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Archive for the Month of July, 2005.
Viewing Police State / Military NEWS articles 1 through 50 of 50.

July 1, 2005

Public Extermination Project - A specifc public works project became "classified" following 911. This project, which has been on-going throughout the U.S., has lethal capabilities for innocent U.S. citizens.

Midway through fiscal year, desertions from Army approach last year's total - Just six months into the government’s fiscal year, the Army was carrying almost the same number of deserters on its books as the service registered for all of 2004.

Pentagon doles out up to $300 million for 'psyops' - "We would like to be able to use cutting-edge types of media," said Col. James Treadwell, director of the Joint Psychological Operations Support Element, a part of Tampa-based U.S. Special Operations Command. "If you want to influence someone, you have to touch their emotions."

July 2, 2005

Mystery planes continue to circle over Lodi - For the most part, the planes are flying in continuous circles to the left, which could indicate that they're equipped with forward-looking infrared, known as FLIR.

July 3, 2005

TSA Secretly Snoops on Passengers - If you flew in June of 2004 the Transportation Security Administration now has a file on you, amassing such passenger records as our names, phone numbers, and credit card info.

ANTHRAX CASE: Justice Department Attempts To Silence Wife Of Bioweaponeer - Justice Department attempts to quash testimony by wife of bioweaponeer William Patrick III in STEVEN J. HATFILL, M.D. v. ATTORNEY GENERAL JOHN ASHCROFT, THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE; THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (et al).

Show your Independence on the 4th; Burn a Flag - It's odd that Congress would pass a bill banning flag burning on the same week that reports confirmed the US military used napalm in Iraq. Apparently, it's alright to incinerate Iraqis, but not okay to burn a 5'x7' piece of tri-colored cloth.

July 4, 2005

Is your kid's name on the Pentagon's list? - The DOD began building an extensive data base of 30 million 16- to 25- year-olds, combining names with Social Security numbers, grade-point averages, height and weight, e-mail addresses and phone numbers.

July 6, 2005

Military Expands Homeland Efforts - The document acknowledges, for instance, plans to team military intelligence analysts with civilian law enforcement to identify and track suspected terrorists. It also recognizes an expanded role for the National Guard in preparing to deal with the aftermath of terrorist attacks. And it asserts the president's authority to deploy ground combat forces on U.S. territory "to intercept and defeat threats."

July 8, 2005

Intelligence Whispers - Former intelligence officer speaks out on coming U.S. martial law

US imposes controls on a new security threat - birdwatchers - "These sorts of national security issues seem to be intruding in ways one would never have expected," said Perry Plumart, director of conservation advocacy for the American Bird Conservancy. "You expected airline security; you don't expect it when you go birding. Who knew you'd have a police escort?"

July 9, 2005

Montana Police Have to Stop One Vehicle an Hour - A new policy requires state troopers to stop at least one vehicle an hour, whether the driver has done anything wrong or not.

Online Data Gets Personal: Cell Phone Records for Sale - They're not just after your credit card or Social Security numbers

"Deep Impact" and the Militarization of Space - While the positive scientific and technological aspects of the successful mission have received splashy worldwide attention, scant notice has been paid to the destructive military applications and capabilities demonstrated and suggested by Deep Impact. In light of the weaponization of space that is being aggressively pursued by the Bush administration, all space policy must be examined with these potentially cataclysmic implications in mind.

July 11, 2005

'BushCo-Change-O! Kids into cons or cannon fodder' - And thus we see the true magic in Bush's education system, a system that will transform smart children into standardized cogs. Wave the standardized test wand and slower students can be transformed from kids into cons, maybe even cannon fodder.

July 13, 2005

American Base In Israel - The USA is building a very large, secret base in Israel. What are the reasons that the USA is building this base in Israel?

7 Federal Prisons to Get Lethal Electrified Fences - Seven high-security federal prisons will be getting lethal electrified fences in a $10 million project intended to reduce the number of perimeter guards needed.

