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Live8 is an NWO Psyop - so is AIDS

Posted in the database on Sunday, July 03rd, 2005 @ 11:03:43 MST (3033 views)
by Fintan Dunne    Wag News  

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Live8. There hasn't been anything like it since... well since the last Pharma-inspired major world PsyOp: the so-called SARS epidemic which 'raged' at exactly the time the U.S. wanted to turn eyes away from Iraq -and yet maintain the elevated sense of threat which the Iraq invasion had created.

Pharma's interests and those of the G8 New World Order are as one, needless to say.

Populations who perceive themselves as under threat are more right-wing in their political and social expression. And they are more likely to run to Big Pharma if they think they are in a health emergency. Which is why these PsyOps are ruthlessly deployed to set the tone of public attitude -with a lot of help from Big Media.

The attitude to Africa which Pharma want us to have is that is should be seen as a disease-ridden continent in desperate need of the taxpayer-funded AIDS drugs -which will boost the coffers and failing reputation of the pharmaceutical industry. Which is timely, as Pharma prepares to squelch alternative health approaches with it's imminent global Codex and dietary supplements protocols.

The attitude to Africa which the G8 want us to have is that it should be seen as a failing continent in need of a swift neocolonial power-grab by the G8 to rescue it from the maw of both AIDS and poverty.

The sop to our conscience will be the so-called debt relief package. The G8 will allow itself to be 'forced' to drop the debt by heroic campaigners like the mega-wealthy Bono and businessman, Sir Bob Geldof. Useful idiots with far more money than geopolitical savvy.

Dumb and Dumber

Even as the Media and the Moguls use them for their own ends, the dynamic duo never utter a word to counter the G8 plans for Iraq: death-squads and genocidal war crimes against Sunnis whose misfortune it is to have been already oppressed by a US-backed and installed dictator -until the G8 decided to take over Iraq overtly.

You could call Bono and Geldof, Dumb and Dumber, but is it just gullibility?

Bono didn't hesitate to bang the patriotic drum on U2 's post-9/11 U.S. tour -resplendent in a U.S. flag-lined jacket and warbling sentimental jingoism. He didn't seem to mind that he was profiting from war fever at the bloody expense of tens of thousands of Iraqis. That smacks of calculating opportunism.

Neither is Sir Bob Geldof a stranger to either a swolen bank account or to the hallowed halls of British power -where titles like "Sir" are the ultimate reward for service to the Empire (besides the money).

So, perhaps it is greed which blinds the conscience and the awareness sufficiently to allow their stupidity to shine.

Reality-check Time

In New Delhi last Thursday, NGO ActionAid pointed out that around 60% of Alleged Aid is Phantom. It goes back to the donor countries. The USA and France, two of the world's largest aid donors, give the maximum phantom aid. For every dollar of aid, almost 90 cents go back to them.

ActionAid also criticized the G-8 countries for falling short of international aid targets. ActionAid Country Director Babu Mathew said: "The official international aid target of 0.7 per cent of national income of the rich countries is not being met and in 2003 was only 0.1 per cent of their national income."

Rich countries are cooking the aid books, Samuel said: "The aid is in books, but not in actuality. Nearly 18 $billion dollars of aid was given as fee to consultants from the UK, the USA and Canada. Another portion of the money is 'tied aid'. In such cases the USA will ask India to buy anti-retroviral drugs only from American pharmaceuticals under its AIDS/HIV aid programme."

"Over the last two years, most of the aid has been directed towards buying arms and ammunition," Samuel said. "Aid diversification for military purposes is being done by the donors, particularly the US, especially after 9/11," he said.

The RealAid report says that aid is being used to privatize the water and energy sectors and open markets in developing countries.

So, here's how this G8 deal will really pan out:

The debt-relief will be used to copperfasten the dependance of African governments on the G8 and as a lever to secure ruinous 'fair' trade deals. A lot of any extra aid will be funneled through Paul Wolfowitz's World Bank. Think about it.

The Pharma people will pocket much of the rest -as profit from discounted sales of failing toxic AIDS drugs.

All of this will be ushered in as a 'feel good' phenomenon by wealthy revolutionaries, against the unworrying background of the banal lyrics of mass-market pop-pap music.

AIDS and 1984

But what makes this global African Colonization PsyOp so ironic for Africa is that the whole AIDS paradigm on which it is based has itself also been a PsyOp from the start.

The AIDS hysteria was launched in (appropriately) 1984 under Ronald Regan's presidency. HIV was the Osama Bin Laden of 1984. The evidence that the virus was the real cause of the disease was about as flimsy and/or nonexistant as that linking Osama to 9/11. And we are still waiting for that evidence in both cases.

Both 9/11 and AIDS have fulfilled the fear, terror and social hysteria agenda of the G8 NWO. Their astounding success with AIDS led directly to 9/11.

AIDS is a concocted disease syndrome which now lumps together a range of illness from tuberculosis to cervical cancer to malaria and hypothesizes that these are new AIDS-versions of the same old diseases. The so-called 'gay-plague' made scapegoats of gays in the U.S. and around the world. Pharma-funded gay health groups sold the party line to their members with backing from a hysterical media. It played just like the Iraq WMD hysteria.

The invented 'syndrome' was not just designed to freak out gullible Westerners. It was designed to nip African independence in the bud. Why bother trying to overthrow the colonial powers pulling the strings in Africa, if the continent was doomed anyway by AIDS?

That was the PsyWar message to Africans: embrace despair and disillusion -not revolution.

It's an information age. This is information warfare. Someone should tell Bono and Geldof.

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