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Jimmy Walter, Philanthropist and 9/11 Truth-Seeker, Returns from Europe to Picket Outside New York Times Building in Week-Long Protest of Media Censorship

Posted in the database on Monday, November 07th, 2005 @ 11:52:34 MST (2580 views)
by Greg Szymanski    The Arctic Beacon  

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Returning from a self-imposed European exile due to FBI harassment, the outspoken American multi-millionaire again wants to 'turn up the heat' on the 9/11 truth movement.

Jimmy Walter, the American philanthropist and 9/11 truth-seeker, is setting his sights this week on the corrupt state sponsored media, taking his protest to the streets directly in front of the New York Times Building.

Walter and a large contingent of media protestors will be picketing in front of the Times Building every day this week during employee shift changes at 7a.m., 3p.m. and 7p.m. in an attempt to force media coverage sorely lacking concerning 9/11.

“I am accusing the New York Times of being cowards, traitors and censoring important facts about 9/11, including my challenge to give away one million dollars to anyone who can categorically prove the validity of the government’s official version of how the Twin Towers collapsed,” said Walter Sunday in a telephone interview from New York about an ongoing contest he is sponsoring, the details being outlined on his web site www.reopen911.org.

“I am also accusing them of censoring many other important stories, including the story of William Rodriguez, the WTC head maintenance man who heard explosions rock the sub levels of the North Tower prior to the plane striking the top floors.”

Walter, a long time nemesis of the neo-con Bush administration over its obvious involvement and cover-up of 9/11, returned to New York this week from his home away from home in Vienna, Austria, where he re-located in protest of the U.S. government’s imperialistic posture both home and abroad.

Walter also claims on his web site that he left the states in a self-imposed exile due to constant FBI/CIA attacks, threats and lack of police investigations into the government harassment leveled at him for his stance on 9/11 truth.

“They can attack me physically to shut me up yet the police and FBI do nothing. I give away T-shirts and they send a sergeant to intimidate myself and my secretary. You would have to be stupid to stay. I can continue the fight here,” said Walter in a public statement on his web site.

And concerning his motives regarding his activism, one New Yorker close to the 9/11 truth movement summed it up this way:

“His heart has always been in the right place and he has been very generous to many others trying to uncover the government lies about 9/11. He’s for real when it comes to getting at the truth and he has no hidden agendas.”

A multi-millionaire businessman, Walter for years has been one of the few who people who has put his money where is mouth is,” dipping deep into his pockets and spending millions in a broad effort to uncover what he calls “the real truth behind 9/11.”

Besides funding one of the most highly read 9/11 truth web sites on the internet, reeopen911.org, Walter has spent millions on commercial advertising over the years. His most recent television ad campaign, which can be previewed on his web site, includes more than $300,000 spent in New York, Miami and other large city markets across the country.

In September 2004, Walter also funded the jam-packed Omission Commission in Manhattan: “Confronting the Evidence - a call to reopen the 9/11 investigation.”

Walter said the reason for the event was twofold: “First, to expose a complete accounting of the facts and circumstances surrounding the 9/11 attacks; second, like the 9/11 Commission to make recommendations.

“In this made-for-broadcast forum,” Walters added, “presenters had the task of laying out a compelling case for their evidence. The panel, composed of 9/11 victims, environmental experts, researchers, scientists, journalists and first responders, challenged some of the key data that had been the basis of the 9/11 Commission's investigations and pointed our many serious omissions and incongruities.”

Walter said he is also in New York to protest Tuesday’s mayoral elections between incumbent Republican billionaire Michael Bloomberg and Democratic Bronx Borough President, Fernando Ferrer, adding he wants to uncover why the truth concerning the government cover-up has not been made a major campaign issue.

“I am just trying to find out why none of the mayoral candidates has even mentioned the lies surrounding 9/11, but in particular the EPA (environmentally related) lies,” said Walter, adding Mayor Bloomberg and others have repeatedly lied about 9/11 safety and health issues, leading to the death and illness of many first responders, including New York’s own fireman and policeman.

