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Archive for the Month of January, 2006.
Viewing ALL NEWS articles 151 through 225 of 480.

January 10, 2006

The assassination of David Rosenbaum - Authorities are looking for two suspicious men, seen leaving the area in a car. They have a partial plate on the car. Hit men use cars and travel in pairs. Muggers don't.

Citizen's Tribunal Indicts Bush Administration for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity; Indictments to be Delivered to White House - An unprecedented series of indictments alleging war crimes and crimes against humanity, in five separate areas, on moral, political, and legal grounds, will be delivered by a citizens' tribunal to President Bush at the front gate of the White House this Tuesday, January 10th.

Leaked Memo: Corrupt DEA Agents in Colombia Help Narcos and Paramilitaries - Internal Justice Dept. Document Alleges Drug Trafficking Links, Money Laundering and Conspiracy to Murder

The Soon-to-be-Indicted Rep. Bob Ney of Ohio's Connection To Electoral Fraud - The Dots Connect Between Abramoff, Ohio 2004 Election Smokescreen and Ney's Former Staffer Revealed to be on Diebold's Payroll While Working for White House Law Firm - All the While as HAVA -- America's "Election Reform" Bill -- is Used for Political Payoff in the Bargain...

By the Numbers: Lobbying in America - ...a few quick facts showing the size and scope of this burgeoning Washington, DC industry.

Indian States Monitoring Cybercafe Users - Several other Asian countries and cities, most prominently China, require registration at cybercafes. Italy is the only European Union country to require Internet cafes to record ID information, but nonmember Switzerland does require that customers show ID.

Attack on Iran: A Looming Folly - An examination of the ramifications of such an attack is desperately in order.

New Orleans: What the media is not reporting and what Congress and the Bush administration are ignoring. - The final death count from Katrina may never be known. Many people were washed out to open waters. There is no one to claim the bodies of the elderly and indigent.

January 11, 2006

Was NYT’s David Rosenbaum Assassinated? - As Operation CHAOS reveals, the CIA has never honored its domestic hands-off charter and it is not a stretch to conclude that it has for some time operated unfettered in America, using the same murderous tactics it has used and continues to use elsewhere in the world at the behest of various presidents and their handlers.

Canada: The time to speak on Khadr is now - As the new year begins, 19-year-old Canadian Omar Khadr continues his fourth year in American captivity at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The Panopticon: A Mass Surveillance Prison For Humanity - Latest trends in Big Brother outstrip Orwell's worst nightmare

Planning For the Peak - The economic effects of peak oil go far beyond spending more at the pump.

NSA: Free Speech is a Weapon of Mass Destruction - It should be assumed from the start the NSA, CIA, DIA, FBI, etc., have long engaged in illegal and unconstitutional snooping against the American people, who are after all their primary target, not the phantom "al-Qaeda" or any number of CIA created terrorists. In a police state, the enemy is the people..

Abramoff and the Israeli Connection - Washington sleazebag funneled money to Israel's "settler" movement

Were U.S. Government Saboteurs Involved In A Fatal Shootout With New Orleans Police Officers On Sept. 4 At The Danziger Bridge? - Conflicting news and police reports leave a host of questions to be answered about what really happened between police and suspected U.S. government agents.

Corporations, The National Security Agency and Their "Customers" - This collective of NSA plus the corporate sector is clear as to whom it serves, and "we the people" do not appear in its list. Imagine where dissenters might fit - peace activists and anyone else in disagreement with administrative, military, or other governmental "customers".

Judge Demands Police Video of Grandmothers' Protest - ...the videotape showed that at least one person had been able to walk past the women into the recruitment center. This was proof, he said, that they were not blocking the doorway, and that disorderly conduct charges against them should be dismissed.

The Pentagon's 'thought police" - The Pentagon's "Media Engagement Team" has set up shop in the region. Its members, consisting of military personnel and contractors approach various publications and ask for an appointment, whereby owners and editors are urged to publish "positive" stories concerning the US military's activities in the area.

Amnesty Releases New Gitmo Torture Testimony - Marking the fourth anniversary of the first transfers of detainees to Guantánamo Bay in Cuba, January 11, 2006, Amnesty International released new testimonies alleging the use of torture and ill treatment against prisoners in the U.S. detention center and additional details on several detainee cases.

