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Archive for the Month of March, 2006.
Viewing ALL NEWS articles 226 through 300 of 375.

March 18, 2006

More Kids Are Getting Anti-Psychotic Drugs - Heavy marketing by drug companies probably contributed to the increase in the use of anti-psychotic drugs among children, said Dr. Daniel Safer, a psychiatrist affiliated with Johns Hopkins University, who called the potential side effects a concern.

NEOCON SMOOTHIE : BARAK "OBOMBA" IRAN - Democratic simpletons are falling into the ditch - yet again. The latest snake oil salesmen that has renderd them agag is Ill. junior Senator Barak "Obomba" Iran.

Before and After Abu Ghraib, a U.S. Unit Abused Detainees - In the windowless, jet-black garage-size room, some soldiers beat prisoners with rifle butts, yelled and spit in their faces and, in a nearby area, used detainees for target practice in a game of jailer paintball. Their intention was to extract information to help hunt down Iraq's most-wanted terrorist, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, according to Defense Department personnel who served with the unit or were briefed on its operations.

Life in the Shadows of the Empire - Mysterious Photographers of Nothing

General Insanity - The Prevarications of Gen. Peter Pace

The farcical end of the American dream - The US press is supposed to be challenging the lies of this war

Unholy Trinity: Katrina, Allbaugh and Brown - On any level, it makes absolutely no sense that Michael Brown should have been holding any major government post.

March 19, 2006

Baby Killers - ...we have entered the "My Lai phase" of the Iraq war, where the pretensions about democracy and liberation are stripped-away and replaced with the gratuitous butchery of women and children. (Warning: brutal and disturbing images)

Gaza faces food shortage, says UN - Wheat-flour stocks have run out in the Gaza Strip, with most bakeries closing and the United Nations warning of a looming humanitarian crisis after a nearly two-month commercial closure of Gaza imposed by Israel.

Cowards All - Our American Presidents - American presidents, with few exceptions, are bullies and cowards.

MI5 "helped IRA buy bomb parts in US" - When he told his MI5 handlers about the mission, they arranged with the FBI to procure the detonators

Fake terror planned for Scotland? Terror team draws up plans. - Are certain people worried about losing Scotland and losing Scotland's gas and oil?

Bush Using Straw-Man Arguments in Speeches - A specialist in presidential rhetoric...views it as "a bizarre kind of double talk" that abuses the rules of legitimate discussion.

WHY IRAN WANTS THE BOMB - Let me ask you a question: If you were running Iran, would you try to develop nuclear weapons? I would.

This ID project is even more sinister than we first thought - The insidious erosion of our civil liberties will accelerate dramatically if the government wins the battle over identity cards.

Saudi Arabia: the sands run out - ...what if the Saudi oilfields are running lower on untapped supplies than the kingdom, and the West, have estimated?

U.S. Meddling in Peruvian Presidential Race? - Something smells funny about the recent denunciation of maverick Peruvian presidential candidate Ollanta Humala for alleged human rights violations.

U.S. examining Israel’s military options for Iran - One of the main questions raised in the discussions was whether Israel would inform the U.S. ahead of the attack, and when would an advance notice be given.

Inside the US's regime-change school - "As I gather, the idea was to fund and train activists to be agents provocateurs along the lines of the Otpor movement in Serbia. Their job was to utilize various techniques, such as anti-government graffiti etc, to embolden the student movement and provoke a general government crackdown, which could then be used as a pretext to 'spark' a mass uprising in Iran that appeared to be spontaneous and indigenous."

GOP Bids to Take ANWR While Region was Ravaged by Major Oil Spill - The Senate passed...a measure in a budget bill Thursday that included a provision to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling - just as the region suffers through one of the worst oil spills in history.

March 20, 2006

Former top U.S. general gets $200,000-a-year board gig - Recently retired Gen. Richard Myers, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who led the Pentagon into war with Iraq, hasn't stayed out of work long.

Landmark Implosion Looks Like WTC Collapse - Classic crimp and leaning mirrors Building 7, South Tower

Contractors Hired to Subvert the Bill of Rights - The question is not, is Big Brother watching? The question is, how many big brothers have we?

Bush Didn't Bungle Iraq, You Fools-THE MISSION WAS INDEED ACCCOMPLISHED - ...every time the "insurgents" blow up a pipeline in Basra, every time Mad Mahmoud in Tehran threatens to cut supply, the price of oil leaps. And Dick and George just love it.

France: one million protest government offensive against young workers’ conditions - An estimated 1,500,000 people demonstrated across France on Saturday against the Gaullist government’s "First Job Contract" (CPE) legislation. The national day of action was the third mass protest held this month against the destruction of young workers’ conditions.

Complete Media Coverage: MARCH 18: The World Marches Against the War - 100,000 March Against the War in Italy

"Iraq was awash in cash. We played football with bricks of $100 bills" - "American law was suspended, Iraqi law was suspended, and Iraq basically became a free fraud zone...In a free fire zone you can shoot at anybody you want. In a free fraud zone you can steal anything you like. And that was what they did."