“People have died because of the lies spread by the Mayor’s office and the White House, making their cover-up of the truth nothing less than manslaughter or murder.”

On Walter’s web site, he details why people are dying from hazardous environmental conditions concerning 9/11 and the enormous support in New York to reopen truthful 9/11 hearings, two issues completely whitewashed by Bloomberg, former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and the Bush White House

“In order to reopen Wall Street, the Bush administration censored crucial EPA and New York City Health Department warnings that the air after 9/11 was highly poisonous. The White House forced the EPA to say "The air is safe to breathe" at the World Trade Center. This has seriously injured the health of Manhattan workers and residents, is even killing some of the heroes who worked at Ground Zero.

“EPA administrator Christine Whitman, Mayor Giuliani and NYC health departments lied to New Yorkers and visitors from around the world that there were "No Significant Problems". There were no Arabs, Muslims, or hijackers involved in these crimes. Just United States, NY City, and NY government officials committed these major felonies and misdemeanors which, when one of these people dies, will be Second Degree Murder! Read the EPA Inspector General Report, which exposes the crimes, the MSNBC article, and another MSNBC article.

“Rescue workers are suing the EPA for lying because they were sent to work without proper protective gear, exposing them to PCBs, asbestos, benzene and other known carcinogens.

“So many have been affected that there is new diagnosis in New York City called "WTC cough". Scientists Dr. Cate Jenkins, Dr. Marjorie Clarke, Paul Bartlett, and others, warned about inhaling toxic dust and fumes, but were ignored by the agencies in charge.

“For more details please go to the World Trade Center Environmental Organization (wtceo.org) and ‘Messages in the Dust’.

“See what Criminal Charges victims working at or near ground zero may have to file with the Manhattan District Attorney against Mayor Giuliani; Christie Whitman; James L. Connaughton, Chair of White House Council on Environmental Quality, Antonia C. Novello, NY Health Commissioner; Neal Cohen, NYC Health Commissioner; Thomas R. Frieden, NYC Health Commissioner starting January of 2002; and Sam Thurmstrom, White House Press Coordinator who told the lies first.

“Remember 66% of New York City residents believe that the 9/11 investigation should be re-opened, as well as 60% of the residents of New York state, according to a recent Zogby Poll. The New York Times did not report it! We had to pay for an ad to get the poll in the New York Times.

“And 49% of New York City residents and 41% of New York citizens overall say that some US leaders "knew in advance that attacks were planned on or around September 11, 2001, and that they consciously failed to act", according to a recent Zogby Poll.

“Bush and Cheney blocked the 9/11 investigation. Initially Bush denied an investigation into the 9/11 attacks was necessary. Bush later got Sen. Tom Daschle and the 9/11 Commission to limit the investigation's budget to $600,000; yet Republicans spent $65,000,000 on whether President Clinton had sex in the oval office. Bush has never testified under oath. His administration has refused to release thousands of documents pertaining to 9/11.”

Walter said he will remain in New York, depending on media coverage, until Dec 7, 8 and 8 when he travels to Tampa and Miami for a 9/11 truth speaking tour he has financed and organized to coincide with Pearl Harbor Day.

The event will kick-off at the Tampa Auditorium December 7 and speakers include Rodriguez, declared a national hero for his heroics at ground zero, as well as 9/11 activists and radio hosts Joyce Riley and Dave Von Kliest of the highly popular “Power Hour” on the Genesis Communications Network.

According to Walter’s bio his day job, as he calls it, is using his extensive economic experience to start and operate several progressive, futuristic, sustainable and eco-friendly enterprises.

Known worldwide as an ecological crusader, he heads Walden Three, an environmental based think tank dedicated to preserving our environment while stimulating the economy and providing luxurious lifestyle for all.

Walden Three is a paradigm for future architectural and ‘bio-tecture’ development. He is working with architect R. Edmond of HASSELL Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, who won the Urban Design Competition for Architecture.

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