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Archive for the Month of January, 2006.
Viewing ALL NEWS articles 76 through 150 of 480.

January 5, 2006

Evidence of Forgery at the election day - At the election day,Iraq’s government issued vehicles ban on the streets yet...

Police State surveillance technology that has been available for years goes mobile - New Device Will Sense Through Concrete Walls

The U.S. readies its WMD - New U.S. policies that involve the use of nuclear weapons were formulated in the administration document "Nuclear Posture Review" of 2001 and became more defined in a Pentagon draft document "Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations..."

Microsoft censors Chinese blogger - Microsoft has admitted to removing the blog of an outspoken Chinese journalist from its MSN Spaces site, citing its policy of adhering to local laws.

January 6, 2006

Forced Abortions & Sweatshops - A Look at Jack Abramoff's Ties to the South Pacific Island of Saipan & How Tom DeLay Became An Advocate for Sweatshop Factory Owners

Air America - Get ready to see a lot more of this, because Bush has finally settled on an "exit strategy" for Iraq: he's going to bomb his way out.

AOL: A good company or a bad company? - New ad campaign revels in big brother surveillance and debates whether free speech should exist.

Jack Abramoff, “Super Zionist” - ...not only did he spread his illicitly gained money around the halls of Washington, but the illegally occupied territories of the West Bank as well.

Kurdistan: Meet the New Bosses - The neocons in Washington love to talk about how they're promoting freedom and democracy in Iraq. They often cite as their example the country's Kurdish population, staunch allies of Washington, who have been protected by the American military since no-fly zones were imposed after the 1991 Gulf War.

"Free trade" agreements - Hypocrisy and Illusion - Propaganda terms like "Free trade", bringing "democracy" to Iraq, "Pax Americana" are all of the same ilk. They mean exactly the opposite of what they seem to mean.

IRS tracked taxpayers’ political affiliation - As it hunted down tax scofflaws, the Internal Revenue Service collected information on the political party affiliations of taxpayers in 20 states.

US Pensions: Capitalist Disaster - The US pension systems for workers are now widespread disasters.

Pat Robertson, Elliott Abrams, Sharon, and Bush - This is the company that the White House keeps. It’s not Robertson I worry about. It’s Bush.

Framing Castro - The old and completely discredited Cuban theory is being resurrected and promoted now, at a time when the "dominoes" in Latin America keep falling into the Castro-Chavez sphere of influence, and Bush badly needs a distraction to make it through the end of his term. Are we being slowly prepared for an invasion of Cuba?

Marines recruiting 8-year olds -- NO JOKE! - The Marines now seem to be recruiting 8-year olds (got to meet those recruitment quotas!).

This Just In: Corporate Media Standards Scrape Bottom - While media outlets scrambled for shaky breaking news, documents citing the mine's safety record in detail went largely unreported.

Dick Cheney's no-sail zone - ...for Dick Cheney, living like an emperor is what Dan Quayle used to call "another lifestyle choice."

Rich man, poor man: hungry children in America - It is estimated that 33 million Americans continue to live in households without an adequate supply of food.

Corporate media - Now that's corporate media! Jeez, why not just put "PAID ADVERTISEMENT" on the top of the page?

Ashcroft Shops For South Korea - What do you get when you combine John Ashcroft, Israel, the South Korean military and Boeing? A troubling weapons deal.

Britain struggles to keep its secrets under wraps - The British government has recently issued a confection of media gag orders and public denials in an attempt to keep the public in the dark over some of its alleged less than salubrious activities conducted under cover of fighting "terror."

It Doesn’t Add Up - President’s Estimate of Iraqi War Dead Doesn’t Mesh With Hopkins Scientists’ Figures.

January 7, 2006

Britain: police given unprecedented arrest and surveillance powers - The elimination of the distinction between "arrestable" and “non-arrestable” offences is part of the Serious and Organised Crime Act of 2005 and came into effect January 1.

The lie detector you'll never know is there - ...the RPA could introduce a "chill factor" into everyday life.

Uranium revelation upsets isle activists - Several environmental and native Hawaiian groups are accusing the Army of misleading the public after the groups discovered that a heavy metal known as depleted uranium was recovered at Schofield Barracks' range complex.

Government Web sites are keeping an eye on you - Dozens of federal agencies are tracking visits to U.S. government Web sites in violation of long-standing rules designed to protect online privacy, a CNET News.com investigation shows. From the Air Force to the Treasury Department, government agencies are using either "Web bugs" or permanent cookies to monitor their visitors' behavior, even though federal law restricts the practice.

Inherit the Wind: The Global Spread of GMO Crops - For Monsanto, Dow and Novartis, a decent shot at gaining control over much of the world's food supply is now blowing on the wind and there's no turning back.

Sharon: End of an unrepentant terrorist - To the Arab world at large, the image of the ailing Prime Minister is solidly fixed as the "Butcher" or the "War Criminal", and the basic feeling now at the prospect of his death was that it would be a shame if he passed away peacefully in bed.

