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What they should know about the aspartame connection:
1. Before the approval of aspartame (NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful, E951, Canderel)
there was no epidemic of Ritalin use or epidemic of learning disorders and behavioral
problems. Renowned neuroscientist, Dr. John Olney, predicted what would happen
to the brains of our children if aspartame was approved, especially in combination
with MSG. He founded the field of neuroscience called excitotoxicity when he did
studies on aspartic acid, (40% of aspartame) and found it caused lesions in the
brains of mice. Aspartic acid is an excitotoxin, that stimulates the neurons of
the brain to death causing brain damage. Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D.,
wrote the book on it, "Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills". www.russellblaylockmd.com
Dr. Olney's report to the Board of Inquiry of the FDA explaining what would happen
to the brains of our kids can be gotten on CD from Bob Flint, Mission Possible
Maine, greatfalls@gwi.net It also has the Board of Inquiry report of the FDA that
revoked approval of aspartame. Learn how it finally got approved by seeing the
film Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World, www.docworkers.com. On the film Washington
Attorney James Turner explains how Don Rumsfeld then CEO of G. D. Searle Co. called
in his markers to get approval of a deadly neurotoxic drug masquerading as an
additive. Mr. Turner along with Dr. John Olney tried to prevent approval.
2. Aspartame interacts with all anti-depressants and psychiatric medication including
Ritalin, of course. Our children are medicated instead of educated. And aspartame
triggers behavioral and psychiatric problems to begin with. The 50% phenylalanine
as an isolate is neurotoxic and goes directly into the brain lowering the seizure
threshold and depleting serotonin. Lowered serotonin triggers manic depression
or bipolar, suicidal tendencies, mood swings, panic attacks - all types of behavioral
and psychiatric problems. Aspartame knows no age. Time Magazine ran an article
some years ago with bipolar on the cover. An epidemic of children have bipolar
and why does this point to aspartame? Because children don't get bipolar, its
an adult disease. Psychiatrist and medical director of the Safe Harbor Behavioral
Health Center in Erie, Pennsylvania, Ralph Walton, M.D. has been concerned about
the bipolar and aspartame connection for years and actually did a study on aspartame
which can be found on http://www.wnho.net He was concerned if aspartame triggers
depression what will it do to those already compromised with these types of problems.
Monsanto who owned NutraSweet at the time told Dr. Walton they would supply the
aspartame but changed their mind because they could not control the study, no
doubt. In the study one subject suffered a retinal detachment while another had
conjunctival bleeding. Many from the compromised group said they felt they were
being poisoned. The institution stopped the study. Read Dr. Walton's research
on scientific peer reviewed studies and funding. 92% of independent, unbiased
research showed the problems, yet industry "controlled and financed studies"
always said it was safe. This was discussed on 60 Minutes by Dr. Walton when Dr.
Olney made world news about the aspartame/brain tumor association in l996. We
are now taking aspartame brain tumor cases from New York, Madison County, Illinois,
New Jersey and Mississippi for litigation. Aspartame breaks down to a brain tumor
agent, diketopiperazine. You have only to read the Secret Trade Information, last
paragraph on http://www.dorway.com to know the manufacturer knew it would do this
and wanted it approved anyway. They mentioned they had to consider almost conversion
to DKP and if they told the FDA they wouldn't get it approved. To check this out
in humans Searle sacrificed people in poor villages in 6 countries. The studies
showed that aspartame destroys the brain and central nervous system, and hardens
the synovial fluids, according the horrific joint pain aspartame victims suffer.
Some developed brain tumors and others seizures. Searle did not publish the findings
but we have the sworn affidavit from the translator.
3. The July 2005 First For Women has the issue of aspartame and anxiety and irritability
on the cover as an alert. On page 24 and 25 Dr. Walton is quoted as saying: "Just
a sip of diet soda can bring on symptoms like headaches, sluggishness, anxiety,
depression and irritability" .... Lorena Murray, our Mission Possible Hickory,
N.C. is being interviewed and she can be seen in the movie, Sweet Misery. What
the article didn't go into is that Lorena used aspartame during pregnancy and
has aspartame affected children with learning and behavioral problems. This neurotoxin
almost destroyed her life and family.
4. How can aspartame destroy families? Because of damage of the hypothalamus and
mitochondria this neurotoxin triggers male sexual dysfunction and ruins female
response. Being an endocrine disrupting drug it stimulates prolactin, changes
the menses and causes infertility. This is discussed in detail in the medical
text, Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, by H. J. Roberts, M.D., www.sunsentpress.com
or 1 800 827 7991 There is also a report by biochemist, Dr. Madelon Price, who
worked with Dr. John Olney for 30 years, and it can be found on http://www.dorway.com
A Japanese Study some years ago also showed aspartame can cause infertility in
the male, and the DNA damage. If a woman gets off aspartame and does get pregnant
aspartame is an abortifacient, the reason for so many miscarriages. It is also
a teratogen and triggers birth defects and mental retardation. And even if a live
child is born it may have heinously damaged DNA for generations to come.
