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President Bush marked July 4th by justifying the "war on terror" campaign.
In his Fourth of July speech, President George W. Bush, explained to the American
people that the central front of the "War On Terror" was Iraq and
that thanks to freedom and democracy being patiently groomed with the benevolent
help of the U.S. military, supported by the American people through their elected
representatives, the "evil terrorists" will be defeated.
But of course, it would be thoughtless to point out that there were no "terrorists"
in Iraq before the U.S. benevolent war of liberation; that the Saddam regime
had no connection whatsoever with September 11, 2001; and that not one Iraqi
national was a member of the 19 highjackers. It would be equally remiss to raise
the issue of the non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction, the non-existence
of which was well known from 1995 onward.
In the meantime, Iraq, the seat of a 6,000-year-old civilization, has been
devastated, its infrastructure in rubbles, its historical artifacts looted,
its people raped, tortured, and killed by the thousands. There is no electricity,
no water, no food, no social services -- from healthcare to education -- no
security, no civil harmony... In other words, the Iraqi people have no life.
But thanks should be given to the United States for all that it has done especially
to Iraq in the past, present and undoubtedly also in the future.
In the objective of defeating communism the U.S. supported and abetted the
rise to power of Saddam Hussein. While Mr. Henry Kissinger's kind interactions
between the Iraqi Kurdish population and the Shah of Iran in the mid-1970s should
also be applauded.
One should also not forget the U.S. "nudging" Iraq into launching
a fratricide war with their Iranian neighbors along the way arming Iraq with
chemicals and other WMDs, as well as satellite imaging and strategic guidance,
to help bring the Iranians to a standstill...losing along the way some one million
or so Iraqis.
And there was the matter of Kuwait.
Not only did Washington out-fox Saddam by goading him to move against Kuwait
but an economic was waged on Iraq's already depleted financial resources by
driving the price of oil down. Add to that the willful destruction of the country's
water infrastructure, electrical grid, bridges, oil producing capacity…basically
everything that made Iraq what it was: a model of modernity within the Middle
Then with immense foresight, the U.S. and Britain instigated the sanctions
regime, which lasted for a decade and killed over one million citizens the majority
of whom were children... - most definitely a worthy price in the words of one
great American humanitarian.
The Shiites were encouraged to revolt against Saddam by President George Bush,
the current American leader's father only to be dropped when they were no longer
needed. All the while the sanctions went on and on and on…
With 9/11 the administration tried to make the whole world believe that Saddam
Hussein was the mastermind behind it and that bin Laden allegedly was in cahoots
with him on this mission and that Baghdad had WMDs...all the time forgetting
that Iraq's weaponry was antique at best thanks to a decade of sanctions.
After all these actions by the U.S., it's only taken some 30 years and 2.5
million-plus deaths for Iraqis to finally realize the well-foundedness and good
intentions of the world's protector of "freedom, liberty and democracy".