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Archive for the Month of February, 2005.
Viewing International Affairs NEWS articles 1 through 13 of 13.

February 10, 2005

N. Korea Announces It Has Nuclear Weapons - North Korea on Thursday announced for the first time that it has nuclear weapons and rejected moves to restart disarmament talks any time soon, saying it needs the armaments as protection against an increasingly hostile United States.

February 13, 2005

Chavez arming to fight attack by U.S. - Venezuela is shifting its military doctrine to set the United States as its No. 1 enemy, and President Hugo Chávez has spoken of guerrilla warfare,as seen in Iraq and Afghanistan, if U.S. forces invade his country.

February 15, 2005

The US Stands Accused of Kidnapping - A German citizen may have been kidnapped by American agents and illegally taken to Afghanistan. Now, German authorities are quietly investigating the case

February 19, 2005

Border talks called `disturbing' - Council on Foreign Relations sponsors a tri-national panel that is considering a raft of bold proposals for an integrated North America, including a continental customs union, single passport, monetary policies, integrated security policies, and a contiguous security perimeter. In other words the USA is considering incorporating Canada into its borders.

February 21, 2005

Chavez: Kill me and oil stops - "The United States knows that I have a 70% (approval rating)," Chavez said. "And they know that I am unbeatable in the 2006 elections and that they cannot isolate us from our brother countries, despite their blackmail attempts." "If something happens to me, I blame the president of the United States," he said.

February 23, 2005

Triangle activist to take case to Israel - Nearly two years after being shot in the face by Israeli soldiers, Chapel Hill activist Brian Avery is heading back today to argue before the Israeli Supreme Court that the accused assailants should be brought to justice.

February 25, 2005

Russian Soldier Held for Planting Bombs in Residential Areas - Russian soldier gets caught planting a bomb in an apartment complex in what appears to be an "Operation Gladio" fake terrorist bombing.

Lost in Europe - President Bush has reached a dead end in his foreign policy, but he has failed to recognise his quandary. His belief that the polite reception he received in Europe is a vindication of his previous adventures is a vestige of fantasy.

February 26, 2005

Venezuela's Chavez arrives in China with eye on oil deals - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez arrived in Beijing for an official visit that aims to bolster his country's oil deals with the Asian giant. Chavez appears to be seeking allies to help prevent US aggression.

Allbrittons, Riggs to Pay Victims Of Pinochet - Riggs Bank and two members of the bank's controlling Allbritton family yesterday agreed to pay $9 million to victims of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet for the bank's role in concealing and spiriting Pinochet's money out of Britain in 1999.

February 27, 2005

U.S. to Resume Training of Some in Indonesia Military - The United States has decided to resume training members of the Indonesian armed forces suspended since 1992, the State Department announced Saturday.

February 28, 2005

Foreign aid red tape criticised - Red tape, inefficiency and nepotism mean that only one-fifth of international aid actually gets to the people who need it, aid agencies say.

Now everyone lives in the townships - In South Africa, say the residents of Dainfern, it's no longer about colour - just money. Their money buys them a space in an idyllic carefree community protected by guards and a four-metre high electric fence. Their servants - all black - live in the slum next door. Christopher Hope asks if this is the future of his country


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