America’s goose step to nuclear brink: New Bush National Security Strategy, new Osama propaganda, target Iran - As the Bush administration and its functionaries ratchet up pressure on Iran with renewed waves of propaganda and hate, it is no surprise that Iran is emerging as the new home of US military-intelligence asset/construct "Osama bin Laden" (replacing “the mountains along the Pakistan border” and other such versions).

Trusting the Marketplace - If had the scummy old bastard's track record, I guess I'd trust the marketplace, too.

Israeli water grab harms Palestinians - "The route of the wall matches that of water resources, the latter being conveniently located on the Israeli side."

Chavez: Bush is a "coward" - President Hugo Chavez called U.S. President George W. Bush a "coward," a "donkey" and a "drunkard" Sunday, unleashing a torrent of insults days after Bush labelled him a demagogue.

Death Squad Democracy - ...more astute observers have noticed that other parts of the propaganda war, (like references to the "imaginary" al-Zarqawi) have vanished from the newspapers, as government spin-doctors are now devoting all their time to promoting their latest product-line; civil war.

March 21, 2006

Market Forces Seek to Control the Essence of Life -- Water - ...strings are being pulled by major multinational water companies with a very specific agenda: to make water an economic commodity that is bought and sold on global markets and is managed by transnational companies that claim to be more efficient, flexible and cheaper than public water agencies.

Through the (Plastic) Looking Glass & Behind the Brown Door... - Diebold's Toilet Paper Democracy -- a Photographic Essay

Profs Document Hijacking of U.S. Foreign Policy - It comes as no surprise two "of America’s top scholars," having released an article criticizing the hijacking of American foreign policy by AIPAC, the neocons, and the tiny outlaw state of Israel, are unable to get a hearing in the corporate media.

Did a Group Financed by Exxon Prompt IRS to Audit Greenpeace? - Two and a half years ago, Public Interest Watch, a self-described watchdog of nonprofit groups, wrote to the Internal Revenue Service urging the agency to audit Greenpeace and accusing the environmental group of money laundering and other crimes.

Operation Swarm of Lies - Operation Swarm of Lies is part of yet another Cheney administration media blitz to put a happy face on this horrendously failed misadventure in Iraq.

Trouble in Kurdistan - Kurdistan is a veritable police state...“Instead of one big Saddam, we have a hundred small Saddams in Kurdistan..."

WTC Morgue Worker Dies of Respiratory Illness - A 41-year-old paramedic who worked at a morgue for months after the Sept. 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center was buried Monday after dying of an asbestos-related cancer.

2 Years After Soldier's Death, Family's Battle Is With Army - All of it...has even left him suspicious of the military's central finding in their son's case so far: that the killing was a terrible but unintentional accident. "Why do you need to hide an accident?"

Climate link to African malaria - In Africa, a child succumbs every 30 seconds to malaria.

Lopsided Lukashenko win anticipated as legitimate election outcome - ...opposition forces have openly worked with Washington to oust Lukashenko, who runs an economically nationalist government that resists privatization, imposes conditions on foreign investment, and nurtures domestic industry behind tariff walls, while presiding over the region’s lowest unemployment rate, highest rate of economic growth, and flattest distribution of income.

Why Larry Silverstein can’t get it up - The sole reason the complex was still up till 9/11 was the cost of taking the Twin Towers down floor by floor. Especially since the PA was prohibited by law from demolishing the buildings. Got that? Demolishing prohibited by law but doable by an act of god or godlessness.

March 22, 2006

Myers, Franks, Powell: Surviving the War in Style - ...the Pentagon's revolving door is an old story. Last year in his Washington Post blog, William Arkin went down a list of nine other, lesser-known retired generals and admirals who among them have landed 32 corporate board positions or vice presidencies.

Mainstream Media Blackout On Sheen 9/11 Piece - Controlled gatekeepers and delusional Neo-Cons attempt to kill story

Britain: Inquiry details inhumane treatment of children in prison - A recent report of an inquiry into the treatment of children in penal custody in England and Wales details the inhuman conditions facing many vulnerable young people in state institutions.

The Iraqi Foreign Minister spy story - Saddam's FM was on CIA payroll

Blowing Smoke: Why random drug testing doesn't reduce student drug use. - W.House pushes more schools to drug-test students

Antarctica Cannot Replace Ice Loss - The ice sheets of Antarctica — the world's largest reservoir of fresh water — are shrinking faster than new snow can fall...

S.W.A.T squads out of control in the U.S.? - Unarmed doctor killed by Special Ops "accidental discharge" - death raises concern at police tactics

Noriega: Paroled and exiled? - If he is exiled to to Venezuela, he will spill the beans on the Bush Crime Family. If he is extradited to France, he will get the "Milosevic treatment."

Bush just can’t stop lying - Americans who tuned in for one of President George W. Bush’s rare press conferences saw a cornered animal trying to squirm his way out of trouble by doing what he has always done - evading the truth.

