Archive for the Month of July, 2005.
Viewing ALL NEWS articles 376 through 450 of 616.
Hamid Karzai Does England - I had to chuckle, reading news reports of Hamid Karzai, the “democratically elected” puppet of Afghanistan, trekking to Britain to kiss the pinky ring of the Queen. (2548 views)
From Hiroshima to Fallujah: The slaughter of civilians continues - The targeting of cities, which are large population centers, continues today. The pattern of slaughtering civilians remains unchanged. (2030 views)
Business as Usual with Judge Roberts: Straight Corporate with Pepto-Bismol Chaser - The prime lobby that should feel gratified by his nomination is of course Big Business, the protection of whose interests has been Roberts chief concern throughout his career, and the protection of whose interests has always been the prime concern of the US Supreme Court. (1936 views)
IRAQ: FALLUJAH UNDER SIEGE AGAIN - US and Iraqi troops have launched another offensive on the city of Fallujah in the volatile Anbar province in western Iraq. (2088 views)
Uncle Sam wants you – even if you’re 42 years old - The Defense Department quietly asked Congress on Monday to raise the maximum age for military recruits to 42 for all branches of the service. (1479 views)
Now America accuses Iran of complicity in World Trade Center attack - Iran gave free passage to up to 10 of the September 11 hijackers just months before the 2001 attacks and offered to co-operate with al-Qa'eda against the US, an American report will say this week.
Italy Seeks Arrest of 6 More CIA Agents in Cleric Kidnapping - Italian prosecutors today sought arrest warrants for six more people they say are U.S. Central Intelligence Agency operatives who helped kidnap an Egyptian Muslim preacher from a Milan street more than two years ago.
Scientists worry about Pentagon’s new ray gun - Lenses, pocket change could intensify effect of ‘less lethal’ weapon (1477 views)
The Four Reasons why "We the People" must uphold the Constitution of The United States of America - and hold those who violate it accountable (1567 views)
Confirmation: Netanyahu and Giuliani in same hotel on 7/7 - "...Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had been on his way to a London hotel near the scene of one of the four blasts that ripped through the city..." (2590 views)
Tony Blair's MI-6 Agents Caught Trying To Blow Up Chicago Subway: - To Derail US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald's Grand Jury Investigations of Bush-Blair White House Leaks (2567 views)
Supreme Court nominee Roberts' lawyer wife facilitates global satellite system projects and her firm is targeting Iraq reconstruction - Yet another first for our boundary-breaching White House: for the first time in American history, we're going to have a justice on the high court whose spouse facilitates financing and putting together global satellite systems. Also, the firm in which she is a partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, emphasizes among other things its expertise in facilitating business in Iraq
Why Do You Work So Hard? Is it maybe time to quit your safe job and follow your path and infuriate the establishment? - The powers that be absolutely rely on our lethargy, our rampant doubts, the attitude that says that it's just too difficult or too impracticable to break away. After all, to quit a bland but stable job, to follow your own path implies breaking the rules and asking hard questions and dissing the status quo. And they absolutely cannot have that. (1792 views)
Poaching leads to more tuskless elephants - Asian Elephant gene pool shift (1971 views)
UN at odds over internet's future - A UN group charged with deciding how the net should be run has failed to reach a decision. (1779 views)
‘We’d open ambulance door to sniper fire’ - Before delegates from 83 world nations, Iraqi medic Salam Taha Ismail recounts the shock of heavy calibre bullets from the US sniper tearing through his ambulance top two years ago. He and his nurse had jumped into the ambulance and rushed to a Fallujah street after someone informed their field hospital that a car was hit by a missile. (2460 views)
Another $27.5 Million Fraud by Halliburton-KBR - America remains One Nation Under Fraud (1923 views)
Atta's father praises London bombs - Maybe this is a good time to rethink: exactly what role Mohammed Atta and his father are playing in all this? (3538 views)
London mayor defends the use of Palestinian suicide bombers - "Given that the Palestinians don't have jet planes, don't have tanks, they only have their bodies to use as weapons," Livingstone told Sky News in an interview. (1503 views)
Former Auxiliary NY Fireman Is 'A One-Man Investigative Team' When It Comes To Finding The Truth About 9/11 - New Yorker Paul Isaac was a block away when the Twin Towers collapsed, watching helplessly as many of his friends perished. Today the former auxiliary fireman and communication specialist is 'a man on a mission' who says after years of researching 9/11, he is positive a massive cover-up exists to protect an inside government job. (2352 views)
More Explosions in London: Psy-ops in Progress - In the early confusion about what is actually happening in London, several things are already clear.
