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Archive for the Month of March, 2006.
Viewing ALL NEWS articles 151 through 225 of 375.

March 12, 2006

Chaplain of New York Jails Suspended Over Speech - The top chaplain for New York's Department of Correction was placed on administrative leave this week while city officials investigate a speech he gave last year in which he allegedly said that the "greatest terrorists in the world occupy the White House."

The Little Drummer Boys - The last few months has seen a unusual occurrence in the world of political punditry, that of the 'post conflict war monger soul search'. A process by which those in the media and political nerve centre can disown their foaming at the mouth pre-war scaremongering on the basis they were unaware people would die and a country would be left in ruins. It truly is a wondrous sight to behold.

Doctors attack US over Guantanamo - More than 250 medical experts have signed a letter condemning the US for force-feeding prisoners on hunger strike at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Rove Vows Forever War - In the perfect neocon world, the American people are completely militarized, indoctrinated, and have the "stomach" (as Robert Kagan deems it) to engage in endless, open-ended war against dehumanized others, a faceless horde of evil-doers.

Two Million Signatures against the Iraq War Handed Over to the US Embassy in Venezuela - Many Venezuelan women decided to demonstrate and march to the US Embassy on March the 8th, International Women’s Day

CHRIS MATTHEWS : " I JUST LOVE THIS GUY AS COMMANDER IN CHIEF " - Imputing good motives to a dicktator who posesses evil intent is a Matthews propaganda tactic.

Chemical Safety: What You Don't Know is Deadly - The federal government wants to let chemical facilities publicly report their toxic releases only every other year — making the off years a potential open season for toxins. The feds also want to save chemical facilities time and money by allowing them to reveal much less information about their toxic releases.

Friendly Fire: Another Crack UK Soldier Quits the Illegal War - He said he had witnessed "dozens of illegal acts" by US troops, claiming they viewed all Iraqis as "untermenschen" - the Nazi term for races regarded as sub-human.

Leprosy drug in Milosevic's blood - Traces of a drug used to treat leprosy and tuberculosis were found in a blood sample taken in recent months from former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic...

March 13, 2006

A witch-hunt to silence dissent - More than a year after being convicted of "aiding terrorists" and other absurd charges, veteran civil rights attorney Lynne Stewart is facing a possible prison sentence of 30 years. Last week, it was revealed that she is facing it while fighting cancer.

Why Milosevic Was Murdered - Tinpot dictator blew the whistle on the New World Order

The War Dividend: The British companies making a fortune out of conflict-riven Iraq - Top 10 firms profiting from Iraq

Pakistan weekly spills 9/11 beans - The Pakistan foreign office had paid tens of thousands of dollars to lobbyists in the US to get anti-Pakistan references dropped from the 9/11 inquiry commission report...

Study Finds More News Media Outlets, Covering Less News - The third annual review of the state of American journalism found that while there were more media outlets this year than ever, they were covering less news.

Porn starlet Mary Carey to dine with Bush again - XXX movie actress who caused stir last summer eating dinner this week

Russia's Richest, Twice as Rich - Russia's billionaires nearly doubled their fortunes over the last year on the back of sky-high commodity prices...

UK designs secret nuclear warhead - Britain has been secretly designing a new nuclear warhead in conjunction with the United States, provoking a legal row over the proliferation of nuclear weapons...

Chavez flies the flag for change - The new flag's horse gallops to the left instead of the right

Berlusconi storms out of TV show - Mr Berlusconi effectively owns three private TV stations in Italy while his supporters run two of the three Rai, or state, TV channels.

Largest oil spill detected in Prudhoe Bay field in Alaska - An oil spill at the Prudhoe Bay field in Alaska has turned out to be the biggest ever in the region, according to official estimates

Guantanamo on the Mississippi - ...a New Orleans-based criminal justice reform coalition...has just released a report based on more than a hundred recent interviews with prisoners who have been locked up since pre-Katrina and are currently spread across thirteen prisons and hundreds of miles. They found the average number of days people had been locked up without a trial was 385 days. One person had been locked up for 1,289 days. None of them have been convicted of any crime.

Media lies and hypocrisy in wake of Milosevic’s death - Not a hint of the central role played by US imperialism and other Western powers in the breakup of Yugoslavia and the resulting carnage is to be found in the media’s reaction to Milosevic’s death

March 14, 2006

Rest Easy, Bill Clinton: Milosevic Can't Talk Anymore - What the corporate media overwhelmingly ignores in Milosevic's death is what they ignored in his life as well – his intimate knowledge of U.S. war crimes in Yugoslavia.

