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Many have written asking me about the Barry Chamish Report of the American Base
here in Israel. Barry and I went there today and I can tell you that it is there.
In fact, it isn’t even being hidden, but how would they hide such a thing
anyway. What they are doing is saying it is a storage facility and the US is building
it for Israel. But let me tell you that makes absolutely no sense. I don’t
know how many buildings are already constructed or what they are for but we can
make some good guesses. Look at these for example.
Start by looking from the left side, you will notice that there are 4 rows
of buildings, the first row are buildings with only small doors, there are no
large doors we can see for trucks so I don’t believe they are warehouses,
those doors are for people to walk through. You will noticed the next two rows
are the same and then the forth row are buildings for offices or storage they
have larger doors.
Now look at another section of buildings being built,
These buildings are warehouses, the reasons I am showing you both is so you
can see that this American base being built in Israel is going to be used for
both housing and mass storage of military hardware.
Below is another shot at some more buildings, many look like they are for people
and others for storage.
I want to show you a shot that Barry showed everyone the other day because
I want to point out something else in that picture, not just the US flag but
there is a date mentioned as well.
You will notice a sign to the left
It says this base will be completed on August 31st 2005. meaning to me that
they are in a really big hurry. And we saw heavy equipment working over a very
large area. And by the way we guessed this base will cover at least 25 square
miles, I think possibly a lot more. It is also prime real estate about ten minutes
from the International airport. And right along side the new interstate highway
6 Israel’s new tow road running from Ashdod to Haifa. As most of you may
know Israel just built a new International Airport Terminal. Leaving a very
large and very good Airport in tack. They tried to tell the public it would
be used for domestic use, which makes no sense at all, for the few flights from
Tel-Aviv to Eilat and to Haifa. But it would make a really great military base
for really large military planes and it is only a few minutes away from this
new base.
We could guess for ever what all these buildings could be used for, but I think
it is obvious, some are barracks and others are warehouses, but let’s
move on to some other things to see.
Below is a round Helicopter Pad with two underground bunkers near by.
These underground bunkers are complete with blast protection built near by.
VIP’s (or top brass) will be able to come in by choppers and quickly be
put underground. But they tell us this is just a storage facility.
You will notice what looks like a water tower in the background, well I don’t
think so, to begin with there is plenty of water supply as the city of Petah
Tikvah is within sight of this base so they have plenty of water, and there
is no water lines leading to or from this large tank, Lets take a closer look
at it as well.
With the high voltage-wiring going into this unit it is obviously a high power
communications and radar system. Please keep in mind none of this is Israeli,
it is all being built by the US Government and the labors other than Americans
are Arabic.
This next picture when first looked at makes you think it is just a water way
but look closer and you will discover it is the entrance to underground tunnels.
If we can discover so many of these tunnels in just a few minutes just imagine
how many there are in this whole base.
We traveled around the back side of the base and it was a long hot ride on
some very rough roads to get these pictures. The back of the base runs right
along with the original “Green line” being built by the US Government
you wouldn’t expect anything less.
The fence or wall will be build on this foundation.
I took over 40 pictures but have tried to pick out the ones that show you what
is happening. Now I will tell you what I think this is all about, for what that
is worth.
Somewhere in the near future the US will have to go after Syria, and when they
do Iran may react with nukes and Egypt could and most likely will join in the
attempt to destroy Israel, again. The US is in a hurry to build this base in
order to fill it with their military supplies and to have a base of operations
to settle this Islamic problem once and for all.
But it doesn’t end there, the New World Order under the name of the EU
and the UN will move into the picture soon after this thing kicks off. So even
though this base is being built by the United States it is in fact a New World
Order Base being put into place. Of course it is stripping Israel of its sovereignty
with the help of Ariel Sharon, who I am sure by now has convinced himself that
he is doing the best thing for the Jews of Israel. It’s also interesting
that 99% of the population of Israel knows nothing about this base being built,
not one story has been reported in any Israeli newspaper. No mention of it on
the TV it is just being done very quickly and very quietly. What is so amazing
is how quickly they can accomplish such a task these days.
There is one other possibility, and that is to house the tens of thousands
of protesters who will fight the Sharon Disengagements, but I don’t think
so, such a large base would not be needed, and certainly not all the warehouses.
It should also be noted that there are no US troops on this base at this time,
but it is obvious that many soon will be. And for those in the US they haven’t
heard any of this from the US Government either.
Please keep in mind this is not a news agency, but a Ministry and we are in
great need to purchasing the larger vessel, and to keep the ministry here in
Israel healthy. Please pray about your part in this Ministry.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for our son Joel, and all the IDF soldiers.
Pray for those who have come to fight the Islamic enemy. Pray for this Ministry
and your part in it. Shalom, jerry golden
(For other articles on this US Base see this article Chamish
- Exclusive Photos Of Huge New US Base In Israel at Rense)