the world. The worry is that Bush, despite the rhetoric, isn't doing a very good job.

Why an Economic Boycott of Israel is Justified - Human Rights Violations, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity

What's the Answer? - In all of documented human history, the lesson that mankind has steadfastly failed to learn is that you cannot allow aristocrats and wealth to rule over mankind. Freedom is taken, first and foremost, and oppressive rule by the few always becomes dictatorial and brutal – ALWAYS.

Veteran reporter says 3,000-4,000 Iraqis killed every month - Between 3,000 and 4,000 Iraqis are killed every month, rendering "ridiculous" US President George W. Bush's estimate of about 30,000 civilian casualties since the start of the war, veteran British journalist Robert Fisk said Wednesday.

U.S. nuclear forces, 2006 - As of January 2006, the U.S. stockpile contains almost 10,000 nuclear warheads. This includes 5,735 active or operational warheads: 5,235 strategic and 500 nonstrategic warheads. Approximately 4,225 additional warheads are held in the reserve or inactive stockpiles...

Leading candidates for high post in House are both strong on Israel - Tom DeLay’s Jewish friends — and enemies — can expect the same friendliness to Israel and affection for faith-based funding from whomever replaces him as majority leader in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Control Grid: The Prison Without Bars - 1984 was a picnic compared to modern day leviathan surveillance cage

CREATING LITTLE SPEED FREAKS - Conclusion? There was never a reason for creating the labels ADD and ADHD in the first place, unless you include expanding drug-company profits and a plan to drug and debilitate millions of children.

INSIDER INFO: 6 million wiretapped conversations per month - ...this is definitely not just NSA. The bidding for the technology to do this project was conducted by members of the FBI and the CIA.

January 19, 2006

Feds after Google data - The Bush administration on Wednesday asked a federal judge to order Google to turn over a broad range of material from its closely guarded databases.

Iran Attack: No Way Back Now - As now appears obvious, the Straussian neocons will attack Iran, sooner before later. Secretary of State Condi Rice indicated as much when she said, "there’s not much to talk about" until Iran promises to stop working on a nuclear weapon, never mind that...Iran is not working on a nuclear weapon.

Are you ready to be bugged and tortured by George W. Bush? - It's not really terrorists George W. Bush wants to bug and torture. It's YOU. It's not really terrorism he wants to fight. It's opposition from people he can't control.

Rightwing group offers students $100 to spy on professors - 31 academics listed as "worthy of scrutiny"

Just How Big is the Defense Budget? - A Tutorial on How to Find the Real Numbers

When The Press Serves Power - Major news outlets boasted anchors and reporters who became wealthy celebrities, miles removed from the best reporting, or street reporting that began their careers. As they moved farther from the streets, so did their product, which should now be called "narrowcasting."

Depleted Uranium - A Hidden Looming Worldwide Calamity - ...there's possibly one threat that tops all others both in gravity and because it's been deliberately concealed from the public - never discussed, explained or had any action taken to remediate it. It's the global threat from the toxic effects of depleted uranium (DU), and like global warming, DU has the potential to destroy all planetary life. How can something so potentially destructive be hidden and ignored and why?

Loot the Vote: The Bush Faction's Future Victories are Already in the Bag - Despite the scandals, the indictments, the mounting death count in Iraq, and the ever-deepening unpopularity of Bush and his minions, the Faction's tools for "manufacturing consent"...are greased and ready, unchallenged by the clueless, spineless Democrats and the dollar-dazzled media. So look for more "astonishing upsets" and poll-confounding "surprises" in the coming national elections, as brute power rapes reality once again.

Pre-crime and proactive policing - Police Checkpoints, stop and search, curfews and ASBO's becoming the norm.

Cheney and Netanyahu Pushing For War Against Syria - An ever-more-desperate Dick Cheney is pulling out all the stops to install "Clean Break" hawk Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu as the next Israeli Prime Minister, to push for an immediate confrontation between Israel and Syria.

Tearing Down America To Rebuild It For The NWO - Batteries of psychologists are employed by the media to get inside your head. They use selected colors, patterns, light flashes and subliminal sound on television to open back a channel into your subconscious. Tavistock is just one of many institutes that research new ways to control the human mind. Undoubtedly, many of these are under classified Homeland Security contracts, working on a plethora of twisted technologies. They will be used to assist the dictatorship to gain absolute control of 280 million people.

U.S. Army raises maximum age for enlistment - The U.S. Army, which missed its fiscal 2005 recruiting goal, said on Wednesday it has raised the maximum enlistment age for new soldiers by five years to 39, greatly expanding its pool of potential recruits.

