Untitled Document

I was watching CNN the other night and a report on the foreign policy 'crisis'
faced by the Bush-puppet administration. They listed all the trouble-spots - Israel-Gaza,
Israel-Lebanon, North Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, etc. - and claimed that
rarely had a U.S. government faced so many major problems around the world.
Well, it depends on what you mean by 'problems'.
We are back to my old friend 'coordinates' here. If you don't have the right coordinates
you don't have perspective. If you believe that the goal of American 'foreign
policy' is to bring peace and freedom to the world - if that is your coordinate
- then it does indeed seem like the United States is faced with enormous challenges.
But if you know that the U.S. government is merely a tool of a global
secret society network - the Illuminati - and the idea is to create as much
war and suffering as possible to destroy peace and freedom, you will understand
that the chaos and conflict is anything but a 'problem'. Quite the opposite,
it's all going according to plan.
Without the coordinates - knowledge of the Illuminati agenda and the techniques used to advance it - people have no chance of understanding world events
So let us go through some key coordinates here:
1.) The Illuminati use the technique I have dubbed problem-reaction-solution
to 'justify' actions that would otherwise be widely opposed. For instance,
without the lie about 'weapons of mass destruction' (an invented problem),
they would never have been able to sell the 'solution' - the invasion of Iraq.
2.) The Illuminati want to seize control of the planet and
crucial to that is to control the Middle and Near Eastern oil fields - Iraq,
Iran, Saudi Arabia and so on, plus the massive oil and gas reserves around
the Caspian Sea.
3.) To do the above they need excuses to invade those countries
if they will not, like Libya, come quietly with their hands up.
4.) Israel is an Illuminati-created and controlled state
through its manufactured political movement called 'Zionism', which is not
the same as Judaism nor being Jewish. Large numbers of Jewish people oppose
Zionism (see below), which is a political claim for a Jewish homeland in Israel.
5.) The state of Israel was bombed and terrorised into existence
by invaders coordinated and manipulated by the Illuminati House of Rothschild.
The incumbent population, the Palestinians, were removed from power in their
own country and forced into little more than slavery by their invading masters.
6.) The Illuminati want to bring the United States and allies
into a war with China to create a massive global problem in need of a global
solution - the creation of a world government and world army to stop it ever
happening again (hence the focus on China's associate state, North Korea).
7.) Chaos = control; Harmony = freedom.
8.) The goal is for a planet controlled by a world government
and army that would impose its will on a micro-chipped, constantly watched
and controlled population, described brilliantly by George Orwell in his book,

