Archive for the Month of July, 2005.
Viewing ALL NEWS articles 526 through 600 of 616.
US Openly Supports Iranian Terrorists - The U.S. Government is now openly supporting the Mujahideen-e-Khalq, an Iranian resistance movement designated as terrorist organization by the US State Department. (1247 views)
Bin Laden Brothers Tip-Off Two NASA Research Scientists In 1987 About U.S. Government Plans To Cause 9/11 - Now Third Person Comes Forward To Verify Scientists' Incredible Story
Election scandal and impeachment send Arroyo government reeling, and Filipinos to the streets - The new Philippine crisis presents another sobering example of how people in nations outside of the Anglo-American axis grasp the concepts of democracy and liberty better than those inside the "elite bubble" ever will. Filipinos are taking to the streets, raising their collective voices, and fighting for ethical government. They are being active and creative with their protest. They know what is at stake. The yoke of imperialism, and the stink of corruption, are all too familiar to Filipinos, and they are taking action. (1279 views)
Random Searches in New York's Subway: When the Greatest Outrage is the Lack of Outrage - Perhaps the greatest outrage about the new New York City government's policy of random bag searches in the subway is the lack of outrage about it. Where are the stories about people turning around and not being searched, interviews with opponents of the policy, or even an in depth discussion of the legalities of it? (1569 views)
Ahmad Chalabi emerges, once again, as powerful leader - From his deputy premier's seat in the elected Iraqi government, Chalabi, 60, oversees Iraq's vast oil resources as chairman of the energy council. He presides over a board that regulates multimillion-dollar rebuilding contracts. He commands the controversial purge of former Baath Party members from government posts and the Iraqi Special Tribunal prosecuting Saddam Hussein. Until an oil minister was named, Chalabi held that job, too. (1316 views)
Guardsman: CIA beat Iraqis with hammer handles - CIA officials used a sledgehammer handle to beat various prisoners in Iraq, and one official, whose name is classified, would often brag about his abuse of prisoners, according to testimony in a closed session of a military hearing. (1475 views)
Oil industry awash in record levels of cash - When major oil companies report their quarterly profits next week, they're once again expected to post record numbers. With crude trading around $60 a barrel, the oil industry is enjoying one of the biggest windfalls in its history. But as the industry looks for places to put that cash, it's finding it harder and harder to put funds to work finding new deposits of oil and natural gas.
Environmental Report Names Top Polluters - Ten power plants in the Northeast last year produced a third of the region's carbon dioxide emissions, considered a major contributor to global warming, according to a report released Tuesday by a coalition of environmental groups.
Halliburton announces 284 percent increase in war profits - Halliburton announced on Friday that its KBR division, responsible for carrying out Pentagon contracts, experienced a 284 percent increase in operating profits during the second quarter of this year.
Black Box Voting Board Member Arrested - Jim March, a member of the Black Box Voting board of directors, was arrested Tuesday evening for trying to observe the Diebold central tabulator (vote tallying machine) as the votes were being counted in San Diego's mayoral election. (65535 views)
More Kids Living With Parents With No Jobs - Nearly 4 million children live with parents who had no jobs in the previous year, an increase of 1 million since the beginning of the decade, a national charity says. That's 5 percent of all 72.5 million children living in the United States.