New York to Randomly Search Bags on Transit After U.K. Incident - New York police will begin randomly searching bags and backpacks of passengers on the city's buses, subways and commuter trains to guard against terrorists following today's attempted London transit bombings, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said (3446 views)
The Pentagon: Islam’s Newest Department of Defense - So, U.S. troops have killed, maimed, and died and destroyed Iraq, with the result of installing a Shi’ite regime in Iraq that is now aligning itself with the Shi’ite regime in Iran, which U.S. officials say is a sworn enemy of the United States. And U.S. troops continue to kill, maim, and die to ensure the continuation of the Iraqi Shi’ite regime even while the president and the Pentagon consider invading Iran for the purpose of ousting the Iraqi Shi’ite regime there. (1499 views)
London attacks prompt debate on use of cameras in US - “These cameras are pigs in the poke. They do not prevent crime,” said Johnny Barnes, executive director of the DC branch of the American Civil Liberties Union. (3524 views)
D.C. considers random searches - Subway riders may face random police checks of their bags under a security measure being considered in the nation's capital, the latest city to look for ways to deter terrorism on rail systems. (1597 views)
American Terror and the Coming Attack on Iran - More than two years ago, we wrote here of a secret Pentagon plan to foment terrorism by sending covert agents to infiltrate terrorist groups and goad them into action -- in other words, committing acts of murder and destruction. (1352 views)
Treaty gives CIA powers over Irish citizens - US INVESTIGATORS, including CIA agents, will be allowed interrogate Irish citizens on Irish soil in total secrecy, under an agreement signed between Ireland and the US last week. (1400 views)
Wal-Mart Again Seeks Entry Into Banking -
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is again trying to get into the banking business, after being stymied in two previous attempts since 1999. (1946 views)
Clarke 'lowers bar' on terror crime via web, writing, preaching - UK Home Secretary Charles Clarke yesterday announced plans to exclude or deport individuals deemed to have encouraged terrorism via preaching, running web sites or writing articles, and gave further details of plans for new terrorist offences including "indirect incitement" of terrorism, which is likely to cover similar territory. (1539 views)
U.S. Aid to Israel: The Subject No One Mentions - It is only very recently that the mainstream U.S. media have begun to mention “Israel’s annual $3 billion in U.S. foreign aid.” They still lag behind. Now Israel’s annual take in economic aid, military aid, loan guarantees and various other kinds of assistance has climbed to double the $3 billion figure. (3839 views)
"The Neocons Have Played U.S. for a Chump!" - It’s bad enough that the slippery Neocons got the U.S. involved in the Iraqi War, now those scoundrels want us to attack Iran! Just the other day, the unindicted war criminal, Henry Kissinger, suggested that we take Iran down, if certain conditions were fulfilled. (1966 views)
Saddam complains at his trial - Former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein has objected to insufficient access to his lawyer, in a new tape aired by a Dubai-based Arabic television station. (1687 views)
Patriot Act: Terror Attacks Just in the Nick of Time - Isn’t it coincidental there are new “terror attacks” in London at the very moment the House is debating, on the heels of a late night meeting of the House Rules Committee, an extension of the USA PATRIOT Act, billed as “the premier American anti-terrorism tool,” as the corporate media would have us believe. (1968 views)
Mississippi Glowing - Anniversary of the first atomic bomb testing brings back memories to residents (4115 views)
Venezuela announces it is to block broadcasts against the country - Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has warned the United States that he will send a resounding response if it begins anti-Venezuelan radio and TV broadcasts, and that he will continue to deepen the Revolution. (1530 views)
Foreigners meddling in Russia, says Putin - President Vladimir Putin said today foreigners were meddling in Russian politics by funding campaign groups, echoing similar complaints from some authoritarian leaders in ex-Soviet states. Dozens of foreign groups like the Open Society Institute, funded by billionaire philanthropist George Soros, have been active in former Soviet states since the fall of communism in 1991, promoting "democracy", "transparency" and "human rights". (1358 views)
Guantanamo: prisoners on hunger strike - More than 50 prisoners being held at Guantanamo Bay are on hunger strike, US military officials said. The protest is against inhuman conditions, indefinite detention and the lack of legal representation at the US prison base in Cuba, according to human rights campaigners. (1772 views)
Bush Administration Stokes Dangerous Arms Race on Indian Subcontinent - For more than two decades, arms control experts have argued that the most likely scenario for the hostile use of nuclear weapons was not between the former Cold War superpower rivals, an act of terrorism by an underground terrorist group, or the periodically threatened unilateral U.S. attack against a “rogue state,” but between India and Pakistan. (1500 views)
The Price of Empire - To maintain what they have accomplished, the Imperialists must seek to supplant the truth with myths of their own making. It reflects their incredible conceit that they seem to actually believe that facts exist, or cease to exist, if they are sufficiently established or suppressed in the public opinion. And though that may be scant consolation for those victimized by the Empire, it may provide a modicum of historical justice necessary to mend the devastation wrought in the Balkans – a wasteland the Empire made, and called peace.