How the Pentagon targets teens - It's been a tough year for the US military. But you wouldn't know it from the Internet, now increasingly packed with slick, non-military looking websites of every sort that are lying in wait for curious teens (or their exasperated parents) who might be surfing by.

July 14, 2005

Dems aim to increase army size - A team of Senate and House Democrats today are planning to introduce legislation today aimed at significantly increasing size of the U.S. Army.

Weapons in space put the world at risk - Not so coincidentally, seven of the 13 members of the Rumsfeld space commission had ties to aerospace companies that could stand to gain from the launching of a major space weapons program.

July 15, 2005

US Still Pursuing Nuclear Options 60 Years After First Bomb - The US Strategic Command in Omaha, Nebraska, is reported to be developing "global strike" options, including a nuclear option, against potential adversaries with nuclear weapons such as Iran and North Korea.

July 16, 2005

Marketer enlisted to lure recruits - Military's use of firm to acquire youth data raises privacy fears

Genesis of an American Gestapo - On June 29 President Bush took the great leap forward in transforming the nation’s intelligence services by ordering a restructuring of the FBI and putting “a broad swath of the agency” under the direct control of the executive. Bingo -- Bush’s personal secret police: an American Gestapo.

US Close To Testing Massive "Bunker-Busting" Missile - The missile has a blunt nose that, combined with high velocity, creates a bubble of air in front of the weapon. The idea is that the bubble forces earth out to the sides as the missile descends, creating a cavity that the weapon can slide through.

Tenn. Teen Jailed for Burning U.S. Flag - A teenager was jailed for nine days after being accused of burning an American flag on the Fourth of July, and he faces trial next month.

July 18, 2005

FBI Says It Has Files on Rights Groups - The organizations, including the American Civil Liberties Union and Greenpeace, are suing for the release of the documents. The organizations contend that the material will show that they have been subjected to scrutiny by FBI task forces set up to combat terrorism.

July 19, 2005

Watching the Watchdogs - For the past few years, U.S. citizens have lived with an increasingly secretive government.

July 20, 2005

The FBI's Pre-Emptive Interrogations Of "Possible" Demonstrators - Chilling Political Speech

From Hiroshima to Fallujah: The slaughter of civilians continues - The targeting of cities, which are large population centers, continues today. The pattern of slaughtering civilians remains unchanged.

Uncle Sam wants you – even if you’re 42 years old - The Defense Department quietly asked Congress on Monday to raise the maximum age for military recruits to 42 for all branches of the service.

Scientists worry about Pentagon’s new ray gun - Lenses, pocket change could intensify effect of ‘less lethal’ weapon

July 21, 2005

D.C. considers random searches - Subway riders may face random police checks of their bags under a security measure being considered in the nation's capital, the latest city to look for ways to deter terrorism on rail systems.

July 22, 2005

The Suicide Machine - The fact that they are outing this NOW leads me to believe they have this shit in the testing/application phase for at least a couple of years.

New York Cops Murder the Fourth Amendment - Isn’t it nice of New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly to allow citizens to “turn around and leave” the subway system instead subjecting themselves to massive violations of the Fourth Amendment of the (now almost completely dead) Constitution.

July 23, 2005

The Painful Truth of Freedom’s Demise - As each day passes, and we continue to see our “representatives” refusing to represent American freedom, and as we continue to see our voting powers eliminated by the non-elected partnership-stakeholding system of leadership, one wonders if there will ever be another election. Specifically, one wonders if Martial Law will be implemented before another election date rolls around. Due to the fact that our nation has been totally and very skillfully bankrupted by highly educated economic experts, one wonders if we have been set up to purposefully crash, whereby giving Martial Law its jurisdiction.

N.Y. Subway Riders Resigned to Searches - The searches that have begun on the New York subway are only the beginning.

Visualize Iraq — in space - President Bush will soon announce whether the United States military is going to occupy yet another region of the world, and, if anything, this new occupation will be as costly and counterproductive as the one in Iraq.