Terror drill alert: NORTHCOM/FEMA nuke in August - Given that the attacks of 9/11 and 7/7 were both false flag operations masked by simultaneous "terror drills," it behooves those of use seeking to halt the cycle of synthetic terror and expanding police state to note upcoming drills that could be used as a cover for another inside job terrorist attack. The United States Army's NORTHCOM command has announced one such drill for an indeterminate date next August. (1989 views)
RETURN OF THE "POD PEOPLE" - This photo is being sent around the net as proof of video fakery by the London authorities. (3756 views)
Broccoli Ingredient May Fight Bladder Cancer - Researchers Identify Chemical Behind Broccoli's Cancer-Fighting Effects (1798 views)
Israeli forces kill teenager in Jenin - Israeli occupation troops have shot dead a 15-year-old Palestinian bystander in the West Bank town of Jenin while a four-year-old was seriously wounded in shooting at the Rafah refugee camp near Gaza. (1292 views)
Telesur keen on Aljazeera link up - The new Venezuela-backed Latin American TV station Telesur is considering a possible alliance with Aljazeera. (1748 views)
"We Regard Falluja As a Large Prison" - I have heard Iraqis make comparisons between their occupation and the US occupation of Palestine, but it wasn't until I saw families walking through the kilometer-long checkpoint, from a parking lot outside Falluja to one on the other side, that it seemed apt. Once inside, seeing the life continuing amidst the rubble, it was harder still to ignore the physical similarities. (1777 views)
Operation: Enduring Presence - If the topic of permanent bases in Iraq seems unfamiliar, it's because, as Hart noted, there's been barely a whisper about them in the mainstream media. While the deteriorating situation in Iraq is making headlines daily, it's been two months since any reports on the presence or construction of bases have emerged from major press outlets. (1371 views)
Doomsday: The Final Months of the "Housing Bubble" - Shaky lending, interest-only loans, no down payments, a US government that is $8 trillion in debt due to Washington’s profligate spending, and a “ticking-time bomb” of adjustable-rate mortgages that will reset within three years -- the table is set for a disaster of Biblical proportions. If we hit a bump in the economic road ahead (rising gas prices? recession?) the “Land of the free” will be knee deep in bankruptcies and foreclosures. We’ll all be fighting for a soft spot under the freeway onramp. (1956 views)
The Great White Father - A federal agent seeking, for instance, to tap a citizen’s telephone or bug his home is required by the Patriot Act only to "certify" that "information likely to be obtained by such installation and use is relevant to an ongoing criminal investigation." The judge is then required to issue a warrant for that surveillance, whether he believes that agent or not. Given the notorious dishonesty among federal officials in the Bush regime, we are left with precious little protection against Big Brother. (1533 views)
Bill Gates will be frisking you with a simple point and click - In a determined strike to quell the proliferation of counterfeit software, beginning today, Microsoft will require that all customers coming to its website for upgrades and other downloads submit their computers to an electronic frisking. (1764 views)
Orwellian Newspeak: The 'war on terror' slips out of Bush vocabulary - Farewell to the "war on terror". Welcome instead to the "global struggle against violent extremists", the new official phrase in Washington to denote the fight against al-Qa'ida and other militant Islamic groups. (1721 views)
Our Houses are Burning! Shall We Remain Silent? - A female Iraqi engineer laments the hopeless situation in her country and calls on the nation's women to rise up and expel the American and coalition forces, describing them as arsonists who have burned their land, their property and their livelihoods. (1651 views)
Licensed to Ill - Increasingly, drug companies aren't just selling cures. They're also marketing disease. (2493 views)
Srebrenica Propaganda Challenged by Independent Research - ...US policy undermined UN and European brokered peace settlements, which could have ended the war in 1992 or 1993, in order to pursue a military solution which inevitably endangered safe zones. By facilitating shipments of illegal weapons to Muslim forces, the US helped turn safe zones into staging areas for conflict and tripwires for NATO intervention. (1353 views)
E.P.A. Holds Back Report on Car Fuel Efficiency - "Something's fishy when the Bush administration delays a report showing no improvement in fuel economy until after passage of their energy bill, which fails to improve fuel economy. It's disturbing that despite high gas prices, an oil war and growing concern about global warming pollution, most automakers are failing to improve fuel economy." (2053 views)
IRAQ: Hospital waste raises public health concerns - "We have asked the US forces and many other organisations to build medical waste treatment units in Basra. They promised us, but nothing has been done so far." (1226 views)
Iraqi Journalist's Death Looks Like Assassination - Latest information about the death of an Iraqi journalist who was investigating the activities of the death squads in Iraq, shows he was shot with his hands up in a scene which resembles an assassination zone.
