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Archive for the Month of March, 2006.
Viewing Government / The Elite NEWS articles 1 through 41 of 41.

March 1, 2006

The Bush criminal cartel: fingerprints all over Dubai ports deal - Dubai -- the emirate has the smoking gun evidence tying the Bush criminal cartel to arms trafficking, Viktor Bout, the Taliban, and Al Qaeda.

March 4, 2006

Red Cross Gave Ousted Executive $780,000 Deal - Former American Red Cross chief executive Marsha J. Evans received a severance package valued at about $780,000 after she was ousted from the organization in December...

The Generals, the Legislators and the Gulfstream VIP Transports - A Convoluted, But Scandalous, Tale of Pentagon Pork

March 5, 2006

The Clintons, the Doles and the Dubai port deal: political duplicity and class interest - A cynic might look at the Clintons and the Doles and say that what is involved is a form of family protection racket. The wives speak out publicly from the floor of the US Senate, warning of "security concerns" over the Dubai port deal, and thereby raising the cash value of the services their husbands perform privately for the emirs.

Red Cross cash "wasted" on stars - The American Red Cross has come under fire over payments to publicists who recruited stars to add lustre to its image, even as funds ran short for victims of Hurricane Katrina.

March 7, 2006

Monsters: Dick Cheney O.J. Simpson - Oh, big surprise. Dick Cheney, according to a CBS poll, is less popular than the wife-beating murderer O.J. Simpson, convicted in civil court in 1997. In fact, Cheney is several times more murderous and infinitely more dangerous than Simpson, although Dick is careful to not get any blood spattered on his expensive suit.

Bush's "other numbers." - As George Bush's poll numbers plummet to depths not seen in presidential polling since Watergate, it is noteworthy to point out Bush's other "numbers"

March 8, 2006

Things You Don't Know You Know George W. Bush Knows - He knows at least one hiding place in two different governors' mansions and the White House for liquor and, you know, whatever.

See Dick Loot - Halliburton and its subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR) have been making hay in the burning Iraqi sun for years now.

March 9, 2006

Steamroller Bolton at the U.N. - In a year or so the United Nations will be just another American NGO doing the bidding of the world’s multinational corporations. That’s good news for Bolton and his friends at the American Enterprise Institute, the ideological headquarters for America’s ongoing incursions into the third world.

March 10, 2006

Cui bono from Dubai Ports World's renegotiated U.S. port management deal? - A number of observers suspect that the deal worked out for Dubai Ports World to transfer operations of U.S. ports to a U.S. firm involves Bush family business dealings.

NORAD orders Web deletion of transcript - In an unusual follow-up to a public event, the Defense Department has ordered that a transcript of an open hearing on aviation restrictions be yanked from the Web.

March 11, 2006

Another Bush 'Family Values' Hypocrite: CLAUDE ALLEN ARRESTED FOR THEFT AND FRAUD - Former Bush domestic policy czar Claude Allen (right) has been arrested in Maryland on charges of swindling at least $5000 out of Targets and Hecht's stores in a refund scam...

"Entry Fee" for Presidential Race Could Be $100 Million - Money's Going to Talk in 2008

March 12, 2006

Donald Rumsfeld makes $5m killing on bird flu drug - Donald Rumsfeld has made a killing out of bird flu.

The Little Drummer Boys - The last few months has seen a unusual occurrence in the world of political punditry, that of the 'post conflict war monger soul search'. A process by which those in the media and political nerve centre can disown their foaming at the mouth pre-war scaremongering on the basis they were unaware people would die and a country would be left in ruins. It truly is a wondrous sight to behold.

Rove Vows Forever War - In the perfect neocon world, the American people are completely militarized, indoctrinated, and have the "stomach" (as Robert Kagan deems it) to engage in endless, open-ended war against dehumanized others, a faceless horde of evil-doers.

March 13, 2006

Porn starlet Mary Carey to dine with Bush again - XXX movie actress who caused stir last summer eating dinner this week

March 14, 2006

Decadent Elite Laugh At Torture During Gridiron Club Dinner - Russert dresses in drag, sings "rendition" song

March 15, 2006

They Are All In It -- Every Single One Of Them! - Al Gore Fires Up Crowd At West Palm Beach Fund-Raiser - Ask yourself what's wrong with this story?!