The Patriot Act: Alleged Abuses of the Law - ...civil liberties groups say that because the act mandates secrecy about many of its uses, Americans may never know whether their privacy has been violated by law-enforcement investigators relying on the act's powers.

Return of the Academic Witch Hunts - Meet the New McCarthyites - McCarthy-style witch hunts are coming back, and the first place we'll be seeing them is at Pennsylvania's public colleges and universities.

July 24, 2005

The Problem with Random Searches in the NYC Subway - I’ve long suspected that the phenomena of reality TV was not just a form of popular entertainment but was intended to condition the public in preparation for a total surrender of privacy and the imposition of a police state. That reality is now upon us.

July 25, 2005

Obedient Americans Will Make Good Nazis - Citizenship “training,” whether in or out of school, wherever and whenever it has been practiced, is nothing more than an organized conspiracy to make children and adults exactly what the state wants them to be: stupid, compliant, tax-paying slaves, easily led to believe that voting makes a difference and serving as cannon-fodder for imperial adventures is a patriotic and moral calling. Trained to do what they are told, not complain, and not ask questions, law-abiding Americans have been aptly honed to be perfect Nazis

Top Ten Reasons You Should Fear the Transit Searches in New York City - New York's rulers have already trotted out this blatherskite to justify their rifling of commuters' belongings.

Library Association Boss Calls Patriot Act 'Kafkaesque' - "It's very reminiscent of the '50s and the 'red scare' where people showed up at libraries trying to find which political books professors had read, because they were going to be put on a communist list or something," said Michael Gorman, a British-born librarian who heads the U.S. library group.

July 26, 2005

Is Your Printer Spying On You? - Imagine that every time you printed a document, it automatically included a secret code that could be used to identify the printer -- and potentially, the person who used it.

July 27, 2005

Random Searches in New York's Subway: When the Greatest Outrage is the Lack of Outrage - Perhaps the greatest outrage about the new New York City government's policy of random bag searches in the subway is the lack of outrage about it. Where are the stories about people turning around and not being searched, interviews with opponents of the policy, or even an in depth discussion of the legalities of it?

Terror drill alert: NORTHCOM/FEMA nuke in August - Given that the attacks of 9/11 and 7/7 were both false flag operations masked by simultaneous "terror drills," it behooves those of use seeking to halt the cycle of synthetic terror and expanding police state to note upcoming drills that could be used as a cover for another inside job terrorist attack. The United States Army's NORTHCOM command has announced one such drill for an indeterminate date next August.

July 28, 2005

The Great White Father - A federal agent seeking, for instance, to tap a citizen’s telephone or bug his home is required by the Patriot Act only to "certify" that "information likely to be obtained by such installation and use is relevant to an ongoing criminal investigation." The judge is then required to issue a warrant for that surveillance, whether he believes that agent or not. Given the notorious dishonesty among federal officials in the Bush regime, we are left with precious little protection against Big Brother.

July 29, 2005

About Those Nuclear Attack Speculations - 1. Terror attacks, perhaps in the form of perceived suicide bombings, will take place at venues that represent the heart of America, such as a baseball game or holiday celebration. 2. A US warship will come under attack in the Persian Gulf. 3. Nuclear terror will reach American shores...

July 31, 2005

Dispensationalism: Most Dangerous Cult in the World - The frightening by-product of these beliefs is that, since the Cult is in Power in the United States, it is so easy to create the very situations which are described, thus ensuring the fulfillment of the ideas of the Dispensationalists: the Cult that wants to Create Armageddon and needs 5 billion people on the planet to go willingly to the sacrificial altar, and the Muslims have been chosen to be first.

Judge gives Mayfield OK: The ruling orders the FBI to release information about spying and retains monetary claims - A federal judge in Portland ruled Thursday that Brandon Mayfield's high-profile challenge to the USA Patriot Act can go forward.


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