Archive for the Month of July, 2005.
Viewing ALL NEWS articles 451 through 525 of 616.
Linking Sharm el-Sheikh and London - ...the bombing of Sharm el-Sheikh should be put into proper context—as it follows the bombings in London (and the execution of an innocent South Asian man), it should be considered an extension of the Gladio “strategy of tension” campaign designed to glut corporate media outlets with more horrific campfire stories of Muslims gone psycho, killing their own as well as innocent Britons on their way to work.
Jailed Israeli Whistle Blower Claims Israel's Hidden Stockpile Of 200 Nuclear Weapons He Knew About In The 1980s Has Grown Even Larger Today - Although Mordechai Vanunu was finally released from prison last year, he still is under "a restricted travel' arrest and a government imposed gag order to speak about nuclear weapons. Fighting for his complete freedom, he said this week if President Bush is looking for nuclear weapons in the Middle East, 'he can find them right here in Israel.' (1288 views)
The Painful Truth of Freedom’s Demise - As each day passes, and we continue to see our “representatives” refusing to represent American freedom, and as we continue to see our voting powers eliminated by the non-elected partnership-stakeholding system of leadership, one wonders if there will ever be another election. Specifically, one wonders if Martial Law will be implemented before another election date rolls around. Due to the fact that our nation has been totally and very skillfully bankrupted by highly educated economic experts, one wonders if we have been set up to purposefully crash, whereby giving Martial Law its jurisdiction. (1366 views)
Bush Plans for Global Police State Gather Apace - Since September 11, The Bush Administration has taken advantage of terrorism to hand the military and police extraordinary powers that undermine civil liberties. It has also sought to hide its deeds - and misdeeds - behind a cloak of secrecy that may soon impose itself over citizens of other nations. (1798 views)
N.Y. Subway Riders Resigned to Searches - The searches that have begun on the New York subway are only the beginning. (1354 views)
Times: Israeli Agents Are in Iraq...Maybe - Buried in the middle of a short July 14 news story about Turkey's request that Iraq extradite two Islamists held at the infamous Abu Ghraib prison, The New York Times made a stunning allegation: Israeli intelligence officials are operating in Iraq. (1304 views)
Stressed US troops in Iraq 'turning to drugs' - Aware of the debilitating effect drugs had on the morale and effectiveness of GIs in the Vietnam War, the authorities are attempting to stifle a repeat in Iraq. (1321 views)
Feds shutdown CBOE 9/11 put trade investigation, data erased - "It probably would have been easy for us to find out who was behind the trades, but the government came in and told the CBOE president to stop the investigation." (7326 views)
They Are Not "Conspiracy Theories" - They Are, in Fact, "Discoveries" - Those to whom information is presented must deal with their personal unwillingness to hear new facts. We have to make a serious effort to distinguish between the expression of an unfounded theory and the disclosure of verifiable information and facts. They absolutely refuse to accept even the most convincing proof because they dare not admit to themselves that they have been lied to by officials in whom the placed their trust. (2314 views)
Visualize Iraq — in space - President Bush will soon announce whether the United States military is going to occupy yet another region of the world, and, if anything, this new occupation will be as costly and counterproductive as the one in Iraq. (1371 views)
US Military Contingent Arrives in - The Paraguayan government opened its doors to a US military contingent comprised of planes, weapons, equipment and ammunition, which arrived in Paraguay after the National Congress granted immunity to US soldiers.
How much oil do we really have? - As oil prices remain volatile the markets do their best to forecast future prices. Unfortunately this is not an easy task. While it may appear extraordinary to outsiders one of the main problems in the oil market is the reliability of basic statistics. (2020 views)
The Patriot Act: Alleged Abuses of the Law - ...civil liberties groups say that because the act mandates secrecy about many of its uses, Americans may never know whether their privacy has been violated by law-enforcement investigators relying on the act's powers.
