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9/11 Mystery Flight 93 - Shanksville - Donetsk - what's the difference ?

Posted in the database on Tuesday, August 29th, 2006 @ 09:51:39 MST (42238 views)
by Postman    PostmanPatelBlogspot  

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Photo: Victoria Sinistra / Agence France Press - Getty Images

On 9/11/2001 Captain Jason Dahl taxied United Airlines Flight 93 Boeing 757- 200 at Newark International Airport, ready for its 8:01 AM departure but heavy runway traffic, delayed departure until 8:42 AM. Besides the 2 pilots there were 5 flight attendants and 37 passengers aboard.

The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology DNA lab in Rockville, Md., were later to identify their remains , from the crash site in Shanksville. Except the 4 alleged hi-jackers as Somerset County Coroner Wallace Miller ( pay US$35,854 a year as coroner) explained "To make a DNA identification we need something from the victims or their family members -- personal effects, or blood samples -- to match," Miller said. "We don't have that kind of information about the terrorists."

Which chimed oddly with the report in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette of October 15th 2001, "It was as if the plane had stopped and let the passengers off before it crashed," Miller said.

At the crash site State Trooper Tom Spallone of Greensburg said the impact of the crash was so severe that the biggest piece of debris he had seen there is no bigger than 2 feet.

Eric Peterson, 28, was working in his shop in the Somerset County village of Lambertsville in the morning when he heard a plane - "There was a crater in the ground that was really burning," he said. Strewn about were pieces of clothing hanging from trees and parts of the Boeing 757, but nothing bigger than a couple of feet long, he said. Many of the items were burning.

Peterson said he saw no bodies, there also was no sign of life.

The crash site is now a National Park.

This is a photograph from the Library of Congress - there are some more here. Note how an airplane with some 5,000 gallons of fuel hasn't even scorched the grass round the crater ? No engines , no tail fin ...

Today's New York Time reports the crash at approx 2.30 pm local time of Pulkovo Airlines Tupolev 154 un Sukha Balka, near Donetsk in the Ukraine in which 169 people died. The plane fell from 36,000 feet and by Tuesday evening rescuers had recovered 30 bodies.

It is interesting to compare the specification of the 2 aircraft , the length and wingspan are virtually identical but the Boeing tailfin is 7 feet higher.

TU 154 Length: 48.0 m (157 ft) Wingspan: 37.55 m (123 ft 3 in) Height: 11.40 m (37 ft 5 in)

Boeing 757-200 Length: 47.32 M (155 ft 3 in) Wingspan: 38.5 M (124 ft 10 in) Height: 44 ft 6 in (13.6 m)

Now look again at the Ukraine crash site , engines littered about, parts of the tail fin fires burning evidently some time after the crash when fire trucks have got there and bodies recovered.

Now do you think Flight 93 crashed at Shanksville ?

More of the mystery details here

Mobile phone video of crash posted Thursday 24th August EST 9.16


9/11 Mystery - Ukraine air crash - all 140 bodies found, engines and most of plane.


More information and photographs are available of the Ukraine air crash which compares with the crash of Flight 93 on 9/11. The two flight recorders from the Pulkovo Airlines Tu-154 which crashed in a swampy field on Tuesday have been found. Large aircraft pieces — its engines, parts of the landing gear, the nose and chunks of the fuselage — were scattered around fields and a small forest. Authorities had stretched red tape around a 7,500-square-foot area.

Slideshow of Yahoo of 131 photographs.

Video of aircrash on mobile phone

Ukrainian and Russian emergency officials working at the scene said remains of 140 bodies (45 of them children) had been found amid the plane's wreckage.

Emergency officials said preliminary information suggested bad weather caused the crash about 30 miles north of the city of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine.

"Right now, it is difficult to determine the cause of the accident," Ukraine's Transport Minister Mykola Rudkovsky said on TV.

5 non Russians have been identified 2 Germans and one each from the Netherlands, France and Finland.

Shanksville crash site - fit a Boeing 757 - 200 in this hole .... same size as the Tu-154 that crashed in the Ukraine. (AP photo)


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