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There are at least 15 separate crimes that G.W. Bush could be charged with.

Posted in the database on Friday, April 22nd, 2005 @ 23:50:04 MST (2851 views)
by PK51      

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The following is a list of crimes that even without the support of the International Criminal Court, Mr. G. W. Bush, current president of the United States of America can be tried on.

Within the USA itself G.W. Bush could be put on trial for numerous crimes. There are at least 15 separate crimes that G.W. Bush could be charged with and tried on.

Already some trials are in progress. Ellen Mariani has an ongoing trial accusing G.W. Bush of Conspiracy to Murder and Murder, points 3 and 4 on this page. Stanley Hilton also has a class action lawsuit, in which he is representing hundreds of family members of victims of the 9-11 attacks. He also accuses G.W. Bush of Conspiracy to Murder and Murder.

President G. W. Bush could be put on trial in the U.S.A for these following crimes:

    1. Desertion - G. W. Bush's desertion during the Vietnam War.    Further document of interest.

    2. Failing to protect the identity of Covert Agents - The "outing" of Valerie Plane.

    3. Conspiracy to Murder - To create a national disaster on par with attacks on Pearl Harbour

    4. Murder - Complicity in the 911 attacks which resulted in over 3,000 deaths.

    5. Aiding and instigating escape - Immediately following 911 members of the Bin Laden family, who should have been key witnesses in a 911 investigation were given special clearance to depart U. S. soil.

    6. High speed flight from immigration checkpoint - Members of the Bin Laden family were given speedy immigration clearance.

    7. Abuse of Presidential Authorities - G. W. Bush abused his authority by bringing the country to war without any imminent or unusual and extraordinary threat from Iraq.

    8. Abuse of Authority by G. W. Bush - Authorization to use military force, but not to invade a sovereign country.    Further document of interest.

    9. Conspiracy to commit offence or to defraud United the States of America - One example being the misleading reasons for going into war.

    10. Obstruction of criminal investigations - G. W. Bush refused to reveal the whole truth during the 911 investigations and insisted on pleading the 5th amendment.

    11. Perjury - G. W. Bush lied in front of the 911 Commission.

    12. False Statements - G. W. Bush made false statements before the 911 Commission and before the general public.    Supporting documents.

    13. Genocide - The genocide of Iraqis and in particular the civilians of Fallujah.

    14. Torture - Torture of detainees under U. S. jurisdiction in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib.

    15. War Crimes - Over 100,000 Iraqi citizens were killed due to the invasion of Iraq and the widespread destruction of infrastructure has made any semblance of normal life impossible for Iraqi citizens.

This page was researched and put together by Paltalk Mainstream Politics room chatter pk51

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