CIA Whores: Porter Goss, Bob Novak & John McCain - This love affair between Novak/Goss/McCain, is very strange indeed. (2636 views)
Tearing Up the NPT - Well, that tears it. Or, rather, tears it up. President Bush effectively tore up the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons by announcing this week that "as a responsible state with advanced nuclear technology, India should acquire the same benefits and advantages as other such states." (1232 views)
Return of the Academic Witch Hunts - Meet the New McCarthyites - McCarthy-style witch hunts are coming back, and the first place we'll be seeing them is at Pennsylvania's public colleges and universities. (1344 views)
Firm Hired by Navy to Sway Vieques Vote - The Navy hired a communications firm for $1.6 million in 2001 in an apparent attempt to influence the outcome of a vote on whether part of the Puerto Rican island of Vieques would continue to serve as a bombing range, according to documents obtained by a watchdog group. (1335 views)
Did Special Forces Execute Man at Stockwell? - The secret Services do not kill random people, they kill people who know too much. (3446 views)
South America’s New Militarism - Several months ago, an official Brazilian commission visited Vietnam. With the goal of “sharing information about resistance doctrine,” the commission composed of colonels and lieutenant-colonels visited Hanoi, Ho Chi Min City (formerly Saigon), and the Cu Chi Province, where 250 kilometers (150 miles) of underground tunnels constructed during the war with the United States still remain. On the Brazilian army’s webpage, Gen. Claudio Barbosa Figuereido, head of the Amazon Military Command, asserts that Brazil will face actions similar to those that have taken place in Vietnam, and now in Iraq, should the Amazon come into conflict (1810 views)
American revolution, now! Eliminate the one party system with two faces - The powerful of the country run a minimum security, open air labor camp called the Unites States of America in which the wardens are the Republicans and Democrats located in the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the US government, along with their governments-in-waiting at think tanks around the country. The hideous and anticompetitive one-party system with two faces is an abomination, a monster disguised as an American politician, or maybe even a general or CEO, who claims to be the leader of the free world. (1859 views)
UK Police Want New Draconian Powers - The police body further wants to be able to attack and close down Web sites in order to to "suppress inappropriate internet usage. (3561 views)
Sharm el-Sheik and the Strategy of Tension - In short, the Sharm el-Sheik operation smells of CIA (in the current context, “CIA” translates into cooperation between several intelligence agencies—CIA, U.S. and British military intelligence, and Mossad—and “black” covert ops such as the bombings at Sharm el-Sheik are entirely off the books and use long-groomed assets such as al-Qaeda and other “Islamic terror” groups spawned by the long-compromised Muslim Brotherhood).
800,000 infants face starvation in Niger - Torrential rains, following 13 months of drought, are adding a savage new twist to what the UN calls the world's "number one forgotten and neglected emergency" - which has forced parents to feed poisonous leaves to their children to try to keep them alive. (2489 views)
Corporate Socialism, Not Free Trade: CAFTA is no panacea for U.S. or Central America - The track record of NAFTA undermines the credibility of almost every supposed benefit of CAFTA. Don't buy the false premise of these pacts being about "free trade." They serve to advance the power and profit of the giant corporations that create them, not the interests of average citizens or business people. (1237 views)
Egyptian TV 'experts' blame Israel - Several Egyptian "security experts" and "political analysts" interviewed by Arab TV stations after the Sharm e-Sheikh bombings on Saturday claimed that Israel and Jews were behind the carnage. (1613 views)
British Cops trained in Israel - "Operation Kratos": London Met Police Special Operations Unit "Shoot to Kill" (3906 views)
Agents raid, shut down unlicensed Free Radio - Federal agents armed with a search warrant shut down Free Radio 96.9 FM, the self-proclaimed oldest-running and most notorious unlicensed radio broadcaster in San Diego, in a midmorning raid yesterday. (1762 views)
US military exonerated torturers of John Walker Lindh - The US soldiers responsible for the abuse and torture of John Walker Lindh at an Afghan military base in December 2002—and photographing their handiwork—were cleared of all charges by military investigators more than two years ago on the grounds that their behavior amounted to little more than “barracks humor.” (1688 views)
Iraq paper: Saddam to be executed soon - An Iraqi government newspaper said Saturday that toppled President Saddam Hussein was expected to be sentenced and executed within weeks. (1444 views)
Central Asia Battle Lines Being Drawn - Buried in the news of the July 7 London bombings, and a tepid G-8 Summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, was another summit that took place in Astana, Kazakstan, on July 5-6. Heads of state representing six nations—Russia, China, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan—and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), drew the battle lines in Central Asia urging the United States to announce a timeframe to fold up its military bases in Central Asia.