CAFTA: Another Globalist Sleight of Hand - As our corporate telescreens were abuzz with al-CIA-duh terr’ists gone wild—thus distracting the masses with an unending stream of scary campfire stories—the House passed the Central American Free Trade Agreement, the bastard sibling of NAFTA, a monster that ate 900,000 American jobs. (3585 views)
Overflowing Morgue Testament to Iraq's Mayhem - If anyone had any lingering doubts about the full extent of violence in Iraq, they need only visit Baghdad's morgue. (2016 views)
Iraqis protest over police brutality - Hundreds of Iraqis are demonstrating in Baghdad for a second day against alleged police brutality and arbitrary arrests. (1433 views)
Cheney Orders STRATCOM To Prepare Nuclear Attack Against Iran - Politcal activists and observers have sent out a "world wide red alert' in response to what they called Cheney's "Hitler-like" state of mind. (1931 views)
Former British MI5 Agent Says 'Many Similarities' Between London Bombings And 9/11 - Jailed in 2002 for blowing the whistle on payoffs by British MI6 to an Islamic terrorist group to kill Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi of Libya, David Shayler this week talks openly from his home on the southern coast of England about how he feels both the London bombings and 9/11 were most likely staged government events. He claims the free people of the world are at war with an enemy within and either democracy will prevail or a facist rule and martial law will take over.
Group Slams the "Iron Triangle" of US Food Aid - U.S. food aid is inefficient, wasteful and designed in most cases to benefit domestic constituencies, particularly U.S.-based agribusiness firms, shipping companies and some non-governmental organizations (NGOs), more than needy people in developing countries, according to a new report released this week by the Minnesota-based Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP). (1370 views)
Marvelous Marvin: The Bush Who Seems to be in All the Right Places - ...I have to marvel at how the corporate media, and the various government and quasi-government bodies that investigated or are investigating 9-11, have ignored curious things involving the Bush family. (1975 views)
New post to help Castro 'demise' - US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has announced the creation of a new post to help "accelerate the demise" of the Castro regime in Cuba. (1353 views)
Bohemian Grove endorses Roberts; 10 yrs in Iraq - A parade of Lincoln Town Cars has been ferrying back and forth to Monte Rio the last couple of weeks, bringing notables up to Bohemian Grove for the summer encampment. (2481 views)
About Those Nuclear Attack Speculations - 1. Terror attacks, perhaps in the form of perceived suicide bombings, will take place at venues that represent the heart of America, such as a baseball game or holiday celebration. 2. A US warship will come under attack in the Persian Gulf. 3. Nuclear terror will reach American shores... (1696 views)
US warns customers against buying Iran oil & gas - As per the current US policy, oil and gas producers such as Iran, Sudan, Burma and Venezuela are bad boys which makes it difficult for the US companies to have dealings with them. But then, the US does not want others to deal with them either. (1421 views)
Uzbekistan evicts United States from air base - Uzbekistan has told the United States to quit a military base that has served as a hub for missions to Afghanistan since shortly after the September 11, 2001, attacks, a Pentagon spokesman said on Saturday. (1420 views)
US again raises the Indo-Iran gas pipeline bogey - Washington has reportedly expressed ‘serious concerns’ over India’s plan to buy natural gas from Iran. (1961 views)
Does she or doesn’t she? - According to north Korea, the Americans do have nuclear weapons on the Korean peninsula, covertly deployed on the territory of its neo-colony, the Republic of Korea, in the south (1279 views)
CIA Analyst Ray McGovern: 'Bush Is A War Criminal' - ...the people that are currently running U.S. foreign and military policy were affectionately known as 'The Crazies' during the Reagan and Bush Sr. administrations, and were “kept at arm’s length,” never permitted to rise above middle management levels of influence because of their radical proclivities. (2469 views)
THE ZIONISTS HAD A PLAN TO DISINTEGRATE IRAQ IN 1982 AND CONTROL THE ARAB WORLD - In 1982 the Hebrew-language magazine Kivunim (Directions), the official organ of the World Zionist Organization published an important article entitled, “A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties”. The Zionist plan called for the destabilisation of Arab states and the breaking them into their smaller ethnic minorities in order to ensure Israeli domination over the smaller and weaker remnants. (1905 views)