Letter from Al Jazeera Cameraman imprisoned in Guantanamo - Punished for three grains of rice and four ants

Guantanamo Bay force feeding raises painful memories for Irish republicans - Former prisoners of recent British penal history recall the trauma of torture and forced feeding, now happening to Muslim hunger strikers

Iraq War Could Cost US Over $2 Trillion, says Nobel Prize-Winning Economist - The real cost to the US of the Iraq war is likely to be between $1 trillion and $2 trillion (£1.1 trillion), up to 10 times more than previously thought...

The battlefield of language - "...political language has to consist largely of euphemism, question-begging and sheer cloudy vagueness. Defenceless villages are bombarded from the air, the inhabitants driven out into the countryside, the cattle machine-gunned, the huts set on fire with incendiary bullets: this is called pacification."

America's Covenant with Israel: A Pact with the Devil - Like Siamese twins, the United States and Israel are joined at the hip, both physically and philosophically. Collectively, the United States and Israel comprise the most prolific terrorist states on earth.

New Job for Former Cheney Aide - I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, who served as chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney until his October 28 indictment and subsequent resignation, has joined the Hudson Institute as a senior adviser...

Congo's 3.9 m victims make it deadliest crisis for 60 years - The civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo has claimed 3.9 million lives, according to a study.

Thai Farmers Fear Free Trade Deal With US - "Thailand stands to lose much if the FTA with the U.S. is signed," Saree Ongsamwong, general secretary of the Foundation for Consumers, a non-governmental organization (NGO), said in an interview. "It will increase poverty among the small farmers in the provinces."

Drug profits infect medical studies - Why shouldn't we be surprised? Because over the last 25 years, clinical research has been largely privatized.

Venezuela to send US more cheap oil - Venezuela has said it will expand a programme to provide cheap home heating fuel to poor Americans, helping low-income families in Vermont and Rhode Island, as well as four Indian tribes in Maine.

January 8, 2006

Ariel Sharon - Israel's Prime Minister was a ruthless military commander responsible for one of the most shocking war crimes of the 20th century, argues Robert Fisk. President George Bush acclaims Ariel Sharon as 'a man of peace', yet the blood that was shed at Sabra and Chatila remains a stain on the conscience of the Zionist nation.

Toxic sprays are a political issue - Agribusiness maintains its power by co-opting the federal and state governments, including land grant universities, in making sprays the emblems of science and modernization.

Starvation looms in African Horn - Millions of people could face starvation in the Horn of Africa, the United Nations food agency has warned.

Bush meets the "wise men": A cynical charade to legitimize Iraq war - President Bush’s meeting Thursday with most of the living former secretaries of state and defense was a public relations spectacle aimed at demonstrating the consensus in official Washington behind continuing the US occupation of Iraq.

Peak Oil And The Politics Of Global Solutions - ...fact cannot be escaped that government action needs to be taken at the nation state and, more importantly, global levels.

Chavez Influence Growing - Populist Advances Economic Reforms Across Latin America

Neocon Police State Spreads Disinfo and Paranoia - Since when does an 81-year-old retired University of Kansas history professor, corresponding with a devout Catholic retired Filipino history professor, pose a threat to the national security of the United States?

Get out of MySpace, bloggers rage at Murdoch - Angry members of MySpace, the personal file-sharing website for young adults, are accusing Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation of censoring their postings and blocking their access to rival sites.

Scandal of force-fed prisoners - New details have emerged of how the growing number of prisoners on hunger strike at Guantánamo Bay are being tied down and force-fed through tubes pushed down their nasal passages into their stomachs to keep them alive. They routinely experience bleeding and nausea, according to a sworn statement by the camp's chief doctor...

US Propaganda vs. Iraqi Reality - It appears as though the Cheney administration will soon “redeploy” thousands of US troops out of Iraq. While several permanent US military bases are under construction there as I type this, the Capital Hill Cabal, desperate to paint the Iraq disaster in a glorious hue, are working their pundits and spokespeople overtime to convince the ill-informed they have not failed dismally in every aspect of their illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Author of Bush's Brain Put On No-Fly list - This author was placed on the no fly list. Two points: there's nothing you or I can do to help him but make this public, and two- we are all targets here.

Bush announces radical shift in foreign policy; No U.S. media report it - In case you thought the Bush administration's dangerous, and national-security-weakening unilateralism was just a one-time deal in Iraq, think again.

No identity card? You could be fined £2,500 - Peers are already vowing to water down the plans to ensure that registration for cards is voluntary.

John Yoo – Presidential Powers Extend to Ordering Torture of Suspect's Child - John Yoo publicly argued there is no law that could prevent the President from ordering the torture of a child of a suspect in custody – including by crushing that child’s testicles.

