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9-11 -

When An Irresistible Force Meets An Immovable Object

Posted in the database on Thursday, April 27th, 2006 @ 16:26:07 MST (2403 views)
by Douglas Herman    Rense.com  

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When a huge, fast-moving, fuel-laden yet fragile object (757) strikes a steel-reinforced structure at a 45 degree angle, predictably pieces should RICOCHET away from the structure. True?

While some parts would penetrate into the structure considerably, most others would shear away, showering backwards, where upon many would burn. Where are these parts, in this seldom seen photograph taken at the Pentagon? Why don't we see anything but bits of concrete on the helicopter landing pad? Could it be because there aren't any pieces of a Boeing 757 to see?

Whatever type of aircraft struck the Pentagon must then have CREATED A HOLE AND THEN FOLLOWED IT IN, a split second later. The five frames of the Pentagon vidoetape appear to support this theory: A white streak, perhaps a missile, followed by a mid-size aircraft silhouette, both craft simultaneously exploding.

If a huge Boeing 757 had crashed against the side of the Pentagon fortress, we would have seen some aircraft debris on the helicopter landing pad. Would we not?

Douglas Herman is a USAF veteran and writes for Rense frequently.

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