TV Anchors; field-marshals in the Information-war - Is there a difference between Bin Laden and Brit Hume; between Tim Russert and Al Zarqawi? Not a speck; they are cut from the same cloth and engaged in the same vicious blood-sport. At least al-Zarqawi can say he?s fighting to liberate his country from foreign occupation. What does Tim Russert fight for? The unchecked power of the corporate media? (1919 views)
Israeli Security to Protect London's Underground - Along with the fact that the man in overall command of London transport network, Robert Kiley, is a former Executive Assistant to the Director of the CIA, with extensive experience in covert operations, the following details yet another element in what is increasingly beginning to look like a classic false flag operation. (3604 views)
It's Telesur vs. Telebush, As Electronic Warfare Looms Over the Americas - A new Latin American Television station spearheaded by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is designed to counter the influence of the North American media so that, 'the light of truth might slip through and break the grip of corporate television.' The Bush Administration and U.S. Congress are not amused. (1923 views)
Police Admit Brazilian did not Jump Turnstile - The family of the Brazilian man shot dead by police officers on the London Underground say the police have privately admitted he did not jump the ticket barrier, and had not been wearing a padded jacket.
FBI holds eight on piracy charge - The US authorities have charged eight people in connection with the illegal trading of copyrighted films, music, games and software over the net. (1836 views)
US oil firm returns to Libya - Occidental Petroleum Corp says it has become the first US oil company to resume production in Libya since the US imposed economic sanctions nearly two decades ago over the country's alleged support to terrorism.
Palestinian medics start hunger strike - Workers in the Palestinian health sector have started an open hunger strike that threatens to halt the provision of medical services in all government health clinics. (1405 views)
UN report: Rape in Darfur continues - Sudanese police and soldiers continue to rape civilians in Darfur despite government promises to stop them and punish those responsible, a UN report has said (1352 views)
Energy bill lacks declaration of independence on foreign oil - The U.S. petroleum industry, already enjoying record profits from skyrocketing oil and natural-gas prices, lobbied aggressively for the legislation and received billions in tax breaks partly designed to encourage new drilling. (2029 views)
Parliament speaker warns troops not to attack Tel Affar - Parliament speaker Hajim al-Hassani has warned both U.S. and Iraqi troops against the use of military force in solving the tense situation in Tel Affar. (1657 views)
Defence team says Saddam attacked; U.S. denies it - Lawyers for Saddam Hussein said on Saturday their client was attacked by an unidentified man during a court appearance in Baghdad this week, but U.S. forces guarding him denied any such incident took place. (1568 views)
Senate Approves Bill Protecting Gun Businesses - Long sought by the gun lobby, the Senate measure - approved 65 to 31 - would prohibit lawsuits against gun makers and distributors for misuse of their products during the commission of a crime. (1898 views)
Private Prisons Experience Business Surge - Since 2000, the number of federal inmates in private facilities — prisons and halfway houses — has increased by two-thirds to more than 24,000. Thousands more detainees not convicted of crimes are confined in for-profit facilities, which now hold roughly 14 percent of all federal prisoners, compared to less than 6 percent of state inmates. (1991 views)
Georgian Opposition Leader Says Grenade Attack on Bush Was Staged by Authorities - The leader of the Georgian opposition Labor Party said on Thursday that the grenade attack on U.S. President Bush in Tbilisi on May 10 was prepared and staged by Georgia’s secret services in a bid to improve the image of Georgian President Saakashvili and present him as a staunch fighter for democracy. (1548 views)
Worry Grows as Foreigners Flock to Iraq's Risky Jobs - For hire: more than 1,000 U.S.-trained former soldiers and police officers from Colombia. Combat-hardened, experienced in fighting insurgents and ready for duty in Iraq. This eye-popping advertisement recently appeared on an Iraq jobs website, posted by an American entrepreneur who hopes to supply security forces for U.S. contractors in Iraq and elsewhere. (1258 views)
