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Archive for the Month of July, 2005.
Viewing ALL NEWS articles 151 through 225 of 616.

July 10, 2005

‘If Osama bin Laden didn’t exist it would be necessary to invent him’ - Everything about ‘al-Qu’eda’ stinks of set up, from its origins in Saudi Arabia to its alleged role in 9/11. Then there are the bizarre actions of the US government preceding and following 9/11 that even has millions of Americans wondering what the hell their government is up to.

Data Reveal Sea Levels Have Risen More Than 1 Inch in Last Decade - That's twice as fast as the rate the oceans rose during the previous 50 years, ocean experts said Thursday. If the current rate continues or accelerates, as they say is likely, the world's seas will rise at least a foot by the end of this century, causing widespread flooding and erosion of islands and low-lying coastal areas.

Wal-Mart hires Justice Scalia's son for whistle-blower suits - Wal-Mart Stores Inc., trying to fend off lawsuits claiming it illegally fired corporate whistle-blowers, has hired the former chief lawyer for the Department of Labor, Eugene Scalia, and has begun to fire back at its accusers

Number Of Iraq Casualties Is Double Official Figures, Says Puerto Rican Government - Official US. government reports on soldiers under US command killed in Iraq are so fragmented that they account for less than half of the total number, according to information uncovered as part of an inquiry by the Government of Puerto Rico regarding the total number of Puerto Rican war casualties.

'Al Qaeda': How the Pentagon/ CIA Made an 'Enemy' - Al Qaeda is not and never has been a "terrorist organization."

Venezuelan Judge Orders Trial for Chávez Foe Helped by U.S. - A judge in Caracas on Thursday ordered that an opposition leader be tried on charges of conspiring to overthrow the Venezuelan government with American assistance.

CNN video censored at Guantanamo prison - Taking up U.S. President George Bush's challenge for reporters to visit the Guantanamo Bay military prison in Cuba, CNN did, but its video was censored.

First 9/11, Then 777: Will Iran be the next Iraq? - Finally, the 777 attacks in London may end up having a lot in common with the highly suspicious 9/11 tragedy in NYC. The War Party used 9/11 as an excuse for the U.S. to invade and occupy Iraq. Now, I predict, that 777 will be manipulated as well as a pretext by it, along with other bogus claims, to fulfill its predatory ambitions in the Middle East. Absent Russia’s intervention as Iran’s protector, the “Shock and Awe” terror show, so cruelly perpetrated on Baghdad by U.S. and British forces, will soon be on its way to Tehran.

Terrorism is a Racket - Think about the evidence that the events of 9/11/2001 were not only known in advance by the highest levels of U.S. government and military, but were actually committed by trained operatives of the government, the evidence hauled away without careful examination of forensics by the same government, and a cover-up commission organized by former members and intense collaborators of the government.

Barrier to separate 55,000 Palestinian residents from Jerusalem - Around a quarter of the Palestinian population of Jerusalem face being cut off from the rest of the holy city after Israel's cabinet approved a new route for its controversial West Bank barrier.

Confessed Iran-Contra Figure Lands Sensitive Pentagon Post - Robert Earl, who helped in the failed coverup of the '80s scandal, is now chief of staff to Gordon England, acting deputy secretary of Defense.

Uzbek threat to close US base - Uzbekistan signalled yesterday that it was reconsidering the future of the US airbase on its territory.

The Trouble with Normal - So DailyKos has conducted a "mass banning" of those who had been "perpetuating a series of bizarre, off-the-wall, unsupported and frankly embarassing conspiracy theories." I hope no one is terribly surprised by this development.

American Author In London Talks About Subway Bombings And Anti-Bush Book Written in Arabic - “My book delves into some pretty controversial topics, like the present administration’s connections and involvement with pedophilia in America. I also devote a chapter to the Bush connection to the Nazi Party as far back as his grandfather, Prescott, as well as the Bush connection to operation Northwoods in the 1960s, which was a precursor for the tragic events of 9/11."

The Lee Harvey Oswald School of Muslim Fanaticism - ” Let’s call it the Lee Harvey Oswald School of Muslim Fanaticism. Oswald was a loner too. Even so, according to the Brits, this translates into “16,000 potential terrorists and supporters.” 16,000 Oswalds! Can you see where this is going? Muslims will be detained and sent packing. "

Stop This Bill - CONGRESS HAS a novel response to the rash of prisoners over the past few years who have been exonerated of capital crimes after being tried and convicted: Keep similar cases out of court. Both chambers of the national legislature are quietly moving a particularly ugly piece of legislation designed to gut the legal means by which prisoners prove their innocence.

