Archive for the Month of July, 2005.
Viewing International Affairs NEWS articles 1 through 75 of 111.
USA to unleash war on Iran? The informational preparation has already been launched - As the scandal about the alleged terrorist past of the Iranian president-elect grows up, it's becoming obvious that the world is witnessing a smear campaign not unlike those aimed at Milosevic and Hussein on the eve of the US-led aggressions against Yugoslavia in 1999 and Iraq in 2003. (1926 views)
China, Russia warn of world domination - Russia and China warned other nations Friday against attempts to dominate global affairs and interfere in the domestic issues of sovereign nations in what appeared to be a veiled expression of their irritation with U.S. policy.
Chavez's 'citizen militias' on the march - Over recent months, the populist president has warned that the US may invade Venezuela or try to assassinate him. He has called for Venezuelans to join a new civil reserve defence force, which, it is claimed, numbers two million members. (1987 views)
Libya: Africa's future not in G8 hands - Amid global calls to combat poverty in Africa, Libyan leader and host Muammar al-Qadhafi has urged African nations to stop "begging" at an African summit, attended by more than 50 leaders. (2034 views)
Conference accuses Israel of crimes against Palestinian kids - An international conference organized by the pro-child world movement, and currently held in Bethlehem city, accused Israel of committing heinous crimes against innocent Palestinian children, describing the policy Israel pursues as a blatant violation of human rights (1956 views)
Rebels ready to face prison over ID cards - Refuseniks will copy Australian tactics to foil scheme
Will Russia disappear as a great power? - Russia's population is shrinking. According to the Federal Service for State Statistics, the worst-case scenario will see just 77 million Russians left by the middle of the century, with 123 million at best. (1982 views)
The American hand in Iran - Despite receiving an ugly bruise in Uzbekistan, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)and its non-governmental organization (NGO) regime-change industry hope to stage another cardboard coup in Iran. But it could be a black and blue revolution.
US designs on the Philippines - Incontrovertible signs from Washington and elsewhere indicate that the Bush administration and its reactionary cabal have already instructed their local agents in Manila to replace President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo with one of the elite factions, together with a bloc of traditional military-business groups. (1512 views)
China, Russia Call for U.S. to Plan Exit - A regional alliance led by China and Russia called Tuesday for the U.S. and its coalition allies in Afghanistan to set a date for withdrawing from several states in Central Asia, reflecting growing unease at America's military presence in the region. (1496 views)
Will the PKK Become a Tool of the US? - The U.S. seems to have found its new tool in the new order that it will establish in the Middle East. During this process, the PKK will be the tool used to create unrest in Iran and Syria. (1515 views)
Galloway claims Africa deception - Ministers are using aid for Africa to cover up for the disaster of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, MP George Galloway has claimed. (1599 views)
Chavez's US-funded rivals in the dock - A Venezuelan opposition figure who was received by US President George Bush is to go on trial with three colleagues, accused of conspiring to change the government using US funds. (1404 views)
Iraq to launch military co-operation with Iran - Iraq's Defense Minister, on a historic visit to Iran, said that both countries decided to launch a broad military co-operation. (1409 views)
UN Occupation Forces Carry Out Massacre of Poor in Port-au-Prince - On Wednesday morning, July 6th, at approximately 3:00 AM, UN occupation forces in Haiti carried out a major military operation in the working-class neighborhood of Cite Soleil, one of the poorest in Port-au-Prince and also a stronghold of support for Haiti's majority political party Lavalas and President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. (1396 views)
Condemned to Relive the Past - It is probably safe to assume that few Americans know or care about their nation's history of atrocities in Latin America. They neither know nor care about the death squads in Guatemala and El Salvador that were trained, funded, and equipped by the U.S., and which tortured and murdered thousands of alleged "communists and terrorists." From the point of view of the U.S. government, Americans' ignorance and disinterest in their nation's history of "counter-terror assistance" to countries like Guatemala is a real boon. It makes it that much easier for the U.S. to fund, train, and equip nearly identical death squads in Iraq.
Israeli troops kill Palestinian boy - Israeli forces have shot dead a Palestinian boy and injured 18 others in separate incidents in the West Bank during protests against the illegal separation barrier, officials and witnesses said. (1456 views)
Venezuela leads energy pact - Venezuela, South America's leading oil exporter, led the signing of an energy cooperation agreement among 13 nations, including Cuba. (1571 views)
The Media Farce Over Iran's Newly Elected President - During the past week, Americans have been treated to the spectacle of America's mainstream news media stumbling over itself while attempting to define the newly elected President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, for American readers and viewers. (1475 views)
Venezuelan Judge Orders Trial for Chávez Foe Helped by U.S. - A judge in Caracas on Thursday ordered that an opposition leader be tried on charges of conspiring to overthrow the Venezuelan government with American assistance. (2630 views)
Barrier to separate 55,000 Palestinian residents from Jerusalem - Around a quarter of the Palestinian population of Jerusalem face being cut off from the rest of the holy city after Israel's cabinet approved a new route for its controversial West Bank barrier.
