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Evening round-up of twilight zone manic spewing propaganda blitz
Numerous questions need to be asked about this latest attempt by the
dirty Neo-Fascist slugs to bully people into placating to being treated like
slaves and updates on the frothing propaganda being spewed by the news networks
need to be quantified.
For what it's worth, Drudge currently has this on his front page....
CNN: 'Don't use your cellphone within 50 feet of a suspicious object, you might
detonate something'...
Absolute twilight zone irrational bullshit.
ABC News and FOX aren't done with this one yet. ABC says five deadly terror
suspects on the loose - that's not enough for FOX who say ten are on the run.
Reports differ as to when the supposed plot was discovered - BBC
says Bush spoke to Blair about it some days ago - other reports say its
been known for weeks.
Known for weeks - and yet SNAP - all the ridiculous measures about hair gel,
baby milk and water bottles are implemented on a whim. A decision had been made
to introduce this latest fraud exactly on time this morning. If it was such
a deadly imminent plot why did they wait to put these measures in AFTER the
arrests has already taken place?
BBC: "Security
chiefs said the group believed to be planning the attack had been under surveillance
for some time."
The terrorists were caught engaging in a dry run before the attack. This translates
as 'the patsies were making sure they got noticed' - actor James Woods tried
to alert the authorities to a similar drill before 9/11 but was ignored.
Bush's comments are totally transparent.
"The American people need to know we live in a dangerous world, but our
government will do everything we can to protect our people from those dangers."
The men pointing sub-machine guns at old ladies are here to help. Display the
proper level of obedience to your government and we will protect you from the
terrorists. Impinge on our ability to 'defend' America and something might go
boom boom.
This latest PR scam will subside into implausible buffoonery within
days - every other major terror alert that we have encountered is always exposed
as a monumental fraud and we see no other eventuality.
Read from Looking Glass News
thwart "the Big One" now
in ludicrous Heathrow terror stunt
Terror Obfuscates Lebanon and Iraq Failures
to dust off the trusty Spotlight 'O Terror!