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CDC's tularemia cover-up & NORTHCOM's "Granite Shadow"

Posted in the database on Saturday, October 08th, 2005 @ 17:47:27 MST (2959 views)
from Total Information Analysis  

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In case you missed it, George W. Bush has been calling for the military to takeover when and if there is an outbreak of the so-called "avian flu."

That is very interesting in light of this follow-up information on the item about airborne tularemia, a noted bioweapon, being detected by biohazard sensors in DC during the antiwar protests on Sept. 24; there is an interesting story posted to a blog called Moxxiegrrl.com, a relatively mainstream affair that has in the past been featured on CNN.

Now, from MoxieGrrrl.com OCTOBER 5, 2005:

"I just got back from my doctor on a followup about this (As I rarely ever get sick, I didn't have a "doctor" before, but I do from now on).

First off, it actually was the "Aww this sucks, I have the common cold." kind of sick, (small fever, cough, and aches) or at least it was until I read that and went to the ER about it.

Throughout my 3 day stay I wasn't told what all of the tests were for or what any of the findings showed. I had dozens of blood tests, nose and throat swabs, a lot of focus on what appears to be a cold sore on my lip (although I've never gotten one before), and a lumbar puncture (yuk).

Today the doc tells me that two separate "preliminary" tests done at a local lab confirmed tularemia, but a third "conclusive" test sent to a Center for Disease Control [CDC] lab turned up negative. I don't yet know which tests he was talking about. All of the other suspects, flu, cold (noravirus) bacterial meningitis, have been ruled out on all of the tests. . .

He knows that everyone in the ER and the floor my room was on has been put on antibiotics, which suggests to him (and me) that someone besides me isn't too trusting of the CDC labs findings or the fact that all of the literature says that it can't be transmitted from person to person. He said that it may be that a weaponized form of the bacteria could indeed spread between persons.He also said that he found out that there are at least 12 cities in the US monitored like DC, and not one sensor ever, in DC or otherwise, has ever picked up airborne tularemia even once, much less 6 different sensors in 1 day.


Review -- we have low levels of tularemia, aka rabbit fever, a longtime military bioweapon, detected in several locations around DC as hundreds of thousands protest the war. It's not a flesh-eating ebola or anything, but it does make people sick like the flu, depending on their dosage and the state of their immune system.

So, it's released, then the hundreds of thousands of people disperse from DC across the country, where tularemia results are tracked and covered up by the CDC. The whole thing runs like a drill for the "avian flu" outbreak we're all supposed to be so scared of now.

In fact, there was a major drill being run on that day, called "Granite Shadow." Run out of NORTHCOM, the drill tested (or perhaps still is testing) how the military and civilian agencies work to gether to combat a "wepons of mass destruction" threat. That includes bioweapons, such as avian flu, which Bush has announced he wants the military to "fight" when it strikes.

Let's take another look at that Washington Post 9/30:

"Today in DC: Commandos in the Streets?

Today, somewhere in the DC metropolitan area, the military is conducting a highly classified Granite Shadow "demonstration."

Granite Shadow is yet another new Top Secret and compartmented operation related to the military’s extra-legal powers regarding weapons of mass destruction. It allows for emergency military operations in the United States without civilian supervision or control.

A spokesman at the Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region (JFHQ-NCR) confirmed the existence of Granite Shadow to me yesterday, but all he would say is that Granite Shadow is the unclassified name for a classified plan.

That classified plan, I believe, after extensive research and after making a couple of assumptions, is CONPLAN 0400, formally titled Counter-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Concept Plan (CONPLAN) 0400 is a long-standing contingency plan of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS). [...]

All of the military planning incorporates the technical capabilities of the intelligence agencies and non-military organizations. [...]

U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM), the military's new homeland security command, is preparing its draft version of CONPLAN 0400 for military operations in the United States, and the resulting Granite Shadow plan has been classified above Top Secret by adding a Special Category (SPECAT) compartment restricting access.

The sensitivities, according to military sources, include deployment of "special mission units" (the so-called Delta Force, SEAL teams, Rangers, and other special units of Joint Special Operations Command) in Washington, DC and other domestic hot spots. NORTHCOM has worked closely with U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM), as well as the secret branches of non-military agencies and departments to enforce "unity of command" over any post 9/11 efforts.

Further, Granite Shadow posits domestic military operations, including intelligence collection and surveillance, unique rules of engagement regarding the use of lethal force, the use of experimental non-lethal weapons, and federal and military control of incident locations that are highly controversial and might border on the illegal.



So, we admittedly have special operations running around DC doing illegal things, according to Washington Post. And next thing, there's a bioweapon release; just as the military is practicing how to takeover when a bioweapon is released. Is there any doubt given the media hype and official pronouncements about avian flu and martial law that this rabbit fever incident was a dry run, an experiment, a data-gathring exercise for a possible avian-flu-based takeover?

But when are THEY planning to release the killer flu? The last line of the WashPost piece may provide a clue:

There's still time. The full-scale exercise of Granite Shadow's capabilities and procedures doesn’t start until April 2006.

Are you ready?

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