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9-11 -

New Zogby Poll Frightens Masters Of Terror Into Releasing "Bin Laden Tape"

Posted in the database on Thursday, May 25th, 2006 @ 20:02:27 MST (2808 views)
by Paul Joseph Watson    PrisonPlanet.com  

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Nearly half of entire country sees 9/11 cover-up, 24 hours later 'Bin Laden tape' gets released

A new Zogby International poll that shows over 45% of Americans want a new independent investigation of 9/11 has the masters of terror running scared and dreaming up new ways to blind side intrigued Americans into sticking their heads back in the sand and relinquishing their suspicions in return for government protection.

The outcome of the poll was that 45% supported calls for a new inquiry on behalf of Congress or an international tribunal and that 42% believed the 9/11 Commission was a cover-up.

Exactly 24 hours later, an audio tape alleged to contain the voice of dead CIA intelligence asset Osama bin Laden renforced the myth that he had personally directed 19 incompetent Arabs to carry out the attack.

This is an inept attempt to bolster the 'Bin Laden did it' fraud one day after the Zogby poll was released The emergence of bin Laden tapes repeatedly coincide with watershed moments either politically or from the 9/11 truth movement. See our archive for previous examples of this ridiculous theatre.

Is it a stretch to suggest that in reality the numbers swing even more in our favor?

Endless stories of warrantless NSA domestic eavesdropping have created a chilling climate, whereby Americans expect to have their every communication intercepted and catalogued by Big Brother. Would more have expressed a desire for a new investigation minus this fear factor?

What is amazing to consider is that after nearly five years of relentless monopoly establishment media and government promotion of the official 9/11 fable, it can't even muster the support of half the country.

This completely inept and impotent performance on the part of the establishment is coupled with Bush approval ratings dipping into the 20's as even his conservative base deserts him over a policy that would have been mandated if the 9/11 attack was perpetrated by the parties alleged by the government, closing the borders.

Is there a backlash on its way?

The sudden emergence of the so-called Bin Laden tape was an immediate and desperate response in an effort to prop up an official story that has about as much balance as a drunken prostitute.

Many have speculated that the Pentagon issue is a baited trap ready to snap the 9/11 truth movement. Mouthpieces of the elite have been busy at work attempting to rest the entire body of evidence on the foundation of whether or not Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon.

By placing the Pentagon joker at the bottom of the deck, the establishment is hoping to topple the whole house of cards by eventually releasing crystal clear footage, whether real or manufactured, of a Boeing 757 hitting the Pentagon.

The movement must prepare for that by re-emphasizing the collapse of Building 7 and incendiary devices within the twin towers as the central pillar of the cover-up.

This issue will no doubt encompass the central focus of the upcoming Chicago and Los Angeles 9/11 conferences, which will serve as a platform to educate the public and generate more mainstream press coverage.

Tickets are going fast but are still available for Alex Jones' *star studded* (hint hint) event and can be purchased by clicking here.


Read from Looking Glass News

Zogby Poll: Over 70 Million American Adults Support New 9/11 Investigation

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