Now we can look again at current events and see foreign policy 'problems' in a
different light to the brain-dead at CNN.
I have highlighted in detail in my books the so-called neo-con organization,
the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), and the plan for global conquest
that it produced in September 2000 called Rebuilding
America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces, And Resources For A New Century.
This document called for:
U.S. military control of the Gulf region whether or not Saddam Hussein is
in power: 'While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate
justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf
transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein.'
The U.S. to 'fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theatre
wars' as a 'core mission'.
U.S. forces to be 'the cavalry on the new American frontier'.
Action to discourage advanced industrial nations from challenging U.S. leadership
or aspiring to a larger regional or global role.
Permanent U.S. bases in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
Increased military pressure on China: 'It is time to increase the presence
of American forces in South East Asia' which will lead to 'American and allied
power providing the spur to the process of democratisation in China'.
The 'creation of "U.S. Space Forces", to dominate space, and the
total control of cyberspace to prevent "enemies" using the Internet
against the U.S.'.
'New methods of attack - electronic, "non-lethal", biological.
These, it says, will be more widely available and combat is likely to take
place in new dimensions, in space, cyberspace, and perhaps the world of microbes
... advanced forms of biological warfare that can "target" specific
genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically
useful tool.'
The development of a 'world-wide command-and-control system' to contain the
'dangerous' regimes of North Korea, Libya, Syria, and Iran.
The document highlighted the need for a 'New Pearl Harbor' without which the 'process
of transformation' was likely to be 'a long one'. 9/11 came one year to the month
after this document was published and nine months after those behind it came to
power with Bush. Since then it has been used to justify the imposition of their
agenda. Coincidence? Oh, please.
September 11th, the 'new Pearl Harbor' the neo-cons needed to implement their plans. Coincidence? No way.
Bush's State of the Union speech in January 2002, in which he dubbed Iraq, Iran
and North Korea 'the Axis of Evil', was written by David Frum, one of the neo-cons
closely connected with the Project for the New American Century and its interlocking
organisations like the American Enterprise Institute. All of these groups are
arms of the Illuminati.
David Frum ... coined the phrase 'Axis of Evil' - Iraq, Iran and North Korea - for his neo-con masters and the George Bush speech
The neo-con godfather is Leo Strauss, a German-born Jewish 'philosopher', who
believed that people must be governed by a 'pious elite'. He must have missed
the fact that they already were. This Internet article summaries the world according
to Strauss and, therefore, the neo-cons:
'Strauss thought that the best way for ordinary human beings to raise themselves
above the beasts is to be utterly devoted to their nation and willing to sacrifice
their lives for it. He recommended a rabid nationalism and a militant society
modelled on Sparta. He thought that this was the best hope for a nation to be
secure against her external enemies as well as the internal threat of decadence,
sloth, and pleasure. A policy of perpetual war against a threatening enemy is
the best way to ward off political decay. And if the enemy cannot be found,
then it must be invented.'
Exactly - for the full article see: http://www.secularhumanism.org/index.phpsection=library&page=drury_24_4
Leo Strauss
The Project for the New American Century personnel are highly significant to
past and current events. It was established in 1997 by William Kristol and Robert
Kagan. Kristol is editor of the Murdoch-owned Weekly Standard that campaigns
for the neo-con agenda. He is a regular contributor to the Murdoch-owned Fox
News, the most blatantly biased television channel anywhere in the 'Western'
world. Robert Kagan is an American neoconservative 'scholar' and 'political
commentator'. He graduated from Yale University in 1980, where he joined the
infamous Illuminati Skull and Bones Society and he is a member of the Illuminati
Council on Foreign Relations.
Both of these founders are Jewish with close ties to Israel and they are pushing
an agenda for 'American' control of the Middle and Near East (and further) which
is precisely what Israel wants to happen. Yet to highlight this crucial fact
is to be called 'anti-Semitic' - the constant slur used by Illuminati fronts
like the Anti Defamation League (ADL) to discredit those who point out the obvious
unfairness and bias of this situation.
Well, bollocks to the ADL and anyone else in the same category. It is a fact
and it needs saying to get some perspective on what is happening here.
And it goes further. These are some of the other members of the Project for
the New American Century:
Abrams, Elliot: A member of the National Security Council
and top advisor on the Middle East. As Assistant Secretary of State for Human
Rights and Humanitarian Affairs under Reagan, he was responsible for covering
up war crimes committed by the U.S.-backed Contras. He was charged in connection
with the Iran-Contra affair and pleaded guilty to lesser charges. Abrams was
later pardoned by father Bush. The British media reported that Abrams was behind
the attempted Chavez coup in Venezuela.
Armitage, Richard

Former Deputy Secretary of State and former board member of CACI, the private
military contractor whose employees were responsible for torturing prisoners
at Abu Ghraib prison. Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security
Affairs during the Reagan Administration and Deputy Secretary of State to Colin
Powell at the time of the Iraq invasion.
Bernstein, Robert L.: Professor at the National Defense University
(a government facility). Worked at the Naval War College (government facility),
and in the Defense Department.
Bolton, John R.