Haiti: Two views of a world - It must be noted that the "failing" of the state was largely incubated by the "helpers", for years, until it could be portrayed as the very problem to rush in to help with.

Tal Afar; war crimes in Bush’s dystopia - What took place in Tal Afar was a massive, protracted war crime engineered by the White House, executed by the Pentagon, and papered over by the collaborative-press. The rest is just the delusional ravings of a maniac.

March 23, 2006

Haditha and My Lai: Same Killer Dynamic - ...when these boy next door psychopathic killers return home and become police officers—veterans receive preferential treatment at police departments around the country—average Americans will be alarmed and outraged when these former soldiers abuse citizens the same way they abused Iraqi civilians.

Propaganda and the Fear Factor(y) - In a nominal democracy, such as exists today in the United States, shaping the opinions of the masses is crucial to the appearance of legitimacy for the ruling elite. The public must be guided and persuaded to ratify the policies favored by the wealthy and well connected, while insuring that the general public does not actually interfere with the policies and profits of the corporate rulers.

Depleted Uranium For Dummies - Over time, the health of all foreign troops will be affected. The health effects on the natives of Iraq and Afghanistan will be catastrophic.

Wesley Clark: Continuing to cash in with the military-industrial complex - Retired General Wesley Clark has once again enmeshed himself in the military-industrial complex.

HOW ISRAEL CONTROLS WHAT YOU READ - Harvard Backs Away from "Israel Lobby" Professors; Removes Logo from Controversial Paper

White House sources: Bush Latin American policy in the hands of gay Latino GOP powerbrokers - White House insiders report that an influential group of extreme right-wing gay Latino power brokers has been given almost total control over U.S. foreign and business policy decisions affecting Latin America.

Great Moments in "Earmarks" - Former first lady's donation aids son - Katrina funds earmarked to pay for Neil Bush's software program

All the News That's Fit to Slant - "U.S. Authorities Say..."

Triangle Shirtwaist Fire – Then and Now - As in 1911, there are so many workers for one job that it matters little when workers are locked in and burned in Bangladesh or locked out and fired in El Salvador or stalked and murdered in Juarez.

Another Abu Ghraib Trial Leaves Top Brass Unscathed - ...once again, an attempt by defense lawyers to point a finger of responsibility at higher-ranking officers failed in the latest case to persuade a military jury that ultimate responsibility for the abuses lay further up the chain of command.

US Media Bias: Covering Israel/Palestine - Why are "left wing" media outlets such as The New York Times and CNN not reporting the Palestinian side of the story? Well the simple answer is The New York Times and CNN are not liberal, nor honest.

Bush's Uncle Earned Millions in War Firm Sale - An SEC filing shows William H.T. Bush ("Uncle Bucky") collected about $1.9 million in cash, plus stock valued at $800,000, from the deal.

March 24, 2006

Neocon Strategy Is One of Civil War - The fact is that the neocons who control US strategy have no interest in preventing a civil war but only in inciting one.

60 Minutes Joins the Propaganda War - We already know that the Pentagon is committed to the policies of deception and misinformation. Their unwavering support for the planting of stories in the Iraqi press further demonstrates their belief that lies are vital to their overall strategy. We must assume that the 60 Minutes fits into this paradigm of psy-ops (psychological operations) directed at the American public to shore up support for the war.

A Global Infrastructure for Mass Surveillance . . . Part 3 - Surveillance for the Common Man

Canada Votes Once Again in the UN to Kick the Palestinians While They’re Down - The Canadian government’s most recent vote on a non-binding resolution put forward by South Africa in the UNESCO committee, as the sole supporter of the United States against 41 other member-states, plumbs new previously-unknown depths in Ottawa’s sordid game-playing with the lives and livelihood of the Palestinian people.

It’s time to use the H-word - The Bush administration kills with impunity. The Bush administration uses the horrific tool of genocide as the lynchpin of their foreign policy. The Bush administration follows in the footsteps of previous imperialists slogging through the blood of hundreds of thousands.

London "under water by 2100" as Antarctica crumbles into the sea - Dozens of the world’s cities, including London and New York, could be flooded by the end of the century, according to research which suggests that global warming will increase sea levels more rapidly than was previously thought.

Shell Shocked: People of the Niger Delta fight back against violence and corruption - Despite the region's oil wealth, seventy percent of people living in the Niger Delta survive on less than $1 US a day.

The Jericho prison raid - Could it be possible that the Israeli army raid on a Jericho prison on March 14 was done without careful coordination between Israel, the United States and Britain? Could it also be possible that the timing of the onslaught was equally innocent, of no political consequence, and not linked in any way to the Palestinians' ability to withstand Israeli blackmail, US threats and European intimidation following the Hamas election victory in January 2006?

U.S. escalates "Plan Colombia" - The U.S. has been helping Colombia wage war against FARC for many years with its "Plan Colombia." But now a dangerous escalation is occuring.


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