Fascist Takeover of America Continues - Dyncorp Mercenaries in Louisiana would make arrests, carry weapons

Iran Blame Game: More Bush Lies - In an effort to stem increasingly vociferous criticism, Bush’s neocon handlers have provided him with a new script, basically the old script with new fantastic accusations.

U.S. military plans to make insect cyborgs - Facing problems in its efforts to train insects or build robots that can mimic their flying abilities, the U.S. military now wants to develop "insect cyborgs" that can go where its soldiers cannot.

This Way Lies Madness - The "bunker buster" is a cute sounding name for a nuclear horror.

Iraq: Permanent US Colony - Why does the Bush Administration refuse to discuss withdrawing occupation forces from Iraq? Why is Halliburton, who landed the no-bid contracts to construct and maintain US military bases in Iraq, posting higher profits than ever before in its 86-year history? Why do these bases in Iraq resemble self-contained cities as much as military outposts?

Their Levees vs. Our Levees - Hey, it takes a lot of money to keep corrupt politicians in office....

US Army: Peak Oil and the Army's future - "The days of inexpensive, convenient, abundant energy sources are quickly drawing to a close," according to a recently released US Army strategic report. The report posits that a peak in global oil production looks likely to be imminent, with wide reaching implications for the US Army and society in general.

Decadent Elite Laugh At Torture During Gridiron Club Dinner - Russert dresses in drag, sings "rendition" song

Moussaoui takes the fall for 9/11 - September 11 was an inside job, acted out with ruthless military precision and for purely political motives by the administration and the elite power entities which run it. Take that to the memory bank and save it.

Olbermann: There are execs at NBC "who do not like to see the current presidential administration criticized at all" - video - "There are people who I work for who would prefer, who would sleep much easier at night if this never happened."

Iraq - Agent Provocateurs? Occupation forces up to their old tricks again? - Iraqi police detained an American private security contractor working at a U.S. military base in northern Iraq for several hours on Tuesday, a U.S. military spokesman said.

Nigeria: The Next Quagmire? - If U.S. troops go to Africa, it won't be for a humanitarian intervention; it will be to protect American oil interests in the troubled Niger Delta.

Lessons of Iraq War Start With US History - by Howard Zinn - On the third anniversary of President Bush's Iraq debacle, it's important to consider why the administration so easily fooled so many people into supporting the war.

THE US GULAG PRISON SYSTEM - THE SHAME OF THE NATION AND CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY - Today the US shamelessly has more people behind bars than any other nation including China with over 4 times our population.

March 15, 2006

DynCorp May Replace Cops in St. Bernard Parish - Our nation, thanks to Bush and the long-running fiat money polices of Bernanke’s ilk, faces an economic Katrina, a typhoon poised to swamp and wash away the lives of millions of people. Sooner before later, "stark white trailers" will be needed to house the dispossessed, and the checkpoints and concentration camp perimeters will be patrolled by the likes of DynCorp.

Canada in Afghanistan: "We're Here Because We're Here" - Has nobody questioned whether Canada's Prime Minister should be making "surprise" trips to Afghanistan? Since when are foreign policy decisions in a democratic country conducted in secrecy and revealed as surprises, like sexy underwear or chocolates on your birthday?

The Real Butchers Of Serbia: Clinton, Clark, NATO - Slobo death media spin intensifies, speculation rife that Milosevic was going to call Clinton as witness

Saddam court gags media - The chief judge in Saddam Hussein's trial has closed off the court to journalists after the former president called on Iraqis "to resist the invaders".

The Unspeakable Separation of Wealth - The average CEO now takes home a paycheck 431 times that of their average worker. Does he really work that hard?

Scholars for 9-11 Truth Press Conference: Alexandria, Va. - Once again, 9-11 truth is making every effort to break through into the mainstream arena.

They Are All In It -- Every Single One Of Them! - Al Gore Fires Up Crowd At West Palm Beach Fund-Raiser - Ask yourself what's wrong with this story?!

Counting the Dead in Iraq - Why is the Left Understating the Carnage?

U.S. kills, media helps hide the truth - Let's start with the headline in today's story of tragedy and war crimes...

The "exit strategy" is a sham - ...the "Murtha plan" is not a plan for withdrawal at all

Electricity hits three-year low in Iraq - Electricity output has dipped to its lowest point in three years in Iraq, where the desert sun is rising toward another broiling summer and U.S. engineers are winding down their rebuilding of the crippled power grid.

