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Bibi’s Election Bluff: Iran Attack

Posted in the database on Sunday, December 11th, 2005 @ 08:14:21 MST (1437 views)
by Kurt Nimmo    Another Day in the Empire  

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Is it possible the people of Israel will select Binyamin Netanyahu to be their prime minister again? Like America, in Israel the far right is in firm control of the horizontal and vertical, and in Israel as America the ruling clique is of a particularly rabid Zionist persuasion, unflinching in their warmongering assertions.

For instance, Netanyahu, affectionately nicknamed Bibi, tells us if he “succeeds in becoming Israel’s next prime minister … he will not hesitate to order a military strike against Iran’s nuclear program in order to safeguard his nation from annihilation,” according to MichNews. Notice how the assumptions are stacked up like cordwood against a brutal winter—not only does Netanyahu take for granted Iran has nuclear weapons (or is about to have them), a less than factual assertion, but he also believes if Iran possesses nukes it will most certainly annihilate Israel. Netanyahu would have us believe Iran is not only genocidal and insane, but suicidal as well.

“I will continue the tradition established by Menachem Begin, who did not allow Iraq to develop such a nuclear threat against Israel, and by a daring and courageous act gave us two decades of tranquility,” Netanyahu told Israel’s Maariv daily.

Indeed, Begin attacked Iraq—and earned the condemnation of the world for doing so, not that the Zionists particularly care what the rest of the world thinks (unless the money—much of it holocaust guilt trip money—stops coming in). Imagine the response if the Iraqis had invaded Israel’s Dimona nuclear complex in the Negev. But then, of course, the Israelis consider themselves civilized European people—or the Ashkenazi Jews do anyway—and the Arabs (and the Iranians) are uncivilized and sub-human and as Bibi tells us given half the chance they will nuke Israel.

In fact, as defense Israeli analyst Zeev Schiff told Haaretz: “Too many senior Israeli officials have taken to issuing threatening statements vis-a-vis Iraq and Iran…. Off-the-cuff Israeli nuclear threats have become a problem, even before the onset of the Iraqi crisis…. Washington may decide it wants to distance itself from Israel in order to avoid being accused of having conspired with us on an action we planned exclusively by ourselves.” In other words, according to an analyst who should know, the problem is not Iran but is in fact the racist state of Israel, bristling with modern nuclear weapons and the appropriate delivery technology.

As Livia Rokach (daughter of Israel Rokach, Minister of the Interior in the government of Moshe Sharett, second prime minister of Israel) spelled out in her book, Israel’s Sacred Terrorism, the “Israeli political /military establishment never seriously believed in an Arab threat to the existence of Israel. On the contrary, it sought and applied every means to exacerbate the dilemma of the Arab regimes after the 1948 war. The Arab governments were extremely reluctant to engage in any military confrontation with Israel, yet in order to survive they needed to project to their populations and to the exiled Palestinians in their countries some kind of reaction to Israel’s aggressive policies and continuous acts of harassment. In other words, the Arab threat was an Israeli-invented myth which for internal and inter-Arab reasons the Arab regimes could not completely deny, though they constantly feared Israeli preparations for a new war.” Bibi Netanyahu, as a staunch Jabotinsky Zionist, is playing this old game with Iran.

Of course, Bibi will not go it alone—he has the support and goading (not that he needs much) of the American dual loyalty neocons, the Zionist mafia currently in control of U.S. foreign policy. “The ultimate neocon goal is a U.S. war with Iran over the nuclear issue,” writes Andrew I. Killgore for the Washington Report On Middle Eastern Affairs, “That would serve to postpone indefinitely Washington’s attention to the Palestine question. In ‘A Clean Break: A New Strategy For Securing the Realm,’ the 1996 white paper prepared for Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu by the neocons/Zionists Richard Perle, David Wurmser and Douglas Feith, the authors envisaged America fighting Israel’s enemies in the Middle East. It contained not a word about the consequences for the United States—raising a question about the judgment, if not the loyalty, of the three authors.”

Not that “consequences for the United States” mean squat to the neocon traitors. As it now stands, Bibi will probably not be Israel’s next prime minister. However, Netanyahu is sending a message to the neocons—Iran is still on the table, front and center, and it is up to America to secure Israel’s nuclear monopoly and sow chaos amidst the Muslims, as per the long-held neocon master plan. Call it a punctual reminder. Of course, the neocons have not forgotten and they will not be dissuaded from calling for mass murder and yet more crimes perpetuated against humanity. It remains to be seen if they can pull it off with the Bush’s Iraq political fiasco pickle (although the plan in Iraq is going as envisioned—destroy Iraqi society for a generation or more, as the Zionists demand).

But then Bush is limping toward the curtains of his second and last (we can only hope) term and he really has nothing to lose in regard to Iran.

It may be bombs away as the Zionists in Israel and Washington demand. One thing is for sure—Israel is not stupid enough to attack Iran on its own, as Bibi threatens, invoking the execrable memory of Menachem Begin, who was so pleased with his blood-spattered historical record of slaughtering 20,000 or more Lebanese and Palestinians he characterized the killing fields to a “new Treblinka,” thus revealing precisely the sort of sociopathic killers allowed to rule nations and decide the fate of millions.

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