Archive for the Month of July, 2005.
Viewing ALL NEWS articles 301 through 375 of 616.
Denmark Mulls Arrest of U.S. Flag Burners - Due to a strange legal quirk, those who burned the American flag during President Bush's visit to Denmark on July 5th could be arrested, but those that burned the Danish flag cannot. Danish police have yet to decide what to do. (2486 views)
Court OKs tribunals - Guantanamo detainees don't have POW rights, judges rule (1895 views)
11 U.S. Troops Accused of Assaulting Detainees - An inquiry in Iraq will determine if the soldiers stand trial. Only one suspect is still held. (1448 views)
Italy gang sent steroids to U.S. soldiers in Iraq - Italian police have busted an international ring that they believe illegally supplied steroids to U.S. soldiers in Iraq and people in a dozen different countries. (1547 views)
The World According to the Neo-Con Sympathisers - Perhaps this is the result of ‘educating’ Americans at one level by people like Thomas Friedman, Charles Krauthammer and Daniel Pipes. At a more basic level, it is the result of getting informed by Hollywood movies, Jerry Springer, Fox-TV and the likes. Fox-TV is where you get to see analytical ‘debates’ between an extreme neo-con and a moderate neo-con! (1895 views)
Aristide: "People in the Canadian government have Haitian blood on their hands" - Some people in the Canadian government yes, they have Haitian blood on their hands…. But not Canada as all the people of Canada or as one country…. I try to make a clear distinction between the Canadian people who didn’t decide to have their government going to Haiti… seeing Pettigrew and the others with the Haitian blood on their hands. (2449 views)
Aristide in Exile - When United Nations troops kill residents of the Haitian slum Cité Soleil, friends and family often place photographs of exiled President Jean-Bertrand Aristide on their bodies. The photographs silently insist that there is a method to the madness raging in Port-au-Prince. Poor Haitians are being slaughtered not for being "violent," as we so often hear, but for being militant; for daring to demand the return of their elected president. (1324 views)
Growing Evidence of a Massacre by UN Occupation Forces in Port-au-Prince Neighborhood of Cite Soleil - Summary of Findings of the US Labor and Human Rights Delegation to Haiti (1632 views)
Job Safety - Pay attention, damnit: More than 6,000 Americans are killed on the job every year. More than three million are injured, at least half of them seriously. Another 60,000 die from cancer, lung and heart ailments and other diseases caused by exposure to toxic substances on the job. (1902 views)
Geography of the London Bombings - article was posted on a major Australian news site that the bombers intended to set a "cross" symbol into the ground with their bombings. (4013 views)
The Irrational Rationale for Continuing the Iraq Occupation - "The later the withdrawal, the greater the sacrifice and the more enormous the suffering of all involved. There is no rational reason for America to remain in occupation of Iraq." (1453 views)
Living on $1 a Day - Selina, her husband, and four children are among the 1.2 billion people in the world living on less than a dollar a day -- what the United Nations calls 'extreme poverty.' (1988 views)
Press Releases: Rep. McKinney to Hold All Day Briefing on 9/11 - Exposing Sham of 9/11 Report (2087 views)
China ‘ready to use Nuclear weapons against US’ - “If the Americans draw their missiles and position-guided ammunition on to the target zone on China's territory, I think we will have to respond with nuclear weapons,” Zhu Chenghu, a major general in the People's Liberation Army, said at an official briefing. (1418 views)
HOW THE AMERICANS USE IRAQI CHILDREN AS HUMAN SHIELDS - The recent tragic death of Iraq children in an attack targeting American occupation forces highlights an insidious American tactic in Iraq. (1825 views)
John Yoo: Terrorists Gone Wild - John Yoo, a “visiting scholar” at the neocon criminal organization the American Enterprise Institute, suggests “our intelligence agencies create a false terrorist organization” as a way to fight against another false terrorist organization, al-Qaeda. “It could have its own websites, recruitment centers, training camps and fundraising operations. It could launch fake terrorist operations and claim credit for real terrorist strikes, helping to sow confusion within Al Qaeda’s ranks, causing operatives to doubt others’ identities and to question the validity of communications.” (2376 views)
Former Vietnam Combat and Commericail Pilot Firm Believer 9/11 Was Inside Government Job - An Experienced Boeing 757/767 Pilot, He Says 'No Way' Could a Novice Fly the 'Big Birds' He Knew So Well (3763 views)
War Crimes and The "Just War" Theory - The "Just War" theory (justum bellum) has a longstanding tradition. It can found in the writings of the Greek philosophers including Plato. It is contained in the Old Testament and was later embodied into the teachings of the early Christian Church. It has been used throughout history to uphold the dominant social order and provide a justification for waging war. (2849 views)
Legalised brutality — the new face of America - The terror attack on London is perhaps an appropriate background for an official report into the detention policies at Guantanamo Bay. (1856 views)
Spy v. Spy: Bob Novak, the CIA's MOCKINGBIRD program & the Plame/Wilson Scandal - Spooks war against each other regularly. Usually, it doesn't hit the front pages of the major-metro dailies. And such is how we know that something has gone terribly awry in Washington and at Langley. (2613 views)
A Permanent Presence - Next time the Bush Administration hints at withdrawing troops, keep these grand plans in mind.
