Archive for the Month of July, 2005.
Viewing London Bombing NEWS articles 1 through 75 of 94.
REPOST: London has bombed itself before - BRITISH INTELLIGENCE INVOLVEMENT IN IRISH REPUBLICAN TERRORISM: British Protection of Terrorists: Former MI5 Agent Says 9/11 An Inside Job (2825 views)
Explosions In London - Who Stands To Gain? Israel Warned, Cover-up In Progress - Original reports stated that Binyamin Netanyahu was warned BEFORE the first blast, now all the Associated Press reports are being changed to say he was warned AFTER the first blast.... (2634 views)
London Bombing has the Scent of an Inside Job - This seems to me as either a MI5, CIA, or Mossad Operation. (1938 views)
REPOST: Galloway Wary Of Staged Terror Attack As Pretext For Iran Invasion - "Well that's another very real danger. There's no way we can legislate for that but we we must be on guard. We need a vigilant citizenry." (1886 views)
Attack On London: Blair Plays The Terror Card - The attack on London represents a brutal attempt to coral the British population behind accepting the introduction of the national ID card, renewing support for the war on terror and reinvigorating trust in a government that had the backing of less than 15 per cent of the country. Even at this very early stage it is clear that the evidence points to inside involvement. (2196 views)
Phony 'Al-Qaeda' Responsibility Claim a Proven Hoax - "This is not something al-Qaida would do..." (1854 views)
When the cops are the crooks - Every time there's an embarrassing incident, a charge of official malfeasance, or some nasty revelation to cover up, the powers that be stage a terrorist incident — randomly throw away the lives of an arbitrary number of innocents — and then blame some fantasy enemy as an excuse to further ratchet up the corrupt oppression of ordinary people. (1980 views)
The Secret Organization of al-Qaeda in Europe: A load of Hooey - al-Qaeda is a big fat booga-booga contrivance (2174 views)
Confusion and Contradiction: What Really Happened In London - ...for weeks and months I have watched as the fearmongering in London has risen. I have analyzed the Stasi-like "anti-terror"campaigns, the fake and sometimes unannounced terror drills, the house arrests where all are subsequently released, the press conferences where The Police Commissioner and the Mayor have explicitly told us we would be attacked soon and there's nothing we could do about it.
False Flag over London - ...the classic false-flag attack hit London, a simple set-up by western secret services to distract from the deepening woes of Bush and Blair, and perhaps to create the pretext for the next round of wars on Iran.
London Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack - Culpability cover scenario echoes 9/11 wargames (3976 views)
Website that carried al-Qaida claim has connections to Bush family - The server in Houston has intriguing connections. Everyone's Internet was founded by brothers Robert and Roy Marsh in 1998 and by 2002 had an income of more than $30m (now about £17m). Renowned for his charitable work, Roy Marsh counts among his friends President George Bush's former sister-in-law, Sharon Bush, and the president's navy secretary. (2105 views)
Terrorism expert says at least one person tipped off to London attacks - "Just before the first blast, Netanyahu got a call from the Israeli Embassy telling him to stay in his hotel room. The hotel is located next to the subway station where the first attack occurred and he did stay put and shortly after that, there was the explosion..." (2034 views)
First 9/11, Then 777: Will Iran be the next Iraq? - Finally, the 777 attacks in London may end up having a lot in common with the highly suspicious 9/11 tragedy in NYC. The War Party used 9/11 as an excuse for the U.S. to invade and occupy Iraq. Now, I predict, that 777 will be manipulated as well as a pretext by it, along with other bogus claims, to fulfill its predatory ambitions in the Middle East. Absent Russia’s intervention as Iran’s protector, the “Shock and Awe” terror show, so cruelly perpetrated on Baghdad by U.S. and British forces, will soon be on its way to Tehran. (1959 views)
The Lee Harvey Oswald School of Muslim Fanaticism - ” Let’s call it the Lee Harvey Oswald School of Muslim Fanaticism. Oswald was a loner too. Even so, according to the Brits, this translates into “16,000 potential terrorists and supporters.” 16,000 Oswalds! Can you see where this is going? Muslims will be detained and sent packing. " (2778 views)
Blair rejects calls for probe into bombings - Tony Blair will on Monday reject Conservative demands for a government inquiry into last week's London bomb attacks, insisting such a move would distract from the task of catching the perpetrators. We shouldn't investigate the terrorists so we can catch the terrorists? Where is the logic in that? We have heard this before with 9-11 and Bush.