How deep does the state penetration of Sinn Fein go? - Which IRA terror operations were allowed to go ahead or were even instigated by British agents in order to foment sectarian tensions and legitimise state repression?

The modern-day robber barons - The arrogance displayed by today’s employers rivals that of their “robber baron” predecessors more than a century ago--when cutthroat capitalists fought ruthlessly against every attempt by workers to raise safety standards and wages, or to form unions.

The New Fascism - This new fascism is not fed only by lies, though to be sure the lies are there in preposterous abundance. This new fascism is fed by myths, our myths, the myths by which we rock ourselves to sleep. This new fascism is in truth an elemental fascism, reborn today by a confluence of events; the diligent work of the few, in combination with the passivity of the many, have brought forth this new order.

Official US agency paints dire picture of 'out-of-control' Iraq - Account belies picture painted by White House

January 20, 2006

Phantom Osama Groomed for a Return - ...in the convoluted machinations of the "war on terror," the latest Osama communiqué may signal a ramping up for another “terror event” here in America, thus providing a pretext for the mass murder and crimes against humanity that lie ahead and, as well, making sure the ever-malleable American populace is in the right frame of mind.

New Mexico Begins Legislative Process To Ban Aspartame - Fifteen state senators sponsored a bill to rid New Mexico of what some have called "Rumsfeld's Disease."

U.S. Obtains Internet Users' Search Records - Yahoo and others reveal queries from millions of people; Google refuses. Identities aren't included, but the data trove stirs privacy fears.

How Dick Cheney Used The NSA For Domestic Spying Pre-9/11 - "What's really disturbing is that some of those people the vice president was curious about were people who worked at the White House or the State Department...There was a real feeling of paranoia that permeated from the vice president's office and I don't think it had anything to do with the threat of terrorism. I can't say what was contained in those taps that piqued his interest. I just don't know."

Revolution in the Andes - Castro's Prophecy Fulfilled as Bolivia Joins Latin America's "Axis of Good"

What they don't want you to know about the coming oil crisis - ...the most basic of the foundations of our assumptions of future economic wellbeing is rotten. Our society is in a state of collective denial that has no precedent in history, in terms of its scale and implications.

Latest Bin Laden Tape: Another of the NeoCons' "Greatest Hits" - Spying? Torture? Illegal airstrikes? SHUT UP and hate Bin Laden.

Paul Wolfowitz Busy Neo-Conning the World Bank - Wolfowitz may be showing his stripes now -- and may be finally tilting the Bank into a groove where it becomes a harsher instrument of U.S. foreign policy -- rewarding friends and punishing those who don't fall into lockstep behind George W. Bush's vision.

The war on dissent gets creepy - "Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of the leaders of their government and have gone to war, and millions have been killed because of this obedience...Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves, and all the while the grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem."

Diebold in Florida:The Harri Hursti Hack and its Importance to our Nation - ... this was proof positive that our democracy is and has been, as we have all feared, truly at the mercy of unscrupulous vendors who are producing electronic voting machines that can change election results without detection.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is a mere tool of the powerful and a servile lackey of the rich. - Where was the ICRC when Fallujah was leveled to the ground… half millions of its inhabitants have become refugees in their own homeland. Fallujah, the martyr city, where the US bloodthirsty invaders used combat gasses, napalm...and weapons of mass destruction…Where is the ICRC while the US democratic killers still bomb hospitals, kill patients and doctors all together and shoot on ambulances.

U.S. Policy on Mercenaries in Iraq Reminiscent of '80s - As various news reports come out about Shiite death squads operating within Iraqi police forces — which are being trained by U.S. soldiers — one can’t help but wonder if it’s a throwback to American policies in Latin America in the 1980s.

Making Eurasia safe for U.S. oil companies - According to State Department sources, the United States has laid down an ultimatum to Iran. However, this ultimatum has nothing to do with Iran's nuclear program.

Who is Stephen Harper, the Conservative poised to be Canada’s next prime minister? - The circumstances of the 2006 Canadian elections—12 years of uninterrupted Liberal rule, a growing sense of economic anxiety, a spate of corruption scandals—have been seized upon by Canada’s corporate elite as the long-sought opportunity to push politics far to the right. The media’s saturation coverage of the corruption issue, its unwillingness to scrutinize Conservative claims that they have adopted moderate policies, its lampooning of Prime Minster Paul Martin as a ditherer and a has-been—all are elements in a campaign aimed at bringing to power a Conservative government under Stephen Harper that will pursue closer cooperation with and, on many fronts, emulate the Bush administration.


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