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Michael Chertoff: Homeland Security Is US Gestapo

Posted in the database on Thursday, August 18th, 2005 @ 10:13:56 MST (4349 views)
from Conspiracy Planet  

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Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff is setting the scene for a US Gestapo by asserting civilian control over military operations on US soil, writes political analyst Al Martin (www.AlMartinRaw.com)

"Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said that if the military were deployed inside the United States in response to a terrorist attack, his department, not the Pentagon, would exercise overall control," the Los Angeles Times has reported.

Chertoff, who looks remarkably like the late Soviet dictator Lenin, wants civilian control (read Homeland Security oversight) over all military operations in the US, presumably including the newly established NORTHCOM Command.

“The Department of Homeland Security has the responsibility under the President’s directives to coordinate the entirety of the response to a terrorist act here in the United States," Chertoff said on CNN, responding to news reports that the Pentagon has drawn up plans for military action...It ranges from scenarios of crowd control to dealing with radiological or biological attacks.

Political analyst Al Martin asks -- "So what does civilian control of the Pentagon mean?"

"Chertoff, whose name means ‘of the devil’ in Russian, is attempting to further circumvent Posse Comitatus. He is trying to gain control of law enforcement to ensure that the Department of Homeland Security, which will include the Office of Internal Security, the Office of Political Security, and other agencies to be created after Posse Comitatus is overturned, will have a civilian mechanism to control a militarized law enforcement because they don’t want the military to control it.

"This is what’s going to happen when Posse Comitatus is overturned, Martin continues. "They still want civilian control, and you notice where that control lies. Control lies in these skeleton organizations that would become fully effective upon the overturning of Posse Comitatus."

"The reason this is being done is because they don’t trust the military. They want to have the ability to politicize law enforcement, to use a post-Posse Comitatus, militarized, domestic law enforcement for political purposes.

"This, in essence, will be a federal militarized police, and they want the ability to use it for political purposes. That’s why they want the control of a militarized police to remain, not simply in civilian hands, but to be in the hands of former Bushonian cabalists, like Porter Goss, current head of the CIA and John Negroponte, head of the new National Intelligence Directorate. These are people who have run illegal covert operations during Bushonian regimes in the past, who acted to cover up Bushonian involvement, and who also selected and went after those who knew too much.

"This new scheme of civilian Homeland Security control of the military is very similar to the Gestapo during Nazi Germany..."

-- Excerpted from -- The Plots Thicken: David Margolis, Michael Chertoff (Of the Devil)& General Kevin Byrnes," By Al Martin (8-15-05)

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