London : government wants email and phone data kept for intelligence -
Three days after the London bombings, Britain said on Sunday it would seek new EU rules to make telecoms companies store records for much longer showing who their customers are calling and emailing. (2078 views)
SUSPECTS (PATSIES) EMERGING - Perhaps most significant is that there have now been three separate "Al Qaeda claims" on different websites, highlighting the fact that anyone can say they are Al Qaeda and post whatever they want, IT DOES NOT COUNT AS PROOF OF ANYTHING. (2076 views)
See Through Clothes Body Scanner To Be Deployed at London Underground - Although the original Times article sensationalises the story by suggesting QinetiQ's millimetre wave imagers could be deployed across the whole of London underground at a cost of, ahem, £150,000 to £2 million per station, at a total of 270 stations, the core of the story appears to be confirmed by the denial, which concedes that QinetiQ has supplied unspecified "equipment" to TfL. Obviously, if TfL is looking at millimetre wave technology, it must be considering where it could be applied. (1945 views)
London Bombers Used Military Explosives - The London bombings were carried out with military explosives, European security officials familiar with the probe have said. (1967 views)
Fortunes made on bombing - THOUSANDS of investors joined sharp institutions in making millions of pounds from the short-lived collapse in share prices that followed the terrorist strikes in London last week. (3355 views)
Blame and Bomb Iran - It’s possible al-Zarqawi is simply a temporary landmark on the super-highway leading to the bombing of Iran. (2019 views)
Tinker, tailor, soldier, journalist - British journalists - and British journals - are being manipulated by the secret intelligence agencies, and I think we ought to try and put a stop to it.
A Warning To The World - The London bombings are a clear indication that the Globalists have not changed tactics and are getting ever more desperate to advance an agenda based on a simple time tested manipulation of fear. (2037 views)
Iran news agency says Israel behind London and Iraq bombings - A news agency run by the office of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei claimed that Israel was “using the mask of Al-Qaeda and [Abu Musab] Zarqawi to hunt down diplomats based in Iraq” and that “the London bombings were also part of the mischief by Israel”. (2034 views)
Was Giuliani in London for terror 'exercises'? - Rudolph Giuliani, as he testified before the 9/11 Commission, was in World Trade Center 7 on 9/11 for a FEMA terror 'exercise.' He went on the support the official story, earned his bones and was named Knight of the British Empire by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
POSSIBLE LINKS BETWEEN LONDON TRANSPORT BOMBERS AND BRITISH FASCISTS PROBED. - Some informed British sources believe that the recent London Transport bombings may have been the work of far right-wing British terrorists hoping to stir up tensions with the nation's large Muslim population. (3897 views)
‘London, Tel Aviv blasts connected’ - German newspaper: Explosive material used by British terrorist who blew himself up on Tel Aviv beachfront in 2003 very likely the same as that used by terrorists who staged London attacks last week, Mossad tells Brits (Question: How does Mossad know what type of explosives were used in the London transit bombings?) (1925 views)
British Police had received advanced warnings of terrorist attack - If these reports are correct, it raises some very serious questions. (1794 views)
How long does it take Mossad to pick up a phone? - This begs the question of how Mossad was warned of the activities of a highly secretive mission by an "al Qaeda sleeper cell" consisting of three or four people. (2706 views)
Londoners Suspicious Of Station Closures Before Blasts - Did anyone travelling in BEFORE the attacks began yesterday notice anything peculiar on their tube journey? (1799 views)
London Underground Exercises and the Magically Exploding Terrorists: Important Questions - Official government story changes every minute (2041 views)
The London Bombings and the Class War - The terror bombings in London differ from the atrocities committed against the people of Iraq only in scale. In Iraq well over 100,000 people have been butchered by the US/UK killing machine. In London as many as 50 people were killed and hundreds injured. In both cases the killed and injured are the victims of actions designed to terrorize, demobilize, and control innocent people. (1831 views)
Former head of Mossad gives game away? - ... how did this person know that the bombs had gone off simultaneously and that there was "sophisticated choice of timing as well as near-perfect execution"? (2773 views)
London Terror:Another CIA Wet Ops by Porter Goss? - The present working hypothesis is that this means the perps were British homeboys, but it could equally plausibly be because the perps were CIA.