The Highly Informative Hissy Fit of L. Paul Bremer III - Bremer presents himself as a gosh-darn good egg who just wanted to do what's right but ended up as the tragic victim of vicious circumstances. Yet the fact is that Bremer played a key role in creating those circumstances, and at every point assidiously carried out his primary duty: laying open the ruined nation to the rapacious appetities of Bush's corporate cronies. He is, to put it bluntly, a war criminal...

Bankruptcy Filings Hit Record 2M in 2005 - The rush of indebted consumers to file bankruptcy before a tough new law took effect pushed personal filings for 2005 to their highest annual level on record — more than 2 million, according to new data.

Canadian party leaders’ debate—populist posturing and lies - Monday’s English-language debate between Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin, Conservative challenger Stephen Harper, Gilles Duceppe of the Bloc Quebecois and New Democratic Party leader Jack Layton set a new standard for populist posturing, hypocrisy, and outright lying.

After the West Virginia mine disaster, the official whitewash begins - ...the joint state-federal investigation would not focus on the well-documented safety violations at the mine or why state and federal regulators allowed it to remain open. Instead...the probe would concentrate on the communications failure that led miners’ families to believe the men had been rescued alive.

Kangaroo Court - Today, a kangaroo court authorized by Emperor Bush will be in session in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

January 12, 2006

Britain plans total electronic surveillance of roads - In March, Britain will enhance its reputation as the surveillance capital of the West with a global first: recording the movements of all cars on the road and storing the data for at least two years.

Over the Peak - ...the current path -- continually expanding our use of oil on the assumption that the Earth will yield whatever quantity we need -- is irresponsible and reckless.

NSA, FISA and the DNA of Tyranny - With each passing day, it becomes more evident that the main purpose behind Bush's illegal, warrantless domestic spying program is not collecting intelligence on terrorists and would-be terrorists ...

A Formula for Slaughter - The Real Rules of Engagement in Iraq

Apartheid in the Middle East - After wiping Palestine off the map and expelling over 700,000 Palestinians from their homes, confiscating the land they've lived on for generations, Israel still had a considerable Palestinian minority within its borders. Set to realize the dream of creating a state for Jews only, which had obviously failed, Apartheid laws were imposed in order to make the non-Jewish citizens of the Jewish state to leave.

'I'm a door kicker-inner,' one young Marine blurted out - to the dismay of his superiors - "Why can’t we live together in peace?", read the graffiti written on a wall in Fallujah by a weary American soldier. Next to it a colleague had scrawled: "Die ragheads die!"

Bush to criminalize protesters under Patriot Act as ''disruptors'' - Bush wants to create the new criminal of "disruptor" who can be jailed for the crime of "disruptive behavior." A "little-noticed provision" in the latest version of the Patriot Act will empower Secret Service to charge protesters with a new crime of "disrupting major events including political conventions and the Olympics."

Media war on Islam - The U.S. media has been fueling hatred against the Muslims and the Islamic religion, since the September 11 attacks, creating an atmosphere of fear particularly for Arabs living in the West.

January 13, 2006

NSA Snoop Program: Greasing the Skids of the Police State - In Bushzarro world, the state snoop apparatus—monitoring all voice and data communication with the connivance of the telecoms—indiscriminately surveils everybody and then uses sophisticated computer algorithms (called “artificial intelligence”) to ferret thought crimes out of the massive amount of captured data.

Alito Confirmation: Stacking the Supreme Court with Authoritarians - It’s not newsworthy that Alito’s wife, Martha-Ann Bomgardner, "got choked up," as World Views characterized it, when "Senate Judiciary Democrats … grilled, insulted, and defamed" the shoo-in nominee, although it was in fact Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham who made her bawl (Alito’s spouse needs to grow a spine and understand Washington is a pit of poisonous vipers and, besides, after her husband eagerly and dutifully facilitates the ongoing evisceration of the Constitution, she likely will not shed a tear).

Wall Street grabs $21.5 billion in bonuses - In what amounts to a massive misappropriation of social wealth, Wall Street’s major investment banks and trading firms are handing out $21.5 billion in year-end bonuses for 2005.

NSA used city police as trackers - Activists monitored on way to Fort Meade war protest, agency memos show

The Bombs of March: Countdown to War with Iran? - Media-Hype; beating the war drums, again

Child's play at the CIA - The United States's leading spy agency has designs on your children...