Venezuela's Chavez Named Chairman of Andean Community - Chavez gets one-year term on regional trade bloc (1325 views)
Separating Press and State - It is journalists who create the unsubstantiated allegations that becomes secret evidence in articles, op-eds, editorials, and even in academic journals about Palestinian or other Muslim political activists, leading to detainment without charges that have lasted for years. It is journalists, who use rumor and innuendo to suggest that such activists, and their political positions, present a national security threat, when the threat they pose is actually to undemocratic Muslim governments and Israel. Ironically such journalists can not be held legally accountable for falsifying evidence, or for violating or depriving US citizens of rights in such cases, since as members of the press, their First Amendment rights are more sacrosanct than the Constitutional rights of US citizens, and our Bill of Rights. (1674 views)
Syrian troops 'fired on by US forces' - SYRIA said today its border troops had been fired on by US and Iraqi forces and accused Washington, London and Baghdad of lack of cooperation in preventing insurgents infiltrating into Iraq. (1432 views)
Haiti: The Gaza Strip of the Caribbean - "Two helicopters flew overhead. At 4:30 AM, UN forces launched the offensive, shooting into houses, shacks, a church, and a school with machine guns, tank fire, and tear gas. Eyewitnesses reported that when people fled to escape the tear gas, UN troops gunned them down from the back." (1429 views)
Asian Man Shot in Cold Blood by Police - Friday, 22nd July 2005, Day 1 of ‘open season’ on Asians (3301 views)
License To Kill: Police Murder In Broad Daylight and Nobody Batters an Eyelid - The man was pursued, tripped, pushed to the ground and then shot five times in the torso area. If the police and special forces pursuing the man knew he had a bomb that he was potentially about to detonate then why would they risk setting the bomb off by shooting at it? (3664 views)
First Stop Syria; Next Stop Iran - Bush's Itinerary - Bush now believes the most important objective of his foreign policy, to be accomplished well before his time as president comes to an end, is to oust the regimes of both Iran and Syria, using as much violence as he finds necessary. (1315 views)
Snake Oil - The Prime Minister has once more displayed his uncanny insight into why evil things get done. "We know why these things are done," he said. "They are done to scare people and to frighten them, to make them anxious and worried." Well, that puts it clearer, to be sure. Whoever they may be and whatever motives they may claim to have, the people who caused today's explosions wanted to scare us, frighten us, anxietise and worry us, and nothing else. (3463 views)
The Iran War Buildup - One thing does appear certain, however: Bush has given the Defense Department approval to develop scenarios for such an attack and to undertake various preliminary actions. As was the case in 2002 regarding Iraq, the building blocks for an attack in Iran are beginning to be put into place. (1308 views)
PM rules out extra troops for Iraq - Prime Minister John Howard has told the British Government that Australia will not send any more troops to Iraq. (1454 views)
The Suicide Machine - The fact that they are outing this NOW leads me to believe they have this shit in the testing/application phase for at least a couple of years. (2005 views)
Fire Bombs in Iraq: Napalm By Any Other Name - This briefing examines the continuing use of incendiary weapons (“napalm”) by the US military in Iraq. (3578 views)
9/11 Mysteries Show Big Hit In Hollywood; WTC Janitor, William Rodriguez, Brings Audience To Tears With Story Of Heroism And Government And Media Suppression - The two-hour visual performance provided an eye-opening look at what really happened on 9/11. The show continues at The Met Theatre in Hollywood every Sunday for the next five weeks. (2209 views)
The Word on "Turd Blossom" - The Redolent Gaseous Effluvia of the "Boy Genius" - Those who lack honest and intelligent comprehension typically make their sales through glad-handing, with one hand over your shoulder and the other hand down in your pants, Bush's signature approach. Adding insult to injury, Bush tops that off by being jokingly self-deprecating. He doesn't mean it at all, of course. After all, he is the "war president." But, as a result, when being upstaged or criticized, Bush has no problems with deprecating others. It runs in the family. (2085 views)
Gender imbalance threatens China - China is set to become the world's largest lonely hearts club in coming decades, with some 23 million men of marriageable age unable to find a female partner, an international population conference has heard. (1389 views)
Fifty Years of American Racism - This Kuwaiti writer argues that for 50 years, U.S. has provided Israel with weapons that have put the Palestinian people 'through all kinds of suffering, murder, displacement, and genocide' and that Washington and the West, based on 'power and profit' seek the complete extermination of Muslim civilization. (2435 views)
