Archive for the Month of December, 2005.
Viewing Economics NEWS articles 1 through 23 of 23.
The War on Our Children - We must stop accepting that low-wage, low-benefit, part-time jobs are the best our children can do. We need to ensure a livable wage for all. (2247 views)
Racial Poverty Gaps in U.S. Amount to Human Rights Violation, Says U.N. Expert - "If the United States government designed and implemented the policies according to human rights standards much of the problem of poverty could be resolved..." (2219 views)
An Economy Driven By Debt: Don't Confuse the Jobs Hype with the Facts - Debt-fueled growth is qualitatively different from economic growth that results from an increase in high value-added jobs. (2157 views)
The Republicans' millionaire relief act - Break out those champagne wishes and caviar dreams. The donor class is getting what it paid for. (2626 views)
Where they hide the cash - When aid or debt relief are discussed, attention often focuses on corrupt leaders and governments in Africa and other parts of the developing world. But they are amateurs compared with the rich companies and individuals who use the world's tax havens and banking systems to hide sums of money that could address almost all of the continent's financial needs. (1756 views)
Warning on bitter GM harvest - Genetically modified crops have failed to deliver the economic benefits promised to US farmers and could pose similar problems if adopted in Australia, a former US government bureaucrat has warned. (1769 views)
Debt, Unemployment, Privatization and War: How Greenspan Skewered America - In the stately pantheon of class-warriors, Greenspan's spectral-image looms larger than any other; the foremost proponent of hardnosed social-Darwinism and exclusionary economics. Even his carpet-bagging consort, G.W. Bush, pales in comparison. (2656 views)
Federal Court Allows Employers to Muck Up Organizing Drives - The now-moot ordinance, passed by the county Board of Supervisors in 2000, had required that contractors paid more than $250,000 for services agree to remain neutral when facing efforts to organize their employees. (2208 views)
American hunger: Are scientists lying? - There is, simply, a national denial. It’s echoed in the daily press. So the newspapers in my city run big, colorful daily sections on food preparation. In general the media is dramatically disinterested in the poor, and dramatically interested in the rich – the same newspapers carry regular sections on real estate which show baronial homes in Bel Air. (1956 views)
Housing Costs Lifting Rentals Out of Reach - The cost of rental housing has increased faster than wages, making it increasingly difficult for low-income families to afford even modest apartments, an advocacy group said Tuesday. (1903 views)
Poverty Facts and Stats - 51 percent of the world’s 100 hundred wealthiest bodies are corporations. (3895 views)
The Corporate Begging Bowl - They bleat about the free market, then insist that we subsidise them. (1856 views)
Lifestyles of the rich and very rich - "The Iraqi people...will continue to move forward toward a sovereign Iraq, an Iraq where an elite few can no longer erect expensive and ornate palaces like these while the majority of the people suffer in fear and poverty." The whistling of the dud mortar overhead as he spoke--sending generals scrambling for cover--seemed a fitting catcall to this piece of hypocrisy. (2613 views)
The class war economy: Corporate America’s steals from workers and the poor - Call it the class war economy--a shocking transfer of wealth out of the pockets of working people and the poor and into the overstuffed bank accounts of the super-rich. (3457 views)
The End of Cheap Oil - The facts about oil supply, our primary energy source, have been known for some time. The body of literature on oil supply is very compelling, but seldom makes the bestseller list. What is really surprising is the silence from the mainstream media and our elected officials about this enormous issue that has been bearing down on us for decades. (1918 views)
McDonald's vs. the Tomato Pickers - The fast-food giant tries to appease migrant farmworkers while doing everything possible to keep its labor costs dirt-cheap. (1879 views)
The New York transit strike: A new stage in the class struggle - The strike by transit workers is an event of international significance. Defying massive fines and even the threat of jail, the strike represents a direct challenge to a super-rich Wall Street elite that is accustomed to imposing its economic interests and its will not only on New York City, but on the world. (1850 views)
Santa's Chinese elves - Some 70% of the world's Christmas ornaments and other paraphernalia now originate in officially atheist mainland China. Tinsel, Santas, mistletoe and artificial trees of every shape and hue are churned out at a relentless pace by thousands of factory workers in Guangdong, Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces. (1893 views)
Students to Bear Big Burden Under the Final Budget Bill - "This is the biggest cut in the history of the federal student loan program," said David Ward, president of the American Council on Education, an umbrella group for public and private colleges and universities. (1960 views)
The Economy in a Nutshell - Wages & Incomes Down, Poverty & Debt Up (1954 views)
Christmas in New York: Billions in bonuses for Wall Street execs, mayor denounces "selfish" transit workers - December is the month for year-end bonuses for Wall Street’s traders, brokers and investment bankers and this year the top layers are expected to pocket some $17 billion in incentive payouts. According to Johnson Associates Inc., a compensation consulting firm, the average bonus for a managing director will be $1.2 million, with top investment bankers and prime brokers seeing checks padded by as much as 20 percent more than 2004’s bonuses. (2310 views)
Pataki & Bloomberg: How to Bust a Union - The great shame is that the debate that should have happened, the debate the people of this nation so desperately need to hear, never occurred. Every major media outlet gave only cursory coverage of the transit workers’ case. (2021 views)
American road leads off a cliff - The American Dream is becoming the American Pipe Dream. (1897 views)
Pages for December, 2005
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