U.S. Bombs Pakistan: The soul of a nation is fatally wounded - Aircraft from Afghanistan have once more attacked Pakistan killing 18 Pakistanis in remote villages. Even non-US sources, such as Al-Jazeera has adopted the tone of embedded journalists, telling the world that the US attack on Pakistan killed 18 people in "a village stronghold of pro-Taliban Islamists."

Your Vote: Paper or Plastic? - Every President in memory had to meet with David Rockefeller for approval before running for office or getting the nomination. Their party affiliation meant and means nothing. These men choose "who will wear the suit this time" for every election. They NEVER lose.

Re-Packaging The 9/11 Fairytale - Hollywood gears up in 2006 to bolster the crumbling official state approved paradigm

The GOP's "Crying Game." - The families of gangsters and thugs often cry when their loved ones are outed as the despicable scoundrels they truly are.

Gag Reflex - ...this week's revelation of how U.S. doctors are force-feeding captives on hunger strike in Bush's concentration camp at Guantanamo Bay still has the power to shock and sicken -- not just from the savage act itself, but also for the wider moral defeat it represents: another open embrace of raw brutality, another step in America's accelerating plunge into vicious despotism.

Propaganda in Iraq - Why are people so shocked about the Propaganda material used by the US in Iraq. The declassified documents show that the US has been using propaganda material in the Middle East since the 1950s. In fact the last colonial masters of Iraq the British used the same tactics to generate favourable public opinion regarding the British Occupation of Iraq.

"Doomsday" seed bank to be built - Norway is planning to build a "doomsday vault" inside a mountain on an Arctic island to hold a seed bank of all known varieties of the world's crops.

Bush could seize absolute control of U.S. government - President George W. Bush has signed executive orders giving him sole authority to impose martial law, suspend habeas corpus and ignore the Posse Comitatus Act that prohibits deployment of U.S. troops on American streets. This would give him absolute dictatorial power over the government with no checks and balances.

Chemtrails And Aluminum Harm Heart, Lungs And Plants - Chemtrails which are known to contain heavy metals such as barium oxide and aluminum oxide, are known to be a bigger problem than once thought.

Political victimisation of an Australian academic - Robert Austin, an academic in Spanish and International Studies at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (RMIT), was informed last October that he would be dismissed as of April 24, 2006. The sacking is an attack on academic freedom and sets a dangerous precedent for the victimisation of other university staff.

Ukraine gas dispute -- Has Putin gone nuts? - It’s clear that the move is one part of a complex series of Russian moves in the ongoing Grand Chess Game. That game is between Washington as sole global superpower, and Russia as a reconstructing nuclear power--one with a vast resource wealth needed by its Eurasian neighbours from China to Germany and beyond.

Hurricanes of 2005 were filled with mysterious lightning - The boom of thunder and crackle of lightning generally mean one thing: a storm is coming. Curiously, though, the biggest storms of all, hurricanes, are notoriously lacking in lightning. Hurricanes blow, they rain, they flood, but seldom do they crackle. Surprise: During the record-setting hurricane season of 2005 three of the most powerful storms--Rita, Katrina, and Emily--did have lightning, lots of it.

Are Small Arms the Real WMD? - The United Nations argues that small arms -- including assault rifles, grenade launchers and sub-machine guns -- are primarily responsible for much of the death and destruction in conflicts throughout the world.

Listening to the Twin Towers - Professor David Ray Griffin has set forth eleven (11) features of the collapse of the Twin Towers that would be expected if, and only if, explosives were used.

January 14, 2006

Why is my face on TV? - From the Washington Post account of the "solving" of the David Rosenbaum assassination...

Simply stunning - The Department of Labor has a "Special Assistant for Conservative Outreach"

Congress' hands caught in the cookie jar - Dozens of U.S. senators are quietly tracking visits to their Web sites even though they have publicly pledged not to do so.

TALKING-UP A NUCLEAR ARMAGEDDON - Not only is the anti-Iranian propaganda based upon a brazen, historic lie but, if the western public were to know just what kind of military scenario is envisaged, would be seen as a terrifying imperial escalation in the kind of (nuclear) blitzkrieg tactics that the West and NATO are now prepared to use.

Beam weapons almost ready for battle - Directed-energy weapons take the form of lasers, high-powered microwaves and particle beams.