The Problem with Random Searches in the NYC Subway - I’ve long suspected that the phenomena of reality TV was not just a form of popular entertainment but was intended to condition the public in preparation for a total surrender of privacy and the imposition of a police state. That reality is now upon us. (1480 views)
Part Government-Part Carlye Group owned company in Call for scanning system on tube - Qinetiq - which is 56% owned by the government and 30% by the Carlyle group - is developing a "passive millimetric wave" scan which could screen people in real time and without the radiation risks associated with x-rays, Mr Stringer said. (3260 views)
Financial Cost of Iraq War - As the Bush Administration continues to spend billions of dollars on the war in Iraq, it tells Americans , "Don't worry, be happy." (2203 views)
Workers Rights Group Says NFL, NBA Jerseys Are Manufactured in Sweatshop - NBA and NFL jerseys are being manufactured in a Honduran factory where workers who earn 19 cents per garment in sweatshop conditions are producing $75 jerseys, a human rights organization asserted yesterday. (3034 views)
London assassination-handiwork of Israeli death squad? - They had a specialist hit team waiting at Stockwell. (3472 views)
British boy wrongly labelled as London bomber - AN INTERVIEW of a British teenager broadcast on a Pakistani television network has thrown into doubt investigators’ claims that all the three London bombers of Pakistani descent visited Pakistan last year. According to the investigators, the three bombers had died in the July 7 attacks. (3377 views)
Charles de Menezes: Executed to Instill Fear - In other words, if you don’t act in the expected manner, or wear the right clothes, you may get five rounds to the head. (3577 views)
Former Marine Colonel's Wife Talks Again About Military Assassin Squads, Drug Running, Illegal Weapon Deals... - ...And Sexual Perversion Deep Within The Highest Levels Of U.S. Military And Government
Photo of 'Bombers' has been Doctored - At Least one person has been superimposed (3784 views)
Pentagon Wants Old Meat for the Iraq War Grinder - The mercenary model of the ancient Roman Empire is the next step for the Pentagon and PNAC's New American Military Empire ambitions. (1487 views)
Iraq Propaganda trips over itself - 'Enemies of humanity' quote raises Iraq PR questions: News release quotes from unidentified Iraqis are virtually the same (1942 views)
Is that a Bomb in Your Pocket or are You Just Glad to See Me? - It was almost a ho-hum news article: a double-decker tourist bus in midtown Manhattan on Sunday is surrounded by rifle-toting, SWAT-garbed New York cops after the driver suspects five men with “stuffed” pockets of possibly being evil-doing terrorists.. (1939 views)
Shoot-to-Kill or Execution? - Pre-planned? If they thought he was a suicide bomber, why did they let him walk into a subway station? Why did they only challenge him - if in fact they did - or run after him after he was in a place where he could do real damage? (3687 views)
Bomb Was UNDER The Train Says Eyewitness Closest To It - "The policeman said 'mind that hole, that's where the bomb was'. The metal was pushed upwards as if the bomb was underneath the train. (4438 views)
Obedient Americans Will Make Good Nazis - Citizenship “training,” whether in or out of school, wherever and whenever it has been practiced, is nothing more than an organized conspiracy to make children and adults exactly what the state wants them to be: stupid, compliant, tax-paying slaves, easily led to believe that voting makes a difference and serving as cannon-fodder for imperial adventures is a patriotic and moral calling. Trained to do what they are told, not complain, and not ask questions, law-abiding Americans have been aptly honed to be perfect Nazis (2292 views)
Top Ten Reasons You Should Fear the Transit Searches in New York City - New York's rulers have already trotted out this blatherskite to justify their rifling of commuters' belongings. (1371 views)
Library Association Boss Calls Patriot Act 'Kafkaesque' - "It's very reminiscent of the '50s and the 'red scare' where people showed up at libraries trying to find which political books professors had read, because they were going to be put on a communist list or something," said Michael Gorman, a British-born librarian who heads the U.S. library group. (1952 views)
Leading 9/11 Widows Declare 9/11 Commission "Failure" - Ask Indie Media for Help - September 11 Victim Families who Fought to Create the 9/11 Commission Declare it a Failure on the First Anniversary of the 9/11 Report. (2038 views)
Blair's make-up bill tops £1,800 - Prime Minister Tony Blair has spent more than £1,800 of taxpayers' money on cosmetics and make-up artists since coming into office, it has emerged. (2353 views)
Súmate put on trial as U.S. puppet - It has shown how the NED and Súmate are hired hands of the U.S.imperialists and have close connections to the World Bank and IMF, whose structural policies are responsible for impoverishing Third World nations. (1240 views)
GM crops created superweed, say scientists - Modified rape crosses with wild plant to create tough pesticide-resistant strain (1792 views)
Melting Greenland glacier may hasten rise in sea level - Scientists monitoring a glacier in Greenland have found it is moving into the sea three times faster than a decade ago. (1892 views)
US Accepts Polish Plans to Exit Iraq - The United States had accepted Poland's plans to withdraw most of its 1700 troops from Iraq at the beginning of next year, Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski says. (1439 views)
Posada Carriles deportation case turns into Bay of Pigs sparnfarkel - That’s right, U.S. prosecutors and Posada’s attorneys will now have to duke it out over whether the U.S. government engaged in an act of terrorism against the Cuban government in the early 1960s. And the irony is that it will be to the benefit of U.S. prosecutors to argue that it was terrorism, since it would seem to bolster the government’s case against granting Posada asylum. (1335 views)
Ramping up the fear quotient - A sure fire way of keeping the spotlight off a murderous government that is neither believed nor trusted by the majority of the population, is to have a diversion of enormous magnitude caused by an enemy, preferably of an elemental kind (anarchists, communists, fanatics, fundamentalists, terrorists, take your pick). (3725 views)
Cynthia's Big LIHOP Day Out - The eight-hour hearing, was an elaborate farce designed to support the LIHOP interpretation of the 9/11 attacks. That's the idea that Bush ignored warnings for political gain. (2015 views)
No Video of the 3 Bombers Inside the London Subway Cars before they blew up? - If the London Police CANNOT produce those videos they SHOULD possess, the accused 4 men, 3 supposedly with rucksack bombs, were NOT on the Underground train cars, did NOT detonate bombs! And the Police are LYING.