Report of covert aid to Iraqi candidates: New Yorker article says U.S. followed secret plan, despite Congress' objections - Any clandestine U.S. effort to influence the Iraqi elections, or to provide particular support to candidates or parties seen as amenable to working with the United States, would have run counter to Bush's assertions that the vote would be free and unfettered. (1438 views)
Economic Treason - What Kind of Country Destroys the Job Market for Its Own Citizens? (1804 views)
Small arms inflict huge toll - 500,000 people a year are killed by portable weapons such as handguns, rifles, grenades and bombs Canada supports United Nations treaty to reduce the illegal flow of arms to world's conflict zones (1490 views)
Experts Urge Release of Iraq Scientists - Former U.S. arms inspectors are calling for release of the final handful of Iraqi weapons scientists still imprisoned at Baghdad's high-security detention center, where the death of one of them remains an unsolved mystery 18 months after his battered body turned up at a local hospital. (1449 views)
Love Me Tender: The Great Iraq Oil Giveaway - Money and power, grabbed through violence and deceit: that's the real point -- the only point -- of Bush's "war on terror." It is in fact a war of terror, where both sides use senseless murder and mass slaughter to advance their degraded ambitions. (1391 views)
The army asked me to make bombs for the IRA, told me I had the Prime Minister's blessing ... then tried to kill me - Exclusive: confessions of a secret agent turned terrorist
Former DOJ officials claim OKC Bombing coverup began in D.C. - Documents from the FBI and other federal agencies involved in the OKBOMB case support their claims that the FBI failed to arrest all the persons involved and that political considerations played a role in deliberately limiting the investigation to Tim McVeigh, Terry Nichols and Michael Fortier n even though the agencies repeatedly assured bombing victims and the public that all persons involved would be brought to justice.
Vivanco Attacks Telesur: "The Airwaves Are Falling!" - Nobody yet knows whether Telesur will truly open the doors of the media to the people. Or even what its programming will be like. But with the Chicken Littles of simulated democracy like Vivanco and Ravell running around cackling "the airwaves are falling! The airwaves are falling...," Telesur is already comforting the afflicted by afflicting the comfortable. (2154 views)
London plot thickens, as does propaganda - "The media obediently follow the cues provided by the US and British governments, and read the handed-down script regarding the London bombings, even as crucial details are being changed daily; not even a pause in the face of mounting inconsistencies. And this includes the "progressive" media, be it The Nation or Pacifica Radio, eager to prove they are, of course, not supportive of 'terrorists.' Read or listen all you want, you will find virtually no reference to many questions being raised about the official accounts. This is quite similar to how the 9/11 events have been treated. If people don't seriously press the media, the latest propaganda will become 'fact,' as has happened with 9/11, whose crucial details remain unexamined, whose official story remains accepted across the political spectrum. (4165 views)
Bush Cheney, Rove Retain Lawyers in Plame Scandal - Speculation in the Beltway continues regarding whether President Bush and Vice President Cheney knew about and/ or authorized the leak to Novak as a way to retaliate against Wilson.