CASUALTY OF WAR: THE U.S. ECONOMY - The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have already cost taxpayers $314 billion, and the Congressional Budget Office projects additional expenses of perhaps $450 billion over the next 10 years. (2929 views)
John G. Roberts: Gitmo-police-state freak and Cheney cabalist - John G. Roberts, the new Supreme Court nominee is sure to keep the skids greased in the continuing story of this nation's decline. (2159 views)
House votes to extend Patriot Act - The House voted Thursday to extend the USA Patriot Act, the nation's main anti-terrorism tool, just hours after televisions in the Capitol beamed images of a new attack in London. (1746 views)
Another Phony Al-Qaeda Group Claims Responsibility For Latest London Bombings - There is no evidence that the group even exists. (4671 views)
Government Abandons Children to Big Food - A government-convened panel that was intended to discuss ways to limit marketing junk food to kids instead became an enormous PR opportunity for the junk food industry. (1979 views)
The Spies Who Came in From the Hot Tub - The CIA agents took rooms in Milan's five-star hotels, including the Principe di Savoia, "one of the world's most luxuriously appointed hotels" where they rang up $42,000 in expenses; the Westin Palace, the Milan Hilton, and the Star Hotel Rosa as well as similar places in the seaside resort of La Spezia and in Florence, running up cumulative hotel bills of $144,984. (2957 views)
What Is the Plan If There's Another 9/11? - The plan includes a large-scale air assault on Iran employing both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons. Within Iran there are more than 450 major strategic targets, including numerous suspected nuclear-weapons-program development sites. Many of the targets are hardened or are deep underground and could not be taken out by conventional weapons, hence the nuclear option. (1921 views)
Israeli settlers stab to death Palestinian child - Two Israeli settlers stabbed to death a 12-year-old Palestinian boy near the West Bank city of Nablus, Palestinian sources said. (2113 views)
Nerves stretched to breaking point as Baghdad clings to normal life - Every two days for the past two years more civilians have died in Iraq than in the July 7 London bombings. (1360 views)
Confirmation Path May Run Through Florida - Roberts' low-profile role as an advisor to Republicans during the 2000 presidential recount fight is likely to be closely scrutinized. (1906 views)
Prison Under Attack For London Bombing Coverage - Tech guru Dwayne Coots who oversees the website said it was the biggest attack he had seen in his many years of experience. It has the hallmarks of a government attack. (4638 views)
Master Plan - The United States long ago ceased to be anything like a living, thriving republic. But it retained the legal form of a republic, and that counted for something: As long as the legal form still existed, even as a gutted shell, there was hope it might be filled again one day with substance. But now the very legal structures of the Republic are being dismantled. (2019 views)
New York Cops Murder the Fourth Amendment - Isn’t it nice of New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly to allow citizens to “turn around and leave” the subway system instead subjecting themselves to massive violations of the Fourth Amendment of the (now almost completely dead) Constitution. (1438 views)
How Black Ops Staged the London Bombings - Staged terror events --like magic tricks-- rely on misdirection to throw people off the track. To uncover how the London bombings were carried out by a Western black operations team, we must see through the key misdirections they built into the operation.
Beijing Says Central Asian Nations Want U.S. Forces to Leave - The Chinese government says that the countries in Central Asia that have hosted American and allied forces for operations in Afghanistan now want them out, but that the United States has no intention of leaving. (1819 views)
Prince Turki, former head of Saudi intelligence, becomes Saudi ambassador to US - Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the 22-year Saudi ambassador to the US, the glad-handing "dean of the Washington diplomatic corps," and confidant and partner to successive US presidential administrations, has resigned. He has been replaced by Prince Turki al-Faisal, the former head of Saudi Arabian intelligence (and the current ambassador to Britain). (1552 views)
US Government Defies an Order to Release Iraq Abuse Photos - Lawyers for the Defense Department are refusing to cooperate with a federal judge's order to release secret photographs and videotapes related to the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal. (1364 views)
House Hearing on anniversary of 911 Report - Representative Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) chaired a 9-hour hearing in the Cannon House Office Building on the anniversary of the release of the widely-criticized 911 Commission Report. (2200 views)
Man shot dead by police not connected to bombs - Police acknowledged on Saturday the man they shot dead on Friday was not connected to bomb attacks on London the previous day, calling the shooting tragic and regrettable.
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