Few Wealthy Farmers Owe Estate Taxes, Report Says - These findings come as the Senate is poised to vote this month on repeal of the estate tax

THE LYNCHPIN TO BUSH'S IMPEACHMENT - All of this adds up to a pretty long rap sheet of impeachable offenses, and we haven't even begun to itemize all of the related RICO predicate acts ...

Councils of churches condemns U.S. policy on Iraq - Leaders of the National Council of Churches and several member denominations marked July 4 with a petition stating vehement opposition to United States policy in Iraq.

Blair rejects calls for probe into bombings - Tony Blair will on Monday reject Conservative demands for a government inquiry into last week's London bomb attacks, insisting such a move would distract from the task of catching the perpetrators. We shouldn't investigate the terrorists so we can catch the terrorists? Where is the logic in that? We have heard this before with 9-11 and Bush.

July 11, 2005

Drug Lobby Second to None: How the pharmaceutical industry gets its way in Washington - The pharmaceutical and health products industry has spent more than $800 million in federal lobbying and campaign donations at the federal and state levels in the past seven years, a Center for Public Integrity investigation has found. Its lobbying operation, on which it reports spending more than $675 million, is the biggest in the nation. No other industry has spent more money to sway public policy in that period.

London : government wants email and phone data kept for intelligence - Three days after the London bombings, Britain said on Sunday it would seek new EU rules to make telecoms companies store records for much longer showing who their customers are calling and emailing.

'Plain Dealer' Holding Stories Because of Fear of Jail - Plain Dealer Editor Doug Clifton says the Cleveland daily is not reporting two major investigative stories of "profound importance" because they are based on illegally leaked documents -- and the paper fears the consequences faced now by jailed New York Times reporter Judith Miller.

Allegations of Fake Research Hit New High - Allegations of misconduct by U.S. researchers reached record highs last year as the Department of Health and Human Services received 274 complaints — 50 percent higher than 2003 and the most since 1989 when the federal government established a program to deal with scientific misconduct. Research suggests this is but a small fraction of all the incidents of fabrication, falsification and plagiarism.

Report: France's Mitterrand Authorized 1985 Bombing of Greenpeace Boat - A former head of France's spy agency claimed that the late President Francois Mitterrand approved the sinking of a Greenpeace ship in a New Zealand harbor 20 years ago, according to a French newspaper report. A man was killed and the case turned into an embarrassment for Paris.

SUSPECTS (PATSIES) EMERGING - Perhaps most significant is that there have now been three separate "Al Qaeda claims" on different websites, highlighting the fact that anyone can say they are Al Qaeda and post whatever they want, IT DOES NOT COUNT AS PROOF OF ANYTHING.

Detained Iraqis suffocate in police van - Nine Iraqi bricklayers detained by security forces on suspicion of involvement with armed fighters have suffocated to death while held for more than 14 hours in a police van.

Israel requests extra US $2.2bn - Israel is asking Washington for $2.2bn in additional aid to help fund its withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and four small West Bank settlements.

A Government on the Take - Special-interest groups have found ways to buy government favors at all levels, and our elected representatives no longer even pretend that ethics matter.

German Parliament Debate Putting Troops On Street Patrol - The deadly London terrorist attacks spawned a debate among leaders of all major political parties in Germany Saturday on increasing government surveillance and putting troops on emergency patrol in German cities.

See Through Clothes Body Scanner To Be Deployed at London Underground - Although the original Times article sensationalises the story by suggesting QinetiQ's millimetre wave imagers could be deployed across the whole of London underground at a cost of, ahem, £150,000 to £2 million per station, at a total of 270 stations, the core of the story appears to be confirmed by the denial, which concedes that QinetiQ has supplied unspecified "equipment" to TfL. Obviously, if TfL is looking at millimetre wave technology, it must be considering where it could be applied.

London Bombers Used Military Explosives - The London bombings were carried out with military explosives, European security officials familiar with the probe have said.

Fortunes made on bombing - THOUSANDS of investors joined sharp institutions in making millions of pounds from the short-lived collapse in share prices that followed the terrorist strikes in London last week.

Blame and Bomb Iran - It’s possible al-Zarqawi is simply a temporary landmark on the super-highway leading to the bombing of Iran.

Hard Choices: Bombing al-Qaeda’s Server in Houston - A quick check with MapQuest reveals this to be a densely populated area on a main thoroughfare surrounded by residential neighborhoods (and even a park). No problem. As the bombing of Baghdad demonstrates, the United States has plenty of experience attacking urban areas.

