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Archive for the Month of July, 2005.
Viewing London Bombing NEWS articles 76 through 94 of 94.

July 24, 2005

Part Government-Part Carlye Group owned company in Call for scanning system on tube - Qinetiq - which is 56% owned by the government and 30% by the Carlyle group - is developing a "passive millimetric wave" scan which could screen people in real time and without the radiation risks associated with x-rays, Mr Stringer said.

London assassination-handiwork of Israeli death squad? - They had a specialist hit team waiting at Stockwell.

July 25, 2005

British boy wrongly labelled as London bomber - AN INTERVIEW of a British teenager broadcast on a Pakistani television network has thrown into doubt investigators’ claims that all the three London bombers of Pakistani descent visited Pakistan last year. According to the investigators, the three bombers had died in the July 7 attacks.

Charles de Menezes: Executed to Instill Fear - In other words, if you don’t act in the expected manner, or wear the right clothes, you may get five rounds to the head.

Photo of 'Bombers' has been Doctored - At Least one person has been superimposed

Shoot-to-Kill or Execution? - Pre-planned? If they thought he was a suicide bomber, why did they let him walk into a subway station? Why did they only challenge him - if in fact they did - or run after him after he was in a place where he could do real damage?

Bomb Was UNDER The Train Says Eyewitness Closest To It - "The policeman said 'mind that hole, that's where the bomb was'. The metal was pushed upwards as if the bomb was underneath the train.

July 26, 2005

Ramping up the fear quotient - A sure fire way of keeping the spotlight off a murderous government that is neither believed nor trusted by the majority of the population, is to have a diversion of enormous magnitude caused by an enemy, preferably of an elemental kind (anarchists, communists, fanatics, fundamentalists, terrorists, take your pick).

No Video of the 3 Bombers Inside the London Subway Cars before they blew up? - If the London Police CANNOT produce those videos they SHOULD possess, the accused 4 men, 3 supposedly with rucksack bombs, were NOT on the Underground train cars, did NOT detonate bombs! And the Police are LYING.

We will shoot to kill again, warns police chief - POLICE warned yesterday that their shoot-to-kill policy would be applied across the whole of Britain and that more people might die at the hands of armed officers as a result of the investigation into the London bomb attacks.

Police---institutionally racist - The Killing of a Brazilian man shows that either the British police are nervous, inexperienced and naive, or it was a deliberate act by the police to give a message to foreigners, especially coloured people. It is disgusting to hear all British politicians, including George Galloway, using decades-old stereotypes to praise police and security services.

Did Police Lie About Stakeout on Brazilian? - British police may have concocted an elaborate tale of a stakeout on a Brazilian man they shot and killed last Friday, in order to hide an even more unpalatable truth. That they had just killed a person whose only suspicious act was to run for a train.

London Terror:Did Mossad Hit Squad Kill Brazilian? - An innocent Brazilian may have been executed by an Israeli Mossad death squad in the aftermath of the London Bombings.

July 28, 2005

RETURN OF THE "POD PEOPLE" - This photo is being sent around the net as proof of video fakery by the London authorities.

July 29, 2005

Former British MI5 Agent Says 'Many Similarities' Between London Bombings And 9/11 - Jailed in 2002 for blowing the whistle on payoffs by British MI6 to an Islamic terrorist group to kill Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi of Libya, David Shayler this week talks openly from his home on the southern coast of England about how he feels both the London bombings and 9/11 were most likely staged government events. He claims the free people of the world are at war with an enemy within and either democracy will prevail or a facist rule and martial law will take over.

July 30, 2005

Israeli Security to Protect London's Underground - Along with the fact that the man in overall command of London transport network, Robert Kiley, is a former Executive Assistant to the Director of the CIA, with extensive experience in covert operations, the following details yet another element in what is increasingly beginning to look like a classic false flag operation.

Police Admit Brazilian did not Jump Turnstile - The family of the Brazilian man shot dead by police officers on the London Underground say the police have privately admitted he did not jump the ticket barrier, and had not been wearing a padded jacket.

Prime Terror Suspects: Israeli Security Companies Have the Means, Motive and Opportunity - A good crime investigator would always question the private guards. They have unlimited access to the crime scene, they know how to handle explosives, and in the case of people who call Israel mother, they have the strongest motive.

Loftus: London bombing mastermind is MI6 agent - Former Justice Dept. prosecutor John Loftus claims alleged London bombing mastermind Haroon Rashid Aswat is a "double agent" who "works for the MI6".


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