Uzbek threat to close US base - Uzbekistan signalled yesterday that it was reconsidering the future of the US airbase on its territory. (1442 views)
Report: France's Mitterrand Authorized 1985 Bombing of Greenpeace Boat - A former head of France's spy agency claimed that the late President Francois Mitterrand approved the sinking of a Greenpeace ship in a New Zealand harbor 20 years ago, according to a French newspaper report. A man was killed and the case turned into an embarrassment for Paris. (1951 views)
Israel requests extra US $2.2bn - Israel is asking Washington for $2.2bn in additional aid to help fund its withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and four small West Bank settlements. (2180 views)
German Parliament Debate Putting Troops On Street Patrol - The deadly London terrorist attacks spawned a debate among leaders of all major political parties in Germany Saturday on increasing government surveillance and putting troops on emergency patrol in German cities. (1436 views)
Rebel gunmen aim to seize control of Nigeria's vast oil reserves - Last September Al-Haji Asari, the leader of a motley collection of gunmen, rocked the international oil market by launching attacks across the Niger Delta. They threatened some of the world's largest oil companies. (1468 views)
Netanyahu warns West it must halt Iran nuclear plans - “The Iranian regime supports terror, both ideologically and operationally,” he said. “I think the regime will go as fast as it can to develop nuclear weapons, regardless of who leads it.” (1572 views)
Iranian president warns west not to behave like landlords - "They [the west] still think like landlords of a century ago," he said."Landlords expected their peasants just to listen to their words. But the period of one-sided decision-making is over. Our nation does not accept imposed relations." (1518 views)
Do Foreign Governments Have a "Human Right" to Buy Venezuela Elections? - As court proceedings begin this month against four Venezuelans from an election campaign group that accepted donations from a foreign government – something that is indisputably a federal crime under both U.S. and Venezuelan law – it’s no surprise that members of the Bush administration in Washington cry that the sky is falling. (1729 views)
Accusing Ahmadinejad - "Now the Leader of Iran is a Terrorist" (1381 views)
DUBOIS WAS RIGHT - The great American historian/sociologist/activist W.E.B. DuBois was asked about the impending Soviet threat in 1958. He responded, "No country threatens us. We threaten the world." His assessment was as correct then as it is almost five decades later. (1977 views)
Palestinians shut out from their farms - Israeli occupation forces are preventing Palestinians from passing through gates in the separation barrier to work their farms, according to a human rights activist. (1392 views)
How the NED Violates Sovereignty and Self-Determination in Venezuela - The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) has come under severe criticism and scrutiny from Republicans, Democrats, and other concerned citizens, for its clear roots in Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) activities and its misdirected motives. (1417 views)
U.S. Promotes Drug Addiction to 'Assert Its Hegemony' - The Iranians claim that the United States supports the expansion of global drug smuggling and addiction, because, it 'exacerbates poverty, increases moral corruption, and keeps people backwards.' (1932 views)
North Korea Says U.S. Tries to Brand It a 'Nuclear Criminal' - In an article in its state-run newspaper, Rodong Sinmun, Kim Jong-il and the North Korean regime claim that the United States is trying to smear Pyongyang's international reputation, and that the Hermit Kingdom is willing to give up nuclear weapons, as long as the threat of a U.S. nuclear attack is removed (2211 views)
Syria Seeks to Save Itself from America's Wrath - America's decision to freeze the assets of prominent Syrian officials is likely a political-media prelude to a military invasion of Syria, and attempts by Damascus to woo Washington are unlikely to do much good, this article from Saudi's Al-Riyadh indicates. (1507 views)
Arafat was poisoned, says Fatah chief - A poisoning claim by the head of the ruling Fatah faction has strengthened a widely held belief among Palestinians that Yasser Arafat’s death eight months ago was due to foul play.
