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Archive for the Month of July, 2005.
Viewing Globalization NEWS articles 1 through 7 of 7.

July 2, 2005

When White Band Spells White Feather: How Glo-Bono-Phonies and Trojan Horse NGOs Sabotage the Struggle Against Neoliberalism - Bono labeled Blair/Brown the 'Lennon and McCartney of poverty reduction'. According to Quarmby, 'some groups involved in Make Poverty History were horrified. John Hilary, director of campaigns and policy at War on Want, was in the audience. "When Bono said that, many NGO leaders who were there put their heads in their hands and groaned It's a killer blow for us. To see the smiles on the faces of Gordon Brown and Tony Blair!

July 3, 2005

NGO's and the Help that Hinders - NGO's real contribution is that they defuse political anger and dole out as aid or benevolence what people ought to have by right. NGOs alter the public psyche. They turn people into dependent victims and blunt political resistance.

July 6, 2005

George Galloway — Battle cry for radical change - Some of the most dangerous men in the world are in Gleneagles Hotel this week. They are responsible not only for the renewed and terrifying drive to war that characterises the start of the 21st century. They also preside over a system that is itself the biggest killer in the world.

July 13, 2005

Our corporate interest - Of course, business could play an important part in overcoming poverty in Africa – socially responsible local business, that is. But central to the Africa Commission’s blueprint is the role of public-private partnerships (PPP), in which the private sector is contracted to build and operate basic infrastructure like roads and ports, or provide basic essential services like water and electricity, for profit. We are talking here about multinational companies; local businesses get the small sub-contracting jobs.

July 14, 2005

G8 protesters claim police used psychological torture - Anti-G8 protesters have claimed they were subjected to psychological torture by Scottish police after they were arrested during last week's demonstrations.

July 19, 2005

CAFTA and Dietary Supplements - The Codex Alimentarius Commission, organized by the United Nations in the 1960s, is charged with “harmonizing” food and supplement rules between all nations of the world. Under Codex rules, even basic vitamins and minerals require a doctor’s prescription.

July 29, 2005

CAFTA: Another Globalist Sleight of Hand - As our corporate telescreens were abuzz with al-CIA-duh terr’ists gone wild—thus distracting the masses with an unending stream of scary campfire stories—the House passed the Central American Free Trade Agreement, the bastard sibling of NAFTA, a monster that ate 900,000 American jobs.


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