As America Sinks Into the Mud, Iraq's Neighbors Breathe a Sigh of Relief - Most of Iraq’s neighbors had different and conflicting positions with regard to the new war that began in March 2003. But all were in agreement that Washington’s task should not be made easy, that their victory should not come cheap, and to prevent the Americans from deploying to a new country in the region, they should be buried up to their necks in the Iraqi “swamp.”

Rove's Leak Points to Bush Conspiracy - The larger point is that senior White House officials, possibly including Bush, revealed the identity of a covert CIA officer as part of what appears to be a conspiracy to discredit Wilson in retaliation for telling the truth in his op-ed column.

'BushCo-Change-O! Kids into cons or cannon fodder' - And thus we see the true magic in Bush's education system, a system that will transform smart children into standardized cogs. Wave the standardized test wand and slower students can be transformed from kids into cons, maybe even cannon fodder.

Tinker, tailor, soldier, journalist - British journalists - and British journals - are being manipulated by the secret intelligence agencies, and I think we ought to try and put a stop to it.

Torture, Racism, & The Sovereign Presidency - President George W. Bush has embedded murder, assassination, torture, and mistreatment of prisoners into the structure of the U.S. system of global domination. Many U.S. citizens, rightly outraged, want to know why this sort of barbaric, sadistic violence has become an integral part of U.S. security policy, and what the Administration’s justification of torture means institutionally for the future governance of this country. Above all, they want to know how Bush has been able to avoid impeachment for committing high crimes.

A Warning To The World - The London bombings are a clear indication that the Globalists have not changed tactics and are getting ever more desperate to advance an agenda based on a simple time tested manipulation of fear.

Iran news agency says Israel behind London and Iraq bombings - A news agency run by the office of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei claimed that Israel was “using the mask of Al-Qaeda and [Abu Musab] Zarqawi to hunt down diplomats based in Iraq” and that “the London bombings were also part of the mischief by Israel”.

July 12, 2005

Rebel gunmen aim to seize control of Nigeria's vast oil reserves - Last September Al-Haji Asari, the leader of a motley collection of gunmen, rocked the international oil market by launching attacks across the Niger Delta. They threatened some of the world's largest oil companies.

Was Giuliani in London for terror 'exercises'? - Rudolph Giuliani, as he testified before the 9/11 Commission, was in World Trade Center 7 on 9/11 for a FEMA terror 'exercise.' He went on the support the official story, earned his bones and was named Knight of the British Empire by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Freedom of Repression - New ruling will allow censorship of campus publications

Netanyahu warns West it must halt Iran nuclear plans - “The Iranian regime supports terror, both ideologically and operationally,” he said. “I think the regime will go as fast as it can to develop nuclear weapons, regardless of who leads it.”

Team recounts fear in US detention: Contractors' tale reflects tensions with the military - ''I'm sure those guys at Gitmo were thinking the same thing: How long am I going to be here?"

Second WTC Janitor Comes Forward With Eye-Witness Testimony Of 'Bomb-Like' Explosion in North Tower Basement - Jose Sanchez, while working in a sub-level 4 workshop of the north tower on 9/11, heard a bomb-like explosion, had his hair burned and rescued a co-worker who had his leg and knee broken from the basement blast taking place at the same time the jetliner struck the top floors.

POSSIBLE LINKS BETWEEN LONDON TRANSPORT BOMBERS AND BRITISH FASCISTS PROBED. - Some informed British sources believe that the recent London Transport bombings may have been the work of far right-wing British terrorists hoping to stir up tensions with the nation's large Muslim population.

ROVEGATE - Is Cheney a target? Some insiders say yes.

Karl Rove, Fairy Queen of the GOP (Gay Old Party) - Bush Family retainer and Republican dirty trickster Karl Rove, under grand jury investigation for leaking the fact that Ambassador Joseph Wilson's wife Valerie Plame is a covert CIA operative, may face a stiff prison term, since "outing" an agent like Plame is a federal crime

Bubble-nomics:Real Estate Bubble in America - The Bush Cheney Regime, as well as Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, are deliberately doing nothing about the speculative real estate market bubble in the United States, writes economic analyst Al Martin. Why? So that the "stupid money, being sucked in, will finance the exit of smart Republican money."

‘London, Tel Aviv blasts connected’ - German newspaper: Explosive material used by British terrorist who blew himself up on Tel Aviv beachfront in 2003 very likely the same as that used by terrorists who staged London attacks last week, Mossad tells Brits (Question: How does Mossad know what type of explosives were used in the London transit bombings?)

