Archive for the Month of December, 2005.
Viewing Corporatism NEWS articles 1 through 15 of 15.
National Parks to Seek Corporate Sponsorships - "This starts a slow motion commercialization of the national park system...What will be allowed stops just short of licensing ads for "The Official Beer of Yosemite" or "Old Faithful, Brought to You by Viagara.’" (2057 views)
TV report: Wal-Mart security guards spied on union sympathizers at Quebec store - ...union leaders and workers sympathetic to the drive were targeted by undercover security guards. One former guard said he patrolled the store in civilian clothes, watching employees. Another said the store's surveillance cameras were used to follow certain employees. (2633 views)
Twenty Years After Bhopal: The Struggle Goes On - For the past two decades, some of the poorest people on earth have been struggling against two of the world's biggest and richest corporations. (2401 views)
Did Big Oil participate in planning invasion of Iraq? - ...the Bush administration’s energy policy was not based only on the dismantling of corporate regulations and the loosening of restrictions on oil exploration in the United States. It had an even more important foreign component: the plan to invade and colonize Iraq, and then privatize and expropriate its enormous oil wealth for the direct benefit of American oil concerns and US capitalism as a whole. (1805 views)
Don't Buy the B.S. - Iraqis are not the only folks these days being served B.S. disguised as steak. If Iraqis want a preview of the kind of dis-/mis-information they will get should they ever fully join the Western world, just come on over to my place and watch a couple of evenings of American network and cable TV. (1816 views)
Tire Giant Firestone Hit with Lawsuit over Slave-Like Conditions at Rubber Plantation - Firestone, a multinational rubber manufacturing giant known for its automobile tires, has come under fire from human rights and environmental groups for its alleged use of child labor and slave-like working conditions at a plantation in Liberia. (1791 views)
"Most Wanted" Corporate Human Rights Violators of 2005 - Corporations carry out some of the most horrific human rights abuses of modern times, but it is increasingly difficult to hold them to account. Economic globalization and the rise of transnational corporate power have created a favorable climate for corporate human rights abusers, which are governed principally by the codes of supply and demand and show genuine loyalty only to their stockholders. (2737 views)
Dow Chemical Said Shirking Responsibility 21 Years After Disastrous Gas Leak - December 2 marked the 21st anniversary of the methyl isocyanate gas leak from a Union Carbide pesticide plant in the city of Bhopal that killed some 15,000 people and left another 800,000 suffering from the after-effects of inhaling toxic fumes, according to figures from the Indian government. (2115 views)
Halliburton got bonuses for overbilling taxpayers by $169 million - The Army Corps of Engineers paid profits and bonuses to Halliburton for oil transport and repair in Iraq even though the Pentagon's own auditors declared $169 million in costs for the work to be "unreasonable" and "unsupported..." (1936 views)
U.S. OIL FROM NIGERIA TAINTED WITH BLOOD - Oil corporations have operated for decades in Nigeria, the world’s fifth-leading oil producer, with no fear of penalties for trashing the environment or violating the human rights of nine ethnic groups in the Niger Delta. The Ogoni, fishers and farmers like other peoples of the nine Niger Delta states, lived off the land until 1958 when Shell Nigeria began drilling oil. Gas flaring and river dredging for pipelines began almost immediately, transforming the fertile delta into a wasteland of oil, chemicals, and pollutants. (1848 views)
Coca-Cola Faces Mounting Pressure over Abusive Practices at Plants Worldwide - "Coca-Cola in India is a perfect example of what goes wrong when institutions like the World Trade Organization (WTO) give more powers to corporations..." (2406 views)
Philip Morris Wins Reversal of $10.1 Bln Damage Award - Altria Group Inc.'s Philip Morris USA doesn't have to pay a $10.1 billion damage award to smokers of ``light'' cigarettes who accused the company of misleading them about health risks, the Illinois Supreme Court ruled (1885 views)
Corporations paying top executives personal income taxes, paper finds - Amid soaring CEO compensation, a number of companies are paying extra sums to cover executives' personal tax bills. Many companies are paying taxes due on core elements of executive pay, such as stock grants, signing bonuses and severance packages. Others are reimbursing taxes on corporate perquisites, which are treated as income by the Internal Revenue Service. They run the gamut from personal travel aboard corporate jets to country-club memberships and shopping excursions. (2745 views)
Big payoff in CEOs' stockings - At Goldman Sachs...CEO Henry Paulson will pocket a bonus this year of about $38 million. This will help compensate for the mere $30 million he received last year. (2283 views)
National Autism Association Says Senate Gift to Drug Companies Is Unconstitutional - Liability protection allows injuries from pharmaceutical products without penalty to manufacturers as Senate Majority Leader heralds "Fristmas" (1904 views)
Pages for December, 2005
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