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Bennish Receives Customary Death Threats

Posted in the database on Wednesday, March 08th, 2006 @ 16:23:00 MST (3492 views)
by Kurt Nimmo    Another Day in the Empire  

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You may not agree with everything Jay Bennish told his high school students. Bennish believes “al-Qaeda,” at the behest of Osama bin Laden, attacked America on nine eleven, a mistake commonly made by so-called liberals, even though the official Muslim caveman conspiracy theory is completely absurd and easily discredited. But agree or disagree with Bennish, he certainly is entitled to his opinion, even in a public high school classroom, and it is criminal that his family has received death threats, an increasingly common response on the part of people who follow Bush and his Straussian neocon f-ing crazies, as Colin Powell once referred to the likes of Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and his former deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, now president of the neoliberal World Bank, a global loan sharking and shakedown operation.

“The father of a Colorado teacher who compared President Bush’s State of the Union address to speeches made by Hitler said he and his family have received at least 12 death threats,” reports CBS Denver, failing to mention that Bennish did not compare Bush to Hitler, but rather said there are “some eerie similarities to the tones that they use.” Of course, it is too much to expect the corporate media to report the news without bias. “Bennish’s father, John Bennish of Beverly Hills, Mich., told The Detroit News in Wednesday’s editions that people have called his house threatening to kill him or his family.” Additionally, Jay Bennish, during a television news interview, reveals that he has received threats as well.

In fact, ones does not need be a Jay Bennish, exploited by the corporate media engaged in a predictable feeding frenzy, in order to receive death threats and endure constant slander, character assassination, and ad hominem attacks.

Bush supporters, false conservatives, and Straussian neocon wannabes engage in such reprehensible behavior because they cannot counter the argument that Bush’s Straussian neocon handlers are Carl Schmitt influenced fascists, xenophobic Arab and Muslim haters, war criminals, dissimulating amoral scumbags and contemptible nihilists parading as respected statesmen. Instead, the mindless Bush defenders and Straussian wannabes, because they are intellectually bankrupt bootlickers attempting to mask their fear and petty hatreds, lash out at those who disagree or criticize Bush, a mentally and physical enfeebled alcohol and cocaine ravished wreck. Bush’s pathetic fawners consider him inviolable, almost godlike. In many ways, these nearly imbecilic Bush supporters are disturbingly similar to Hitler’s followers in their misguided belief that their Reichsführer can do no wrong and woe to those who believe otherwise.

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