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Is the bogus "war on terror" fading away to be replaced by the "war on porn?"

Posted in the database on Saturday, September 24th, 2005 @ 11:36:26 MST (1737 views)
by Bev Conover    Online Journal  

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When the going gets rough and his poll numbers are dropping, George W. plays the fear card, also known as the "war on terra." To hear him tell it, there are "terrists" right here in the US of A who are planning heinous attacks on us and they must be hunted down and "smoked out," which is why the Federal Bureau of Investigation has launched an operation to find every creator and purveyor of adult pornography.

Now maybe in the addled brain of Bush, who, according to the National Enquirer, has traded his Bible for the Bottle, and his attorney general, Alberto Gonzales, who apparently is as mad as his predecessor, John Ashcroft, people who create or distribute adult porn, are "terrists," because they cater to those who like to read or watch kinky sex. Or maybe, Bush, Gonzales and the rest of the merry band of neocons think that once the folks into the X-rated stuff are locked away in private prisons run by sadists, the "terrists" who want to harm us because they "hate our freedom" will be a cinch to find. You might say a process of elimination.

Of course, as part of the process of elimination, the dissidents, antiwar activists and all other "useless eaters" will have to be rounded up, too. And when all is said and done, all that will be left are the real "terrists" in the White House, Congress, the courts, big biz, the corporate media and their right-wing supporters.

And to think that there are still untold numbers of Americans who buy into Bush's "war on terra" and who believe that Saddam was responsible for the 9–11 Bush op, and who, by condoning the slaughter of innocent Iraqis, think we are fighting the "terrists" over there, so we don't have to fight them here, not realizing they have been snookered by the Dewar's Devil in Bush's glass.

Go ahead, snicker over the National Enquirer's claim that Bush has fallen off the wagon and is back on the beam—the Jim Beam. Just remember that the Enquirer was the prime source of all those juicy stories about Monica Lewinsky, a stained blue dress and Bill Clinton's sexcapades that the corporate media salivated over daily.

Also remember it was the Enquirer's parent company, American Media in Boca Raton, Florida, that was sent that package containing high grade anthrax, which the FBI has failed (conveniently failed?) to find who sent it after four years of searching. Can you say what goes around comes around? Maybe outing the Drunk in Chief is a little payback?

Can't you just picture Laura searching every nook and cranny in the White House and Crawford for George's stash? Maybe Kennebunkport, too? After all, on his first trip to Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans, weren't his departing words to the media his reminiscence about the good times he'd had drinking and partying there?

Since there are no "terrists" outside the executive branch, Congress, the courts, big biz, the corporate media and their right-wing supporters, why not turn the FBI into the "titty squad," which, according to Capitol Hill Blue, is known inside the bureau as the T&A Squad?

Capitol Hill Blue's Doug Thompson reported, "According to a job posting that went up at the FBI's national headquarters and in all 56 field offices, the bureau plans to assign eight field agents plus a supervisor and 'all necessary resources' to a porn war that the posting calls 'one of the top priorities' of AG Gonzales and FBI Director Robert Mueller."

Will the bogus "war on terra" now fade away to be replaced by the "war on porn?"

According to the Washington Post, "Public corruption, officially, is fourth on the FBI's priority list, after protecting the United States from terrorist attack, foreign espionage and cyber-based attacks. Just below those priorities are civil rights, organized crime, white-collar crime and "significant violent crime." The guidance from headquarters does not mention where pornography fits in."

"'I guess this means we've won the war on terror,' said one exasperated FBI agent, speaking on the condition of anonymity because poking fun at headquarters is not regarded as career-enhancing. 'We must not need any more resources for espionage,'" the Post reported.

Perhaps Bush's "war on terra" is beginning to be seen for the fraud that it is.

However, it's not time to raise a glass to that or utter an amen, because Bush, his henchmen and wealthy property owners have now unleashed their private goon squads on us—heavily armed mercenaries from companies like Blackwater USA, DynCorp, Intercon, American Security Group, Wackenhut and an Israeli company called Instinctive Shooting International(ISI), among others, have been set loose in the streets of New Orleans and may soon be coming to your city or town.

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