THE MAGICAL DISAPPEARING TERRORIST BOMBING - The media has demonstrated a remarkable double standard in its reporting of this bombing attack in Turkey. Perhaps the bombing is an inconvenient one for the media, since the official “Islamic” and “Muslim” terrorists were not responsible. In relation to this bombing, the media had demonstrated again how it manufactures consent by presenting a particular bias in its news coverage.
FBI Says It Has Files on Rights Groups - The organizations, including the American Civil Liberties Union and Greenpeace, are suing for the release of the documents. The organizations contend that the material will show that they have been subjected to scrutiny by FBI task forces set up to combat terrorism. (1394 views)
Iraqi experts accuse US forces of being behind car bombing - Iraqi sources are saying that the car bombing last Wednesday that killed some 32 local children was the work not of the Iraqi Resistance but of the US occupation troops. (1399 views)
Iraqi Oil Workers Hold 24-hour Strike - Oil Exports Shut Down - 15,000 Southern Oil Company workers from the General Union of Oil Employees – Iraq’s largest independent union – began a 24-hour strike today, cutting most oil exports from the south of Iraq. (1562 views)
Weekend of slaughter propels Iraq towards all-out civil war - IRAQ is slipping into all-out civil war, a Shia leader declared yesterday, as a devastating onslaught of suicide bombers slaughtered more than 150 people, most of them Shias, around the capital at the weekend. (1476 views)
Venezuela to seize 'idle' firms - President Hugo Chavez said the firms' workers would be given help to set up co-operatives and re-start production for the benefit of the community. (1669 views)
FLIGHT 93 SHOT DOWN: Eyewitness Reports at Odds With Official Scenario - Eyewitness testimonies have generally been excluded from the official version of 9-11. In the Shanksville area, where many residents believe Flight 93 was shot down, there are scores of eyewitnesses whose testimonies contradict the government’s claim that courageous passengers fought hijackers, forcing the jetliner to crash rather than be flown into a building.
FBI Monitored Web Sites for 2004 Protests - FBI agents monitored Web sites calling for protests against the 2004 political conventions in New York and Boston on behalf of the bureau's counterterrorism unit, according to FBI documents released under the Freedom of Information Act. (2693 views)
Africa Needs Justice Not Charity - the Western media’s backslapping over their governments’ “generosity” is more than a little exaggerated and somewhat premature (1389 views)
Who duped the London bombers? - Note that in this variant the manipulator might be either an agent provocateur working for Mossad, an American or British secret police faction, or a genuine Islamist, but the cynicism of the manipulation suggests a state operation, rather than that the men were duped by one of their own. (3609 views)
Ten Worst Places to be Black - It is high time to begin constructing useful indices with which to measure the quality of life, not just for a fortunate few, but for the broad masses of our people in America’s black one-eighth. (3927 views)
Sardinia Says It's Time for the U.S. Navy to Leave Port - Sardinia may be best known as a lush playground for the rich and famous who cavort amid its pristine waters and secluded beaches, but it also plays host to U.S. nuclear submarines and more military installations and activity — American, Italian and NATO — than anywhere else in Italy. (1615 views)
After execution, case is reopened - Citing grave concerns that Missouri executed an innocent man, a coalition that includes a congressman, high-profile lawyers and even the victim's family pointed to evidence Tuesday they said could clear Larry Griffin's name.
Google's Growth Prompts Privacy Concerns - Google is at once a powerful search engine and a growing e-mail provider. It runs a blogging service, makes software to speed Web traffic and has ambitions to become a digital library. And it is developing a payments service. "This is a lot of personal information in a single basket," said Chris Hoofnagle, senior counsel with the Electronic Privacy Information Center. "Google is becoming one of the largest privacy risks on the Internet."
