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Conservative Values Monitor

Posted in the database on Wednesday, June 29th, 2005 @ 15:15:21 MST (4223 views)
by Pam Spaulding    Pam's House Blend  

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Randal David Ankeney Campaign volunteer, GOP appointee to Colorado Office of Economic Development Charged with sexual assault on a child, sexual exploitation of a child, committing a crime of violence, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, marijuana possession and possession of a bong
Dick Armey Fmr US Rep (TX), Fmr House Majority Leader Draft dodger
John Ashcroft Fmr US Att Gen Draft dodger
Jim Bakker TV Evangelist Adultery, sexually harassing male employees
Bob Barr Fmr US Rep (GA) Adultery
Robert Bauman Fmr US Rep (MD) Arrested 10/80 for sex with underage male prostitute
Parker J. Bena VA GOP activist, champion of family values Possesion of child pornography (some photos of children as young as three years old)
Bill Bennett Fmr Drug Czar, author and lecturer on moral values Gambling addiction
Mike Bowers Prosecutor, Bowers vs Hardwick anti-sodomy case Adultery - admitted 10 yr extra-marital affair
Andrew Buhr MO House candidate, local official Sodomy with a 13 year old boy
Jim Bunn US Rep (OR) "He made a great issue of the fact that he and his wife had five children. By 1996, they divorced amid rumors that he was dating his chief of staff. Later that year, he eloped with her -- and gave her a raise."
John Burt Anti-abortion extremist allegedly involved in murder of Dr. David Gunn, clinic bombings and violent protests Accused serial molester of teen girls, including two who were residents in the home for "unwed mothers" he operated
Dan Burton US Rep (IN) Adultery
George Bush US President Drug abuse, military desertion, insider trading
Laura Bush First Lady Vehicular manslaughter: It was a tragic incident when she was very young, but just imagine if Hillary Clinton had had something like this in her past.
Ken Calvert US Rep (CA) Arrested for engaging with a prostitute
Dick Cheney Vice President Draft dodger
Helen Chenoweth Fmr US Rep (ID) Serial adultery
Ann Coulter Polemicist
Dan Crane Fmr US Rep (IL) Sex with a minor (a Congressional page)
Paul Crouch TV Evangelist Closeted bisexual who supports anti-gay policies, accused of bilking flock
Tom Delay US Rep (TX), House Majority Leader Draft dodger
Richard Delgaudio He brought us Paula Jones Child pornography
Frank T. Devine Kendall County, IL, Precinct Committeeman Charged with swindling $2 mil from investors, in part by dropping big names -- including that of House Speaker Dennis Hastert. Gave victims tours of Hastert's office in the US Capital. FBI apparently cleared Hastert in advance of investigation.
Bob Dole Fmr Sen (KS), Sen Majority Leader Adultery
David Dreier US Rep (CA) Closeted gay politician who supports anti-gay agenda
Mark Foley US Rep (FL) Closeted gay politician who supports anti-gay agenda
Bill Frist US Sen (TN), Senate Majority Leader Cruelty to animals; pro-lifer is profiteer from abortion services provider (Columbia/HCA)
Newt Gingrich Fmr US Rep (GA), Fmr House Speaker Serial adultery
Philip Giordano Fmr Mayor, Waterbury, CT Child sexual abuse
Rudy Giulliani Fmr New York City Mayor Adultery
Matt Glavin Fmr Pres, Southeastern Legal Foundation Charted with public indecency for allegedly masturbating in public, fondling male undercover officer.
"Republican Marty" Glickman Editor/publisher, The Ugly Truth, called Clinton "rednecked, classless pervert…" and a "rapist, liar… sexual harasser." Four counts of unlawful sexual activity with a juvenile and one count of the delivery of LSD
Dennis Hastert US Rep (IL), House Speaker Draft dodger
John Hathaway Fmr ME State Sen, GOP Fundraiser Accused of having sex with his children's 12-year-old baby sitter
Deal Hudson Publisher of Catholic mag, "Crisis," and friend of Karl Rove Sexual harassment of a female student
Tim Hutchinson Fmr US Rep (AK) Adultery
Henry Hyde US Rep (IL) Adultery
Paul Ingram Head of Thurston County, WA, Republican Party Pleaded guilty to 6 rape charges.Two relatives had accused him of raping them for 17 years during satanic rituals that included killing two dozen babies. Ingram later tried to withdraw plea.
Bill Janklow Fmr US Rep (SD), Fmr Gov Manslaughter
Bernard Kerik Fmr NYC Police Comissioner, friend of Rudy Adultery, hired illegal alien, mob ties
Earl “Butch” Kimmerling Bus driver IN man who got publicity by blocking attempts by a gay couple to adopt an 8-year-old girl under his foster care now was charged with molesting her.
Rush Limbaugh Entertainer Drug abuse
Bob Livingston Fmr US Rep (LA) Adultery
Donald “Buz” Lukens Fmr US Rep (OH) Sex with a minor
Jon Matthews Fmr Talk Show Host Alleged indecency with a child.
John McLaughlin Talk show host accused of sexual harassment by several female employees, settling a suit out of court with one in 1989
Ken Mehlman White House Political Operative Closeted gay man who supports anti-gay policies
Sue Myrick US Rep (NC), Fmr Charlotte Mayor Adultery
Oliver North Talk show host Guilty of falsifying, destroying documents, obstructing Congress and receiving illegal gift. a security fence. North: "...I made many mistakes that resulted in my conviction of serious crimes...and I grieve every day." Convictions were later reversed.
Jim Nussle US Rep (IA) Adultery
Bill O'Reilly Entertainer Sexual harassment, phone sex with female employee
Bob Packwood Fmr US Sen (WA) Sexual harassment
Judith Regan Publisher Adultery, hypocrisy about same
George Roche III Fmr Pres of Hillsdale College, "the nation's premiere conservative college" Adultery with his son’s wife
John G. Rowland Frm Gov of CT Former Gov. John G. Rowland completed a historic fall from power Thursday, admitting in federal court that he traded his office for more than $100,000 in [perks] from state businesses. 12-23-04
Beverly Russell Leader in the SC GOPand Christian Coalition, and stepfather of child murderer Susan Smith Molested stepdaughter Susan from time she was 15. Later she drowned her two young sons.
Joe Scarborough Talk Show Host, fmr US Rep (FL) In 2001, got a divorce; resigned from Congress 6 months after re-election; resigned as publisher of the Independent Florida Sun; and then a female staffer was found dead in his office.
Edward L. Schrock Fmr US Rep (VA) Married but solicited sex from male homosexual
Larry Jack Schwarz Fmr CO State Parole Bd Member, fmr CO State Rep Alleged possession of pictures and material of sexual exploitation of children, three children who were family members living in the Schwarz home.
Arnold Schwarzenegger CA Gov Serial groping, sexual harassment, drug abuse
Jimmy Swaggart TV Evangelist Adultery
Steve Symms US Rep (ID) Serial adultery
James Tobin Fmr Bush-Cheney 04 New England Chairman Charged with jamming phone banks for Dems in 2000
Mike Trout Fmr Sr VP for Focus on the Family, a Christian media empire, & Talk Show Host Admitted adultery.
Robin Vanderwall A third-year law student at Regent University, who helped run several successful campaigns for VA Republicans Charged with two felonies - use of a communication device for crimes against children and attempted indecent liberties with a child 14 or younger
Keith Westmoreland TN State Rep Seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to minors under 16
Rev. Stephen White Preached on campuses denouncing minorities, homosexuals, religious groups and aspects of popular culture Soliciting a 14 year old boy

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