Iran lashes back at Rumsfeld over Israel bomb claim - Iran hit back at US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld over his allegation that the Islamic republic could have been behind a suicide attack at a shopping mall in Israel. (1666 views)
Canada's First Nations (Not "Indians") Deserve Better - It is overdue, not only for our First Nations, but also for the rest of Canada. We Canadians need to know and to acknowledge the wrongs done to our First Nations. It is time to stand up against the regressive voices that negatively stereotype them. It is time to work with them towards national healing and reconciliation. (1380 views)
Israel Renews Assassination Policy - A 24-year-old Palestinian named Mohammad Al-Aasi from the Balata Refugee Camp was assassinated early this morning at his home in the Rafidiyeh neighborhood of Nablus (1616 views)
More Fear Required to Implement Big Brother State - It’s curious the London bombings came at a time when support for compulsory identity cards is on the wane in Britain. (2299 views)
Sharon orders 'unlimited' response to terrorism - Hamas threatens revenge for death of five members killed by Israeli air strikes (1308 views)
Chavez touts `21st Century Socialism' - The goal of all this, they say, is to lift millions out of poverty by reducing Venezuela's reliance on oil, which has left the country with a weak manufacturing and agricultural base and over-dependent on imports of food and almost everything else. (1370 views)
Denmark Mulls Arrest of U.S. Flag Burners - Due to a strange legal quirk, those who burned the American flag during President Bush's visit to Denmark on July 5th could be arrested, but those that burned the Danish flag cannot. Danish police have yet to decide what to do. (2486 views)
Aristide: "People in the Canadian government have Haitian blood on their hands" - Some people in the Canadian government yes, they have Haitian blood on their hands…. But not Canada as all the people of Canada or as one country…. I try to make a clear distinction between the Canadian people who didn’t decide to have their government going to Haiti… seeing Pettigrew and the others with the Haitian blood on their hands. (2449 views)
Aristide in Exile - When United Nations troops kill residents of the Haitian slum Cité Soleil, friends and family often place photographs of exiled President Jean-Bertrand Aristide on their bodies. The photographs silently insist that there is a method to the madness raging in Port-au-Prince. Poor Haitians are being slaughtered not for being "violent," as we so often hear, but for being militant; for daring to demand the return of their elected president. (1324 views)
Growing Evidence of a Massacre by UN Occupation Forces in Port-au-Prince Neighborhood of Cite Soleil - Summary of Findings of the US Labor and Human Rights Delegation to Haiti (1632 views)
China ‘ready to use Nuclear weapons against US’ - “If the Americans draw their missiles and position-guided ammunition on to the target zone on China's territory, I think we will have to respond with nuclear weapons,” Zhu Chenghu, a major general in the People's Liberation Army, said at an official briefing. (1418 views)
Small arms inflict huge toll - 500,000 people a year are killed by portable weapons such as handguns, rifles, grenades and bombs Canada supports United Nations treaty to reduce the illegal flow of arms to world's conflict zones (1490 views)
The army asked me to make bombs for the IRA, told me I had the Prime Minister's blessing ... then tried to kill me - Exclusive: confessions of a secret agent turned terrorist
Venezuela to seize 'idle' firms - President Hugo Chavez said the firms' workers would be given help to set up co-operatives and re-start production for the benefit of the community. (1669 views)
Africa Needs Justice Not Charity - the Western media’s backslapping over their governments’ “generosity” is more than a little exaggerated and somewhat premature (1389 views)
Sardinia Says It's Time for the U.S. Navy to Leave Port - Sardinia may be best known as a lush playground for the rich and famous who cavort amid its pristine waters and secluded beaches, but it also plays host to U.S. nuclear submarines and more military installations and activity — American, Italian and NATO — than anywhere else in Italy. (1615 views)
Ecuador, U.S., Oil, Pollution and Indigenous Rights - The combination of the sorts of economic reforms pressed by the United States, World Bank and IMF in the 1990s and the failure of the region's tremendous oil and gas wealth to benefit the poor and indigenous have led to a broad backlash against globalization across much of Latin America--illustrated by the rise of Hugo Chávez in Venezuela, the fall of Bolivian President Carlos Mesa in June and the elections of a range of leftists, from "Lula" in Brazil to Néstor Kirchner in Argentina, who've vowed to reject the old Washington Consensus and do more for the poor. (1550 views)
Bolivians Struggle for Democracy - Bolivians have watched as their politicians courted Enron and other corrupt foreign corporations, and allowed them to take ownership of the country’s most valuable resource – natural gas. As the world’s energy giants were logging record profits, the people of Bolivia were becoming poorer, hungrier and more desperate. (1410 views)
Chavez Stokes Confrontation Over U.S. Role in Venezuela - The hypothetical invasion he invoked was patently clear: Two days before, Chavez announced the discovery of evidence that the United States had drawn up blueprints to invade Venezuela, a plan he said was code-named "Operation Balboa." (1322 views)
US Plans Nuclear Attack on Iran - Philip Giraldi, a former intelligence officer in the CIA (and DIA), claims that the United States is developing a plan for the bombing of supposed military targets in Iran, which would include the use of NUCLEAR WEAPONS. The US strike would take place after a 9/11-type terrorist attack on the US. However, the US attack would not depend on Iran actually being involved in the terrorism. In short, the planned attack on Iran would be analogous to the unprovoked attack on Iraq. (1395 views)
ABSURDITY REIGNS - A Colorado Congressman told a radio talk show host that the U.S. could "take out" Islamic holy sites if Muslim fundamentalists attacked the country with nuclear weapons (1552 views)
Italy Seeks Arrest of 6 More CIA Agents in Cleric Kidnapping - Italian prosecutors today sought arrest warrants for six more people they say are U.S. Central Intelligence Agency operatives who helped kidnap an Egyptian Muslim preacher from a Milan street more than two years ago.