Fire and Bomb Resistant IDs in London - ...miraculously, like Mohammed Atta’s passport found in the smoldering rubble of the WTC (and in nearly pristine condition), the “personal documents” of the native-born Pakistani heritage suicide bombers were found in the wreckage. (2713 views)
How the Government Staged the London Bombings in Ten Easy Steps - 1) Hire a Crisis Management firm to set up an exercise that parallels the terrorist attack you are going to carry out. (2686 views)
London Patsies: A Replay Of The Pristine 9/11 Passport - It turns out, if you believe the Brooklyn Bridge is for sale, that actual IDs of bombers were found in separate piles of rubble at the sites of the blasts. (2632 views)
The Convenient Malfunction Of The London Bus Camera - This is classic and obvious op control. Turn off the cameras. Leave no visual evidence. (3836 views)
The London Bombs, The Rogue Network And Iran - (by Webster G. Tarpley) Last week's London explosions carry the characteristic features of a state-sponsored, false flag, synthetic terror provocation by networks within the British intelligence services MI-5, MI-6, the Home Office, and the Metropolitan Police Special Branch who are favorable to a wider Anglo-American aggressive war in the Middle East, featuring especially an early pre-emptive attack on Iran, with a separate option on North Korea also included. With the London attacks, the Anglo-American invisible government adds another horrendous crime to its own dossier. (3488 views)
Frame-up: Do These People Fit The Bill Of Suicide Bombers? - A senior security source, who has viewed the CCTV footage, said: "They were chatting. You would think they were going on a hiking holiday." (3372 views)
Glaring Flaw in London Suicide Bombs Tale - There is a huge flaw in the official theory that suicide bombers staged the multiple blasts which rocked London. A flaw which casts grave doubt over the conclusions being presented by British authorities. (3583 views)
The birth of the London bomb Official Story - You can practically hear the click at that moment in the life of every conspiracy when the police investigation turns into the Official Story. And the cover-up begins. (4472 views)
Huge Rucksack for a Ten Pound Bomb - How did a kid from Leeds who stayed in his room reading the Koran get his hands on military explosives? (3379 views)
London Stagecoach Employee Says Bus Bombing Suspicious - The bus driver pointed out that the number 30 bus was the only one to be re-routed after the initial bombs went off in the London Underground, every other bus carried on its normal journey, but for some reason this bus was diverted. The driver notes the following about CCTV maintainence.
London Transport Network Controlled by Known CIA Agent - The man with overall responsibility for public transport in London, the Commissioner and Chairman of London Transport, Bob Kiley, is a former CIA operative and is known to have worked directly for the Director of US Intelligence. (3941 views)
Iran ayatollah says Blair government could have bombed London - “There exists the possibility that the British government carried out this work, like the possibility [of American involvement] in the September 11 affair, since they themselves stand to benefit the most”, Jannati said. (3400 views)
Documents and explosives, a few simple questions - Following the "revelation" that the so called London Bombers left personal documents at the scenes of the attacks, plus a car load of explosives at Luton Station, there are a few unanswered questions that need addressing.
Grove co. Bechtel runs bombed London Tube - Bechtel builds infrastructure such as roads, bridges and power plants including nuclear. No project is too big. After Bohemian George Bush (the senior) oversaw the destruction of Kuwait during the Gulf War it was Bechtel who won the contract to rebuild it. (4001 views)
Greenspan Fingerprint Found on London Bombs - Alan Greenspan may have some explaining to do. Because the fingerprints of Greenspan's Federal Reserve are all over financial transactions just ahead of the London bombings. (4116 views)
Probability of 7/7 Drill and Attack Coinciding - If I go to a beach, or a desert, or under the sea and pick a single grain of sand. What chance is there of you going to the same part of the world by chance and picking up the same grain? You are trillions of times more likely to do this that the London drill coinciding with this attack at that hour
Photo From London Bus - Note the SUV parked in front that says "Kingtstar"? Guess what they do? (5015 views)
WAS IT SUICIDE? - Why did they buy return train tickets to Luton? Why did they buy pay & display tickets for cars? Why were there no usual shouts of 'Allah Akhbar'? Why were bombs in bags and not on their bodies? (3311 views)
Geography of the London Bombings - article was posted on a major Australian news site that the bombers intended to set a "cross" symbol into the ground with their bombings. (4009 views)
London plot thickens, as does propaganda - "The media obediently follow the cues provided by the US and British governments, and read the handed-down script regarding the London bombings, even as crucial details are being changed daily; not even a pause in the face of mounting inconsistencies. And this includes the "progressive" media, be it The Nation or Pacifica Radio, eager to prove they are, of course, not supportive of 'terrorists.' Read or listen all you want, you will find virtually no reference to many questions being raised about the official accounts. This is quite similar to how the 9/11 events have been treated. If people don't seriously press the media, the latest propaganda will become 'fact,' as has happened with 9/11, whose crucial details remain unexamined, whose official story remains accepted across the political spectrum. (4164 views)
THE MAGICAL DISAPPEARING TERRORIST BOMBING - The media has demonstrated a remarkable double standard in its reporting of this bombing attack in Turkey. Perhaps the bombing is an inconvenient one for the media, since the official “Islamic” and “Muslim” terrorists were not responsible. In relation to this bombing, the media had demonstrated again how it manufactures consent by presenting a particular bias in its news coverage.
