Untitled Document

Participants called on Israel to end harsh practices against the Palestinian children
An international conference organized by the pro-child world movement, and currently
held in Bethlehem city, accused Israel of committing heinous crimes against innocent
Palestinian children, describing the policy Israel pursues as a blatant violation
of human rights.
Held under the motto "children behind bars", the conference was attended
by a several international and local human rights activists, who were unanimous
that there is "a social and economic context prompting children towards
The attendees highlighted the great importance of adopting specific mechanisms
to preserve the children's rights in a way that secures their physical, emotional,
and morale stability.
The participants, moreover, noted that the harsh and abusive policy Israel
is pursuing against juveniles, including depriving them of their basic rights,
would negatively affect their life.
They called for absorbing the youngsters into the society and setting of a
specific budget for them, enough to get their basic needs.
Also the brutal Israeli measures exercised against the Palestinian captives
were also highlighted at the conference.
Minor inmates held at Israeli detention centers are enduring serious psychological
The participants called on Israel to immediately put an end to its harsh practices
against the Palestinian children.