Senior Vice President of the American Enterprise Institute. Major player at
the Pentagon at the time of 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq and now U.S. ambassador
to the United Nations calling for action against neo-con target countries, like
Boschwitz, Rudy: Presidential appointee to the Holocaust
Memorial Council. One of the top fund-raisers for boy Bush in 2000.
Bush, Jeb

Governor of Florida who banned convicted felons from voting in the 2000 presidential
election, using an extremely inaccurate system to remove voting rights and allowed
ineligible absentee ballots to be counted. The vote was rigged, in other words,
to get his brother 'elected'.
Carlucci, Frank: Chairman of the father Bush Carlyle Group
at the time of 9/11. He was Secretary of Defense during the Reagan administration,
Deputy Director in the CIA and CIA agent and was accused of plotting the assassination
of two African leaders.
Cheney, Dick

Secretary of Defense for father Bush and now Vice President to his son. Cheney
was behind the appointments of Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton,
and Elliot Abrams to government. All are PNAC members. His wife Lynne is a senior
fellow with the neo-con American Enterprise Institute and daughter Elizabeth
became Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs. He was Halliburton
CEO from 1995 to 2000, the company that has received billions in Iraq contracts
not tendered to other companies.
Cohen, Eliot A.: Professor at Johns Hopkins University, member
of the Council on Foreign Relations and formerly worked for Rumsfeld.
Khalilzad, Zalmay

Ambassador to Afghanistan and now Iraq. Accused by candidates in the Afghan
elections of arranging President Hamid Karzai's victory. Worked for Paul Wolfowitz
at the State Department from 1984 to1985. Advisor to oil giant Unocal for their
proposed gas pipeline project through Afghanistan.
Libby, I. Lewis: Assistant to the President and Chief of
Staff to the Vice President.
Worked for Paul Wolfowitz at the State Department and the Pentagon. Now under
investigation for obstruction of justice.
Perle, Richard N.

Pentagon Policy Advisor (resigned February 2004) and member of the Defense
Policy Board. On the advisory board of the Jewish Institute for National Security
Affairs (JINSA). Assistant Secretary of Defense under Reagan/Bush. FBI suspected
Perle of spying for Israel in 1970 but he was not prosecuted. Extremely close
to former Israel Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, for whom he worked as an
Rumsfeld, Donald

Secretary of Defense and a key player in the 'War on Terror', the invasions
of Afghanistan and Iraq, and the targeting of other nations. He was on the board
of the European engineering giant, ABB, when it sold nuclear technology to North
Korea and visited Saddam Hussein in Baghdad in 1983 to arrange for chemical
and biological weapons shipments from the U.S. to Iraq.
Weinberger, Caspar W.: Secretary of Defense under Reagan.
Indicted on felony charges for his role in supplying missiles to Iran, but pardoned
by President Bush Sr, who was also involved!
Wolfowitz, Paul

Deputy Secretary of Defense at time of 9/11 and the invasions of Afghanistan
and Iraq. He was the real power in the Pentagon, not Rumsfeld. Now head of the
World Bank.
Zakheim, Dov S.

Member of the advisory board for the American Jewish Committee, member of the
Council on Foreign Relations, and Adjunct Scholar for the [Illuminati] Heritage
Foundation. He was Under Secretary and Chief Financial Officer for the Department
of Defense until 2004.
Zoellick, Robert B.: U.S. Trade Representative and member
of President's Cabinet. Under Secretary of State for Economic and Agricultural
Affairs, then White House Deputy Chief of Staff in the Bush Sr. administration.
All of the above are either Jewish with fundamental ties to Israel or vehement
supporters of Israel, often through membership of the Jewish Institute for National
Security Affairs (JINSA). This calls itself a 'non-partisan' organisation, which
is a sick joke after even a cursory glance at its website - http://www.jinsa.org/home/home.html.
For more PNAC names, see http://www.reasoned.org/e_PNAC2.htm,
but the same theme applies.

So, in summary: The neo-con groups like the Project for the New American Century
and the American Enterprise Institute are awash - utterly dominated - by supporters
of Israel and they have orchestrated a U.S. government policy of invasion and
threats to countries in the Middle and Near East that suits the agenda of Israel.
Can you imagine what would be said - and done - if it was found that a U.S.
administration controlled by fundamentalist supporters of Islamic countries
had orchestrated an American invasion of Israel??
But because it is Israel doing the manipulating - silence. Don't speak out and
state the clear facts or you will be called an 'anti-Semite'. Well, they can
call me what they like, I don't give a shit, because unless these issues are
faced these sick people will set the world ablaze.