March 16, 2006

Where was George Herbert Walker Bush on November 22, 1963 ? - The tall, lanky man who spawned George W. Bush may have been standing in front of the Texas School Book Depository on Nov. 22, 1963.

March 17, 2006

Bush Signs Bill That Didn't Pass Congress - Wilfully violates Constitution and places himself above the law again

March 18, 2006

NEOCON SMOOTHIE : BARAK "OBOMBA" IRAN - Democratic simpletons are falling into the ditch - yet again. The latest snake oil salesmen that has renderd them agag is Ill. junior Senator Barak "Obomba" Iran.

Unholy Trinity: Katrina, Allbaugh and Brown - On any level, it makes absolutely no sense that Michael Brown should have been holding any major government post.

March 19, 2006

Cowards All - Our American Presidents - American presidents, with few exceptions, are bullies and cowards.

Bush Using Straw-Man Arguments in Speeches - A specialist in presidential rhetoric...views it as "a bizarre kind of double talk" that abuses the rules of legitimate discussion.

March 20, 2006

Former top U.S. general gets $200,000-a-year board gig - Recently retired Gen. Richard Myers, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who led the Pentagon into war with Iraq, hasn't stayed out of work long.

Trusting the Marketplace - If had the scummy old bastard's track record, I guess I'd trust the marketplace, too.

March 22, 2006

Myers, Franks, Powell: Surviving the War in Style - ...the Pentagon's revolving door is an old story. Last year in his Washington Post blog, William Arkin went down a list of nine other, lesser-known retired generals and admirals who among them have landed 32 corporate board positions or vice presidencies.

Bush just can’t stop lying - Americans who tuned in for one of President George W. Bush’s rare press conferences saw a cornered animal trying to squirm his way out of trouble by doing what he has always done - evading the truth.

March 23, 2006

Wesley Clark: Continuing to cash in with the military-industrial complex - Retired General Wesley Clark has once again enmeshed himself in the military-industrial complex.

White House sources: Bush Latin American policy in the hands of gay Latino GOP powerbrokers - White House insiders report that an influential group of extreme right-wing gay Latino power brokers has been given almost total control over U.S. foreign and business policy decisions affecting Latin America.

Great Moments in "Earmarks" - Former first lady's donation aids son - Katrina funds earmarked to pay for Neil Bush's software program

Bush's Uncle Earned Millions in War Firm Sale - An SEC filing shows William H.T. Bush ("Uncle Bucky") collected about $1.9 million in cash, plus stock valued at $800,000, from the deal.

March 25, 2006

Hillary the Hawk - The Democrats’ Athena only differs from Bush on the details.

March 26, 2006

Katrina Donation Ignites Debate: Neil Bush's investors - As Barbara Bush spent two hours championing her son's software company at a Houston middle school Thursday morning, a watchdog group questioned whether the former first lady should be allowed to channel a donation to Neil Bush's Ignite Learning company through Houston's Hurricane Katrina relief fund.

March 30, 2006

Abramoff link to Boulis murder called "threat to current operations" - Taking a tip from an old playbook—recall Al Capone ensconced at his South Florida mansion when the St. Valentines’ Day Massacre rocked Chicago— Bush slipped out of D.C. just as his erstwhile buddy Abramoff was facing the music (such as it was) in a Miami Federal courthouse.

McKinney versus a Capitol Hill "Southern Sheriff" - The Capitol Hill police are rife with officers hired by the Republican leadership and the recently-departed and nepotism scandal-tainted police chief Terrance Gainer, who got his start as a rookie cop in Chicago in 1968 clubbing anti-Vietnam War protestors at the Democratic National Convention.

March 31, 2006

Democrats unveil midterm election platform: a blueprint for endless war - The thrust of this document, reiterated by the party’s Congressional leaders, is that the Bush administration has bungled the war in Iraq and the overall "global war on terror," and that the Democrats can do a more competent job of waging both.

Boston Archdiocese fires photographer who caught Scalia's obscene gesture - The hypocrisy of the Catholic Church -- especially the Archdiocese of Boston -- knows no bounds. When they're not defending child abusers, they're bashing gays. Now, they're defending and protecting Antonin Scalia.

The Lobby Strikes Back - Harvard study of Israeli lobby's influence costs the academic dean of the Kennedy School his job


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