Tony Blair's MI-6 Agents Caught Trying To Blow Up Chicago Subway: - To Derail US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald's Grand Jury Investigations of Bush-Blair White House Leaks (2569 views)
London mayor defends the use of Palestinian suicide bombers - "Given that the Palestinians don't have jet planes, don't have tanks, they only have their bodies to use as weapons," Livingstone told Sky News in an interview. (1506 views)
American Terror and the Coming Attack on Iran - More than two years ago, we wrote here of a secret Pentagon plan to foment terrorism by sending covert agents to infiltrate terrorist groups and goad them into action -- in other words, committing acts of murder and destruction. (1355 views)
Treaty gives CIA powers over Irish citizens - US INVESTIGATORS, including CIA agents, will be allowed interrogate Irish citizens on Irish soil in total secrecy, under an agreement signed between Ireland and the US last week. (1402 views)
Clarke 'lowers bar' on terror crime via web, writing, preaching - UK Home Secretary Charles Clarke yesterday announced plans to exclude or deport individuals deemed to have encouraged terrorism via preaching, running web sites or writing articles, and gave further details of plans for new terrorist offences including "indirect incitement" of terrorism, which is likely to cover similar territory. (1542 views)
U.S. Aid to Israel: The Subject No One Mentions - It is only very recently that the mainstream U.S. media have begun to mention “Israel’s annual $3 billion in U.S. foreign aid.” They still lag behind. Now Israel’s annual take in economic aid, military aid, loan guarantees and various other kinds of assistance has climbed to double the $3 billion figure. (3847 views)
Venezuela announces it is to block broadcasts against the country - Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has warned the United States that he will send a resounding response if it begins anti-Venezuelan radio and TV broadcasts, and that he will continue to deepen the Revolution. (1533 views)
Foreigners meddling in Russia, says Putin - President Vladimir Putin said today foreigners were meddling in Russian politics by funding campaign groups, echoing similar complaints from some authoritarian leaders in ex-Soviet states. Dozens of foreign groups like the Open Society Institute, funded by billionaire philanthropist George Soros, have been active in former Soviet states since the fall of communism in 1991, promoting "democracy", "transparency" and "human rights". (1360 views)
Bush Administration Stokes Dangerous Arms Race on Indian Subcontinent - For more than two decades, arms control experts have argued that the most likely scenario for the hostile use of nuclear weapons was not between the former Cold War superpower rivals, an act of terrorism by an underground terrorist group, or the periodically threatened unilateral U.S. attack against a “rogue state,” but between India and Pakistan. (1504 views)
The Price of Empire - To maintain what they have accomplished, the Imperialists must seek to supplant the truth with myths of their own making. It reflects their incredible conceit that they seem to actually believe that facts exist, or cease to exist, if they are sufficiently established or suppressed in the public opinion. And though that may be scant consolation for those victimized by the Empire, it may provide a modicum of historical justice necessary to mend the devastation wrought in the Balkans – a wasteland the Empire made, and called peace.
Venezuela's Chavez Named Chairman of Andean Community - Chavez gets one-year term on regional trade bloc (1327 views)
Haiti: The Gaza Strip of the Caribbean - "Two helicopters flew overhead. At 4:30 AM, UN forces launched the offensive, shooting into houses, shacks, a church, and a school with machine guns, tank fire, and tear gas. Eyewitnesses reported that when people fled to escape the tear gas, UN troops gunned them down from the back." (1433 views)
First Stop Syria; Next Stop Iran - Bush's Itinerary - Bush now believes the most important objective of his foreign policy, to be accomplished well before his time as president comes to an end, is to oust the regimes of both Iran and Syria, using as much violence as he finds necessary. (1319 views)
The Iran War Buildup - One thing does appear certain, however: Bush has given the Defense Department approval to develop scenarios for such an attack and to undertake various preliminary actions. As was the case in 2002 regarding Iraq, the building blocks for an attack in Iran are beginning to be put into place. (1311 views)
Gender imbalance threatens China - China is set to become the world's largest lonely hearts club in coming decades, with some 23 million men of marriageable age unable to find a female partner, an international population conference has heard. (1392 views)
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