Fanatic Netanyahu stands waiting with a bomb for Iran - "Netanyahu had on many occasions expressed his persistence to launch a military strike on Iran. “This is the Israeli government’s primary obligation," he was once quoted as saying. "If it is not done by the current government, I plan to lead the next government to stop the Iranians."

Sen. Cleland says Katrina-corpse cover-up - Could the assassinated corpses in the floodwaters been witnesses to levee sabotage?

January 9, 2006

15-Year-Old Combatant in Afghanistan to Face Guantanamo Trial Three Years Later - When the terror suspects held at Guantanamo Bay prison are brought before United States military judges next week, among them will be a minor captured as an "enemy combatant" by the U.S. army in Afghanistan some three years ago.

GM: New study shows unborn babies could be harmed - Women who eat GM foods while pregnant risk endangering their unborn babies, startling new research suggests.

Eye Witnesses Living Near 17th St. Levee Say Loud Explosion Heard Just Prior To Raging Waters Flooded 9th Ward - New Orleans resident, Terry Adams, heard "bomb-like explosion" right before he was forced to his rooftop and it floated away downstream. City Bus driver, Ryan Washington, adds hundreds more people with the exact same experience are being ignored by the mainstream media.

Time is Now to Take Back Your Time - Standing in the way of minimum justice for workers are the big corporate lobbies, their trade associations in Washington, DC and their political slush funds for the politicians. Changes have to begin with the indignation of the millions of deprived workers who have contributed to the doubling of labor productivity since 1969 but are receiving less by way of inflation-adjusted returns.

US troops seize award-winning Iraqi journalist - American troops in Baghdad yesterday blasted their way into the home of an Iraqi journalist working for the Guardian and Channel 4, firing bullets into the bedroom where he was sleeping with his wife and children.

Neocons Considered Planting WMD Evidence in Iraq? - ...the notorious Office of Special Plans didn’t just stovepipe cherry-picked "intelligence" to the White House and press. It also sent teams into Iraq after the invasion began, which, after it became apparent that there were no abundant WMDs, examined the possibility of planting such weapons in order to help the resident avoid embarrassment.

U.S. Financial Aid To Israel: Figures, Facts, and Impact - A Conservative Total for U.S. Aid to Israel

Why have both the US and the UK have given Iran the materials it needs to go nuclear? - The history of how Iran's path to nuclear proliferation began is a familiar story.

Create an e-annoyance, go to jail - Annoying someone via the Internet is now a federal crime.

"My Uncle was murdered" - Upon stealing the $10,000 that were in his coat pocket the troops that the Americans are so proud of and support, found that he did not have any weapons or explosives and then they dumped his body at the local hospital and walked away with his money.

Where Are They Going to Take the Bird Flu Hoax? - A few declared cases of human bird flu in the US (based on nothing) can allow the White House to limit air travel into the US. Mandatory programs of drugs and vaccines can be justified.

Nuclear weapons business as usual: Despite past performances Bechtel & UC awarded Los Alamos contract - Like many of the nation's resources under this administration, it is being privatized and placed into corporate hands, a little further from public view.

Huge rise in juvenile DNA samples kept by the police - The DNA from 750,000 juveniles has been added to the national police database over the past 10 years, the Government has revealed.

Iraqi widows feel lost in land that cannot provide - Behind the daily bloodshed and attacks that make headlines across the world, there is a growing population of widows.

January 10, 2006

New TV Channel Lets People Spy on Fellow Citizens City CCTV Cams - Rights group criticises "Asbo TV"

Did the NSA help Bush hack the vote? - What are e-voting machines and central tabulators that pass the voting results over electronic networks from the internet to phone lines? No more than data easily spied on and tapped into. The Franklin County Board of Elections, for example, tells us that it was a “transmission error” in Gahanna Ward 1B, where 638 people cast votes and Bush, the Wonder Boy, received 4258 votes. It’s not magic, nor is it an accident or an act of God.

MSNBC guests skewed right during first day of Alito confirmation hearing - In the first four hours of MSNBC's January 9 coverage of the confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito Jr., the network featured interviews with Pat Buchanan, former RNC chairman Ed Gillespie, and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) -- but no Democratic or progressive commentators.

What Numbers Aren't Saying About the Economy Most Live In - ...it's never been easier to show why the tax cuts were closer to the worst thing for the economy, if it's ordinary Americans' well-being you're worried about (as opposed to shareholder comforts).

Toxic waste creates hermaphrodite Arctic polar bears - Wildlife researchers have found new evidence that Arctic polar bears, already gravely threatened by the melting of their habitat because of global warming, are being poisoned by chemical compounds commonly used in Europe and North America to reduce the flammability of household furnishings like sofas, clothing and carpets.

Of Plunder and Yankee Karma - The sign has been put out front: "Iraq is open for business."

MoveOn.org Surrenders: Silence is Complicity - MoveOn is nothing more than a cover for the Democratic Party. Issues are no matter. Partisan politics are. We’ve got a war going on and advocacy groups who allegedly oppose it should stand up to it, not pander to those who do.


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