Faced with this crisis - Instead of denying climate change is happening, the US now denies that we need proper regulation to stop it

108,000 Iraqis Killed in 2003 Alone, 39,000 Killed in Fighting, New Swiss Study Finds - Some 39,000 Iraqis have been killed as a direct result of combat or armed violence since the U.S.-led invasion, a figure considerably higher than previous estimates, a Swiss institute reported on Monday.

British Police had received advanced warnings of terrorist attack - If these reports are correct, it raises some very serious questions.

EU bans sale of vitamins - Controversial new European laws which could outlaw thousands of vitamin and mineral supplements were upheld by European Court judges.

Iranian president warns west not to behave like landlords - "They [the west] still think like landlords of a century ago," he said."Landlords expected their peasants just to listen to their words. But the period of one-sided decision-making is over. Our nation does not accept imposed relations."

How long does it take Mossad to pick up a phone? - This begs the question of how Mossad was warned of the activities of a highly secretive mission by an "al Qaeda sleeper cell" consisting of three or four people.

Housing Markets Pricing Out Middle Class - "Many of the overheated real estate markets throughout the country have become unaffordable for the majority of the population," said Jack McCabe, a housing industry analyst in Deerfield Beach. "Many people are paying well over 50 percent of their income for shelter. It leaves no money for savings or sometimes even for recreation."

Environmentalists plan Exxon Mobil boycott - A coalition of environmental and liberal lobbying groups is planning to boycott Exxon Mobil products to protest the company's challenges to warnings about global warming and its support for oil and gas exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Stop Shooting Journalists - It’s time the U.S. military stopped shooting journalists.

A Police State - The reality of all this is that Iraq is now a worse police state under the U.S. than it was under Saddam. Sure, Iraq has a government, but the U.S controls it. While many people in the U.S. believe that Iraq is on the road to an American style of democracy, many Iraqis are convinced that there is no road and there will be no democracy.

From No Man’s Land to Displacement - The Iraqi/Jordanian border is a land of desolation.

July 13, 2005

American Base In Israel - The USA is building a very large, secret base in Israel. What are the reasons that the USA is building this base in Israel?

7 Federal Prisons to Get Lethal Electrified Fences - Seven high-security federal prisons will be getting lethal electrified fences in a $10 million project intended to reduce the number of perimeter guards needed.

Londoners Suspicious Of Station Closures Before Blasts - Did anyone travelling in BEFORE the attacks began yesterday notice anything peculiar on their tube journey?

Do Foreign Governments Have a "Human Right" to Buy Venezuela Elections? - As court proceedings begin this month against four Venezuelans from an election campaign group that accepted donations from a foreign government – something that is indisputably a federal crime under both U.S. and Venezuelan law – it’s no surprise that members of the Bush administration in Washington cry that the sky is falling.

Wave of Marine Species Extinctions Feared - Although a number of previous extinctions involved birds and marine mammals, it is the fate of many fish that worries experts. The large-scale industrialization of the fishing industry after World War II, a global boom in oceanfront development and a rise in global temperatures are all causing fish populations to plummet.

Iraqis sell their blood to survive - Iraqis are selling their own blood to people who are buying supplies for relatives in need, due to a shortage, doctors say. This has caused concern over the spread of disease since the supplies are not checked for blood-bourne infections.

Accusing Ahmadinejad - "Now the Leader of Iran is a Terrorist"

Oil industry providing workers for BLM office - "It's akin to the foxes guarding the henhouse. These are public lands and there clearly is a quid pro quo expected here, that there is going to be faster permitting, faster approval rates, and instead they really should be taking their time to make sure they're doing it right."

London Underground Exercises and the Magically Exploding Terrorists: Important Questions - Official government story changes every minute

Coca-Cola Threatens Top Indian Photographer with Lawsuit - The billboard features the ubiquitous red Coca-Cola wall painting, commonly found across India. Directly preceding the Coca-Cola ad, and part of the billboard, is a dry water hand-pump, with empty vessels waiting to be filled up with water - a common scene in India, particularly in Chennai.

Propagangsters - If Martha Stewart can be sent to jail for lying to a government employee while not even under oath to save $ 30,000 of her own money, why can't elements of the rich, corporate media be fined and sent to jail for lying to the whole damn country and enabling the continued maiming, dismemberment and killing of our soldiers? And who will speak for the 100,000 plus innocent Iraqis they also helped murder? Their only crime was defending their families and property, which is their moral right as protected under the Geneva Conventions both Bush and Blair choose to ignore!


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