Dramatic New Charges Deepen Link Between Ohio's "Coingate," Voinovich Mob Connections, and the Theft of the 2004 Election - New charges filed against Ohio Governor Bob Taft's former top aide have blazed a new trail between "Coingate" and the GOP theft of the 2004 presidential election. (2065 views)
Iraq Affecting Mental Health of Troops - Thirty percent of U.S. troops surveyed have developed stress-related mental health problems three to four months after coming home from the Iraq war, the Army's surgeon general said Thursday. (1294 views)
BREAKING NEWS: Object Bigger than Pluto Discovered, Called 10th Planet - Astronomers have discovered an object in our solar system that is larger than Pluto. They are calling it the 10th planet, but already that claim is contested. (1811 views)
Canada to send more troops to Afghanistan: US military - Canada has decided to send more troops to Afghanistan to boost the US-led war on terror in the post-Taliban nation, US military spokesman said Wednesday. (1692 views)
Rape cases in US prisons number in the thousands - Nearly 2,100 incidents of rape and other sexual violence were recorded in US prisons in 2004, US justice authorities said. (4144 views)
Bush Plans to Return to Ranch in August - It will be the president's 50th trip to the ranch since he was elected nearly five years ago. (2078 views)
Prime Terror Suspects: Israeli Security Companies Have the Means, Motive and Opportunity - A good crime investigator would always question the private guards. They have unlimited access to the crime scene, they know how to handle explosives, and in the case of people who call Israel mother, they have the strongest motive. (4338 views)
Israeli Bulldozers Destroy Remains of Byzantium Church in Gaza - Sadeq asserted that such Israeli aggression is a "new phase of Israeli series of aggressions against archeological sites and historic buildings in Palestinian cities and towns". (1338 views)
French Family Values - The French family, without question, has lower disposable income. This translates into lower personal consumption: a smaller car, a smaller house, less eating out. But there are compensations for this lower level of consumption. Because French schools are good across the country, the French family doesn't have to worry as much about getting its children into a good school district. Nor does the French family, with guaranteed access to excellent health care, have to worry about losing health insurance or being driven into bankruptcy by medical bills.
Loftus: London bombing mastermind is MI6 agent - Former Justice Dept. prosecutor John Loftus claims alleged London bombing mastermind Haroon Rashid Aswat is a "double agent" who "works for the MI6". (3660 views)
Islam Reviled: Mission Accomplished - In order to get the dumbed-down masses onboard for a thirty years war (or so) against Islam, real and fake terrorist attacks against innocents are staged and the corporate media pounds the drums of hatred and xenophobia—not in crude Hitleresque fashion, through overt racism, but rather by concentrating on the “evil” ideology of Islam. (1975 views)
WASHINGTON, DC AND TASHKENT - The Uzbek government obviously believes the Pentagon has been dealing with terrorist groups and decided to deny the Americans a base from which they might be using to foment Islamist terrorist operations in Uzbekistan and in surrounding countries. (1743 views)
BAL-LA AL MOUSS - The current phase of the Mother of all Battles is more than a population attempting to kick out unwanted invaders. It is a definitive battle in the history of the world against imperialism, ethnocentrism, and deceit. (1347 views)
War Criminal Ariel Sharon: Did He Murder His Wife? - Powerful suspicions that Sharon eliminated his first wife and possibly his first son are widespread. (1724 views)
Mossad: The Enemy Within America - And Israel - Israeli espionage, specifically the MOSSAD, has targeted America since the earliest days and its penetration of America has far surpassed anything that the USSR could have envisioned, or actually accomplished, during the height of the Roosevelt Administration or the subsequent Cold War. (1445 views)
Dispensationalism: Most Dangerous Cult in the World - The frightening by-product of these beliefs is that, since the Cult is in Power in the United States, it is so easy to create the very situations which are described, thus ensuring the fulfillment of the ideas of the Dispensationalists: the Cult that wants to Create Armageddon and needs 5 billion people on the planet to go willingly to the sacrificial altar, and the Muslims have been chosen to be first. (6049 views)
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