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Viewing Media COMMENTARIES 1 through 18 of 28
Mass Mind Control Through Network Television: Are Your Thoughts Your Own? |
on Wednesday, April 09th, 2008 @ 23:04:20 MST (4421 views) |
Why do countless American people go along with the War on Iraq? Why do so many people call for a police state control grid? A major component to a full understanding of why this kind of governmental and corporate corruption is to discover the modern science of mind control and social engineering. |
What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream |
on Sunday, September 09th, 2007 @ 12:43:24 MST (4239 views) |
The real mass media are basically trying to divert people. Let them do something else, but don't bother us (us being the people who run the show). Let them get interested in professional sports, for example. Let everybody be crazed about professional sports or sex scandals or the personalities and their problems or something like that. Anything, as long as it isn't serious. |
Rockefeller and Global Mind Control |
on Monday, June 05th, 2006 @ 14:41:45 MST (5102 views) |
This article shows some of the Rockefellers influence and participation in research in mind control in the past 100 years. |
Mass Mind Control Through Network Television: Are Your Thoughts Your Own? |
on Friday, December 30th, 2005 @ 06:05:32 MST (4696 views) |
Why do countless American people go along with the War on Iraq? Why do so many people call for a police state control grid? A major component to a full understanding of why this kind of governmental and corporate corruption is to discover the modern science of mind control and social engineering. It's baffling to merely glance at the stacks of documentation that this world government isn't being constructed for the greater good of humanity. Although there are a growing number of people waking up the reality of our growing transparent soft cage, there seems to be just enough citizens who are choosing to remain asleep. |
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression |
on Wednesday, December 14th, 2005 @ 05:49:03 MST (5080 views) |
Strong, credible allegations of high-level criminal activity can bring down a government. When the government lacks an effective, fact-based defense, other techniques must be employed. The success of these techniques depends heavily upon a cooperative, compliant press and a mere token opposition party. |
How Presidents Use the Term "Democracy" as a Marketing Tool |
on Thursday, December 08th, 2005 @ 01:07:53 MST (4043 views) |
George W. Bush’s recent claim that the U.S. war in Iraq is part of an attempt to spread “democracy” to the Middle East should not surprise anyone familiar with the use of that word to camouflage sordid realities. When, in the aftermath of World War II, Stalin had the Soviet Union gobble up the nations of Eastern Europe, he christened them People’s Democracies – although they were neither democratic nor meant to be. This debasement of “democracy” and other noble terms such as “freedom” and “peace” to crude propaganda was undoubtedly what George Orwell had in mind when he wrote his powerful novel, 1984, which portrayed a nightmarish society in which words were turned inside out to justify the policies of cynical and unscrupulous rulers. |
Keepers at the Gate: He Who Controls Television Controls the Masses |
on Thursday, December 08th, 2005 @ 01:07:06 MST (8570 views) |
In this age of modernity and technology, where the television monitor has become the center of the average American household, from cradle to grave acting as surrogate parent, teacher, role model and as influencer of human thought, it should come as no surprise that entire populations can be controlled with such facility and efficiency, turning once thinking humans into grazing sheeple. For in today’s day and age, he who controls television controls the masses, and he who controls the masses controls the nation. |
Thought Control and “Professional” Journalism (Part II) |
on Sunday, November 27th, 2005 @ 00:35:41 MST (4262 views) |
A story that supports the status quo is generally considered to be neutral and is not questioned in terms of its objectivity, while one that challenges the status quo tends to be perceived as having a “point of view” and therefore biased. Statements and assumptions that support the existing power structure are regarded as “facts,” while those that are critical of it tend to be rejected as “opinions.” “Professional” news reporting, in other words, is a fraud. It is a system of institutionalised bias favouring the powerful interests of which the media are a part and on which they depend. |
The End of News? |
on Sunday, November 27th, 2005 @ 00:25:00 MST (4488 views) |
In late September, the Government Accountability Office—a nonpartisan arm of Congress—issued a finding that the Bush administration had engaged in "covert propaganda," and thereby broken the law, by paying Armstrong Williams, a conservative commentator, to promote its educational policies. The GAO also faulted the administration for hiring a public relations firm to distribute video news segments without disclosing the government's part in producing them. The auditors' report, which followed a year-long investigation, presents chilling evidence of the campaign that officials in Washington have been waging against a free and independent press. |
Thought Control and “Professional” Journalism (Part I) |
on Sunday, November 27th, 2005 @ 00:15:03 MST (4184 views) |
The notion of “professional” journalism was developed precisely to obscure the significance of the fact that corporate power had gained a monopoly over the mass media. “Professional” journalism accepts that powerful interests – the political and economic allies of the corporate media – should be allowed to set the news agenda. Reporters are to channel the words of officialdom without expressing their own personal opinions. |
Does Using The Word 'Propaganda' Help Corporations? |
on Sunday, November 20th, 2005 @ 01:14:42 MST (4113 views) |
If propaganda is any intentionally persuasive communication, then all marketing is propaganda. Those who control the media have a great deal to lose if mass media is suddenly perceived as a propaganda mechanism. Their preemptive strike was to label mass media as liberal and opposing big business. Mass media requires sponsorship, usually in the form of advertisements. The only mass media today without corporate or government sponsorships is the occasional website. |
on Friday, September 09th, 2005 @ 01:16:17 MST (4643 views) |
Sixty-four years ago this month, six million Americans became unwitting subjects in an experiment in psychological warfare... |
Cheerleading The Climate Criminals Part 1 |
on Sunday, September 04th, 2005 @ 16:21:34 MST (4053 views) |
Sadly, the government's "commitment" and "achievements" on aid, Africa and climate change are but cruel myths. As discussed above, the prime minister’s hopes of "moving on" from Iraq by exploiting the issues of Africa and climate are little more than a desperate bid to divert attention from his war crimes. Blair is assisted in this task by many industrious media professionals.
The Legitimacy of Violence as a Political Act? |
on Wednesday, August 24th, 2005 @ 16:12:02 MST (4056 views) |
Any rational person would agree that violence is not legitimate unless the consequences of such action are to eliminate a still greater evil. |
Unconscious Mind Theory |
on Saturday, August 20th, 2005 @ 17:32:50 MST (6997 views) |
Unconscious thoughts are invisible thought structures that are unwittingly generated from - and maintained by - haphazard, yet routine, assumptions. These assumptions are a part of almost every decision, impression or conclusion we experience. In other words, when you are impressed by a thought (of any sort or magnitude) you are planting new and/or reinforcing old conscious thoughts and unconscious thoughts at the same time. |
TV Brainwashing |
on Friday, August 12th, 2005 @ 02:00:06 MST (6260 views) |
In November 1969, a researcher named Herbert Krugman, who later became manager of public-opinion research at General Electric headquarters in Connecticut, decided to try to discover what goes on physiologically in the brain of a person watching TV. |
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