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"Big Pharma" won a major victory in Rome, Italy today. Vitamins and
minerals, for over-the-counter sale will be phased out, almost completely, in
every country on Planet Earth. The "German
Model" of health care will now be the law of the land - in every land.
Below is a press release from Diane Miller JD of the National Health Freedom
Coalition, detailing the action. Diane is in Rome at the meeting.
Press Release - National Health Freedom Coalition: Codex Full Commission adopts
Codex Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements in final form July
4, 2005, Rome Italy. by Diane Miller JD.
Minutes ago the full Commission of Codex Alimentarius adopted in final form,
the Codex Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements. This adoption
is the Step 8 adoption, the final stage of adoption for the international Codex
guidelines. The Codex Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements guidelines are now
official and no longer in draft form.
The Commission, attended by over 85 of the 171 Codex countries, adopted the
guidelines by consensus method. There was brief discussion before adoption taking
in comments from a small number of countries and two NGOs.
Australia requested adding the word "only" in Section 1.3 bertwee
the words "apply" and "in". The sentence would then read
"These guidelines apply only in those jurisdictions where products defined
in 2.1 are regulated as foods."
Australia's comments were followed by request from Venzuela and Spain to clarify
the spanish translation.
Venezuela was followed by China. China stated that every government in making
decisions about vitamins and minerals should take into account the dietary limitations
of their own countries, that governments can select vitamins and minerals acocording
to the customs and habits of their country. China also pointed out that there
should be definitions of the sources of vitamins.
Columbia spoke up and commented that Vitamins and Minerals are intended for
deficiencies and are recommended for health reasons and said that there has
to be no exaggerated use of minerals.
Egypt commented and offered a clarification saying that vitamin and minerals
can be considered if daily needs are not being met.
After the countries were heard, the Chairman recognized NGOs (Non-Governmental
Organizations). National Health Federation (NHF) a world wide consumer organization
with NGO status at Codex was recognized to speak. Attonery Scott Tipps of NHF
stood and requested the guidelines not be adopted but rather be sent back to
commitee for 3 important reasons. 1) According to Codex rules a "purpose"
statement must be part of all guidelines adopted and the Vitamin and Mineral
guidelines did not contain a purpose. Secondly,the guidelines did not define
vitamin and mineral and therefore it is unclear as to what is being regulated.
And lastly, he pointed out that the Chinese comments were substantive and according
to Codex rules on page 27 of the procedural manual, a substantive amendment
request should be addressed at the committee level. His comments were heard.
The NGO IADSA was then recognized. IADSA stressed the fact that the draft guidelines
should be adopted because they had been worked on in committee for near 10 years
and that valuable consensus had been reached in the Bonn Germany committee meeting
and the guidelines should now be passed.
After all comments, the Chair, consulted with counsel to assess whether the
addition of the word "only" would change the meaning of the sentence.
After learning that it would not he consulted with Australia and Australia repeated
their request for amendment. The Chair recommended adoption of the amendment
and there was no dissent. Then the Chair recommended the guidelines be adopted
at Stage 8 in their final form and that China submit their substantive amendment
requests to the committee at their next meeting. There was no further comment
or dissent from any country and the guidelines were adopted.
What this means, in the United States, is that as soon as CAFTA (Central American
Free Trade Agreement) passes the House of Representatives (it has already passed
the Senate), the US government will be forced, by the terms of that CAFTA agreement,
to restrict vitamin and supplement sales in accordance with the "German
Model" of health care.
If and when this happens, the hard won 1994 DSHEA (Dietary Supplement Health
& Education Act) will be nullified, and the dismantling of the North American
supplement Industry will begin.
However, it is not inevitable - the use of "supplements" and other
"alternatives" to conventional medicine regimens represents over fifty
percent (50%) of the total US health dollar spent annually. Eighty-eight percent
(88%) of US adults use an "alternative," and believe in them. Opposition
is already gearing up for the battle -
(click here).
This is a battle between "We the People," and the free world's biggest,
and worst, enemy - ever - "Big Pharma."
Stay tuned...