Ecuador, U.S., Oil, Pollution and Indigenous Rights - The combination of the sorts of economic reforms pressed by the United States, World Bank and IMF in the 1990s and the failure of the region's tremendous oil and gas wealth to benefit the poor and indigenous have led to a broad backlash against globalization across much of Latin America--illustrated by the rise of Hugo Chávez in Venezuela, the fall of Bolivian President Carlos Mesa in June and the elections of a range of leftists, from "Lula" in Brazil to Néstor Kirchner in Argentina, who've vowed to reject the old Washington Consensus and do more for the poor. (1550 views)
By any spin necessary: Why imperialist spokesmen are distancing the London bombings from the Iraq war - With uncanny precision, the various imperialist spokesmen have picked up the new line and are staying “on message” (as they say in the spin industry). In the 24 hours after the bombings the new spin was so uniformly presented that it seemed as though they’d workshopped it in advance, although it’s probably just that you don’t get their jobs without a finely-honed instinct for political manipulation.
Get Out The Vote - (by Seymour M. Hersh) Did Washington try to manipulate Iraq’s election? (1389 views)
Attack on civil liberties intensifies after London bombing - The British Labour government is advancing new repressive measures in the aftermath of the July 7 London bombings. (3460 views)
Bolivians Struggle for Democracy - Bolivians have watched as their politicians courted Enron and other corrupt foreign corporations, and allowed them to take ownership of the country’s most valuable resource – natural gas. As the world’s energy giants were logging record profits, the people of Bolivia were becoming poorer, hungrier and more desperate. (1410 views)
Baghdad hospital doctors on strike against soldiers - More than two dozen doctors walked out of one of Baghdad's busiest hospitals on Tuesday to protest what they said was abuse by Iraqi soldiers, leaving about 100 patients to fend for themselves in chaotic wards. (1441 views)
NY Fireman Lou Cacchioli Upset That 9/11 Commission 'Tried To Twist My Words;' A True Hero, He Vows To Stick To The Truth, Something Lacking In The 9/11 Investigation - Former veteran fireman recalls hearing three distinct 'huge explosions' while rescuing people in north tower between 23rd and 24th floors, testimony ignored in the 9/11 Commission's final report. Brave fireman recalls how he almost called it quits after losing his buddies, his job and his health. (3074 views)
The "Bloody Footprints" at 10 Downing Street - We know that terror serves the greater interests of the state, props up the flagging careers of inept politicians, savages civil liberties, incites violence against minorities, divides society into hostile political encampments and vindicates the war agenda. We also know that Blair’s fear mongering on the attacks has enhanced his standing with the British people and increased his ability to manipulate public opinion. This is consistent with our original thesis that that the imperial tool-chest contains only two implements; fear and deception. Blair is a master of both.
General: US orders captures of Kurds - A top Turkish general says the United States has given direct orders for the capture of rebel Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) leaders in Iraq, Turkish media reported. (1450 views)
Watching the Watchdogs - For the past few years, U.S. citizens have lived with an increasingly secretive government. (1443 views)
US to clamp down on foreign researchers - The Pentagon has alarmed some US scientists by proposing new restrictions on access to sensitive technology by foreign researchers. (1953 views)
Teflon firm faces fresh lawsuit - US chemicals giant DuPont is facing a lawsuit accusing the company of failing to warn consumers about the health hazards of Teflon non-stick coatings. (1952 views)
CAFTA and Dietary Supplements - The Codex Alimentarius Commission, organized by the United Nations in the 1960s, is charged with “harmonizing” food and supplement rules between all nations of the world. Under Codex rules, even basic vitamins and minerals require a doctor’s prescription. (3425 views)
Why Few Graphic Images from Iraq Make it to U.S. Papers - .... few pictures are appearing in American papers because of a double standard that he says reflects the nature of our society. "Americans understand we are at war -- but not many people want to see the real consequences, especially when they involve one of your own. I think some publications cater to this sentiment by trying not to anger subscribers and advertisers with harsh 'in-your-face' coverage of the true nature of war." (1318 views)