We will shoot to kill again, warns police chief - POLICE warned yesterday that their shoot-to-kill policy would be applied across the whole of Britain and that more people might die at the hands of armed officers as a result of the investigation into the London bomb attacks. (3811 views)
Arkansas' Real Welfare Queen - In Georgia, there are already 93 Wal-Mart Supercenters and 19 regular-sized Wal-Marts. So why do the boys in Bentonville keep planning to open more? (2068 views)
Major unions drop out of AFL-CIO - Solidarity officially fell apart at the AFL-CIO Monday as the service employees and Teamsters unions -- two of the biggest in the federation -- pulled out of the national labor body, an expected move that could hit the bottom line of labor organizations here. (3298 views)
Muslims think US behind September 11 - "We believe they are willing to sometimes sacrifice their own people for the objective to control the whole world," said Abu Hamza, president of the Islamic Information and Services Network. (2052 views)
Is Your Printer Spying On You? - Imagine that every time you printed a document, it automatically included a secret code that could be used to identify the printer -- and potentially, the person who used it. (1600 views)
Police---institutionally racist - The Killing of a Brazilian man shows that either the British police are nervous, inexperienced and naive, or it was a deliberate act by the police to give a message to foreigners, especially coloured people. It is disgusting to hear all British politicians, including George Galloway, using decades-old stereotypes to praise police and security services. (3513 views)
Witness: Dogs bit Abu Ghraib detainees - Two Iraqis at the notorious Abu Ghraib prison were bitten by dogs as they were being handled by sergeants who were competing to see who could scare more detainees, a witness testified Tuesday. (1295 views)
Afghan protesters riot at U.S. base - Hundreds of protesters chanting "Die America!" and throwing stones tried to batter down a gate at the U.S. military's main Afghan base Tuesday, adding to anxieties in a country worried that fighting with insurgents could disrupt elections. (1864 views)
Despite $2 billion spent, residents say Baghdad is crumbling - Talib Abu Younes put his lips to a glass of tap water recently and watched worms swimming in the bottom. (1219 views)
"I saw ____ fucking a kid..." (from Taguba report on Abu Ghraib torture) - This testimony about a US guard raping an Iraqi boy is from The Taguba Report on torture and other abuses at Abu Ghraib. (1576 views)
Immigrants do not overwhelm healthcare - study - Immigrants are not swamping the U.S. health care system and use it far less than native-born Americans, according to a study released on Monday.
'Chavez TV' beams into South America - A swastika painted on a US flag flashes across the screen. Out of sight a voice proclaims: "Let's recover our memory and history from the claws of the Empire ..." The voice is replaced by anti-imperialist chants and metallic sounds, then the screen goes dark. Welcome to Telesur, Latin America's answer to CNN and the BBC World Service.
Clear Channel claims to be part of the government - Texas-based Clear Channel Communications is in the news again for yet one more shocking abuse of its corporate power. It is now claiming, against all sense and reason, that one of its concert stadiums qualifies it as part of the Florida government which performs an "essential governmental purpose" and that it should therefore be above the law. (1961 views)
Wondering about mail-in voting? Diebold's new VoteRemote - Most of the VoteRemote technology has been around for 40 years (basic mail processing automation, like envelope stuffing and bar coding). What is new for elections is Diebold's automation of signature comparison.
British Government Embraces Cyberwarfare - More likely, as Parliament will now pass whatever police state measure that comes down the pike in the wake of the London bombings (one of the primary reasons the attacks occurred), we can expect mysterious denial of service attacks on sites critical of the British government. (1687 views)
More Outrageous Lies: Osama’s Coke Caper - Rest assured your government is burning the midnight oil to scare the pants off semi-somnolent Americans. “Usama bin Laden tried to buy a massive amount of cocaine, spike it with poison and sell it in the United States, hoping to kill thousands of Americans one year after the Sept. 11 attacks,” reports the neocon friendly New York Post (owned by Murdoch’s News Corporation). (2560 views)
Did Police Lie About Stakeout on Brazilian? - British police may have concocted an elaborate tale of a stakeout on a Brazilian man they shot and killed last Friday, in order to hide an even more unpalatable truth. That they had just killed a person whose only suspicious act was to run for a train.
London Terror:Did Mossad Hit Squad Kill Brazilian? - An innocent Brazilian may have been executed by an Israeli Mossad death squad in the aftermath of the London Bombings. (4399 views)
Pages for July, 2005
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