5. Has it been proven that aspartame causes these problems in children. Absolutely!
Go to the Safe Harbor web site and read Miracle in Wisconsin . The ADD folks sponsored
a program for the worst school in Wisconsin. All vending and soda pop machines
were removed and the children were given nutritional food. At the end of the program
this was the best school in Wisconsin with zero learning and behavioral problems.
In September the ADD people, Feingold, banned aspartame.
Normally nobody would do a study on aspartame and children because after a quarter
of a century we know without a shadow of a doubt how this aspartame destroys brains.
In fact, some years ago a Norway University did a study and found aspartame destroys
the brain, especially in the area of learning. However, a study was accidently
done in children by Dr. Baret of the Dominican Republic. Knowing that small children
drinking milk could trigger diabetes, Dr. Baret changed their diet to replace
milk with aspartame laced juice. It affected immediately almost all 360 children
with anxiety, irritability, etc. Knowing the only thing he did was add aspartame
to their diet he called. He then removed the aspartame laced juice and within
4 days all the children went back to normal. More information about this is in
Dr. Roberts medical text, Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic.
6. Has DNA damage been proven? Beyond a shadow of a doubt. Dr. Russell Blaylock
discussed the Trocho Study done in l998 in Barcelona to the Minneapolis Neuropathy
Association in l999. He said: "A recent study by Trocho, Pardo and co-workers,
have demonstrated that following aspartame ingestion, significant amounts of formaldehyde
accumulate in the tissues. Formaldehyde is known to bind strongly to proteins
and nucleic acids, forming adducts that are extremely difficult to eliminate through
normal metabolic pathways.
"In this study, they demonstrated that labeled methanol ( as formaldehyde)
accumulated in high concentrations in the liver (50%) and in lower, but substantial,
concenetrations in the kidney, adipose tissue, brain and retina. Within the cell,
they found large amounts located within the DNA. It was interesting to note that
these doses were lower than that used in toxicity studies. Previous studies have
shown that very high doses of aspartame may not cause acute symptomalogy. This
study indicates the damage may necessitate longer periods of time to manifest
itself and that the eventual effects can be quite deleterious."
Having spoken to many people in the media who have tried to interview the researchers
in Barcelona, I can tell you they won't be doing more studies on aspartame and
they won't talk. They have been threatened. This is one of the damning scientific
peer reviewed studies done on aspartame. When you damage DNA you can destroy humanity.
7. Why do not all physicians and consumers known the above information? Because
of the most wicked propaganda. There are many front groups on the Internet like
the Calorie Control Council who had the audacity to write the Miami Herald and
with full knowledge push aspartame on pregnant women. See Dr. Blaylock's letter
to the Miami Herald on http://www.wnho.net click on aspartame. Does the Miami
Herald know aspartame is a deadly neurotoxin? Absolutely. They picked up propaganda
from another front group two years earlier. They were written by physicians like
Dr. Roberts and overwhelmed with aspartame victims testimonies. And since the
front group was writing about me I sent them proof they were wrong. This had to
do with lecturing for the World Environmental Conference and I even sent them
my invitation to speak. In both cases the Miami Herald printed none of the letters
nor did they write a retraction . They refused to tell me which reporter published
the propaganda. Obviously since they were writing about me in the first place
they should have contacted me, so intent was made clear. And while they said they
would publish they did not showing they did not want the public to have the real
facts. Shame on the Miami Herald. One caller reported a woman reading the propaganda
in the Miami Herald got back on aspartame, had a grand mal seizure and died. Professional
organizations also push the manufacturer's propaganda because they receive their
funding. You could write a book on the propaganda mills and the lobbyists. Dr.
Louis Elsas, Pediatric Professor, Genetics, testified before Congress about what
aspartame and birth defects. His excellent testimony is on http://www.dorway.com
and http://www.wnho.net
8. What you can do to help save the children. What is most important at the present
time is that the Alabama Board of Education on July 12 will vote on a health plan
for the Alabama schools to deal with obesity. And there are some that want to
allow caffeinated diet drinks in the schools for 2005/06 school year. Keep in
mind it's the diet drinks that cause obesity because of the aspartame and a new
study has proven it. http://my.webmd.com/content/article/107/108476.htm