March 16, 2006

JOURNALISM UNDER SIEGE IN BAGHDAD, Part 1 - Smothered in a security blanket

JOURNALISM UNDER SIEGE IN BAGHDAD, Part 2 - Remote reporting and the Green Zone

Siege of Jericho prison: US, Britain complicit in Israeli war crime - The Israeli attack was coordinated with Washington and London, which withdrew their monitors stationed at the facility only minutes before Israeli troops backed by tanks and armored bulldozers stormed into Jericho and attacked the prison...

Indentured servitude anyone? - There is social control in loading young people up with financial obligations. Burdened with debt and desperate to have and keep a job, there is no way they can take a wild year off and certainly no time for protesting, organizing or causing the kind of social and political trouble young people cause from time to time.

Why Journalists Are Being Murdered In Iraq - ...it becomes clear why journalists are now just another casualty of war, the victims of foul crime. Especially when they attempt to report the extent of those foul crimes perpetrated on the civilian population and more so when the perpetrators of these foul crimes are the master architects of dirty war, the US and Britain.

How To Steal an Election - It's easier to rig an electronic voting machine than a Las Vegas slot machine...

War-Loving Pundits - One of the most gleeful commentators on network television was MSNBC’s "Hardball" host Chris Matthews. "We’re all neo-cons now," he crowed on April 9, 2003, hours after a Saddam Hussein statue tumbled in Baghdad.

Guantánamo Suicide Letter Declassified And Released by The U.S. - Attorneys React to Shocking Guantánamo Suicide Letter Just Declassified and Released by The U.S.

Where was George Herbert Walker Bush on November 22, 1963 ? - The tall, lanky man who spawned George W. Bush may have been standing in front of the Texas School Book Depository on Nov. 22, 1963.

March 17, 2006

Milosevic Autopsy: The Murderers Clear Themselves - We are always watching a rigged game.

Operation Swarmer: Designed to Foment Iraqi Civil War - It appears 'a considerable number of civilian losses' is part and parcel of the 'strongest signal yet' sent to the Iraqi people, who are preparing for the neocon engineered civil war in their country...

Capitalism is the enemy, not immigrants - People tend to look for scapegoats as they become more insecure about their own economic livelihood and remain badly informed.

Philippines: the Killing Fields of Asia - US-Backed Repression Soars Under President Gloria Macapagal

5 Children Shot In Head as US raid on home killed 11 family members - "After they left the house they blew it up..."

Quick! Vote while the black people are gone - New Orleans to be hit by a second, more Republican, storm

Exxon still owes for Valdez spill - Despite profits, oil giant holds billions awarded to victims

Bush Signs Bill That Didn't Pass Congress - Wilfully violates Constitution and places himself above the law again

Government orders spoof site shut - A spoof John Howard website that featured a soul searching "apology" speech for the Iraq war has been shut down under orders from the Australian Government.

Bush regime re-emphasizes perpetual war doctrine. - Are depleted uranium weapons, bunker busters, theft of priceless art, and pedophiliac jailers in Havana's future (and those of Pyongyang, Damascus, Yangon, Harare, Tehran, and Minsk)?

Canadian troops gun down Afghan civilian - The grim reality of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) deployment in Afghanistan became apparent in Kandahar late Tuesday night, when a military convoy opened fire on a taxi, killing an unarmed civilian.

MI5, Camp Delta, and the story that shames Britain - Bisher al-Rawi and Jamil el-Banna are among eight British residents who remain prisoners at the U.S. Naval Air Station at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. They are jailed because British officials rendered them into the hands of the CIA in Africa...

U.S. War Spending to Rise 44% to $9.8 Bn a Month, Report Says - Spending will rise to $9.8 billion a month from the $6.8 billion a month the Pentagon said it spent last year, the research service said.

The central battlefield in the global resource war - It’s impossible to understand the goals of the Bush administration without looking at a map.

March 18, 2006

Govt-Media Conspiracy: 9/11 Hoax & Phony Iraq War - ... a willingness to kill one’s own people means that no one anywhere is safe. That is the situation in America today

AP Erases Video of Israeli Soldier Shooting Palestinian Boy - So Much for "Sunshine Week"

Canada in Afghanistan: Top Ten Under-reported Facts - When the mainstream media only provide government information and rely on government links and officials for the whole story, they are no longer objective, independent, or critical.

NYC cops used covert tactics, "proactive arrests" at protests - Among the most effective strategies, one police captain wrote, was the seizure of demonstrators on 5th Avenue who were described as "obviously potential rioters."


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