Condi Rice: Christian-Zionist Pit Bull - Rice was appointed as Secretary of State precisely because, as a Christian Zionist, she considers Israel her spiritual “home” and (although not stated in her official capacity) her theological and political belief that Palestine is the national homeland of the Jews.

New Orleans Carpenter Talks About How He Heard Guardsmen talk about "military buddies' ordered to blow levees - Several residents have come forward using their names while talking about hearing a huge explosion at the Industrial Canal. Others coming forward want to remain anonymous, fearing repercussions from Big Brother

Fly Boys and Lie Boys: Smart-Bombing Iraqi Families While They Sleep - Even the most accurately-delivered 500 pounder cannot destroy a building without damaging adjacent houses and killing people therein. Anyone who imagines or declares that this is possible is a liar or a moron or both.

Mossad works with German passports - German papers for Israeli agents

Legendary conspiracy historian Eustace Mullins mysteriously disappears; worst feared - Local police say there's nothing they can do and are notoriously vague and nonchalant about his welfare or whereabouts, according to friends who have called them to express alarm over his sudden disappearance.

More Lies about Iran - There’s been alot of rubbish written about Iran’s "removing the seals" from its uranium enrichment equipment. The fear-mongering western media have exploited the expression for all its worth. Even those who are normally skeptical of the Bush-propaganda machine are taken aback by this ominous-sounding phrase.

Serious questions remain concerning Col. Westhusing's "suicide" in Iraq. - Army's chief ethics expert was murdered, according to Carlyle Group insider.

Evolution of a bomb "scare" - The American response to 9/11 hasn't just rained death and terror on Afghanistan and Iraq; it has left Americans living in fear as well. The evolution of a recent bomb scare in San Francisco provides an instructive case in point.

The Root of Sago Mine Disaster: Corporate Crime Pays - ...the most crucial step to prevent tragedies like Sago has little to do with the specifics of mining -- it involves changing the cost-benefit analysis made by corporate executives in workplace safety decisions.

Now IRS is Harassing the Poor - Hundreds of thousands of poor Americans have had their tax refunds frozen and their returns labeled fraudulent, according to the IRS's taxpayer advocate, Nina Olson. Testifying before Congress this week, Olson said the average income of these taxpayers is $13,000. Olson and her staff sampled the suspected returns and found that, at most, one in five was questionable.

"Fever/Flu-Sensing" Infrared Video Cams To Scan US Public - It's all in HOW the technology is used. And WHO is in power using it.

Fifteen Years of War: And Who's Better Off? - The bad news is that they aren't finished. Most of the folks who run this country, no matter which major party they claim to belong to, think that they can win their various wars and start new ones, continue to privatize the government for the benefit of their friends (Social Security is next, mark my words), spy on and jail people at will, and then tell us that they're doing it for our own good.

January 15, 2006

US bribes to recruits reach new high - $40,000 sign-up, $90,000 re-enlistment bonuses

Jailed for criticising U.S.-puppets - Dr. Sayid Qadir is accused of "insulting" Massoud Barzani, head of the U.S. backed Kurdish Democratic Party, KDP, one of two parties that rule Iraqi Kurdistan, and publishing critical views of the system in the region.

The Senator, the Weepy Wife and the Secret Annoiting: The Stepford Hearings of Samuel Alito - Actually, the entire "dramedy" has been a huge waste of time--except for the little woman's tears. And let me add that when I refer to Martha-Ann Bomgardner as the little woman, I do this because we have all been made aware of Samuel's disdain for his wife's gender.

Dinner Guest Ayman al-Zawahri Escapes Death - ...al-Zarqawi will live on in infamy for a very long time, or as long as he is useful to the Straussian neocons. In the meantime, more Muslims will die—and thousands may soon die in Iran if the neocons and the Zionists in Israel have their way—because...Muslim lives are cheap and, besides, they deserve whatever horrible fate they receive for serving dinner to Ayman al-Zawahri on Eid ul-Fitr.

MI5 will get new powers to bug MPs - Furious cabinet revolt as Blair gives green light for security services to spy on elected representatives.

Old, blind, crippled - and fit for execution - His case, the latest in a long line to raise disturbing questions about the way capital punishment is administered in the United States, is filled with ghoulish ironies. He almost died of a heart attack four months ago but doctors at San Quentin prison resuscitated him - fulfilling their professional obligations, just as the prison's executioners are now preparing to fulfil theirs at one minute after midnight on Tuesday.


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