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It’s time to use the H-word

Posted in the database on Friday, March 24th, 2006 @ 16:57:56 MST (1629 views)
by Frank Pitz    Online Journal  

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The word holocaust from the Greek word holokauston, meaning “a completely (holos) burnt (kaustos) sacrificial offering.” In Iraq, Bush is daily, through murder most foul, making a sacrificial offering of Iraqi men, women and children to the god of empire.

Thus far the murderous Bush has sacrificed over 300,000 Iraqis upon the altar of greed. In his deranged mind Bush sees the light and the way; the light of the burning corpses of thousands of victims and the way of imperialism’s road map.

The Bush administration kills with impunity. The Bush administration uses the horrific tool of genocide as the lynchpin of their foreign policy. The Bush administration follows in the footsteps of previous imperialists slogging through the blood of hundreds of thousands.

That blood also flows from the veins of the troops who must blindly follow the dictates of the corporate/political master.

Bush’s insanity has no end, knows no bounds and death is but a means to an end; the ending of a race, a religion, a nation or whatever else may seemingly stand in the way of the mad cabal of warmongers who dance around the cauldron of destruction in an orgasmic frenzy.

Since 1991, through sanctions and war, corporate Amerika has murdered over one million Iraqis, true counts will be left to future -- if there are future -- historians, since “we don’t do body counts.”

We didn’t do body counts of the Native Americans either. Nor did we do body counts of the Spaniards, Mexicans, Filipinos or Hawaiians. We had no time to do body counts, the assets of Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and the Hawaiian Islands were all that counted to William McKinley 108 years ago. Then, like now, fear was instilled in the weak Amerikan psyche (“Spain was an imminent threat”). With the able assistance of media barons William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer the campaign to “spread freedom and democracy (manifest destiny) throughout the world,” began. Like Bush, McKinley also talked to God, and received the Almighty’s blessings for the rape, pillage and murder of innocents.

Amerikan corporate imperialists and their compliant partners in crime -- politicians and media -- have been raping, pillaging and murdering ever since. Every Amerikan expansion (war) was fueled beforehand by an extensive government, media, fear-based propaganda campaign; and it has never failed the corporate bloodsuckers.

For well over 100 years, corporate Amerika has used weapons of mass destruction (WMD), or whatever variant thereof was applicable to the period. Think Reagan in the 80s, and his delusional pronouncements about the Nicaraguan army poised to invade Harlingen, Texas. So, corporate Amerika slaughtered over 500,000 folks down in that small geopolitical corner of the world; once again making the world safer for democracy, and saving Harlingen, Texas. During the same time frame Reagan, in a speech before Congress, opined how “Ameri(k)a was once again standing tall,” after 10,000 Marines went up against 30 Cuban construction workers in Grenada.

Between the end of the Spanish-Amerikan war and well into the 20th century, corporate Amerika sent troops into Latin American countries on 40 different occasions. All the while making the world “safe for democracy.” Of course, never, ever mentioning the little fact that we were also making the (corporate) world safe for profits.

To the victor go the spoils, as well as the task of rewriting history. A history steeped in the blood of innocents; soon becomes a history revamped, to show Amerika as “standing tall,” full of patriotism, jingoism and the glory of the Homeland.

The faithful sheep parrot the party line and buy the requisite magnets for their gas-guzzling cars. The faithful sheep jump at each media pronouncement, which proclaims the latest, newest threat to the beneficent Shepard and his flock. And immediately, the polls are taken and the threat instantly becomes the “greatest threat to national security.”

The latest, greatest, imminent threat of course, is Iran. The faithful sheep have dutifully responded to the ubiquitous pollsters and now view that country as soon being on our doorstep with crazed bombers and nukes. Just ask the Amerikan people, they’ll tell you that is true, those Iranians are coming to get us.

The Amerikan people are easily cowed, why is that? Could it be our collective guilt over being the bully of the world? The old “what goes around comes around” thing? Like, deep in our communal soul we know that corporate Amerika through their political lackeys have committed and continue to commit genocide both at home and around the globe.

That is some very heavy-duty shit to carry around. So we soon become caught up in this whole anxiety thing, I mean, hell, half the damn country is popping a pill for something; or seeking other avenues of escape from Bush’s reality. Keeping the faithful fearful, always works for the oppressor, and we are easily cowed. Corporate/political despots count on that fear, for control.

Of course, we are all enablers in this control scenario. We create our own damn prison. By silence, by apathy, by the whole damned “hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil” thing. By virtue of our cowardice, we deserve every damn thing that happens. We deserve every twist of the corporate/political screw. We deserve every George W. Bush.

What I see in my country today puts me in mind of the old “duck and cover” drills of the '50s; collectively, we are all in a “duck and cover” mode.

Frank Pitz is a reporter, who writes for a small weekly in the high desert of the Mojave in southwestern Nevada. You can contact Frank at fpitz76@hotmail.com.

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