Now perhaps we can understand why, when an atrocity is commited against Israel,
the media calls it Islamic terrorism, but when staggering numbers of Palestinian
or other Arab civilians are killed it is reported as Israel 'defending itself
from' or 'retaliating to' terrorism. Why? Because the mainstream media is controlled
by the same forces - like Murdoch - and so gives the neo-con line.
What chance do the Palestinian people have of fairness and justice
when the major governments of the world and the major media sources are dictated
to by the very force that is dropping bombs on them and killing their children?
What chance have they ever had since their country was invaded and their nation
turned into slaves?
And it is about time someone said so without fearing the consequences
in slurs and attacks from the purveyors of hate like the ADL.

I ask people to put themselves in the position of the Palestinians for a moment.
They had their country stolen from them by force and terrorism soon after the
Second World War and they have been subjected ever since to grotesque and horrific
suppression, constant violence and domination. The Israeli government and military
can do virtually whatever they like to them while the pathetic 'World Community'
looks the other way.
The first prime minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, summed up their aims in
1937 when he said: 'We must expel Arabs and take their places.' Imagine if another
people invaded your land and did this to you, refusing even to acknowledge the
injustice. What would we do?
The Palestinians believe they are without hope and they feel understandable
fury at what is happening to their land, their homes, their families and themselves.
Why wouldn't they? And, given the scale of provocation, it is a wonder that
their own violent response comes only from a small minority, not the vast majority
of decent and intelligent Palestinian and Arabic people who just want peace
and justice.
It is an old, old truth. Ignore injustice for long enough and violence will
surely follow. The way to stop violence is to remove the injustice, not respond
with even greater violence.

Israel and the United States government - of both parties - are one
and the same, controlled by the Illuminati network, and that is why Israel can
basically do what it likes while the Palestinians are condemned at every turn.
So when we look at the events of this week they seem less foreign policy 'problems'
and more foreign policy goals. The Project for the New American Century, just
one of the voice pieces for the agenda of racist hatred, called in 2000 for
the conquest of Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Syria and so on.
With the nightmare unfolding by the day in Iraq, the public in America and Britain
have no stomach for invading anyone else. Bush and Blair have also had their
credibility shot by the blatant lies they told to justify the Iraq invasion.
Thus, if the conquest agenda is to roll on in the Middle and Near East, another
trigger is necessary to keep it moving.
Enter Israel, stage right and left, with the invasions of the Gaza Strip and
Lebanon and the blame pointed at both Syria and Iran for supporting those who
kidnapped three soldiers - acts which have unleashed Israeli firepower (paid
for by U.S. 'aid') on civilian populations.
It was all planned long before any soldiers were taken hostage.
A family of ten, including eight children, died in this Israeli air strike in Lebanon in retaliation for two soldiers being kidnapped (but not by the family of ten, including eight children). And have you noticed something? The Illuminati target the Palestinians, Lebanon,
Syria, Iran and North Korea and events happen at just the right time to support
the agenda. Soldiers are kidnapped that lead to the invasion of Gaza and Lebanon,
with blame for the kidnaps handed to Syria and Iran; an Iran 'election' is 'won'
by a man who then says all the right things for the neo-con propaganda to exploit;
and North Korea starts launching missiles.
This story, and the global conspiracy, is far, far bigger than almost anyone
To be continued ....
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seek black gold in the Black Sea
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Zakheim and Pentagon trillions to Israel and 9-11
The Dots - Zionists & 911
of Israeli Involvement in 9/11
RSA Security & Ptech Run US Govt Computers
Babies Are Child's Play To Israel's Ethnic Cleansers
Real Enemy
Kissinger's 1974 Plan for Food Control Genocide
Bash Bush; Pump Global War
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