Who duped the London bombers? - Note that in this variant the manipulator might be either an agent provocateur working for Mossad, an American or British secret police faction, or a genuine Islamist, but the cynicism of the manipulation suggests a state operation, rather than that the men were duped by one of their own. (3606 views)
By any spin necessary: Why imperialist spokesmen are distancing the London bombings from the Iraq war - With uncanny precision, the various imperialist spokesmen have picked up the new line and are staying “on message” (as they say in the spin industry). In the 24 hours after the bombings the new spin was so uniformly presented that it seemed as though they’d workshopped it in advance, although it’s probably just that you don’t get their jobs without a finely-honed instinct for political manipulation.
Attack on civil liberties intensifies after London bombing - The British Labour government is advancing new repressive measures in the aftermath of the July 7 London bombings. (3456 views)
The "Bloody Footprints" at 10 Downing Street - We know that terror serves the greater interests of the state, props up the flagging careers of inept politicians, savages civil liberties, incites violence against minorities, divides society into hostile political encampments and vindicates the war agenda. We also know that Blair’s fear mongering on the attacks has enhanced his standing with the British people and increased his ability to manipulate public opinion. This is consistent with our original thesis that that the imperial tool-chest contains only two implements; fear and deception. Blair is a master of both.
Atta's father praises London bombs - Maybe this is a good time to rethink: exactly what role Mohammed Atta and his father are playing in all this? (3538 views)
More Explosions in London: Psy-ops in Progress - In the early confusion about what is actually happening in London, several things are already clear.
New York to Randomly Search Bags on Transit After U.K. Incident - New York police will begin randomly searching bags and backpacks of passengers on the city's buses, subways and commuter trains to guard against terrorists following today's attempted London transit bombings, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said (3446 views)
London attacks prompt debate on use of cameras in US - “These cameras are pigs in the poke. They do not prevent crime,” said Johnny Barnes, executive director of the DC branch of the American Civil Liberties Union. (3524 views)
Asian Man Shot in Cold Blood by Police - Friday, 22nd July 2005, Day 1 of ‘open season’ on Asians (3301 views)
License To Kill: Police Murder In Broad Daylight and Nobody Batters an Eyelid - The man was pursued, tripped, pushed to the ground and then shot five times in the torso area. If the police and special forces pursuing the man knew he had a bomb that he was potentially about to detonate then why would they risk setting the bomb off by shooting at it? (3664 views)
Snake Oil - The Prime Minister has once more displayed his uncanny insight into why evil things get done. "We know why these things are done," he said. "They are done to scare people and to frighten them, to make them anxious and worried." Well, that puts it clearer, to be sure. Whoever they may be and whatever motives they may claim to have, the people who caused today's explosions wanted to scare us, frighten us, anxietise and worry us, and nothing else. (3463 views)
Another Phony Al-Qaeda Group Claims Responsibility For Latest London Bombings - There is no evidence that the group even exists. (4671 views)
Prison Under Attack For London Bombing Coverage - Tech guru Dwayne Coots who oversees the website said it was the biggest attack he had seen in his many years of experience. It has the hallmarks of a government attack. (4638 views)
How Black Ops Staged the London Bombings - Staged terror events --like magic tricks-- rely on misdirection to throw people off the track. To uncover how the London bombings were carried out by a Western black operations team, we must see through the key misdirections they built into the operation.
Man shot dead by police not connected to bombs - Police acknowledged on Saturday the man they shot dead on Friday was not connected to bomb attacks on London the previous day, calling the shooting tragic and regrettable.
Did Special Forces Execute Man at Stockwell? - The secret Services do not kill random people, they kill people who know too much. (3446 views)
UK Police Want New Draconian Powers - The police body further wants to be able to attack and close down Web sites in order to to "suppress inappropriate internet usage. (3561 views)
British Cops trained in Israel - "Operation Kratos": London Met Police Special Operations Unit "Shoot to Kill" (3906 views)
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