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has stepped up its war against the internet and the dissemination of uncensored
information—or as the totalitarian “free trade” government
of the world’s most populous nation (or most populated slavery gulag)
describes it, internet news sites must “be directed toward serving the
people and socialism and insist on correct guidance of public opinion for maintaining
national and public interests,” in other words serving the interests of
a tyrannical clique of former communists (now practicing a mix of bastardized
Marxism and global-corporatist capitalism) and severely punishing those who
would criticize the monolithic Chinese state, a nightmarish behemoth that would
inspire George Orwell, if he was alive, to rewrite considerable chunks of his
seminal novel, 1984. “China has a dedicated band of cyber police who patrol
the Internet with the aim of regulating content. Postings that criticize the
government or address sensitive topics are quickly removed,” and no doubt
Chinese posters of such criticism are hauled off to torture dungeons and ultimately
to cosmetics for narcissistic western women desperately in search of collagen.
Meanwhile, Matt Drudge, purveyor of a sort of National Enquirer website for
“conservatives,” has dragged out an old Hillary
Clinton quote: “We are all going to have to rethink how we
deal with [an uncensored internet], because there are all these competing values
… Without any kind of editing function or gatekeeping function, what does
it mean to have the right to defend your reputation?” Clinton
said in 1998, in response to offscourings in the wake of the so-called “White
House sex scandal” (actually, a well-orchestrated attempt by sulking Republicans
to evict a Democrat from office—not that there is a dime’s worth
of difference between the two camps). Of course, it makes sense for Drudge to
refloat this bit of almost ancient political history, since he was the source
of the Monica Lewdinsky, er Lewinsky revelations. Now he wants to sink Hillary
once and for all—or at least tarnish her carefully groomed image—as
the Grand Dame of Statism plans to run for the presidency.
“I don’t have any clue about what we’re going to do legally,
regulatorily, technologically—I don’t have a clue. But I do think
we always have to keep competing interests in balance. I’m a big pro-balance
person. That’s why I love the founders—checks and balances; accountable
power. Anytime an individual or an institution or an invention leaps so far
out ahead of that balance and throws a system, whatever it might be—political,
economic, technological—out of balance, you’ve got a problem, because
then it can lead to the oppression people’s rights, it can lead to the
manipulation of information, it can lead to all kinds of bad outcomes which
we have seen historically. So we’re going to have to deal with that,”
Clinton declared.
Of course, this is a complete load of hogwash, a cynical twisting of history
and facts. First and foremost, the checks and balances Clinton mentions
here are intended to prevent what we now have—an emerging dictatorship
usurping all branches of government—and the original checks and balances
were not devised to check the “competing interests” of citizens,
especially citizens who criticize the president or Congress (apparently, Clinton
believes the government needs to “check” the “balance”
of free speech, especially when free speech she disagrees with is directed at
her husband). Clinton believes free speech needs to be held “accountable”
to “power” (the power of the government and its corporatist owners)
and only government can decide when speech “leaps so far out ahead”
of statist power (reference the actions of China, noted above) and is deemed
“out of balance,” or insulting or dangerous to rulers. Unfettered
and unmolested speech “can lead to all kinds of bad outcomes,” for
instance overturning the regnancy of our pedigreed rulers, so “we’re
going to have to deal with that.” It should be remembered Clinton
was singling out websites—most notably Drudge’s rumor-mongering
website—for posting stories about the prurient activity of her husband,
not the government, although she once claimed there was a “right-wing
conspiracy” afoot in Congress to impeach her oral sex obsessed and philandering
husband. It should be remembered as well that Bill Clinton faced impeachment
not for engaging in sex but for lying about it while under oath.
Hillary Clinton is not alone in her desire to censor and impose regulations
on the internet. The Communications Decency Act (CDA) was passed by
Congress to control “obscenity” on the internet (once upon a time,
protecting children from obscenity was the duty of parents, not government).
In 1997, the Supreme Court ruled the CDA to be unconstitutional. Justice John
Paul Stevens held that “the CDA places an unacceptably heavy burden on
protected speech” and found that all provisions of the CDA are unconstitutional
as they apply to “indecent” or “patently offensive”
speech. The “Supreme Court ruled that the Internet is a unique medium
entitled to the highest protection under the free speech protections of the
First Amendment to the US Constitution. This gives the Internet same free speech
protection as print,” notes the Center
for Democracy and Technology.
Of course, this ruling may eventually go the way of the dinosaur. Bush is in
the process of packing the Supreme Court with corporate-beholden reactionaries
who will do the bidding of the globalist plutocracy. Moreover, the United Nations
is in the process of erecting barriers to free speech on the internet, disguised
as cultural diversity. “The UN recently announced that its members had
agreed that the Internet was a global ‘facility’ whose management
should be ‘multilateral, transparent and democratic’. To this end,
the UN has set up the Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG) to spend 12
months consulting and reporting on the way ahead,” ZDNet
UK reported last September. In essence, the “way ahead” will
terminate in a dead end as countries such as China and Saudi Arabia, who have
extant national laws filtering internet content, will have a say in the future
of free speech and unregulated content in what should be a hands-off commons
of information. “ICANN [the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
Numbers] and other Internet governance bodies should have accountability, but
not necessarily political accountability to the U.S. or UN. These organizations
have a role in deciding on the technical specifications that will encourage
the free exchange of information, not limit it,” writes Braden
In short, the globalist elite (including Hillary Clinton) will determine
what acceptable content is and will endeavor to erect a “gatekeeping function”
because the medium is increasingly used to criticize government and organize
against its habitual predation. If Clinton has her way, we will all be living
in a Chinese gulag where free speech is not tolerated and those who exercise
it are punished for heresy—and ultimately, as in China, executed for crimes
against the state, their bodies reduced to face cream for self-obsessed women.
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