Chavez Stokes Confrontation Over U.S. Role in Venezuela - The hypothetical invasion he invoked was patently clear: Two days before, Chavez announced the discovery of evidence that the United States had drawn up blueprints to invade Venezuela, a plan he said was code-named "Operation Balboa." (1322 views)
Muzzling Saddam: The Old Bait-and-Switch in Iraqi Jurisprudence - In a trial, Saddam would have the opportunity to take the stand and explain in excruciating detail where he got his weapons of mass destruction, and how when he used them against Kurds in Halabja, the U.S. didn't seem upset at all, and when he used chemical weapons against Iran the U.S. didn't withdraw their support indeed, they continued to provide assistance in the form of intelligence and weapons. (1462 views)
Tenet under investigation for pre-9/11 AA put options? - According to C&D, Fitzgerald is investigating Tenet's role in connection to Buzzy Krongard, a former No. 3 at the CIA, and that man's relation to the 2,157 airline options placed through Morgan Stanley/Dean Witter, located on 22 floors of the WTC. (2683 views)
U.S. COULD STRIKE NORTHERN SYRIA - The United States has been considering attacking Sunni insurgency centers in Syria. (1579 views)
Energy Bill’s Secret Could Create More Enrons - Among other things, holding companies would be free to raid the assets of utilities to feed speculative investments in completely unrelated businesses - just the kind of behavior that Enron engaged in with such disastrous results. (1889 views)
Raw acquires copy of letter penned by UK ambassador in lead-up to war: 'Need to wrongfoot Saddam' - In the letter from Meyer, he indicates that the British had a "need to wrongfoot Saddam on the inspectors and the UN" Security Council Resolutions, possibly suggesting that the British and the United States were coordinating to 'trick' Saddam into starting a war. (2115 views)
What Does "Fair and Balanced" Journalism Mean? - "Q: What do you get when you balance the truth with a lie? A: You get a partial truth or a partial lie. Is that what good journalism is about?" (3267 views)
Economic Injustice: America's New Leading Export - In a startling turn of events, a new commodity has surpassed jobs as the number one US export. Starting with Iraq, President Bush has dedicated himself to exporting economic injustice, which Americans possess in such abundance that it has become our top export. Here in America, we are living one of the biggest lies perpetrated in human history, and if our ruling plutocracy has its way, the rest of the world will one day enjoy the pleasant fiction that they live in a nation of justice and economic opportunity. Sadly, the notion of "of the people, by the people, and for the people" is in its final throes. (1780 views)
US Plans Nuclear Attack on Iran - Philip Giraldi, a former intelligence officer in the CIA (and DIA), claims that the United States is developing a plan for the bombing of supposed military targets in Iran, which would include the use of NUCLEAR WEAPONS. The US strike would take place after a 9/11-type terrorist attack on the US. However, the US attack would not depend on Iran actually being involved in the terrorism. In short, the planned attack on Iran would be analogous to the unprovoked attack on Iraq. (1395 views)
Democrats Move to Reregulate Media - The measure would restore the Fairness doctrine, reinstate a national cap on radio ownership and lower the number of radio stations a company can own in a local market. (1914 views)
Scientists raise alarm about ocean health - With a record number of dead seabirds washing up on West Coast beaches from Central California to British Columbia, marine biologists are raising the alarm about rising ocean temperatures and dwindling plankton populations. (1870 views)
The FBI's Pre-Emptive Interrogations Of "Possible" Demonstrators - Chilling Political Speech (1397 views)
Hybrid Cars Can be Made Even Greener - Hybrid automobiles can be made even more environmentally friendly by the addition of solar cells. (2076 views)
Campaigning for Oil - A 527 helps Alaska's push to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (2260 views)
ABSURDITY REIGNS - A Colorado Congressman told a radio talk show host that the U.S. could "take out" Islamic holy sites if Muslim fundamentalists attacked the country with nuclear weapons (1552 views)
GOP SLEAZE ALERT - President Bush has nominated William Robert Timken, Jr. to be the next U.S. ambassador to Germany. Timken, the head of Canton, Ohio-based Timken Co. and one of the Bush campaign's deep pocketed "Pioneer" half million dollar contributors, also served on the board of directors of Ohio-based Diebold, Inc., the company accused of helping to fix the 2004 presidential elections through the use of faulty and paperless computerized voting machines. (2213 views)
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